SUN #4 Modern Stuff

SUN #4 Modern Stuff

<p> 1 SUN #4 Modern Stuff Student Contact Info McDermott: [email protected]</p><p>Table of Contents Page Assignment 1. Student Contact/Table of Contents 2. Table of Contents Cont 3. My Grade Page 4. Process: Ch. 31 * 5. Notes: Ch. 31 6. DBQ Assignment * 7. DBQ Setup 8. Entrepreneur Assignment * 9. Art of Industrialization * 10. Process: Ch. 32* 11. Notes: Ch. 32 12. DBQ #4 * 13. DBQ #4 Instructions 14. Process: Imperialism Sources * 15. Notes: Ch. 30-32 Stuff 16. Process: Ch. 33 * 17. Notes: Ch. 33 18. Process: Ch. 34 * 19. Notes: Ch. 34 20. WWI Letter Home * 21. WWI Info 22. Process: Ch. 35 * 23. Notes: Ch. 35 24. Process: Ch. 36 * 25. Notes: Ch. 36 26. Comparative Essay Scoring * (E.C. Op. 3, 5, 7) 27. Comparative Essay Scoring 28. Process: Ch. 37 * 29. Notes: Ch. 37 30. Controversies WWII ** 31. WWII 32. Process: Ch. 38 * 33. Notes: Ch. 38 34. Process: Ch. 39 * 35. Notes: Ch. 39 36. Review Project ** 37. Review Project Directions 38. Process: Ch. 40 * 39. Notes: Ch. 40</p><p>37 The Interview Project You are going to be a Television Interview Personality who will be interviewing a famous person from history of the last couple of hundred years (1750-1999). For this assignment do the following criteria: 1. Your interview will be recorded by transcript on page 36. 2. In your interview you will choose a person from history in the last 250 years approximately. This person must be someone from world history who was not from the United States. 3. You will be choosing this person by making a list of your top three choices of who you want to interview and your choice will be confirmed by Mr. McD. 4. In your interview there must be evidence of at least three elements of culture. 5. In your interview there must be at least 5 examples of historical based evidence. </p><p>38 Process: Ch. 40 1. Examine concepts such as Americanization and McDonaldization. How influential is the United States in the world today? Why are some countries frightened by this influence? (12) 2. What roles have international organizations such as the United Nations played in today’s world? How will they continue to shape the future? What role does technology play in the modern world? 31 Controversies of WWII On Page 30 you will be making a couple of charts showing different controversies of WWII. For each controversy you will do the following: 1. Make an “upside-down T-chart” (there will be a total of three) for each of the controversies. 2. On one side of the chart have the “pro” side of the controversy on the left (or the reason for justification for it). On the other side include the “con” side of the controversy (the reason why they should not have done it, or why it wasn’t justified). 3. On the bottom of the T-chart include your decision as to which side you are on (you have to pick a side). Explain WHY you choose that side of the controversy.</p><p>32 Process: Ch. 38 1. Discuss the origins of the Cold War. Analyze the fundamental differences between the Soviet Union and the United States? What role did ideology play in the Cold War? (12) 2. Examine the role played by Eastern Europe in the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Compare and contrast the American experiences in Vietnam to that of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. 34 Process: Ch. 39 1. Kwame Nkrumah proposed that “we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity.” Why was political fragmentation such a threat to the newly independent Africa? (11) 2. Discuss the exploding economies of Asia in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Discuss the reforms of Deng Xiaoping in China. Why was Japan so successful?</p><p>Totalitarianism Notes: Hitler (Rise to Power)</p><p>Hitler - The Early Years: Failed artists, corporal in the German Army during WWI, imprisoned for starting a riot (Beer Hall), wrote a book about his life in prison, and made important speech which got him to be an important part of a new Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. </p><p>1933 - Jan. Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. Feb. The Reichstag Fire. March The Enabling Act gives Hitler more power. April Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops. May Nazi sponsored book burning. July Nazi party declared only party in Germany. October Germany leaves the League of Nations.</p><p>1934 June The “Night of the Long Knives” July Nazis murder secretly the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss. August Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany</p><p>1935 March Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription. Sept. German Jews stripped of rights by the Nuremberg Race Laws.</p><p>1936 February German Gestapo is placed above the law. March German troops enter and occupy the Rhineland. August Olympic Games begin in Berlin.</p><p>1937 November Hitler reveals War plans during Hossbach Conference. </p><p>1938 March Germany announces “Anshluss” with Austria. August German military mobilizes. September British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich October German troops occupy the Sudetenland: Czech Government resigns. November Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass.</p><p>1939 Jan. Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech. March Nazis occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia. May Nazis sign “pact of Steel” with Italy. August Nazis and Soviet sign non-aggression pact. September German army invades Poland. </p><p>28 Process: Ch. 37 1. Examine the early German successes in World War II. Why was Hitler so successful? What was Germany’s high point? How close was Hitler to total victory? What were the turning points in World War II? (12) 2. Compare and contrast the origins of World War I and World War II. Were there any similarities? Discuss the nature and size of the conflict. Why has World War II been called the “good war”?