<p>11/29/10</p><p>AGREEMENT</p><p>BETWEEN </p><p>THE VILLAGE OF BRIDGEVIEW</p><p>AND</p><p>METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF POLICE BRIDGEVIEW POLICE CHAPTER #18</p><p>Effective May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2014</p><p>1</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>PAGE</p><p>PREAMBLE 5</p><p>ARTICLE I RECOGNITION AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 6 SECTION 1.1 RECOGNITION 6 SECTION 1.2 PROBATIONARY PERIOID 6 SECTION 1.3 FAIR REPRESENTATION 6 SECTION 1.4 GENDER 6 SECTION 1.5 CHAPTER OFFICERS 6</p><p>ARTICLE II MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 6 SECTION 2.1 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 6</p><p>ARTICLE III LAYOFF 7 SECTION 3.1 LAYOFF 7 SECTION 3.2 RECALL 7</p><p>ARTICLE IV NO STRIKE CLAUSE 7 SECTION 4.1 NO STRIKE CLAUSE 7 SECTION 4.2 NO LOCKOUT 8 SECTION 4.3 JUDICIAL RESTRAINT 8 SECTION 4.4 DISCIPLINE OF STRIKERS 8</p><p>ARTICLE V COMPENSATION AND HOURS OF WORK 8 SECTION 5.1 COMPENSATION 8 SECTION 5.2 NORMAL WORK HOURS 8 SECTION 5.3 OVERTIME 9 SECTION 5.4 COURT TIME 10 SECTION 5.5 COMPENSATORY TIME 10 SECTION 5.6 WORK BREAKS 11 SECTION 5.7 SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS 11 SECTION 5.8 REIMBURSEMENT FOR INOCULATIONS 11 SECTION 5.9 REIMBURSEMENT FOR BURIAL EXPENSES 11 SECTION 5.10 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAINING COSTS 11 SECTION 5.11 CANINE OFFICER 11</p><p>ARTICLE VI UNION SECURITY AND DUES CHECK-OFF 11 SECTION 6.1 FAIR SHARE 11 SECTION 6.2 DUES DEDUCTIONS 12 SECTION 6.3 INDEMNITY 12 SECTION 6.4 REVOCATION OF DUES 12 </p><p>SECTION 6.5 BULLETIN BOARDS 12 </p><p>2</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>SECTION 6.6 LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS 12</p><p>ARTICLE VII VACATION 13 SECTION 7.1 ELIGIBILITY AND ALLOWANCES 13 SECTION 7.2 VACATION PAY 13 SECTION 7.3 SCHEDULING 13 SECTION 7.4 ACCRUAL SCHEDULE 13 SECTION 7.5 ACCUMULATION 13 SECTION 7.6 VILLAGE EMERGENCY 14</p><p>ARTICLE VIII HOLIDAY, ON CALL PAY AND PERSONAL TIME 14 SECTION 8.1 HOLIDAYS 14 SECTION 8.2 HOLIDAY PAY (NOT WORKING HOLIDAY) 14 SECTION 8.3 HOLIDAY PAY (WORKING HOLIDAY) 14 SECTION 8.4 DETECTIVE HOLIDAY STANDBY PAY 14 SECTION 8.5 DETECTIVE ON-CALL PAY 14 SECTION 8.6 PERSONAL DAYS 15</p><p>ARTICLE IX LEAVE OF ABSENCE/SICK LEAVE 15 SECTION 9.1 ABSENCE FROM WORK 15 SECTION 9.2 SICK LEAVE 15 SECTION 9.3 SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL AND USAGE 15 SECTION 9.4 FUNERAL LEAVE 16 SECTION 9.5 GENERAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE 16 SECTION 9.6 MILITARY LEAVE 17 SECTION 9.7 JURY DUTY 17</p><p>ARTICLE X EDUCATION BENEFITS 17 SECTION 10.1 TRAINING 17 SECTION 10.2 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE 17 SECTION 10.3 TRAVEL AND MEETING EXPENSE ALLOWANCES 17</p><p>ARTICLE XI GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 18 SECTION 11.1 DEFINITION 18 SECTION 11.2 FEES AND EXPENSES OF ARBITRATION 19 SECTION 11.3 FORMS 19 SECTION 11.4 GENERAL RULES 19 SECTION 11.5 NOTICE OF UNION REPRESENTATION 20 SECTION 11.6 RIGHTS OF CHAPTER 20 SECTION 11.7 EXPEDITED GRIEVANCE 20</p><p>ARTICLE XII NON-DISCRIMATION 21 SECTION 12.1 NON-DISCRIMATION 21 SECTION 12.2 CHAPTER ACTIVITY 21 SECTION 12.3 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 21</p><p>ARTICLE XIII DISCIPLINE 21 SECTION 13.1 JUST CAUSE 21 SECTION 13.2 PROCEDURE OF DISCIPLINE 21</p><p>3</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>SECTION 13.3 JURISDICTION OF VILLAGE PERSONNEL BOARD 21 SECTION 13.4 WRITTEN REPRIMAND 22 SECTION 13.5 PURGE OF PERSONNEL FILE 22 SECTION 13.6 PERSONNEL FILE 22</p><p>ARTICLE XIV INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING OFFICERS 22 SECTION 14.1 RIGHT TO INVESTIGAGE 22 SECTION 14.2 RIGHT TO REPRESENTATIONS 22 SECTION 14.3 BILL OF RIGHTS 22</p><p>ARTICLE XV HOSPITALIZATION, DENTAL, OPTICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE 22 SECTION 15.1 HOSPITALIZATION 22 SECTION 15.2 LIFE INSURANCE 23 SECTION 15.3 DENTAL INSURANCE 23 SECTION 15.4 MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEFITS UPON RETIREMENT 23 SECTION 15.5 SECTION 125 FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN 24 SECTION 15.6 INSURANCE COMMITTEE 24 SECTION 15.7 CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS 24 SECTION 15.8 PRESCRIPTION CARD 25 SECTION 15.9 RETIREES HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS 25</p><p>ARTICLE XVI DISABILITY POLICY 25 SECTION 16.1 DISABILITY BENEFITS 25</p><p>ARTICLE XVII UNIFORM BENEFITS 27 SECTION 17.1 BENEFITS 27 SECTION 17.2 UNIFORM CLOTHING 27</p><p>ARTICLE XVIII OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT 28 SECTION 18.1 EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE DEPARTMENT 28</p><p>ARTICLE XIX SENIORITY 28 SECTION 19.1 SENIORITY 28 SECTION 19.2 DETERMINATION OF SENIORITY 28 SECTION 19.3 MAINTENANCE OF SENIORITY LIST 28 SECTION 19.4 FORFEITURE OF SENIORITY 28</p><p>ARTICLE XX PERSONNEL BOARD 29 SECTION 20.1 PERSONNEL BOARD 29</p><p>ARTICLE XXI SAVINGS CLAUSE 29</p><p>4</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>SECTION 21.1 SAVINGS CLAUSE 29</p><p>ARTICLE XXII SOLICITATION AGREEMENT 29 SECTION 22.1 SOLICITATION RESTRICTIONS 29</p><p>ARTICLE XXIII ENTIRE AGREEMENT 30 SECTION 23.1 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 30 SECTION 23.2 RATIFICATION AND AMENEDMENT 30</p><p>ARTICLE XXII CERTIFICATED ADVANCE PATROLMAN PROGRAM 30 SECTION 24.1 CAREER DEVELOPMENT 30</p><p>ARTICLE XXV USE OF PART-TIME OFFICERS 30 SECTION 25.1 USE OF PART-TIME OFFICERS 30 SECTION 25.2 SICK CALLS 30 SECTION 25.3 SICK CALL DURING THE SHIFT 30 SECTION 25.4 PRE-PLANNED (POSTED) OVERTIME 30 SECTION 25.5 SPECIAL DETAILS 31 SECTION 25.6 SHIFT SWITCHES 31</p><p>ARTICLE XXVI RESIDENCY 31 SECTION 26.1 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS 31</p><p>ARTICLE XXVII TERMINATION 31 SECTION 27.1 TERMINATION 31</p><p>APPENDIX A WAGE COMPENSATION 34</p><p>5</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>PREAMBLE</p><p>This Agreement entered into by the Village of Bridgeview, Cook County, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Bridgeview Police Chapter #18, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, is intended to promote harmonious and mutually beneficial relations between the Employer and the Chapter, and is set forth herein the basic and full agreement between the parties concerning rates of pay, wages and other conditions of employment for full-time, probationary patrol officers and detectives of the Village of Bridgeview, hereinafter referred to as "Patrol Officers", “Officers” or “full-time Officers”, or when the context requires a singular noun, as "Patrol Officer", “Officer” or “full-time Officer”.</p><p>ARTICLE I RECOGNITION AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS</p><p>Section 1.1. Recognition. Pursuant to an election and certification of the Illinois Labor Relations Board under Case No. S-RC-89-43 dated April 10, 1989, and the certification issued thereon to the Chapter by the State of Illinois Labor Relations Board, the Employer recognizes the Chapter as the exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for all sworn full-time, and probationary Officers within the police department of the Village of Bridgeview, below the rank of corporal. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to require either the Employer or the Chapter to violate any Federal or State Laws. In the event any provisions hereof or hereinafter stated shall conflict with any such law, such provision shall be modified to the extent necessary to conform to said laws.</p><p>Section 1.2. Probationary Period. The probationary period shall be 18 months in duration. Time absent from duty in excess of thirty (30) days annually shall not apply toward satisfaction of the probationary period. During the probationary period, an Officer is subject to discipline, including discharge, without cause and with no recourse to the grievance procedure or any other forum. It is further agreed that probationary Officers shall be entitled to all other rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this Agreement except as previously states.</p><p>Section 1.3. Fair Representation. The Union recognizes its responsibility as bargaining agent and agrees fairly to represent all employees in the bargaining unit, whether or not they are members of the Union.</p><p>Section 1.4. Gender. Wherever the male gender is used in this Agreement, it shall be construed to include both males and females equally.</p><p>6</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Section 1.5. Chapter Officers. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Chapter Officers" shall refer to the Chapter's duly elected President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.</p><p>ARTICLE II MANAGEMENT RIGHTS</p><p>Section 2.1. Management Rights. Except as specifically limited by the express provisions of this Agreement, the Village retains all traditional rights to manage and direct the affairs of the Village in all of its various aspects and to manage and direct its employees, including but not limited to the following: to plan, direct, control and determine the budget and all the operations, services and missions of the Village; to supervise and direct the working forces; to establish the qualifications for employment and to employ employees; to schedule and assign work to establish specialty positions; to establish work an productivity standards and, from time to time, to change those standards; to assign overtime; to contract out for goods and services; to determine the methods, means, organization and number of personnel by which such operations and services shall be made or purchased; to make, alter and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, orders, policies and procedures; to evaluate employees; to establish performance standards for employees; to discipline, suspend and discharge non-probationary employees for just cause (probationary employees without cause); to change or eliminate existing methods, equipment or facilities or introduce new ones; to determine training needs and assign employees to training; to determine work hours (shift hours); to determine internal investigation procedures; to take any and all actions as may be necessary to carry out the mission of the Village and the Police Department in the event of civil emergency as may be declared by the Mayor, Police Chief, or their authorized designees, it is the sole discretion of the Mayor to determine that civil emergency conditions exist which may include, but not be limited to, riots, civil disorders, tornado conditions, floods or other catastrophes; and to carry out the mission of the Village provided, however, that the exercise of any of the above rights shall not conflict with any of the express written provisions of this Agreement.</p><p>ARTICLE III LAYOFF</p><p>7</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Section 3.1. Layoff. If it is determined that layoffs are necessary due to reasons of economic necessity or lack of work, employees covered by this Agreement will be laid off in accordance with their length of service with the Village as provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/10-1-38.1. All Officers shall receive notice in writing of the layoff at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the effective date of such layoffs. No fulltime sworn police officers covered by this agreement shall be laid off until after all part-time police officers have been laid off.</p><p>Section 3.2. Recall. Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of two (2) years. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff, provided they are fully qualified to perform the work to which they are recalled without further training. All fulltime sworn police officers who have been laid off shall be subject to recall before any part-time officers have been recalled.