Associate Professor Robert Stamps

Associate Professor Robert Stamps

<p> Australian Participants </p><p>Professor Lorenzo Faraone WA Centre for Semiconductor Optoelectronics & Microsystems (WACSOM), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Australia, M018 35, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009 Australia</p><p>Tel: +61 8 6488 3104 Fax: +61 8 6488 1095 Email: [email protected] </p><p>Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics Research at The University of Western Australia and The Australian National University</p><p>This talk will present an overview of nanotechnology-related research currently being undertaken by Professor Lorenzo Faraone’s group at The University of Western Australia (Perth, WA) and Professor Jagadish’s group at The Australian National University (Canberra, ACT). These two groups include the largest research activities in Australia in the area of compound semiconductor nanoelectronics and nanophotonics. Areas to be covered include: </p><p> nano-porous silicon for optical applications (UWA)  MBE-grown HgTe/CdTe superlattices for very-long wavelength detectors (UWA)  transport properties in AlGaN/GaN and SOI nanostructures (UWA)  Quantum Dot Integrated Lasers and Nanowires (ANU)  III-V quantum dot IR detector technology (ANU)  MEMS-based tuneable QDIPs (joint ANU/UWA) </p><p>Current Position – Professor, Head Microelectronics Research Group and Director</p><p>Biography</p><p>Academic Qualifications PhD, The University of Western Australia (1979) BE(Hons), The University of Western Australia (1973) </p><p>Appointment and Employment History 1998-present: Professor, The University of Western Australia 2003-present: Director, WA Centre for Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Microsystems (WACSOM) 1999-2003: Head of Dept/School of EE&CE, The University of Western Australia 1993-1998: Associate Professor, The University of Western Australia</p><p>1 1997-1998: Visiting Professor, The University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 1993-1994: Visiting Professor, IMEC, Leuven University, Belgium 1986-1993: Senior Lecturer, The University of Western Australia 1980-1986: Member of Technical Staff, RCA Laboratories, Princeton, NJ, USA 1979-1980: Research Scientist, Lehigh University, PA, USA 1977-1978: Associate Lecturer, The University of Western Australia</p><p>Prizes and Awards 2006: Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA) 2004: Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering (FTSE) 2002 to present: IEEE Distinguished Lecturer 1997: John de Laeter Innovation Award 1986: RCA Laboratories Individual Outstanding Achievement Award 1983: RCA Laboratories Individual Outstanding Achievement Award 1972: Philips Prize in Electrical Engineering</p><p>Professional Interests Areas of research and industrial experience cover Si, GaAs, HgCdTe, AlGaN/GaN and Optical MEMS device physics and modelling, device fabrication technology and reliability, and electrical and physical characterisation of semiconductor materials and device structures. Areas of expertise include: electrical properties of defects and deep-level impurities in semiconductors; tunnelling effects in semiconductor device structures; physics and reliability aspects of non-volatile memories; radiation effects in MOS devices; GaAs fabrication technology and device physics; HgCdTe infrared materials, detector technology and reliability; AlGaN/GaN device physics; Optical MEMS technology; carrier transport in advanced semiconductor structures. Currently, Head of the Microelectronics Research Group (MRG), which consists of 12 academic and research staff, and 14 postgraduate PhD students. The MRG attracts extensive research funding, including several concurrent Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects, a number of research contracts from the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and industrial organisations, and a recent $3.5 million US DARPA grant as part of the Adaptive Focal Plane Array (AFPA) Program. The MRG was recently successful in establishing a $2.5 million Nanofabrication Facility as part of the State Government Centre of Excellence Program. Professor Faraone currently holds 8 US patents and 3 current patent applications, has supervised more than 30 PhD completions, and published more than 250 refereed technical papers</p><p>2 Dr. Patrick Gordon Hartley CSIRO Molecular & Health Technologies Bag 10, Clayton, Victoria 3169 Australia</p><p>Tel: +61 3 9545 2595 Fax: +61 3 9545 2515 Mobile: +61 0400 101 154 Email:[email protected] </p><p>Designer Interfaces with Biological Function</p><p>Research in our laboratory focuses on developing new materials and interfaces with biological functionality, based on studying and manipulating physico-chemical properties. Two current areas of interest are discussed. In the first ‘bottom up’ approach, we are seeking to manipulate the self assembly behaviour of natural and synthetic amphiphiles, to integrate cell surface recognition moieties within complex lyotropic mesophase structures. The specific interaction of these materials with biological toxins is discussed, and their potential role as a new class of polyvalent toxin antagonists is demonstrated. In the second ‘top down’ approach, we are exploring the development of nanolithographic techniques for surface patterning of antibodies. The approach is based on the plasma deposition of ultra-thin polymer coatings, and subsequent unmasking of underlying surface chemistry using an atomic force microscope operating in nanolithography mode. In all of our work, the characterization of surface and nanostructural properties plays a central role, and various approaches will be discussed.