</p><p>21 Letter Home - WWI Instructions You are a soldier on the “Western Front” during the Great War. You have been ordered to write a letter that will be delivered in the event of your death to loved ones back at home. Follow the criteria below to write this letter.</p><p>1. This is the last letter that anyone will read from you. Treat it as such. 2. As a French, English, or German soldier how do you feel about the war? Why? 3. Include at least two aspects of culture from the time period and how you as a soldier are responding to those aspects. 4. You will have about 3 minutes to write this letter, it will be timed. The letter will be written on page 20. </p><p>24 Process: Ch. 36 1. Examine United States President Woodrow Wilson’s concept of the self-determination of nations. Why did it have such a profound impact in the years following World War I on Asia, Africa, and Latin America? (12) 2. Examine the struggle for political stability in China in the 1920s and 1930s. What role did Sun Yatsen play in this process? 27 Comparative Essay Scoring When looking at what is required for the Comparative Essay you need to have the following things present in your essay: 1. Thesis: Places and Time(s), address the question in the form of an argument (must include similarities and differences), and solve that argument – denote at least one similarity and one difference. 1 Point 2. Address All Parts of the Question: The body of the essay must address similarities and differences although not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. 2 points (1 point similarities, 1 point differences). 3. Evidence: You must have at least one piece of evidence for a similarity and one piece for a difference. AND you must have a total of five pieces of evidence. 2 points (1 point if only evidence for differences or similarities, or if 3 pieces of evidence, and 2 for 5 pieces of evidence). 4. Direct Relevant Comparison: Must specifically address a direct comparison between the two cultures. The thesis does not count for this. 1 point 5. Analysis of a similarity or difference: Must explain WHY and analyze a comparison between the cultures. 1 point</p><p>On page #26 you will be scoring S1, S2, and S3. When you score each one you will explain why they did or did not get the point(s) that they earned from you scoring the sample. </p><p>22 Process: Ch. 35 1. From Mein Kampf: “What we see before us today as human culture, all the fields of art, science, and technology, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryans.” Why did Hitler say this? In what ways does it represent the foundation of his thought? (11) 2. What did Gertrude Stein mean when she wrote that “You are all a lost generation”? Compare and contrast the ideas and regimes of Stalin and Hitler.</p><p>14 Process: Imperialism Primary Sources 1. Rudyard Kipling’s poem (White Man’s Burden) can be best paraphrased by you in what way? Also take 3 examples of bias (in tone) from phrases and analyze them. (12) 2. George Orwell’s short story (To Shoot an Elephant) has a different take on Imperialism than Kipling. Analyze Orwell’s experience with imperialism in Burma. 18 Process: Ch. 34 1. Why did Wilfred Owen call the line from Horace—“It is sweet and proper to die for one’s country”—an “old Lie?” What does this line say about the role of nationalism in the war and the experience of the common soldier? (12) 2. What were the fundamental mistakes of the negotiators at Paris who drew up the Treaty of Versailles? Were they doomed from the start? Was World War II inevitable?</p><p>16 Process: Ch. 33 1. Examine the racist beliefs that played such a central role in European imperialism. How did racism justify imperialism and also inspire it? (11) 2. Examine imperialism in Africa. What were the major goals of the Europeans? Why was Africa treated differently than other colonies? How did the carving up of Africa lead to tension among the European nations?</p><p>13 DBQ #4 Instructions Go online to the AP Central website and go to the AP World History course homepage. If you go to the exam information page and pull up the 2007 year test DBQ that is the DBQ you will be working with for this assignment. -On page 12 you need to do the following things: 1. Make a chart setting up your DBQ like the one Mr. McD has made a couple of times. 2. Write the thesis for the essay. 3. Note 3 documents for Point of View (bias) and explain why the author has this bias. 4. Include 2 other document sources and why those documents would support your thesis. - For 15 points of extra credit write the entire essay and turn it in on the first Saturday session that we have in week 8.</p><p>10 Process: Ch. 32 1. Analyze the role Alexander II played in Russia. Compare his rule to other Russian czars. (12) 2. Compare the Young Turks to the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. What would these movements lead to? Why?</p><p>8 Entrepreneur Assignment You are an Entrepreneur (someone who starts and organizes a new business). You are in competition with other Entrepreneurs (the other period for example), so make wise choices when it comes to your business or you will be driven out of business by the competition.