</p><p>Employees are eligible for recall shall be given twenty-one (21) calendar days' notice of recall. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employee by certified, return receipt requested, with a copy to the Chapter. The employee must notify the Police Chief or his designee of his intention to return to work within seven (7) days after receiving notice of recall. The Village shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations by mailing the recall notice by certified mail, return receipt requested to the mailing address last provided by the employee, it being the obligation and responsibility of the employee to provide the Police Chief or his designee with his latest mailing address. If an employee fails to timely respond to a recall notice, his name shall be removed from the recall list.</p><p>ARTICLE IV NO STRIKE CLAUSE</p><p>Section 4.1. No Strike Clause. Neither the Chapter nor any Officers, agents or employees will instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in or condone any strike, sympathy strike, secondary boycott, slowdown, speed-up, sit-down, concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, concerted, abnormal and unapproved enforcement procedures or policies or work to the rule situation, mass resignations, mass absenteeism, or picketing which in any way results in the interruption or disruption of the operations of the Village, regardless of the reason for so doing. Each employee who holds the position of Officer or steward of the Chapter occupies a position of special trust and responsibility in maintaining and bringing about</p><p>8</p><p>11/29/10 compliance with the provisions of this Article. In addition, in the event of a violation of this Section of this Article, the Chapter agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this Agreement and to direct them to return to work.</p><p>Section 4.2. No Lockout. The Village will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of a labor dispute with the Chapter.</p><p>Section 4.3. Judicial Restraint. Noting contained herein shall preclude the Village or the Chapter from obtaining judicial restraint and damages in the event the other party violates this Article. Section 4.4. Discipline of Strikers. Any Officer who violates the provisions of Section 4.1 of this Article shall be subject to disciplinary action and statutory penalties. Any action taken by the Employer against any Officer who participates in any action prohibited by Section 4.1 above shall not be considered as a violation of this Agreement and shall not be subject to the provisions of the grievance procedure.</p><p>ARTICLE V COMPENSATION AND HOURS OF WORK</p><p>Section 5.1. Compensation. Compensation of the police Officers of the Village of Bridgeview shall be paid according to Appendix A attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.</p><p>Section 5.2. Normal Work Hours. All Officers covered by this Agreement will work an eight and one-quarter (8 ¼ ) hour day, including a thirty minute paid meal period. Any hours worked in addition to the above shall constitute overtime and shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) time the Officer’s current rate of pay.</p><p>If a meal period is interrupted by emergency work duties, the time spent shall be regarded as work time and the meal period shall either be rescheduled to a subsequent time or foregone as mutually agreed between the Officer and his Supervisor.</p><p>Officers covered by this agreement shall work a “5-2" annual work schedule which shall rotate days off every 28 days, normally with five (5) consecutive days working followed by two (2) consecutive days off, but at a minimum 8 days off in a 28-day work period. The Union acknowledges that these days off may be utilized for compensated training days. When Officers rotate shifts the rotation may result in an Officer receiving one day off, two days off, or three days off between shifts. The work schedule shall be posted at least six (6) weeks before the work schedule is to be implemented and shall not be altered without notification to the effected Officer. Said notification shall be written notice or e-mail. </p><p>9</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>All Officers who have completed probation shall be allowed to bid annually by seniority for a priority shift (days, afternoons, and midnights). Power shifts, canine unit, traffic unit, and investigators are not subject to shift bidding. New Officers shall be allowed to bid a priority shift by seniority at the next scheduled shift bid period following the completion of their probationary period. The first four five slots on each shift shall be assigned on a strict seniority bidding basis, the remaining slots on each shift shall be awarded by seniority, with the Chief or his designee being able to disregard a seniority bid only to accomplish the mission and goals of the department. Any Officer whose seniority bid is disregarded shall be entitled, upon request, to a written reason for such denial. An Officer affected by this section shall have the right to grieve such decision. </p><p>In the event a schedule prepared and posted by the department changes an Officers scheduled Friday-Saturday/Saturday-Sunday off (except to accommodate student participation in the Police Department’s annual in-house training), that Officer shall be scheduled for a 3-day weekend (Friday-Saturday-Sunday or a Saturday-Sunday-Monday) of the Officer’s choice. The provisions of this </p><p> paragraph apply to changes in scheduling for the power shifts, canine unit, traffic unit and investigators who are normally scheduled with partial weekends off after the sixth weekend scheduling change. If the Village cannot schedule a 3-day weekend (Friday-Saturday-Sunday or a Saturday-Sunday-Monday) of the Officer’s choice as requested, then the Officer shall be awarded 12-3/8 hours compensatory time. </p><p>The Village will attempt to minimize the changes in scheduling once a monthly schedule has been posted, but the parties acknowledge that the reasonable goals and missions of the Police Department may require a change in scheduling. If a Patrol Officer’s schedule needs to be changed, then the Village will attempt to change the schedule of the Patrol Officer with the least seniority who is available to work and not scheduled for the shift where the manpower is needed. Any Officer who may be affected by this change shall be given notice, by telephone or e-mail, as soon as practical. The Chief of Police may assign a specialty Officer in uniform working a shift to cover a manpower shortage on that shift.</p><p>Section 5.3. Overtime. Overtime will be assigned on a seniority basis working from an Overtime Seniority Roster as prepared by the Chief and approved by both the Chapter and the Chief. All short notice overtime, such as sick calls, scheduling errors, and other unplanned shortages, shall be offered, in four (4) Early Car hour increments (unless involved Officers agree otherwise), in the following manner:</p><p>10</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>1. Four (4) hours of overtime to all Officers working the shift preceding the overtime assignment by seniority, including specialty Officers. 2. Four (4) hours of overtime to all Officers scheduled to work the shift following the overtime assignment by seniority, including specialty Officers. 3. The 10:30am to 6:00pm power car Officer shall be assigned to the midnight shift for purposes of this section. The 6:30pm to 2:00am power car Officer shall be assigned to the day shift for purposes of this section.</p><p>If an Officer assigned as a late car comes in early for overtime, then that Officer shall be reassigned as an Early Car for that Officer’s normal shift on that date.</p><p>If such shortage cannot be filled from those shifts, on-duty specialty Officers in uniform, will be utilized. If no uniformed specialty Officers are available, then telephone calls will be made utilizing the Overtime Seniority Roster. Officers not working the effected day (day off, vacation, time due, etc.) may elect to work the entire duration of the shortage (4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours) that remains unassigned per the above listed procedure at the time the telephone call is received. If no Officer volunteers to fill the vacancy then assignments may be made by reverse seniority in four (4) hour shifts.</p><p>When making telephone calls under this Section, if the Village reaches a telephone answering machine or the call remains unanswered for five (5) rings when calling phone numbers supplied by an Officer, then the Officer will be considered to have declined the overtime work.</p><p>The parties agree that for long-term overtime (injuries, disabilities and other known absences in excess of two days), specialty Officers may be reassigned to fill such shortages or Patrol Officers as per Section 5.2.</p><p>No covered Officer shall be ordered back to work an overtime assignment within twelve (12) hours of working an overtime assignment, unless a reasonable emergency exists, or the effected Officer volunteers to work such assignment, otherwise such assignment shall be filled by reverse seniority of the Officers scheduled to work the shift following the overtime assignment.</p><p>In the event of any Pre-Planned Overtime or overtime, Officers shall be offered the opportunity to work said overtime by order of the seniority on the overtime seniority Roster and to have first right of refusal.</p><p>All Officers are eligible for overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times their regular straight-time hourly rate of pay after working in excess of forty one and one-quarter (41-</p><p>11</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>1/4) hours during a seven (7) day work period as provided under the FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT. All Officers must actually work the hours for which they receive overtime compensation.</p><p>"Hours worked" as mentioned above shall include all hours actually worked in any paid leave of absence which shall include but shall not be limited to SICK LEAVE, PERSONAL LEAVE, VACATION LEAVE, HOLIDAY LEAVE, and authorized COMPENSATORY TIME OFF.</p><p>Section 5.4. Court Time. Officers required to attend or remain on stand-by for court as ordered by the Police Department outside of their regularly scheduled work hours shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours at one and one-half (1 ½) times their regular rate of pay. The minimum compensation of two (2) hours does not apply to time which does not continuously precede or follow an employees regularly scheduled work hours.</p><p>Section 5.5. Compensatory Time. Compensatory time at a time and one-half (1 ½) rate may be earned in lieu of overtime. Employees may accumulate up to two- hundred (200) hours of compensatory time during a fiscal year. It is agree between the Parties that while officers may be able to accumulate compensatory time up to two hundred (200) hours, all hours accumulated over one hundred (100) may only be used for long term disabilities (i.e., disabilities requiring an absence of over five (5) days). Upon separation, an Officer shall be paid all accumulated compensatory time at his then current rate of pay. Compensatory time submitted for payment shall be submitted on a quarterly basis, in December, April, July and October. Compensatory time off may, upon approval of the Chief or his designee, be taken at straight-time amounts (8.25 hours charges for each day taken).