</p><p>Current Position Stream Leader</p><p>Biography Dr. Patrick Hartley is a research stream leader in CSIRO’s Division of Molecular & Health Technologies (CMHT). He manages a multidisciplinary team of 10 research scientists whose work is focused on the development of biofunctional nanomaterials. He is also deputy chair of the CMHT science council, which oversees the strategic development of CMHT’s science capability portfolio. He is the Chair of the Colloid and Surface Science Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.</p><p>Dr. Patrick Hartley graduated with a BSc. (Hons) in microbiology from the University of Warwick, UK in 1987, and obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1994. Prior to commencing his PhD studies, he was employed as development manager for a university spinoff company, Biolite Ltd., with responsibility for reagent production for a bioluminescence based biosensor. In 1994, he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the Royal Society, London, which allowed him to travel to the School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, to work on the study of surface interactions using the Atomic Force Microscope. In 1998, Dr. Hartley joined the CSIRO Division of Molecular Science as a research scientist in the Biomaterials Program, and he was appointed Project Leader within the Applied Chemistry program in 2000. Dr. Hartley’s research interests focus on the production of biofunctional materials</p><p>3 through the manipulation of physicochemical properties, particularly within self assembling systems and at interfaces. A strong emphasis is placed on advanced surface/structural characterization techniques (e.g. synchrotron) in his work. Dr. Hartley has extensive experience in establishing and leading collaborative R&D projects with academic institutions, publicly funded research agencies and with industry. Recent examples include Ausindustry R&D START grant projects in the areas of novel drug delivery materials and energy storage devices. This latter work was recognised with the award of the CSIRO Medal in 2004. Dr. Hartley has authored or coauthored 40 publications in peer reviewed journals, numerous CSIRO client reports and 3 patents. He is a graduate of CSIRO’s ‘Leading the Research Enterprise’ senior leadership training program (2005), and was awarded the Grimwade Prize in Industrial Chemistry by the University of Melbourne in 2004</p><p>4 Professor Deb Kane Department of Physics Macquarie University Sydney, NSW, 2109 Australia</p><p>Tel: +61 2 9850 8907 Fax: +61 2 9850 8155 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Laser, Particle-on-Surface Interactions In nanotechnology based industries, such as semiconductor fabrication and micro-photonics, the ultra-cleaning challenge to remove particles from surfaces increases as the particle sizes `of interest’ diminish. Pulsed laser processing techniques for ultra-cleaning sub-micron and nano-sized particles from surfaces are one of the techniques that are being researched and developed to meet this challenge. The Macquarie University SWIM (Short Wavelengths and Interactions with Materials) group is contributing strongly to researching laser cleaning for optical materials, in particlular. The particle-on-a-surface material system also allows the fundamental science of light propagation on micro- and nano-sized scales to be experimentally measured. Results from this research, along with some recent results in laser processing for photonics from the MQ node of the ARC Centre of Excellence, CUDOS (Centre for Ultra-high banDwidth Optical Systems), will be presented.</p><p>Current Position – Professor (Physics)</p><p>Biography</p><p>Qualifications: B Sc (Hons), University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1979 PhD, St Andrews University, St Andrews, United Kingdom,1983.</p><p>Past Positions: 2003 – 2006 Head of Department of Physics, Macquarie University ~ Sydney, Australia 1999 – 2005 Associate Professor in Physics, Department of Physics, Macquarie University 1993- 1998 Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Macquarie University 1989.1992 Lecturer, Department of Physics, Macquarie University 1986.1989 Lecturer, Dept. Physics and Biophysics, Massey University, NZ 1984.1986 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of Southampton, UK.