<p>LAKOTA EAST HIGH SCHOOL AND FRESHMAN SCHOOL VOCAL DEPARTMENT HANDBOOK 2017-18</p><p>DIRECTORS: Rebecca Huddilston [email protected] Susan Hartman [email protected]</p><p>Office Phone: 759-8615 (Ext. 15182)</p><p>Follow us on the Web: www . l a k o t a ea s tv o i c es. com </p><p>Follow our Parent Booster Facebook: Lakota East High School Choir Boosters </p><p>Follow the Singing Thunderhawks on Twitter: @LEHSvocal August 1, 2017</p><p>Dear Choir Members and Parents,</p><p>Welcome to the vocal excellence at Lakota East High School and Lakota East Freshman. This is an exciting year to be a part of such a talented and hard working group of students and staff. You will be a part of one of our many growing programs at Lakota High School. If you are a Freshman, welcome to your first year of high school as a “Singing Thunderhawk”! We have many performance opportunities scheduled throughout the year including campus and combined concerts, sporting event performances and many OMEA sanctioned events. First, we want to welcome Susan Hartman as the new Assistant Choir Director at Lakota East High School. Although we will miss the wonderful work Jocelyn Hardy did with our students last year, I know Mrs. Hartman will be an asset to our program. She has 8 years of experience teaching choral methods at the high school level and several years of private studio teaching for many of our own Singing Hawks. Welcome Mrs. Hartman!</p><p>H A C C O RR ES P O N D E NC E F OR A LL PAR E N TS A N D ST U D E N TS: It is imperative for parents and students to be connected to Home Access Center (HAC). All future correspondence, weekly updates and news will be sent out through email on HAC. Please note: if your email changes, I cannot change your email on your personal account. Please contact the main office for any help with personal HAC email settings. Please make sure your email is updated on HAC to get the choir update and information needed to be successful in class!</p><p>LEHS/ L E F S C HO RA L B O OSTE R S: In a future email, you will be invited to join our 2017- 18 Lakota East Choral Boosters. Our choral booster’s organization is our number one supporters of all our ensembles. We need you to continue our parent support in all grades 9- 12! A separate Thunderhawk Choral Boosters email will be sent out soon! C OST UM ES A N D ACC ESSO R I ES : All students will be fitted with a choral concert outfit within the first week of school by our costume parents. All students will have an outfit they will be responsible for and will need to return at the end of the school year. GENTLEMEN: All men who perform in our choirs will need to purchase or rent tuxedo shoes. These shoes are fitted and special ordered to fit our guys. Men will be fitted at school for their size. They run $25 a pair (cost and shipping). We also have a small supply of used shoes for purchase at the cost of $12.50. Rental for the shoes is $10 for the year (shoes are in limited supply and must be returned at the end of the year). If you are interested in renting these shoes you must get your order form (accompanied with a check or money order) in as soon as possible to assure we have your size. If we cannot accommodate your son’s size, they will have to buy a new pair. OF COURSE, IF YOUR SON HAS OUTGROWN HIS TUXEDO CHOIR SHOES, BRING THEM IN FOR A TRADE TO A NEW OR RENTAL PAIR. LADIES: All ladies will be fitted for a choir uniform! Women’s Freshman Choir members will be fitted for a choir robe and collar that will be kept at school. Ladies who are in Eastside Voices and Women’s Silver and Black choirs will be required to purchase a uniform necklace and bracelet set. ALL LADIES 9-12 ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING D R E SS P U M P S FOR THEIR CONCERT ATTIRE. PLEASE CHECK WITH MS. HUDDILSTON FOR ANY QUESTIONS.</p><p>MATERIALS NEEDED FOR CLASS: Each choir member will receive a 3 ring binder for their choir music. This binder is used to put their music ONLY for use during class and in concert. Students will also need to have a folder to put their theory work and homework. Students will be responsible in each class to have this binder with their music and a pencil with them for each class. Points will be taken off if students come to class without their materials. **Please see attached class expectations for further instructions.