</p><p>Request for the use of compensatory time shall be made in writing not more than 28 days but at least 72 hours prior to the use requested. Compensatory time shall be scheduled by the Village in the order of requests submitted, but if requests are submitted on the same day, then such requests shall be granted on a seniority basis. A request for use of compensatory time shall be approved or denied within 48 hours of submission in writing (email accepted) . Requests for time off shall be given, in person, to the on-duty Watch Commander for the date requested or shall be given by email to the on-duty Watch Commander, the immediate supervisor, and the patrol Commander. Once compensatory time has been scheduled, it cannot be cancelled by the Officer or the Village except for an unanticipated event beyond the control of either party, but such unanticipated event does not include the absence from work of another Officer due to injury or sickness. The Village may be required to hire back an additional Officer at the overtime rate to allow an Officer to use compensatory time which has been scheduled, but otherwise the Village shall not be required to</p><p>12</p><p>11/29/10 hire back an Officer at the overtime rate to allow the use of compensatory time except as provided herein. </p><p>For purposes of allowing the use of compensatory time, the Village agrees that all Patrol Officer slots, in excess of 4 on each shift shall be available for use of compensatory time, except when major non-Chicago Fire events are held at Toyota Park. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, the Village may allow a uniformed specialty Officer to be assigned to Patrol duties in order to permit the use of compensatory time. </p><p>The provisions of this section does not limit the Village and the Union from agreeing to the use of compensatory time at any other times and with less notice and nothing herein prevents the Village from waiving any requirements to allow the use of compensatory time.</p><p>Section 5.6. Work Breaks. Breaks may be taken at the discretion of the supervisor, for reasonable intervals, at reasonable times, and with such other units as the supervisor may deem reasonable. The supervisor shall ensure that adequate coverage exists at all times during break periods. The break period is considered on-duty time, and personnel are considered to be available for any assignment during any break period, including all routine calls within their beat.</p><p>Section 5.7. Shift Assignments. Officers will be permitted to change daily shifts as long as there is no Fair Labor Standards Act implications involved. Approval for any daily shift change shall be made by the Chief of Police or his designee.</p><p>Section 5.8. Reimbursement for Inoculations. The Employer agrees to pay all expenses for inoculations or immunization shots for members of any Officer's family when such becomes necessary as a result of said Officer's exposure to contagious diseases where said Officer has been exposed to said disease in the line of duty.</p><p>Section 5.9. Reimbursement for Burial Expenses. The Employer agrees to defray all reasonable funeral and burial expenses of any Officer of the Police Department killed in the line of duty, as determined by the Village.</p><p>Section 5.10. Reimbursement for Training Costs. Any Patrol Officer who voluntarily terminates his employment with the Village within the first three years from the date of employment, said period of time includes the 18 month probation period, shall reimburse the Village for all costs incurred by the Village and reimburse the Village for the following training:</p><p>1. Police training institute including any salary paid while attending.</p><p>13</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>2. Salaries paid to employee for the period of time after completion of the police training institute up to and until the police Officer is certified for individual Patrol by the Police Chief.</p><p>The Village agrees that it shall notify all applicants for the police department of the training reimbursement policy.</p><p>Section 5.11. Canine Officer The Village will be responsible for providing at its expense the following: veterinarian bills, grooming, food, one pair of boots per year, any canine related/specific equipment, eight hours of continued education/training per month, the Officer will receive one hour of pay for maintenance per day that the Officer is off work.</p><p>ARTICLE VI UNION SECURITY AND DUES CHECK-OFF</p><p>Section 6.1. Fair Share. During the term of this Agreement, Police Officers who are not members of the Chapter shall, commencing thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Agreement, pay a fair share fee to the Chapter for collective bargaining and contract administration services tendered by the Chapter as the exclusive representative of the Officers covered by this Agreement. Such fair share fee shall be deducted by the Village from the earnings of non-members and remitted to the Chapter each month. The Chapter shall annually submit to the Village a list of the Officers covered by this Agreement who are not members of the Chapter and an affidavit which specifies the amount of the fair share fee, which shall be determined in accordance with the applicable law.</p><p>Section 6.2. Dues Deductions. Upon receipt of proper written authorization from an employee, the Employer shall deduct each month's chapter dues in the amount certified by the Treasurer of the Chapter from the pay of all Officers covered by this Agreement, who, in writing, authorize such deductions. Such money shall be submitted to the Metropolitan Alliance of Police within fifteen (15) days after the deductions have been made.</p><p>Section 6.3. Indemnity. The Chapter hereby indemnifies and agrees to save the Employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of, any action taken or not taken by the Employer for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Article, except where the Village initiates or prosecutes</p><p>14</p><p>11/29/10 such action.</p><p>Section 6.4. Revocation of Dues. A chapter member desiring to revoke the dues checkoff may do so by written notice to the Employer at any time upon thirty (30) days' notice.</p><p>Section 6.5. Bulletin Boards. The Village shall provide the Chapter with designated space on available bulletin boards, upon which the Chapter may post its official notices.</p><p>Section 6.6. Labor-Management Meetings.</p><p>(a) The Chapter and the Employer agree that, in the interest of efficient management and harmonious employee relations, meeting will be held if mutually agreed between no more than three (3) Chapter representatives and responsible administrative representatives of the Employer. Such meetings may be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the other for a "labor-management conference" and expressly providing the specific agenda for such conference. Such conferences, times and locations, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to:</p><p>(1) discussion on the implementation and general administration of this Agreement;</p><p>(2) a sharing of general information of interest to the parties; and</p><p>(3) safety issues.</p><p>(b) It is expressly understood and agreed that such conferences shall be exclusive of the grievance procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be considered at "labor-management conferences," nor shall negotiations for the purpose of altering any or all of the terms of this Agreement be carried on at such conferences.</p><p>(c) Attendance at labor-management conferences shall be voluntary on the employee's part. No more than three (3) persons from each side shall attend these conferences, schedules permitting, unless otherwise agreed. Attendance at such conferences shall not interfere with required duty time, and attendance, if during duty time, is permitted only upon prior approval of the employee's supervisor. The Village in its sole discretion shall determine its representatives at such meetings.</p><p>15</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>ARTICLE VII VACATION</p><p>Section 7.1. Eligibility and Allowances. All employees shall be eligible for paid vacation time after the completion of one (1) year of continuous full-time employment.</p><p>Section 7.2. Vacation Pay. The rate of vacation pay shall be the employee's regular straight-time rate of pay in effect for the employee's regular job classification at the commencement of the vacation period.</p><p>Section 7.3. Scheduling. Employees shall be awarded vacation time by the Village in accordance with Police Department manpower requirements, and on the basis of their shift seniority. All vacation days must be taken within one (1) year from the date they are accrued, unless the Chief of Police approves an exception to this rule in writing. No vacation days may be taken without prior notice to and approval of the Chief of Police. Each Officer’s vacation may overlap with other Officers’ vacations by at least one weekend day and one weekday, one time per calendar year. Additional overlapping days may be approved, by the Chief or his designee, depending upon staffing levels.</p><p>Section 7.4. Accrual Schedule. Vacation leave shall be earned during the employment year, anniversary date to anniversary date, (anniversary date shall mean date of hire) at the following rates:</p><p>One Week: One full year of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Two Weeks: Two or more full years of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Three Weeks: Five or more full years of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Four Weeks: Ten or more years of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Five Weeks: Fifteen or more full years of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Six Weeks: Twenty -five or more full years of service to the Village of Bridgeview for a</p><p>16</p><p>11/29/10</p><p> period of time prior to each Officer's anniversary date in the year in which the vacation is to occur.</p><p>Section 7.5. Accumulation. Vacation credit shall not be accumulated during any layoff period, nor shall vacation credit be accumulated during any unpaid leave of absence.</p><p>Section 7.6. Village Emergency. In case of an emergency, the Village administrator or Police Chief may cancel and reschedule any or all approved vacation leaves in advance of their being taken, and/or recall any Officer from vacation in progress.</p><p>ARTICLE VIII HOLIDAY , ON CALL PAY AND PERSONAL TIME</p><p>Section 8.1. Holidays. All full-time Officers shall be eligible for the following listed holidays:</p><p>New Years Day Labor Day Presidents' Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Day</p><p>In order to qualify for holiday benefits, Officers must not be receiving sick pay, continuing compensation, disability pay, or worker's compensation. </p><p>Section 8.2. Holiday Pay (not working holiday). When an Officer is not scheduled to work on a holiday, the Officer will be eligible for holiday pay only if he works his last scheduled workday before and after the holiday, or is excused by the Chief of Police for just cause. The Officer shall be paid 8.25 hours at the regular rate of compensation for the holiday not worked.</p><p>Section 8.3. Holiday Pay (working holiday). An Officer assigned to work a holiday shall receive his regular 8.25 hours pay and in addition shall be paid 12.375 hours of pay or, at the Officer’s option, be credited with 12.375 hours of compensatory time.</p><p>Officers working overtime on a designated holiday because another Officer has called in sick will be compensated at two and one-half times the affected Officer’s regular straight-time hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on said holiday. </p><p>17</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>If an Officer uses a sick day on a designated holiday or does not report for work, then that Officer will receive no holiday pay for that holiday. </p><p>Section 8.4 . Detective Holiday Standby Pay. If a particular detective is designated by the Chief of Police or his designee to be on standby status for up to 24 hours for a holiday listed in Section 8.1, said detective shall be paid fifty dollars ($50.00) as standby pay. In addition, said detective shall also receive holiday pay for any hours required to be worked on that holiday.