</p><p>Location: Cambria and Lancanshire Per. 5: Cambria Right Choice and why: Lancanshire</p><p>Work Force: Women and Children, Men Per. 5: Women and Children Right Choice and why: Women and Children</p><p>Power supply: Steam, horse, and water wheel Per 5: Water Wheel Right Choice and Why: Steam</p><p>Transportation of Goods: Road, Rail, or Water Per 5: Rail Right Choice and Why: Rail</p><p>Investment: Machinery or Worker Conditions Per 5: Worker Conditions Right Choice and Why: Machinery</p><p>Location: Cambria and Lancanshire Per. 2: Cambria Right Choice and why: Lancanshire </p><p>Work Force: Women and Children, Men Per. 2: Women and Children Right Choice and why: Women and Children</p><p>Power supply: Steam, horse, and water wheel Per 2: Steam Right Choice and why: Steam</p><p>Transportation of Goods: Road, Rail, or Water Per 2: Rail Right Choice and why: Rail Investment: Machinery or Worker Conditions Per 2: Worker Conditions Right Choice and why: Machinery</p><p>4 Process: Ch. 31 1. Examine the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States, Canada, and Latin America. What explains this diversity? What benefits and challenges did it bring? (12) 2. Discuss the significance of slavery in its relationship to the fragmentation of American unity. Discuss the contradictory nature of slavery in relation to the ideal of America.</p><p>7 DBQ Setup First, during the reading stage, make the chart. Directions for chart: 1. Underline what they are asking for in the prompt. 2. Find out how many documents there are and make a chart with the Docs on top, and on the left the factors/categories/solutions will be listed (2-3). 3. Go through the documents and after finding similar docs start to fill in the left “variables” on the chart and start marking off where those docs go. 4. Use the chart to write the essay. Writing the Essay: Use the chart to write your thesis: [1st Paragraph] Thesis: During ______(Time) in ______(Place) the ______(What you underlined in the prompt) was affected by ______(Those categories you placed on the left side of your chart – be specific enough so that it can be understood, i.e. don’t just put “social” as one of the categories in your thesis, its fine for your chart but explain what you mean by social with a few more words). [2nd Paragraph] Grouping: Group the documents from your thesis categories. Documents ______(at least 2 documents), are grouped by ______(one of the categories that you had in your thesis). Documents ______(at least 2 documents) are grouped because they ______(another category from the thesis). Do this until you have all of your groups explained. Try to stay away from more than 3 groupings, unless it really makes sense to do that. [3rd paragraph] Explain the documents in a sentence each, and explain why they are evidence for your thesis with a sentence each for one of the groups. [4th paragraph] Explain the documents in a sentence each, and explain why they are evidence for your thesis with a sentence each for one of the groups. [5th paragraph] If you are done with explaining all the documents then this paragraph would be used for pointing out bias in at least two documents (at least one from each group). If you are not done with your documents then this paragraph will continue to be explaining and evidence from the documents. [6th paragraph] Name a source of another document that would help your thesis from a source that has not yet been used. You must explain how this document would help your thesis (i.e. it has to address the prompt).</p><p>6 DBQ Assignment Prompts: 1. Using the documents, analyze African actions and reactions in response to the European Scramble for Africa. Write a possible thesis for this prompt (pretend you know what the documents are): 2. Using the documents, analyze the social and economic effects of the global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century. Write a possible thesis for this prompt: Write a possible other document for this prompt:</p><p>3. Using the documents, analyze Han and Roman attitudes toward technology. Write a possible thesis for this prompt: Write about two possible biases that could exist from possible biases:</p><p>(Take out a piece of paper – this is not a page in your SUN)</p><p>Comparative Essay #1 Directions: Write an essay that: -Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence. -Addresses all parts of the question. -Makes direct, relevant comparisons.</p><p>1. Cultural advancement was present in many civilizations throughout history. Dealing with aspects of culture, compare TWO of the following civilizations during their greatest period of cultural advancement that we have covered in this class so far. Islam Europe (end of Middle Ages) Greeks China (Song, or Zhou)</p><p>Comparative Essay #2 1. Has an Acceptable Thesis: -Must contain both WWI and WWII, causes and course, a similarity and difference. -Must display knowledge of course (how the wars were fought) and causes (what lead up to the wars). -Relevant time period (first half of the 20th century, during WWI and WWII). -May be in first or last paragraph. 1 point</p><p>2. Address All Parts of the Question -Must address correctly a similarity AND a difference between both causes AND course of WWI AND WWII. 2 points. -Only addresses correctly a similarity OR a difference between the cause OR course of WWI AND WWII. 1 point</p><p>3. Supports Thesis with Appropriate Historical Evidence -5 Specific pieces of evidence. (must be correct) -Must have at least 1 piece of evidence for cause AND course of wars. Must have at least 1 piece of evidence for similarity AND difference. 2 points -3 Specific pieces of evidence. (must be correct) 1 point</p><p>4. Direct Relevant Comparison. -Must make at least one direct comparison between the cause or course of WWI and WWII. Usually this is done in one sentence. (Examples: Both WWI and WWII saw similarities in the aspect of using the concept of total war throughout the course of the wars. Unlike WWI, WWII was primarily caused by the inability of nations to want to stop a country from making imperialistic gains.) 1 point 5. Analyzes a Comparison. -Must explain the REASON WHY WWI and WWII were similar or different with regard to their course, or cause. 1 point</p><p>Your essay # that you will be grading: _____ Score the essay received that you graded: ____ points</p>

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