Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou s3

Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou s3

<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2014.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY MITCH HART, COUNCIL PRESIDENT.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: MITCHELL J. HART, PRES.</p><p>LYNDA LEE</p><p>JON D. GOODE</p><p>ROBERT M. LAU CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 2 OF 25</p><p>EXCUSED: JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>Michele Reddish</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Debbie Pugmire</p><p>Clyde Nelson, CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 3 OF 25</p><p>Attorney</p><p>Jon Bunderson</p><p>Cindy Bunderson</p><p>Austin & Jackie </p><p>Robinson</p><p>Judy Peele</p><p>Deana Hansen</p><p>Brittny A. Hobson CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 4 OF 25</p><p>CeJay Golightly</p><p>Sharon McWilliams</p><p>Rodger Sorensen</p><p>Walker McWilliams</p><p>Milt Blatter</p><p>Charles Fryar</p><p>Curtis & Dawn </p><p>Farnes</p><p>Jessica Ineck CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 5 OF 25</p><p>Britton McWilliams</p><p>Kevin Ineck</p><p>Spencer Hughes</p><p>Eric Daley</p><p>Danny Bunderson</p><p>Sjuni Bunderson</p><p>Mitch Brown</p><p>Darrell & Pat Farnes</p><p>David Kress CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 6 OF 25</p><p>The invocation was given by Michele Reddish; Council President Hart then led everyone in </p><p> the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meetings. Councilmember Goode moved to</p><p> dispense with the reading of the September 3rd, 2014 minutes and the special meeting of </p><p> th September 5 , 2014 and approve them as written. Councilmember Lee seconded the </p><p> motion. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>The payroll for August and the pre-paid accounts payable for September were reviewed. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 7 OF 25</p><p>Councilmember Lau moved to approve the August Payroll and the pre-paid accounts </p><p> payable for September, 2014. Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. All in favor, </p><p> motion carried.</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED PAYROLL & ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTERS FOR DETAIL)</p><p>Director Skinner presented the revised consent order from the Department of </p><p>Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the Formation Spring improvements. The previously </p><p> requested changes to the consent order were agreed to and made by DEQ. If the consent CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 8 OF 25</p><p> order is acceptable it needs to be approved, signed and returned within 15 days which </p><p> would be before the end of September. Councilmember Lau asked if Director Skinner had </p><p> any concerns with the final draft. Director Skinner mentioned he did not, DEQ accepted all </p><p> changes requested and the consent order includes a section allowing reconsideration of the</p><p> cryptosporidium test and a year for funding options. Councilmember Hart explained that </p><p> this is how DEQ plans for us to evaluate potential solutions, proposals, alternatives and </p><p> then negotiate with the regulatory agencies and implement by May of 2020 depending on </p><p> the option approved. Director Skinner mentioned the consent order replaces the current </p><p> deadline to have filtration in place within 18 months giving the City more time to research CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 9 OF 25</p><p> and find the best solution. A proposal from A+ Construction to construct the new </p><p> chlorination building was reviewed. Director Skinner explained that he requested bids </p><p> from two local contractors and got one back. The cost of the project does not require any </p><p> formal bidding. Councilmember Lau moved to approve the contract offer from A+ </p><p>Contractors in the amount of $42,900 to construct the new chlorination building. </p><p>Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Councilmember </p><p>Lau also moved to approve the acceptance and Mayor’s signature on the DEQ Consent </p><p>Order regarding improvements to Formation Springs. Councilmember Lee seconded the </p><p> motion. All in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 10 OF 25</p><p>Director Skinner presented the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approval for </p><p> the Court Street water and sewer line replacement project. The approval included </p><p> standard conditions and is good through September 15, 2015. Forsgren Engineers </p><p> provided a summary of the four bids received for the project. Bids were received from A+ </p><p>Contractors, Gale Lim Construction, Staker & Parsons Co. and S & L Underground. After </p><p> evaluation of the bids it was determined that S & L did not meet all the requirements and </p><p> they asked to withdraw their bid. Director Skinner reviewed the cost difference between </p><p> doing the project this fall or waiting until spring. Director Skinner relayed the Mayor’s CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 11 OF 25</p><p> recommendation to proceed with the project as soon as possible to reduce the risk of more </p><p> problems. The Council discussed the time frame of the project. Director Skinner </p><p> mentioned that he has talked to some property owners and most are worried about lawn </p><p> damage. He will hold a public meeting next week if the Council approves to proceed. </p><p>Councilmember Lau moved to approve A+ Contractors bid for the Court Street water and </p><p> sewer line replacement project and proceed as soon as possible per the Mayor’s </p><p> recommendation. Councilmember Goode seconded the motion. Councilmember Lee asked </p><p>Director Skinner if he felt confident that the job will get done correctly. Director Skinner </p><p> stated that he will expect it to be done per the specifications and will not compromise. A CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 12 OF 25</p><p> vote on the motion was called. All in favor, motion carried. Councilmember Lau also </p><p> moved to approve the bid release letter to be sent to S & L Underground, seconded by </p><p>Councilmember Goode. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Attorney Nelson and Clerk Vorwaller presented a final draft of the proposed animal control</p><p> ordinance amending the current code to clarify several items including the number of pets </p><p> allowed with and without a kennel license. The Council agreed to take time to review the </p><p> ordinance and consider approval at the next meeting. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 13 OF 25</p><p>Councilmember Lau reported on the Soda Springs Super Hero recognition and the ice </p><p> bucket challenge that was held September 12th to honor Jon C. Hall. Mr. Hall was honored </p><p> for his years of community support and it was a great event. Councilmember Lau </p><p> commended the community for coming out and rallying around Mr. Hall.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented an ordinance prepared by Bond Counsel, Stephanie Bonney out </p><p> of Boise. The ordinance finalizes the requirements for the Department of Environmental </p><p>Quality loans for the wastewater treatment plant project. Councilmember Goode pointed CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 14 OF 25</p><p> out a reference in the ordinance that the loans both had 20 year terms but our records </p><p> show that the second loan has a 30 year term. Clerk Vorwaller reviewed this with the Bond</p><p>Counsel and was directed to suggest approval contingent on the correction if necessary. </p><p>Councilmember Goode introduced Ordinance #642 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SODA</p><p>SPRINGS, IDAHO, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2014, IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000,000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SODA SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO; DESCRIBING THE BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION OF REVENUES; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON THE BONDS; ESTABLISHING FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING COVENANTS RELATING TO THE BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF THE BONDS TO THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY; </p><p>PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion </p><p> was then made by Councilmember Lau and seconded by Councilmember Lee that the rules </p><p> requiring ordinances to be read on three separate occasions be dispensed with and that the CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 15 OF 25</p><p> ordinance be read once by title only. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda </p><p>Lee</p><p>Robert</p><p>Lau CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 16 OF 25</p><p>Jon </p><p>Goode</p><p>Absent: </p><p>Mayor Smith</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller read Ordinance #642 by title only. Councilmember Goode then moved to </p><p> approve the adoption of Ordinance #642 authorizing the issuance of sewer revenue bonds </p><p> contingent on the clarification and correction of Section 3 regarding the payment terms of </p><p> the bonds. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion for adoption. A roll call showed the CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 17 OF 25</p><p> following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Jon Goode</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda Lee</p><p>Robert Lau</p><p>Mitch Hart Absent: Mayor Smith</p><p>Motion Carried. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 18 OF 25</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED COPY OF ORDINANCE #642 - ORIGINAL ON FILE)</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented a resolution amending the personnel policy manual deleting the </p><p> section requiring police officers to be paid per an old Fair Labor Standards Act. The </p><p> amendment will allow the police officers to be paid the same as all other City employees </p><p> and receive overtime for actual hours worked over 40 hours a week. Councilmember </p><p>Goode moved to approve resolution 2014-3 as drafted regarding police compensation </p><p> amending the personnel policy. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. Councilmember CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 19 OF 25</p><p>Lau expressed concerns regarding the economic impact on the budget and asked that it be </p><p> evaluated in 6 months to see how it is going. The Council agreed they would like to review </p><p> the new pay policy in 6 months. A vote on the motion to approve Resolution 2014-3 was </p><p> called. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>(See attached copy of Resolution 2014-3 - Original on file.)</p><p>New Chief of Police, Jon Bunderson was sworn in. Council President Hart mentioned that it </p><p> was an honor to administer the Oath of Office to Chief Bunderson stating it’s not very often CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 20 OF 25</p><p> a new Police Chief is appointed. The Council congratulated Chief Bunderson along with </p><p> many family and friends who were in attendance.</p><p>Long time members of the Airport Commission, Rodger Sorensen and Milt Blatter, were in </p><p> attendance. The Council approved the reappointment of the two Airport Commission </p><p> members for a term of two years. Council President Hart administered the Oath of Office </p><p> and thanked them for serving.</p><p>There was no citizen input at the designated time. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 21 OF 25</p><p>Councilmember Lau moved to approve entering into executive session pursuant to I.C. 67-</p><p>2345(1)(b) to consider the evaluation of public employees and staff. Councilmember Lee </p><p> seconded the motion. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Robert Lau</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda Lee CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 22 OF 25</p><p>Mitch Hart</p><p>Jon Goode Absent: Mayor Smith</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>Councilmember Lee moved to exit executive session, seconded by Councilmember Goode. </p><p>All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>Councilmember Goode moved to approve the Mayor’s proposed cost of living allowance </p><p> and employee wage adjustments. The recommendation included a true 2% wage increase CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 23 OF 25</p><p> for all employees, setting and designating the Police Chief, City Director and City Clerk as </p><p> salaried positions and an additional $1500 annual expense allowance for the Assistant Fire </p><p>Chief. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Councilmember Lau moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40pm, seconded by </p><p>Councilmember Goode. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 24 OF 25</p><p>2014.</p><p>______</p><p>James R. Smith, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST: CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 PAGE 25 OF 25</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk</p>

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