</p><p>Section 8.5. Detective On-Call Pay All full-time detectives shall share the on-call detail. Three (3) weeks per month each detective will be on-call two (2) days out of the week. One (1) week per month each detective will be on-call one (1) day during that week. The exceptions would be vacations, furloughs and training. Detectives who are placed on-call shall receive one-quarter (1/4) hour paid for each day that they are placed on-call. Additionally, detectives that are placed on-call beyond the aforementioned shall receive the following pay in addition to their regular on-call pay: </p><p>On-call four (4) or more consecutive days $25.00 per day on-call after the fourth day</p><p>On-call eight (8) days in a fourteen (14) day period $25.00 per day on-call after the eighth day</p><p>The parties agree that an on-call rotation shall be implemented for all full-time Officers assigned to the Detective Division. All such Officers on the on-call rotation will be eligible for the Detective On-Call Pay. </p><p>Section 8.6 . Personal Days. All full-time Officers will be granted 2 personal days off during each calendar year to be credited at the beginning of each calendar year. The use of personal days shall be at the choosing of the employee subject to the provisions of this section. Personal day requests must be made at least 14 days in advance of the date requested. Personal days may not be scheduled on a holiday. No more than one officer may take a personal day on any given shift. The Chief of Police shall not deny the request for the use of one personal day per shift meeting the above requirements. A part-time police Officer or a specialty Officer may be assigned to work as a replacement on a shift for which a personal day has been requested in order to meet department manning requirements. </p><p>Section 8.7. Personal/Sick Day. Effective May 1, 2011 all full time officers will have the discretion to utilize one (1) accrued but unused sick day as a personal day. An officer</p><p>18</p><p>11/29/10 choosing to utilize this benefit may do so one (1) time per calendar year. </p><p>ARTICLE IX LEAVE OF ABSENCE</p><p>Section 9.1. Absence from Work. All absences from work must be reported to the Supervisor in charge prior to assigned working shift.</p><p>Section 9.2. Sick Leave. Leave with pay is provided as a benefit in recognition that people do contract various illnesses from time-to-time, that their financial resources may be diminished in such instances, if pay is discontinued, and that it may not be in their best interest or health or the health of fellow police Officers for them to work while sick.</p><p>Only full-time police Officers shall be eligible for the paid sick leave benefit defined herein.</p><p>The Chief of Police may require any police Officer to submit physician verification of an illness exceeding three (3) days.</p><p>Any absence due to illness must be reported to a police Officer's immediate Supervisor not less than two (2) hours before the starting time of that day's work. A late report of illness may be accepted and approved by the Chief of Police. A failure to properly report an illness shall be considered as absence without pay.</p><p>Section 9.3. Sick Leave Accrual and Usage. All full-time Officers shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 8.25 hours per month (99 hours per calendar year). </p><p>All Officers covered by this agreement shall be allowed to maintain and to use in accordance with this agreement all sick leave accumulated on or before January 1, 1997. </p><p>Starting from his first day of the employment, sick leave will be credited on the employee's personnel records at the appropriate monthly rate of sick leave credit accumulated each month, which will total the appropriate number of working days of sick leave credit each year. On January 1st of each year following the first day of employment, each employee will be credited with the appropriate number of days of sick leave credit. Any employee leaving the</p><p>19</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Village's employment during the year following shall reimburse the Village for any sick days not yet earned on the basis of the appropriate hours per month for each month that said employee does not work in any given year. </p><p>Sick leave credit may be taken in the year of credit or, at the employee’s discretion, the employee will be paid for unused sick leave in January of the following calendar year or unused time may be turned into furlough days to be used in the following year after seniority based vacation is posted (i.e. 48 hours not used can be converted to 32 hours pay and 2 days furlough) or the remaining sick time may be accumulated up to a maximum of forty-five (45) days. The sick leave credits which an employee accumulated prior to January 1, 1996, not to exceed a maximum of sixty (60) shift days, may still be used as sick time if needed by the employee who has said time accumulated. Upon retirement unused sick leave credits that an employee accumulated, not to exceed a maximum of one hundred twenty-three (123) days, shall be paid at the employee’s straight time hourly rate (including any longevity pay) or it may be used in the pay periods prior to the official date of retirement.</p><p>Sick leave shall be used in increments of not less than one (1) hour.</p><p>Any police Officer who retires from employment with the Bridgeview Police Department shall be paid his unused sick leave, if any, which was accumulated, at his then current salary or it may be used in the pay period prior to official date of retirement, or, shall be paid out at the start of the year.</p><p>Section 9.4. Funeral Leave. </p><p>(a) Time lost from scheduled work due to a death in the immediate family of a regular employee shall be paid at the employee's regular base rate. Such time off shall not exceed five (5) consecutive days, one of which days shall be the day of the funeral. The immediate family is defined as the wife or husband, the children (natural or adopted), the brothers and sisters, the father and mother of the employee.</p><p>(b) In the event of death of an employee's mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents, the employee shall be allowed time off with pay as provided above, but not to exceed three (3) consecutive days.</p><p>Section 9.5. General Leave of Absence. A police Officer, regardless of length of service or status, may be absent from work without pay and without losing fringe benefits for a period of thirty (30) days subject to written approval of Chief of Police. In no case shall benefits accrue to the police Officer while he is on an extended leave of absence beyond thirty (30) days.</p><p>Unauthorized absence from work shall be cause for disciplinary action.</p><p>Section 9.6. Military Leave. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with</p><p>20</p><p>11/29/10 applicable law. Compensation shall be paid to employees as required in Local Government Employees Benefits Continuation Act (50 ILCS 140/1, et seq.) </p><p>Section 9.7. Jury Duty. Police Officers are granted regular compensation for their regular work days when serving on jury duty, less the amount received from the Court for said services.</p><p>ARTICLE X EDUCATION BENEFITS</p><p>Section 10.1. Training. Police Officers attending required training sessions more than twenty miles from the Police Department shall either be provided transportation to and from the training location, if available, or shall be paid mileage for the use of their own vehicle. An Officer who attends a police related seminar, upon the direction of the Chief, while on duty will receive his regular hourly rate of pay for all such hours or the equivalent in compensatory time for each hour spent in said seminar. Officers attending special schools or training academies outside of the Village shall be allowed to utilize a police department squad, when available, for travel to and from the school or academy. </p><p>All Officers covered by this Agreement shall be paid one and one-half (1 ½) times their regular hourly rate of pay or compensatory time for all hours spent in department approved training on their day off or beyond the normal 8.25 hour day.</p><p>Police Officers attending training which is not required by the Department but at the request of the police Officer shall do so on their own time and shall not be entitled to any compensatory time. It is also agreed that the transportation to and from these training sessions will be the Officers responsibility, transportation may be provided utilizing a police department squad but only with permission of the Chief of Police. </p><p>Section 10.2. Educational Incentive. Any member covered by this Agreement who enrolls in an accredited course of study beneficial to police duties, subject to prior approval by the Chief of Police, shall have the tuition for such subjects or courses reimbursed up to $100.00 per credit hour in the following manner:</p><p>Grade of A/B - 100% Reimbursement Grade of C - 75% Reimbursement</p><p>All reimbursements to be made after completion of courses with no reimbursement for a grade less than C or failure to complete the course. All requests for approval and/or reimbursement must be submitted prior to January 1st of each year or as soon as practical.</p><p>21</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Section 10.3. Travel and Meeting Expense Allowances. Officers who are assigned to training which requires an overnight stay will receive a minimum of $50.00 per day for meals and other reasonable expenses.</p><p>Conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences, generally of a national scope or regional (multi-state), gathering of national groups may be attended by Patrol Officers if the gathering of national groups is specifically related to his technical area. In all cases, specific approval by the Chief of Police is necessary.</p><p>State-wide conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences may be attended by Patrol Officers or their specifically designated representatives.</p><p>Attendees may include police Officers who can be shown to have an interest in the gathering which directly related to his or her area of work with specific approval of the Chief of Police is necessary.</p><p>A police Officer wishing to attend a conference or gathering at his expense must receive a specific approval of the Chief of Police to be away from his or her regular duties.</p><p>Any police Officer attending any conference, meeting, seminar or convention and being reimbursed by the Village or on Village payroll is expected to conduct themselves in a manner as if they were still at work. Any improper conduct will be treated as if it occurred during regular working hours.</p><p>Any police Officer attending any conference, meeting, seminar or convention and being reimbursed by the Village is to submit paid receipts for reimbursable expenses. The Village Treasurer will not reimburse expenses which are not documented or which are unreasonable.</p><p>ARTICLE XI GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES</p><p>Section 11.1. Definition. It is mutually desirable and hereby agreed that all grievances shall be handled in accordance with the following steps. For purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a dispute or difference of opinion raised by an employee against the Employer involving an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of an express provision of this Agreement, except that any dispute or difference of opinion concerning a matter</p><p>22</p><p>11/29/10 or issue subject to the jurisdiction of the Village Personnel Board shall not be considered a grievance under the Agreement. Any time period provided for under the steps in the grievance procedure may be increased or decreased by mutual agreement between the parties in a specific instance.