</p><p>Make sure you have access to www.lakotaeastvoices.com !!! This is our class webpage that has student rehearsal files, forms and information for class. </p><p>Feel free to contact us at any time with questions you may have. We look forward to working with each voice and hope that lessons learned in music rehearsal and performance will be memories to last a lifetime.</p><p>Here’s to a GREAT, musical year,</p><p>Rebecca Huddilston & Susan Hartman LEFS/LEHS CHORAL DIRECTORS THUNDERHAWK CHOIR MEMBERS:</p><p>This is your first assignment for a grade!</p><p>PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAST PAGE OF THE PACKET and EMF ATTACHMENT!!!!!!</p><p>YOU MUST RETURN TO CLASS:</p><p>1) The Student/Parent Handbook form signed by both student and parent.</p><p>2) A Copy of your EMF form we keep on file for field trips and concert (we are required by law to have these forms with us in case of an emergency)</p><p>****PLEASE NOTE: YOU WILL NEED AN EMF FORM FOR SCHOOL AS WELL. THE EMF PROGRAM PROVIDED WITH THIS EMAIL ALLOWS YOU TO TYPE THE INFORMATION AND PRINT OR FORWARD IN AN EMAIL DIRECTLY TO YOUR CHOIR TEACHER. PLEASE MAKE 2 COPIES OF YOUR EMF (ONE FOR SCHOOL AND ONE FOR CHOIR)</p><p>IT IS DUE NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1ST TO GET FULL CREDIT (200 POINTS). </p><p>BRING IT IN THE FIRST DAY IF POSSIBLE! **FILL OUT ONLY IF YOU NEED TO ORDER UNFORM ACCESSORIES** LEHS AND L EFS U NIFORM ORD E R FORM MAIN CAMPUS CHOIRS ONLY!!!!! (MEN’S, WOMEN’S BLACK, WOMEN’S SILVER, EASTSIDE VOICES, COMPANY)</p><p>STUDENT NAME: </p><p>ENSEMBLE N A ME : </p><p>GR A D E: </p><p>MEN’S TUXEDO SHOES: (MEN AND BOY SIZES AVAILABLE) Shoe Size: (Sizing done School) $25.00NEW **$12.50 USED/**$10.00 RENT **NO GUARANTEE FOR USED SHOES AVAILABILITY,GET ORDERS IN EARLY</p><p>ALL MAIN CAMPUS EASTSIDE VOICES AND WOMEN’S CHOIRS: (Necklace and earrings, ONLY NEEDED FOR PERIOD 3,4 AND 5 LADIES) $10.00</p><p>Total amount enclosed in envelope FOR ALL </p><p>ITEMS: $ </p><p>******** FRESHMAN WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE DO NOT NEED THIS FORM******** ****** (Make checks and money orders out to LEHS Choral Boosters. All orders must be in by Sept. 11 , 2017) </p><p>*** Students will not be issued items until they have paid in full. Please return money and order forms in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front. LE HS & LE FS VOCAL DEPART MENT</p><p>GR A DING P O LICY: Quarter Grades</p><p>1. Class Participation/Rehearsal 40% (Called Participation in HAC) All students start each quarter with a 100% participation grade Please refer to “Grading Criteria” to see how participation points SUBTRACTED each WEEK. General Participation Expectations: Be on time and ready to sing/THIS INCLUDES YOUR SINGING IN CLASS Have a pencil, FOLDER AND MUSIC No food, drink, gum in the room (WATER PLEASE)!!!! Maintain rehearsal etiquette daily (Do your best in each class rehearsal) 2. Singing/Sight Reading Checks 25% (Called Quizzes in HAC) The frequency and content of the singing and sight reading evaluations throughout each grading period is at the discretion of the director. Students who are absent from school on the day of a singing evaluation will be required to make-up that playing evaluation before school the day after they return.</p><p>3. Written Grades 15% (Called Written Assignments in HAC) Successful completion of assigned Theory Packets and listening analysis sheets. Students will have up to 5 days to make up any missed work for class. After that time, all written work will be counted as a 0 in the grade book.</p><p>4. Concert Attendance/Performance 20% (Called Tests in HAC) Please see “GRADING CRITERIA” in this handbook.