</p><p>STEP ONE: The employee, with or without a Chapter representative, may take up a grievance, which has been reduced to writing (email accepted), with the employee's grieved supervisor within ten (10) calendar days of its occurrence. The supervisor shall then attempt to adjust the matter and shall respond within ten (10) calendar days after such discussion.</p><p>STEP TWO: If not adjusted in Step One, the grievance which has been reduced to writing (email accepted) and shall be presented by the Chapter to the Chief of Police within ten (10) calendar days following the receipt of the supervisor's answer in Step One. The Chief of Police shall attempt to adjust the grievance as soon as possible, and therefore will schedule a meeting with the employee, his immediate supervisor or Shift Commander, and Chapter Representative within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the grievance from the Chapter. The Chief of Police shall then render a decision, based on the supplied information during the meeting within ten (10) calendar days of the meeting.</p><p>STEP THREE: If the grievance is not adjusted in Step Two, the grievance shall be submitted to the Administrative Coordinator, or if none, then the Mayor within five (5) calendar days of the receipt from the Chief of Police his response to the Step Two procedure. A meeting shall be held at a mutually agreeable time and place and participants shall discuss the grievance and hopefully come to an equitable solution. If a grievance is settled as a result of such meeting, the settlement shall be reduced to writing and signed by the parties. If no settlement is reached, the Administrative Coordinator shall give the Chapter the Employer's answer within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the grievance by the Administrative Coordinator.</p><p>STEP FOUR:</p><p>(a) If the Chapter is not satisfied with the decision of the Administrative Coordinator, the Chapter may appeal the grievance to arbitration by notifying the Administrative Coordinator in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the Administrative Coordinator 's response in Step 4. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of such request the Chapter and the Village shall jointly submit the dispute to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), and shall request a panel of five (5) arbitrators. If an agreement cannot be reached in the selection of an arbitration service, the choice shall be determined by a coin toss. Each party retains the right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. Both the Village and the Chapter shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The order of alternate striking shall be determined by a coin toss, with the losing party striking the first and third names. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall fix the time and place of the hearing which shall be as soon as possible after his selections subject to the reasonable availability of Chapter and Village representatives.</p><p>23</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>(b) The power of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation and application of the written terms of this Agreement. In no event may the terms and provisions of the Agreement be deleted, modified or amended by the arbitrator. He shall consider and decide only the specific issue raised by the grievance as originally submitted in writing to the Village, and shall have no authority to make his decision on any issue not so submitted to him. The arbitrator shall submit in writing his decision within thirty (30) calendar days following close of the hearing or submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. In the event the arbitrator finds a violation of the Agreement, he shall determine an appropriate remedy. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. No decision or remedy of the arbitrator shall be retroactive beyond the period specified in Step 1 of this grievance procedure.</p><p>Section 11.2. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration. The fee and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of the written transcript, if requested by both parties, shall be divided equally between the Village and the Chapter provided, however, that each party shall fully bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case including the costs of witnesses and other persons (not employed by the Village) it requires to attend the arbitration. Should only one party request a transcript, that party shall pay for the cost of the transcript.</p><p>Section 11.3. Forms. The Village shall furnish mutually acceptable grievance forms which shall be used by both parties.</p><p>Section 11.4. General Rules.</p><p>(a) Any decision not appealed by the employees or the Chapter as provided within the time limits specified in each step shall be considered settled on the basis of the latest decision and shall not be subject to further appeal. Any grievance not answered within the time limits specified in each step shall be automatically appealed to the next step. However, time limits at each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Chapter and the Village.</p><p>(b) No matter or action shall be treated as a grievance unless a grievance is filed in accordance with this Article.</p><p>(c) No grievance settlement made as a result of the grievance procedure shall contravene the provisions of this Agreement.</p><p>(d) No employees shall be discriminated against because of his or her proper use of the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement.</p><p>Section 11.5. Notice of Union Representation. The Chapter shall certify to the Village</p><p>24</p><p>11/29/10 the names of those Officers who are designated as representatives (stewards) for each shift and the Investigations Division. These Officers shall be the only employees authorized to function as representatives/stewards on each respective shift and division, other than Chapter Executive Board members who are assigned to the respective shifts or Division.</p><p>Section 11.6. Rights of Chapter. Nothing herein shall interfere with the rights of the Chapter as set forth in Section 6(b) of the Act.</p><p>Section 11.7. Expedited Grievance. The Parties agree that any grievances arising from a claim of contract violation of this Agreement, shall, at the Chapter’s or the Village‘s written direction, be treated as an “expedited grievance”. Only the Chapter or the Village may authorize arbitration of a grievance. The Parties agree that the following arbitrators shall comprise the “expedited grievance panel”, the Parties shall contact these arbitrators in order and the earliest date any are available shall serve for that grievance and shall be prepared to hear an expedited grievance as follows:</p><p>ARBITRATION PANEL:</p><p>1. JAMES COX 2. BYRON YAFFE 3. RAYMOND E. McALPIN</p><p>HEARING PROCEDURE:</p><p>1. The hearing, if any, shall commence within 30 days of a written request. The parties agree that the arbitrator shall have the right to order that there be no hearing if there are no facts in dispute or that the arbitrator shall have the right to order that each party submit written statements in lieu of a hearing in order to expedite the decision. To the extent practicable, the parties prefer that grievances be decided upon written statements and written legal arguments submitted to the arbitrator. "Hearing” shall commence within thirty (30) days of a written request. 2. Hearings shall be commenced with the City having to provide, in writing, a clear and articulate response to the grievance. 3. The Union then has the burden of going forward with evidence of the employer’s violation of contract language. The City shall respond and the Parties shall give oral argument on their respective positions. 4. The grievance arbitrator shall render a written decision within fourteen days of the conclusion of the hearing, such decision shall be final and binding upon the Parties. 5. All costs of this proceeding shall be equally divided between the City and the Union. 6. All witnesses to this proceeding shall be allowed to attend while on-duty, sop long</p><p>25</p><p>11/29/10</p><p> as there is no disruption in services by the Police Department. </p><p>ARTICLE XII NON-DISCRIMINATION</p><p>Section 12.1. Non-Discrimination. In accordance with applicable law both the Village and the Chapter agree not to discriminate against any employee covered by this Agreement in a manner which would violate federal or state laws on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion, color, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation and/or beliefs, mental and/or physical handicaps and Chapter activities. This section shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.</p><p>Section 12.2. Chapter Activity. The Village and Chapter agree that no employee shall be discriminated against, intimidated, restrained or coerced in the exercise of any rights granted by law or by this Agreement, or on account of membership or non-membership in, the Chapter.</p><p>Section 12.3 Americans with Disabilities Act The Parties agree that the Employer may, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, take action that is in accord with what is legally permissible under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") in order to be in compliance with the ADA.</p><p>ARTICLE XIII DISCIPLINE</p><p>Section 13.1. Just Cause. No employee shall be suspended or discharged except for just cause. The Village believes in the principal of progressive and corrective discipline; however, in some instances, a specific incident may justify immediate and/or severe disciplinary action in and of itself.</p><p>Section 13.2. Procedure of Discipline. If the Village has reason to discipline and employee, it will make every effort to do so in a manner that will not unduly embarrass the employee before other fellow employees or members of the public.</p><p>Section 13.3. Jurisdiction of the Village Personnel Board. Disciplinary action or termination are subject to the jurisdiction of the Village Personnel Board according to the applicable State law. Notice of said disciplinary action shall be provided in writing to the employee. Nothing in the article, however, shall be construed in such a manner as to make the reprimand, suspension or discharge of a probationary Officer the subject of a hearing before the</p><p>26</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Village Personnel Board, or part of the Grievance Procedure.</p><p>Section 13.4. Written Reprimand. In cases of written reprimand, notation of such reprimand shall become a part of the employee's personnel file and a copy given to the employee.</p><p>Section 13.5. Purge of Personnel File. Any written reprimand shall be removed from the employee's record, if, from the date of the last reprimand, eighteen (18) months have passed without the employee receiving an additional reprimand or discipline for such offenses.</p><p>Section 13.6. Personnel File. The Village agrees to abide by the lawful requirements of the "Access to Personnel Records Act", 820 Illinois Complied Statutes 40/1 et seq.</p><p>Section 13.7. In-Car GPS and Video. The Chief of Police shall establish policies for the operation of in-car video recording and GPS location devices. The primary purpose of such devices is to aid the Village and Officers in the performance of their duties. Such devices may be used for an internal investigation to verify events, facts and circumstances; but such devices shall not be the sole evidence to support any discipline of an Officer. </p><p>Section 13.8. Time Clock. The Parties agrees that should the Village decide to change the current procedures for time clock usage the Parties will meet to discuss such changes before they are implemented. In the event the Parties are unable to agree on such changes each reserve the right to interest arbitration pursuant to the statute to resolve this issue. </p><p>ARTICLE XIV INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING OFFICERS</p><p>Section 14.1 Right to Investigate. If the investigation or interrogation of a law enforcement Officer results in the recommendation of some action, such as transfer, suspension, dismissal, loss of pay, reassignment, or similar action which would be considered a punitive measure, then, before taking such action, the Employer shall follow the procedures set forth in 50 Illinois Compiled Statutes 725/1 et seq. </p><p>Section 14.2. Right to Representation The Parties agree that any Officer covered by this agreement who is or becomes the subject of a formal or informal interrogation and, who is the subject of the investigation, shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union representative or member of his choice on any interrogations regarding said investigation provided that such does not unduly delay the interrogation for more than 24 hours per Garity and Weingartner. Should that interrogation be audio and/or video recorded than that Officer shall be entitled to a copy of said tape or a transcription thereof. The Officer being interrogated shall have the right to make an audio recording of said interview. The provisions of this section do not apply to</p><p>27</p><p>11/29/10 questions from a supervisor in the course of performing normal day-to-day supervisory duties, requests to prepare detailed reports, or To-From-Subject Reports.</p><p>Section 14.3. Bill of Rights. All informal inquiries, formal investigations and interrogations shall be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Police Officers Disciplinary Act (50 ILCS 725/1, et seq.). In the event that misconduct results in a suspension, discharge, or demotion of an Officer, any alleged violation of such Act shall be resolved and determined during the disciplinary hearing (if any) and any evidence acquired in violation of the Act shall not be admissible in the disciplinary hearing.</p><p>ARTICLE XV HOSPITALIZATION, DENTAL, OPTICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE</p><p>Section 15.1. Hospitalization. During the term of this Agreement, the Village shall provide medical insurance, including prescription drug coverage, in substantially the same form as exists on June 1, 2010. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Village will pay the full premium cost of a full-time employee and/or the employee’s eligible dependents up to and including the term of this Agreement. Until March 31, 2012 employees shall pay not more than $19.65/monthly for HMO single coverage, $36.66/monthly for HMO employee/child coverage, $40.10/monthly for HMO employee/spouse coverage and $57.11/monthly for HMO family coverage. After April 1, 2012, the provisions of this section shall be opened for renegotiation at the same time that the compensation section is opened for renegotiation. All officers covered by this Agreement shall make insurance premium contributions the same amount and at the same level as those being paid by the Bridgeview Fire Department Firefighters for the duration of this Agreement.</p><p>The Village reserves the right to change insurance carriers or to self insure as long as the basic level of benefits available to employees under the plan remain substantially the same.</p><p>Section 15.2. Life Insurance. The Village shall supply each full-time employee covered by the terms of this Agreement with term life insurance in the same amount as that afforded to other Village employees, but not less tan $25,000.00. Upon retirement if allowed by insurance carrier, the employee shall have the option of continued coverage or conversion at the employee’s expense.</p><p>Section 15.3. Dental Insurance. The Village agrees to continue to provide and pay for dental insurance, including orthodontic expense benefits at the current level of benefits. The coverage may be modified when and if the Village changes its dental insurance for the majority of its employees.</p><p>28</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Section 15.4. Medical Insurance Benefits Upon Retirement. The Village will provide medical insurance benefits for any full-time employee who was employed for not less than twenty (20) years and who retires after the age of fifty (50) and has been a participant in the Police Pension Fund for not less than twenty (20) years. Medical insurance benefits will be provided for the spouse and eligible dependents. The Village shall pay as its portion of the premium an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the premium that it pays for active employees, with the remainder of the premium being paid by the retired employee. In the event that the employee is receiving a police pension benefit, then the employee shall be required to complete a health insurance premium deduction authorization form which will allow for the employee portion of the premium to be deducted from pension benefits and remitted directly to the Village. In the event that after retirement the employee is covered by a group medical insurance plan offered by another employer, the Village is under no obligation to provide any medical insurance benefits thereafter.</p><p>The Village agrees to reimburse out-of-state retired employees who are eligible for medical insurance benefits for an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the premium that it pays for retired in-state employees, but not to exceed the actual premium amount paid for the employee’s monthly health insurance premium.</p><p>An employee generally becomes eligible for Medicare on the first day of the month in which the individual’s 65th birthday occurs. The retired employee is required to file an application to establish entitlement to Medicare benefits before reaching age 65. If an employee is eligible for Medicare, then the Village has no more responsibility to provide retirement medical insurance benefits for that employee. The Village will continue to provide medical insurance benefits to the spouse and eligible dependents until such time as those persons are eligible for Medicare or are no longer eligible. An employee agrees to provide authorization to the Village to obtain social security and Medicare information in order to determine eligibility for Medicare. Failure to provide such information relieves the Village of any responsibility to provide medical insurance benefits for that employee. If an employee is ineligible for Medicare because the employee has insufficient credits under the social security system (currently 40 calendar quarters are needed for eligibility), the Village will voluntarily enroll the employee in Medicare Part A upon the employee reaching 65. If the employee refuses to voluntarily enroll or does not cooperate in the enrollment, then the Village has no responsibility to provide medical insurance benefits for that employee. Upon enrollment in Medicare, the Village will pay the monthly premium rate for Part A that is the employee’s portion less any amount which all Part A participants are required to pay. The Part A payment required of all participants shall be reimbursed to the Village upon billing by the Village. Any additional Medicare coverage such as Part B, Part C, or prescription drug coverage is the responsibility of the employee and is not paid by the Village. In the event that such coverage is billed to the Village, then the employee must reimburse the Village upon billing the Village. Failure to reimburse the Village within fifteen</p><p>29</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>(15) days after billing is cause for the Village to no longer be responsible to provide medical insurance benefits for that employee. Employees who are Medicare ineligible because of insufficient credits may become eligible for free Medicare Part A coverage after 84 months and </p><p> under certain conditions. Generally, the employee must be receiving a pension from a qualified state or local government retirement system for 40 calendar quarters and the employee must have been enrolled in Medicare Part B for the preceding 84 months. In such event, the employee becomes eligible for Part A coverage without any payment of premium and the Village has no responsibility to provide or pay for Part A coverage. </p><p>Upon retirement if allowed by the insurance carrier the retiree shall have the option of supplemental coverage to Medicare at the retiree’s expense.</p><p>Section 15.5. Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan. The Village shall implement a Section 125 flexible benefit plan. Such plan will allow pretax deductions by employees for the purpose of paying their portion of insurance premiums and other unreimbursed medical expenses as authorized by the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations.</p><p>Section 15.6. Insurance Committee. The Village shall establish an Insurance Committee for the purpose of achieving good medical coverage at a reasonable cost. The Insurance Committee shall consist of five (5) members, one (1) representative of each Union representing any bargaining unit, one (1) representative of employees not represented by a collective bargaining agent, and one (1) representative of management.</p><p>Section 15.7. Continuation of Benefits. When an Officer is killed in the line of duty the Village will pay the full premium for the continuation of the then current health insurance for the spouse and minor children up to the age of eighteen (18) unless the child is in school and then coverage will be extended to the age of twenty-three (23). Children enrolled in school shall be required to present proof. This extension of the health insurance benefit shall remain in effect until the above mentioned spouse or children are eligible to be covered under another health plan.</p><p>Section 15.8. Prescription Card. Employees will be provided with a prescription card subject to any modifications made by the Village.</p><p>Section 15.9. Retirees Health Insurance Benefits. All Officers covered by this Agreement hired prior to January 1, 1987, who retire from the Village of Bridgeview Police Department shall be eligible to continue receiving health insurance benefits now currently available to all full-time employees if said Officer is not eligible for Medicare. The cost of said insurance for employee and employee plus dependent shall be paid in the following manner; fifty percent (50%) contribution by the Village of Bridgeview with the balance of fifty percent (50%)</p><p>30</p><p>11/29/10 being paid by the employee. Said benefit shall be extended to all qualified retired employees. </p><p>Section 15.10. Post Employment Health Savings Plan Effective during the term of this Agreement the employees shall be afforded the option of participating in a post employment health savings plan qualified under the Internal Revenue Code, which shall be administered, at no cost to the Village, by a company having an established program.</p><p>ARTICLE XVI DISABILITY POLICY</p><p>Section 16.1. Disability Benefits. This policy applies to any employee covered by this Agreement, who is not retired and who is enrolled in the health insurance plan and who incurs a sickness or injury and whose injury or sickness is not covered by Workers Compensation.</p><p>Pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions shall be treated the same under this article as any other injury or sickness. Benefits and requirements of childbearing leave under the provisions of this article shall be coordinated with benefits and requirements of this section so that any mental or physical disability arising out of pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions is treated the same as any mental or physical disability arising out of other sickness or injury. The procedure and requirements to obtain paid leave of absence or other leave for childbearing arising out of pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions, shall be as set forth in this article.