</p><p>*****************************EXTRA CREDIT OPTIONS *********************************** Enrichment Points 5% (Called Extra Credit) </p><p>*******Enrichment Point forms will be given to students the last two weeks of each quarter to fill out and return to receive these points. Examples of enrichment opportunities………… *Private lessons (vocal or instrumental) *Attending concerts at all school levels (must submit a review sheet of the performance after attending) *Attending professional performances and returning with ticket stub and program (must submit a review sheet of the performance at attending) *Member and performer of any other music or theatre program (other than choir) at LEHS *Member and performer of any other outside choirs or bands approved by director *Participation in any OMEA event as a helper at the event. *Any public vocal performance at an athletic event (as a solo or in a small feature group) *Other opportunities are open to points and are at the discretion of the director. GR A DE C RIT ERI A : 1) A m is s ed p e r for m a n ce that is un e x c u sed and had not been made prior knowledge to the director will result in a large makeup written assignment or lowered grade. The student must will have one week to report to the director about the missed performance and receive the assignment. Makeup assignment must be received in 2 weeks after assigned in order to receive credit for unexcused performance. 2) U n e x c u sed ab s e n ces f r o m sc hoo l will affect class performance/test grade. (Excused absences can be made up with extra credit work given by directors.) 3) Ta r d y to performance will result in a lower performance grade. 4) U np repared fo r cl a ss or per for m a n ce (THIS INCLUDES: missing outfit, music, materials needed for your success in class or performance) 5) Mis u se o f sc hoo l iss u ed per for m a n ce ou t f it will result in a lowered grade and replacement costs of the outfit if damaged. 6) Not prepared or participation in class will result in a lowered class participation score (up to 20% for the class period) 7) Students will be responsible for all worksheets, quizzes and tests for the class.</p><p>REVIEW “CLASS GUIDELINES” AND PRACTICE THESE REHEARSAL ETIQUETTE TECHNIQUES DAILY TO INSURE A SUCCESSFUL GRADE FOR CLASS!! PR O CE DUR E FOR T A RDY O R T ARD I ES TO CLASS (Tardy Procedures are posted in classroom and on door daily)</p><p>1st Tardy = Warning</p><p>2nd Tardy = Parents notified and/or Teacher Detention assigned.</p><p>3rd Tardy = Teacher Detention and Parents notified.</p><p>4th Tardy and beyond will result in office referral and ensuing disciplinary action.</p><p>Office Penalty for tardy to class:</p><p>4th Tardy = 2 hr. DT 5th Tardy = 2 hr. DT 6th Tardy = Friday School 7th Tardy = Friday School and Loss of Parking Pass</p><p>***STUDENTS WHO ARE GIVEN DETENTION AND DO NOT SERVE THAT DETENTION WILL BE REFERRED TO THE OFFICE!</p><p>BE ON TIME TO ALL YOUR CLASSES! HAVE A PLANNER READY WITH A SIGNED PASS IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE! CLASSROOM EXPECTA TIONS (Guidelines are posted in classroom daily) ALL CHORAL STUDENTS WILL……….</p><p>1) BRING NO FOOD OR DRINKS! WATER IS PERMITTED. 2) NO GUM or CANDY AT ANYTIME IN THE ROOM! 3) UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED, KEEP ALL PERSONAL BELONGINGS AND BOOKS TO THE SIDES OF THE ROOM. 4) BE IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT/SPOT WHEN THE BELL RINGS. 5) WARM-UPS BEGIN WHEN THE BELL RINGS. 6) CELLPHONE ARE NOT TO BE SEEN IN CLASS UNLESS YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO USE THEM. PHONES WILL BE CONFISCATED AND GIVEN TO STUDENTS ADMINISTRATOR IF THERE IS AN ISSUE. KEEP YOUR PHONE IN YOUR BAG OR ON PIANO UNTIL NEEDED FOR CLASS. 8) PRACTICE AS IN PERFORMANCE DAILY IN CLASS AND ON OUR OFFICIAL WEBPAGE WWW.LAKOTAEASTVOICES.COM 9) MAKE SURE TO CHECK HAC REGULARLY FOR MISSING WORK OR GRADES. LET’S PRACTICE AND PERFORM WITH HAWK PRIDE! FOR MAL CONCE RT ATTIR E</p><p>E a st s ide V o i c es, W o m en’s Ensemble Black & Sil v e r Concert attire consists of black formal concert dress (tuxedo or formal gown), black socks or hose and closed toed shoes (men with tux shoes, ladies with pumps). You will be assigned and responsible for your outfit and its safe and wearable return to school at the end of the year.</p><p>E a st s ide C o mpa n y Women: Concert dress, black shoes (pumps with 2” or less heal) tan hose, and uniform pearl necklace and bracelet.</p><p>Men: Black tuxedo pants, vest, tie, and black tuxedo shoes. Dress shirt (color) will be ordered for each singer.