</p><p>Disability Determination - The employee’s attending physician shall initially determine disability. Such determination shall be submitted to the Police Chief and Director of Human Resources, in writing prior to the employee receiving any pay from the Village of Bridgeview. The Employee may e required to undergo a second examination by a physician or any other specialist the Director of Human Resources may designate.</p><p>The Director of Human Resources shall, if deemed necessary, make an appointment to obtain a second opinion of the disability fourteen (14) calendar days after the initial notice of disability from the physician or employee.</p><p>Additional disability determination shall be made on a monthly basis until the disability</p><p>31</p><p>11/29/10 benefits are exhausted or the employee returns to work.</p><p>Waiting Period - A thirty (30) calendar day, during which the employee will be responsible for providing for his own welfare using all available or accumulated off work time, (vacation, time-due, sick days, personal days, etc.). If no such time is available, the employee must still wait the required amount of days prior to disability protection implementation.</p><p>If an employee so chooses he/she may use their own accumulated sick time prior to requesting the sick leave/disability policy. After such use of personal accumulated sick time, the employee may request policy coverage for the remaining time of the illness or injury.</p><p>The waiting period shall begin on the first day the employee notifies the Police Chief and Director of Human Resources of such illness or injury. If the employee returns to work any time during the waiting period, the continuous sequence is broken and the employee must begin the waiting period again prior to being considered eligible. The employee, a member of his immediate family, or physician must notify the Director of Human Resources if a prolonged absence is anticipated.</p><p>Gross Salary - Gross salary shall be determined by establishing the average gross pay when the employee has received over the prior six (6) months before the disability occurred. Gross pay includes base pay, longevity, and other items which may alter the base pay rate. No overtime will be included in base pay.</p><p>Years of continuous employment: First 18 months No disability</p><p>19 months thru 7 years First 30 days 70% of salary Second 30 days 60% of salary Third 30 days 50% of salary</p><p>8 years thru 12 years First 30 days 80% of salary Second 30 days 70% of salary Third 30 days 60% of salary Fourth 30 days 50% of salary</p><p>13 years thru 20 years First 30 days 90% of salary Second 30 days 75% of salary Third 30 days 60% of salary</p><p>32</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Fourth 30 days 50% of salary</p><p>21 years First 30 days 90% of salary Second 30 days 80% of salary Third 30 Days 70% of salary Fourth 30 days 60% of salary Fifth 30 days 50% of salary</p><p>Years of Usage - Year of use for an employee shall mean any consecutive twelve (12) month period.</p><p>Every employee who uses the Disability Insurance Program may retain any unused portion of the benefit for any other illness occurring within a twelve (12) month period. The waiting period for the additional uses as described in Waiting Period. The employee will be entitled to use that portion of the benefit under the same terms as described in this policy for an initial use. Receipt of benefits is limited to those described in Years of Employment. The Director of Human Resources shall maintain accurate records of disability payments and use by all employees.</p><p>For employees who incur a disability in the latter part of any year, which such disability continues into the next year of usage, the current disability policy will carry into the new year. The employees shall not lose his next years benefit but such benefits are available for beginning use prior to the end of that calendar year.</p><p>Policy Prohibitions - No employee may work for any business, private enterprise or non- profit organization while receiving disability benefits.</p><p>Any employee who is found to be in violation of performing outside work for pay shall forfeit his/her right to continue on the disability and the Human Resource Department shall begin job termination action against the employee as defined by the policy, rules and regulations of the appropriate Department.</p><p>Sick Leave/Disability Policy, Vacation Time and Sick Days - Any employee on disability who has scheduled vacation during the time of disability shall receive their normal pay during those scheduled days of vacation. Disability pay will cease during that time and resume at the conclusion of the employee’s vacation time. Disability protection shall not be extended to compensate for lost vacation time.</p><p>No employee shall accumulate sick days while receiving disability/sick pay.</p><p>33</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>ARTICLE XVII UNIFORM BENEFITS</p><p>Section 17.1. Benefits. Personal property required to be carried on duty, such as watch, glasses, etc. shall be repaired or replaced at a reasonable price in the event of damage pursuant to police effecting a lawful arrest or becoming involved in a physical confrontation with a civilian subject.</p><p>Each Officer shall receive uniforms and equipment from a quartermaster store to be established by the Chief of Police. All items of clothing shall be worn as designated by the Chief of Police and shall be replaced when, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, the condition of the clothing requires replacement. </p><p>Each full-time member of the Police Department assigned to the Detective Division shall receive $600 in FY 2010 and $650 in FY 2011 and $750 in FY 2012 per year to be paid in January of each year for clothing maintenance. If a Detective is assigned for less than a full calendar year, then the annual closing allowance shall be prorated. This paragraph shall be retroactive to May 1, 2010.</p><p>The Parties agree that they will form a joint committee whose purpose is to determine the nature and level of uniform benefits. Said committee will make recommendations to the Employer.</p><p>Section 17.2. Uniform Clothing. All Officers shall participate in a quartermaster system which will provide the following listed uniform items:</p><p>Five star hat One pair of dress shoes Two badges Three short sleeve shirts One dress jacket Pins and name plates Three long sleeve shirts One spring jacket One tie Three pair of slacks One winter jacket Pepper spray Pants belt One rain coat Pepper spray holster Duty belt Body armor and carrier ASP Two pair of handcuffs Duty ammunition ASP holster Two handcuff holsters Training ammunition Pistol holster Magazine Pouch Radio Holder Belt Keepers</p><p>34</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Unless provided with a list by the Union specifying which uniform items an Officer does not possess prior to the execution of this Agreement, it shall be presumed that all existing Officers have all of the above specified uniform items. The Village shall not be required to expend more than $10,000 per fiscal year to provide missing uniform clothing. </p><p>ARTICLE XVIII OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Section 18.1. Employment Outside Department. The Chief of Police may restrict off duty employment in the best interest of department operations. Patrol Officers may be allowed to engage in off duty employment up to a maximum of twenty (20) hours per week, subject to the prior written approval of the Chief of Police or his designee.</p><p>ARTICLE XIX SENIORITY</p><p>Section 19.1. Seniority. Unless stated otherwise in this Agreement, seniority for the purpose of this Agreement shall be defined as a police Officer's length of continuous full-time service with the Village since the police Officer's last date of hire.</p><p>Section 19.2. Determination of Seniority. Seniority shall be determined by police Officer's length of service in the department. Time spent in the armed forces on military leave of absence and authorized leaves not to exceed thirty (30) days and time loss duty related disability shall be included.</p><p>Section 19.3. Maintenance of Seniority List. A current and up-to-date seniority list showing the names and length of service of each police Officer shall be maintained for inspection by members and shall be updated on a semiannual basis.</p><p>35</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>Section 19.4. Forfeiture of Seniority. A police Officer shall forfeit his seniority rights upon separation from services due to dismissal, layoff or retirement. Full seniority rights shall be reinstated provided that any Officer, who has a break in service of more than one year, must successfully complete a retraining program prescribed and approved by the Chief of Police and at the Village's expense and under the following conditions:</p><p>(a) A police Officer retires due to a disability and is later certified by the Police Pension Board to be capable of resuming his duties and is returned to work by the Chief of Police.</p><p>(b) A police Officer is dismissed and later reinstated by a Court of competent jurisdiction.</p><p>(c) A police Officer is separated due to a layoff or reduction in force and is later reinstated under conditions provided in the Illinois Revised Statutes.</p><p>ARTICLE XX PERSONNEL BOARD</p><p>Section 20.1. Personnel Board. The parties recognize that the Village of Bridgeview Personnel Board has certain statutory authority over employees covered by this Agreement, including but not limited to the right to make, alter and enforce rules and regulations and impose disciplinary sanctions. Nothing in this Agreement is intended in any way to replace and diminish any such authority.</p><p>ARTICLE XXI SAVINGS CLAUSE</p><p>Section 21.1. Savings Clause. In the event any Article, Section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and unenforceable by any board, agency or court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall apply only to the specific Article, Section or portion thereof specifically specified in the board, court or agency decision; and upon issuance of such decision, the Village and Chapter agree to notify one another and to immediately begin negotiations on a substitute for the invalidated Article, Section or portion thereof.</p><p>36</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>ARTICLE XXII SOLICITATION AGREEMENT</p><p>Section 22.1. Solicitation Restrictions. While the Village of Bridgeview acknowledges that the chapter may be conducting solicitation of merchants, residents or citizens, the bargaining unit members covered by this agreement agree that none of them will solicit any person or entity for contributions or appear to so solicit any person on behalf of the Bridgeview Police Department or the Village of Bridgeview.</p><p>Bargaining unit members agree that the Village name, shield or insignia, communications systems, supplies and materials will not be used for solicitation purposes. Solicitation by bargaining unit employees may not be done on work time or in a work uniform. The bargaining unit members agree that they will not use the words "Bridgeview Police Department" in its name or describe itself as the "Village of Bridgeview". The bargaining unit members shall have the right to explain to the public, if necessary that they are members of an organization providing collective bargaining and legal defense benefits to all Patrol-rank police Officers employed by the Village.</p><p>The foregoing shall not be construed as a prohibition of lawful solicitation efforts by bargaining unit members directed to the general public. Each party hereto agrees that they will comply with all applicable laws regarding solicitation.</p><p>This agreement does not apply to the solicitation efforts of the Metropolitan Alliance of Police or any of its agents who are not bargaining unit employees.</p><p>ARTICLE XXIII ENTIRE AGREEMENT</p><p>Section 23.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire Agreement between the parties and concludes collective bargaining between the parties for its term. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether</p><p>37</p><p>11/29/10 written or oral, which conflict with the express terms of this Agreement. If a past practice is not addressed in this Agreement, it may be changed by the Employer as provided in the management rights clause, Article II. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law or ordinance from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understanding and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. The Chapter specifically waives any right it may have to impact or effect bargaining for the life of this Agreement.</p><p>Section 23.2. Ratification and Amendment. This Agreement shall become effective when ratified by the Village Board and the Chapter and signed by authorized representatives thereof and may be amended or modified during its term only with mutual written consent of both parties.</p><p>ARTICLE XXIV CERTIFIED ADVANCED PATROLMAN PROGRAM</p><p>Section 24.1. Career Development. Any member of the Police Department assigned as an Officer who is qualified for certified advance police Officer status shall be paid additional compensation in the amount as set forth in Appendix "A", for the period so qualified pursuant to the then current Police Department rules and regulations and Village ordinances.</p><p>ARTICLE XXV USE OF PART TIME OFFICERS</p><p>Section 25.1. Use of Part Time Officers. It is understood that it is the spirit of the contract that when part time Officers work a shift, the general intent is for them to supplement overall manpower. It is also the spirit of the contract that part-time Officers not be assigned to details that would have otherwise been overtime details for full time Officers.</p><p>Section 25.2. Sick Calls. If an Officer calls in sick and there are less than four (4) full time sworn police Officers on duty, the normal call out will be followed:</p><p>38</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>1. Regardless of the presence of part time Officers; 2. The previous shift is asked if they wish to work the overtime by seniority; 3. The oncoming shift is asked if they wish to work the overtime by seniority; 4. The seniority roster is then used and asked if they wish to work the overtime; and 5. If no full time Officer wants to work the overtime then a part-time Officer may cover the shortage or the Watch Commander may fill the overtime position with a full-time Officer pursuant to Section 5.3 of this Agreement. It is an option for the Watch Commander to order the least senior Officer to work the overtime (if he did not want to work the overtime ) or use the part time Officer.</p><p>Section 25.3. Sick Call During the Shift. When an Officer goes home sick during the shift:</p><p>1. If it is during the first half, the part time Officer can work the remainder of the first half and then a call out will be made to full time Officers for the second half. Calls will be made to the oncoming shift and the seniority roster; 2. If no full time Officer wants to work the overtime then the part time Officer can work the remainder of the shift; 3. If an Officer becomes sick during the second half of the shift (not anticipated or known during the first half of the shift) then the part time Officer can be used to cover the second half of the shift; 4. If it is known or anticipated that an Officer is going home sick for the second half then calls will be made to the oncoming shift and the seniority roster; and 5. If no full time Officer wants to work the overtime then the part time Officer can work the remainder of the shift or the Watch Commander may fill the overtime position with a full-time Officer pursuant to Section 5.3 of this Agreement. It is an option for the Watch Commander to order the least senior Officer to work the shift or use the part time Officer.</p><p>Section 25.4. Pre-Planned (Posted) Overtime. When overtime is posted (to cover a shift), Officers will be redlined (junior Officer’s name will go up) when the posting goes up. The intent is that Officers will know well in advance that they will be ordered to work the overtime if no one signs up for the overtime.</p><p>1. Regular seniority bumps apply (senior Officers may bump junior Officer);</p><p>39</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>2. The 72-hour rule applies (a senior Officer may not bump a junior/PT Officer within 72 hours of the shift to be worked unless the junior/PT Officer agrees to let the senior Officer work the overtime). If overtime is posted within 72 hours of the shift to be worked, then bumps by a senior Officer can be made up to 24 hours prior to the shift to be worked. It shall be the responsibility of each Officer to confirm their status as to working overtime or being bumped. 3. If Officers are red-lined and want to work the overtime, the Officer will write his name over the red line indicating that he wants to work the overtime; and 4. Part-time Officers may sign up over a red-line, all full-time Officers will be able to bump a part time Officer, seniority rule applies, 72-hour rule applies. (VILLAGE)</p><p>Section 25.5. Special Details. Special details will be posted with a 2:1 ratio of full-time Officers to part-time Officers. If there are not enough full-time Officers signed up then the ratio of part-time Officers may increase. If there are not enough part-time Officers signed up then the ratio of full-time Officers may increase. In the event of a two (2) Officer detail, the ratio will be 1:1. The above ratio rule would apply and the Department would reserve the right to use two (2) full time Officers if they choose to. One (1) Officer details would go to full-time Officers. The Employer need not schedule any full-time Officers for Mosque traffic control. </p><p>In the event that the Village schedules more than eight (8) 12 Auxiliary Officers for an event, the Employer shall also schedule at least one (1) full-time Officer for overtime purposes. </p><p>The Employer also agrees that it will not maintain normal shift levels with part-time or auxiliary Officers unless otherwise provided herein.</p><p>Section 25.6. Shift Switches. Full time Officers shall be allowed to switch shifts with a part time Officer upon approval of the Chief of Police and upon completing and submitting a To/From requesting the switch, indicating both dates and authorized by either a Sergeant or Lieutenant from each shift. The switch of shifts shall not be done for cash.</p><p>ARTICLE XXVI RESIDENCY</p><p>Section 26.1. Residency Requirements. No Officer covered by this Agreement shall be subject to any residency requirement.</p><p>40</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>ARTICLE XXVII TERMINATION</p><p>Section 27.1. Termination. This Agreement shall be effective as of the day after it is executed by both parties and shall remain in force and effect until April 30, 2014. It shall be automatically renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the anniversary date that it desires to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations shall begin no later than sixty (60) days prior to the anniversary date. This Agreement will remain in effect during negotiations or impasse proceedings concerning a successor agreement.</p><p>Executed this ______day of April, 20___, after receiving official approval by the Mayor and Board of Trustees and ratification by the Chapter's membership.</p><p>METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF VILLAGE OF BRIDGEVIEW POLICE, BRIDGEVIEW CHAPTER ILLINOIS</p><p>______JOSEPH ANDALINA, STEVEN M. LANDEK, President, M.A.P. Mayor</p><p>______KENN KEYSER, President, M.A.P. Chapter #18 Village Clerk</p><p>41</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>APPENDIX A WAGE COMPENSATION</p><p>Yr of Service 5/1/2009 5/1/2010 5/1/2011 5/1/2012 5/1/2013 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 1st $ 48,024.05 $ 48,984.53 $ 49,964.22 $ 51,213.33 $52,493.66 2nd $ 52,451.66 $ 53,500.69 $ 54,570.71 $ 55,934.98 $57,333.36 3rd $ 56,796.96 $ 57,932.90 $ 59,091.56 $ 60,575.00 $62,089.38 4th $ 60,218.46 $ 61,422.83 $ 62,651.29 $ 64,217.57 $65,823.01 5th $ 63,708.40 $ 64,982.57 $ 66,282.22 $ 67,939.28 $69,637.76 6th $ 70,131.55 $ 71,534.18 $ 72,964.86 $ 74,788.98 $76,658.71</p><p>All wage increases are retroactive to May 1, 2010 for Officers employed by the Village on the date of execution of this agreement, or who have retired since the expiration date of the preceding collective bargaining agreement and are receiving a pension. </p><p>Movement in steps shall be based solely on length of service from the Officers’ anniversary date such that an Officer shall move into the second step after completion of 1 year of service. </p><p>COURT READINESS AND TRAVEL PAY</p><p>Each Officer shall receive an additional 1.4% of base pay in consideration of time spent waiting to be called for Court and for time spent traveling to and from Court for appearances required with respect to quasi-criminal and criminal offenses being prosecuted. </p><p>LONGEVITY</p><p>The following Officers who were employed on April 30, 1995 shall continue to receive the same amount of longevity pay as follows: </p><p>Richard Cannella $3,358.52 Thomas Sparrow $4448.16</p><p>Longevity payments shall be pro-rated into the Officers’ hourly rate of pay and used in the calculation of overtime and other paid benefits. </p><p>42</p><p>11/29/10</p><p>INCENTIVE PAY</p><p>In addition to the above compensation, Officers shall be eligible for the following pay incentives based upon criteria established by the Chief of Police:</p><p>JOB DESCRIPTION INCENTIVE DETECTIVE/TACTICAL 3% CERTIFIED ADVANCED PATROLMAN 2% GANG CRIMES OFFICER 3% MOTORCYCLE 1.5% TRAFFIC CAR 2% TRUCK ENFORCEMENT 2% EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN 2% D.A.R.E. OFFICER 1% BICYCLE OFFICER .5% RANGE OFFICER 1% K-9 OFFICER Works 7.25 Hours per day BILINGUAL OFFICER 1% SWAT OFFICER 2% FIELD TRAINING OFFICER 1 hour pay for each 8 hours in training</p><p>Stipends shall be paid at the percentage rate of the applicable Officer’s 3rd Step salary, and as such may be changed from time to time.</p><p>Officers will be eligible to receive not more than two (2) incentive pays in addition to their base salary in years one (1) and two (2) of this Agreement. Beginning May 1, 2012 and continuing for the duration of this Agreement all officers will be eligible to receive not more than three (3) stipends. Any time during the term of this contract, if an Officer would have been eligible for more than three (3) stipends, the Officer will receive the three (3) highest incentive percentage stipends. No Officer shall receive more than five percent (5%) Incentive Pay regardless of specialty pay eligibility. In addition, Officers serving as Field Training Officers will receive one hour pay for every day they actually serve in that capacity. In the event the Field Training Officer does not earn at least $500.00 annually, then the Field Training Officer specialty will not be included in the above count of three /two additional specialty stipends in addition to base salary.</p><p>If a new specialty position is created during the term of this Agreement, said specialty position shall receive a minimum percentage of .50% during the term of the Agreement, at which time the incentive percentage for the new specialty position shall be subject to negotiation.</p><p>43 </p>
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