</p><p>Men’s Ensemble Concert attire consists of a tuxedo. Student needs to provide black tuxedo shoes and black socks. You will be assigned and responsible for your outfit and its safe and wearable return to school at the end of the year.</p><p>Fre s h man W omen’s Ensemble You will be assigned a choir robe. You must supply black pants (no jeans or warm-ups), black socks and close toed shoes (preferably pumps AND less than 2”). You must wear a shirt under your robe with short sleeves shirts.</p><p>INTERESTED IS SOME OFFICIAL “SINGING THUNDERHAWKS” SPRIT WEAR? CHOIR SHIRT, LANYARDS, WINDOW STICKERS, SWEATS, ETC. WILL BE ORDERED DURING OUR CHORAL BOOSTER SPIRIT SALE AT A LATER TIME.</p><p>SINGING HAWKS! PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM AND YOUR EMF! ASSIGNMENT # 1 (200 POINTS) Parents and Choir students,</p><p>After reading the entire contents of this handbook, please fill out all the forms provided.</p><p>* E M F F orm (SEE ATTACHMENT OR FILE) * H an d book A g re e m e nt si g n ed by pa r ent and s tudent.</p><p>These documents are due back to class by Sept. 1st in order to receive full credit (200 pts.) for class and your grade. P o i nts w i l l b e ded u c t ed from y our g r ade for th i s document be i n g la t e or m i s si n g.</p><p>THIS IS AN ASSIGNMENT……….turning these forms in the first day of class will assure your 200 points for class. Failure to return this information after Sept. 1 will result in a lowered grade for this assignment.</p><p>We are looking forward to a great year of music!!!!! </p><p>Open house for LEFS August 21st and on August 23rd at East H.S. Both events are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!</p><p>I hereby, having read the contents of this handbook, agree to the expectations stated in the LEFS/LEHS handbook.</p><p>Student’s Signature </p><p>Class/Period: ______</p><p>Parent’s Signature </p><p>Parent’s E-Mail Address: </p><p>***Please return t h i s f o r m a n d a c op y o f y o u r E M F f o r m to class for full credit by September 1, 2017 L E HS & L E FS V O CAL DEPAR T MENT 2017-18 PERFORMANC E SCHEDULE (9 -12)</p><p>O c t. 3, 2017 **LEHS and LEFS Fall Choral Concert@Main Campus 7:00 & (Tuesday) Student call time TBA 8:00</p><p>Nov. 10, 2017 LEHS Veterans Celebration/during school day (Friday)</p><p>Oct.-Dec., 2017 Various rehearsals with WC Symphony for Holiday Concert</p><p>D ec . 4, 2017 **ALL LEHS and LEFS Holiday Concert Rehearsal with West Chester Symphony @ (Monday) Princeton Pike Church (7:00-9:00)/ Student call time TBA</p><p>D ec . 5, 2017 ** ALL LEHS and LEFS Holiday Concert (7:00) (Tuesday) with West Chester Symphony@Princeton Pike Church/ Student call time TBA</p><p>January 20 , 2018 OMEA District 13 Solo & Ensemble at West H.S. (Saturday) Specific time TBA</p><p>February 8-10, 2018 **OMEA CONVENTION EASTSIDE VOICES (Thur-Sat. TBA)</p><p>February 27 , 2018 **ALL LEHS & LEFS Winter Choral Concert @Main Campus 7:00 (Tuesday) Student call time TBA & 8:00</p><p>Ma rc h 9-10, 2018 **ALL LEHS and LEFS OMEA District 13 Large Group (Friday or Saturday) Adjudicated Event (specific day and time for individual choirs TBA)</p><p>April 27-28, 2018 **OMEA SW State Adjudicated Event/TBA (Fri. or Sat.)</p><p>M a y 4, 20 1 8 **ALL LEHS and LEFS Spring Choral Concert at (Friday) Liberty Theatre (7:00) AWARDS NIGHT/ Student call time TBA</p><p>1) ** (Asterisks) ARE REQUIRED PERFORMANCES/PRACTICES AND WILL COUNT TOWARD GRADES FOR CLASS. ACCOMODATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS WILL HAVE BEEN MADE WITH COACHES AND MS. HUDDILSTON or MRS. HARTMAN UPON REQUEST. 2) PLEASE CHECK THESE DATES NOW AND SEND ME ANY PROBLEMS ASAP. THIS WILL HELP WITH ANY CONFLICTS AND STUDENT GRADES 3) EASTSIDE MUSIC COMPANY WILL HAVE THIS SCHEDULE AND REVISED DATES AS THEY ARE REQUESTED FROM THE COMMUNITY. DATES WILL BE SHARED 3-6 WEEKS PRIOR AND COMPANY MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP A CALENDAR OF THESE EVENTS. 4) SOME DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH A 3 WEEK NOTICE.</p><p>P AREN T S : Please help me help your student with organization of these events. This is an important process and is the beginning of your child managing their schedule and making good choices in their future. </p>
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