</p><p>5 External Appointments Management Committee of Australian Research Council Nanotechnology Network.</p><p>Prizes, Awards and Fellowships Australian Institute of Physics Women in Physics Lecturer 2006 1992.3 Visiting Research Fellow, Optoelectronics Research Centre, Southampton University, UK. 1980-3 UK Commonwealth Scholarship, held at University of St Andrews, UK.</p><p>Current Research Areas Laser physics of semiconductor lasers. Nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers and developing chaotic semiconductor lasers for applications in secure communications. Characterising noisy chaotic data, determining noise robust chaos analysis methods, and transferring this knowledge, obtained in these more controllable physical systems, to other nonlinear systems. Laser/Material Interactions. Fundamental studies, both experimental and simulations, of the physics of laser irradiated particle on surface systems. Modification (chemical and surface roughness) of the surfaces of materials using laser processing. Studying the optical properties of micro- and nano-sized particles as compared to the bulk material and the implications and applications of this in laser processing. Using pulsed lasers to laser clean particles, hydrocarbons and moisture from surfaces, particularly optical materials. VUV/UV Sources. Research on VUV/UV sources based on dielectric barrier discharges that can give higher efficiency, higher peak fluence, and spatial uniformity of the source output, compared to prior art (MQU patent). The applications of such high energy photons are numerous but we have researched using the sources for surface cleaning and modification to date. </p><p>Total number of publications: More than 170 total including 2 edited books, more than 60 refereed journal papers (C1), 7 book chapters, and more than 40 international conference papers.</p><p>Membership of Professional Societies The Australian Institute of Physics The Australian Optical Society</p><p>Professional Activities Chair, International Workshop on Laser Cleaning, 2004; Symposium Co-Chair ICONN 2006. Conference Program Committees: Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy, NeToLAC 2002, 2003; LIILAC 2006; COMMAD 2006. Referee: Optics Letters, Optics Communications, Applied Optics, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Journal of Applied Physics, American Journal of Physics, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.</p><p>6 Some Recent Publications and Grants: see Email: [email protected]</p><p>7 Professor Peter Majewski Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095 Australia</p><p>Tel +61 8 8302 3162 Fax +61 8 8302 3683 Mobile +61 423 783 662 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Functionalized Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment</p><p>Magnetic nanoparticles have attracted much interest in many biotechnology areas such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic targeted drug delivery, cell sorting, and degradation of organic contaminants from water. The development of high quality iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles for these bio- applications has been hampered by the lack of lack of biocompatibility of organic synthetic routes and the need for efficient surface coating procedures to achieve stable colloidal suspension and improve the bio-availability of these nanoparticles. The aim of this work is to design high quality magnetic nanoparticles with tunable functionalized surface coatings. Our approach relies on a one-pot environmentally friendly synthesis recently described1 combined with advanced coating procedures to control bio-interfacial events. One strategy used the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) self-assembly coating of these monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles. We also investigated the use of non-fouling coatings such as dextran and PEG, and the attachment of antibodies as well as drugs to the particles. Iron (III) acetylacetonate dissolved into benzyl alcohol was heated at 175 C for 48 h. The resulting magnetite nanoparticles where stabilized through a ligand exchange procedure with dopamine hydrochloride. The pendant amino-groups were used to further modify the surface of the nanoparticles via the LbL methodology (polyallylamine (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) system), and carboxymethyl dextran and PEG. A PEGylated-PAA copolymer (grafting ratio PEG/Allylamine: 1/4.5) was investigated. Particles were characterized with TEM, dynamic light scattering, XPS, IR and relaxativity (T2) measurements. Monocrystalline magnetite nanoparticles with a size distribution between 15 and 30 nm as shown by TEM were obtained with a large yield. No aggregation of the nanocrystals was observed after stabilization with dopamine. XPS measurements confirmed the successful surface modification of the nanoparticles. Coated particles showed a good colloidal stability and no sign of aggregation on TEM analyses. </p><p>8 Reference. 1. Pinna, N.; Grancharov, S.; Beato, P.; Bonville, P.; Antonietti, M.; Niederberger, M. Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17(11), 3044-3049. 2. Hammond, P. T. Advanced Materials 2004, 16(15), 1271-1293.</p><p>Current Position Research Professor</p><p>Academic Qualifications  1985 Diploma (Dipl. Geol.) at the University of Hannover, Germany  1988 Promotion in Mineralogy (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Faculty of Earth Sciences of The University of Hannover, Germany  1998 Habilitation in Mineralogy at the University of Stuttgart, Germany</p><p>Research Interests  Nanomaterials  Biomaterials  Composite Materials  Nanotechnology  Biotechnology  Materials Synthesis  Materials Engineering  Phase Diagrams</p><p>9 Dr Michael Monteiro Group Leader Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia</p><p>Tel +61 7 33653838 Fax +61 7 33654273 Mobile +61 0422 988 248 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Preparation of polymer nanomaterials by ‘Living’ Radical Polymerization</p><p>Polymers with designer architectures prepared by 'living' radical polymerization (LRP) have recently invoked the interest of academia and industry. The various architectures that can be prepared in bulk or solution are now left up to the imagination, and moreover the applications for such architectures are slowly being realized over a wide area of industries. ‘Living’ radical polymerization offers the possibility for the preparation of well-defined polymer architectures with novel microstructures. Importantly, these architectures can also be made in a water environment, which invariably opens up a new class of polymer materials for use as specialty polymers in the biomedical area to products in the plastics industry. The seminar will present work on the preparation of nanocomposite polymer materials in water using the S S S S reversible addition- + O O fragmentation chain transfer Et 1-4 (RAFT) process. Insight Styrene xanthate (1) 6,7 S HN into mechanistic aspects 60 oC</p><p>S N NH2 of the RAFT process will be H S HN O O given and will be shown to O O O S NH2capten (2) be invaluable in the S AAEMA O preparation of more complex Et 60 oC polymer architectures8,9. 73 nm Future possibilities will also Core-shell be given with respect to Polystyrene Polystyrene-b-AAEMA NP2 applications such as drug NP1 delivery, heavy metal remediation and superior polymers for the plastics industry. The presentation will also discuss the mechanism of the SET, and the methodology to make ultrafast and ultrahigh molecular weight</p><p>10 polymers.11,12 The presentation will then show the use of metal-mediated polymerization to make novel polymer architectures (i.e. Mikto stars) using ‘click’ chemistry.13</p><p>(1) Le, T. P.; Moad, G.; Rizzardo, E.; Thang, S. H. In PCT Int. Appl.; (E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., USA; Le, Tam Phuong; Moad, Graeme; Rizzardo, Ezio; Thang, San Hoa). Wo, 1998; p 88 pp. (2) Chong, Y. K.; Le, T. P. T.; Moad, G.; Rizzardo, E.; Thang, S. H. Macromolecules 1999, 32, 2071-2074. (3) Monteiro, M. J.; de Barbeyrac, J. Macromol. Rapid Comm. 2002, 23, 370. (4) Monteiro, M. J.; Sjoberg, M.; Van der Vlist, J.; Gottgens, C. M. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2000, 38, 4206-4217. (5) Monteiro, M. J.; Adamy, M. M.; Leeuwen, B. J.; van Herk, A. M.; Destarac, M. Macromolecules 2005, 38, 1538. (6) Monteiro, M. J. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem 2005, 43, 3189-3204. (7) Monteiro, M. J.; de Brouwer, H. Macromolecules 2001, 34, 349. (8) Venkatesh, R.; Staal, B. B. P.; Klumperman, B.; Monteiro, M. J. Macromolecules 2004, 37, 7906. (9) Smulders, W.; Monteiro, M. J. Macromolecules 2004, 37, 4474. (11) Percec, V.; Popov, A. V.; Ramirez-Castillo, E.; Monteiro, M.; Barboiu, B.; Weichold, O.; Asandei, A. D.; Mitchell, C. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 4940-4941. (12) Percec, V.; Guliashvili, T.; Ladislaw, J. S.; Wistrand, A.; Stjerndahl, A., Sienkowska, M. J.; Monteiro, M. J.; Sahoo, S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 14156-14165 (13) Whittaker, M. R.; Urbani, C. N.; Monteiro, M. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128(35); 11360-11361.</p><p>Current Position Group Leader and QEII Fellow</p><p>Biography</p><p>Research interests and accomplishments Research: I have over 70 peer reviewed publications and 4 book chapters. Since the beginning of 2006, I have published and submitted over 14 peer reviewed publications. I have also authored and co-authored 3 book chapters in the past 3 years. One book (Handbook of Radical polymerisation) is now the highest selling book for polymer science. In 2005 & 2006, I published two Highlight papers in the prestigious Journal of Polymer Science; Part A Polymer Chemistry, with a Cover Illustration for the journal’s front page. Our work was recently profiled in Chemical&Engineering News for the use of Cu(0) as a novel method to make polymer chains with uniform chain lengths. I have given many plenary and invited lectures at many International conferences. In 2006, I published in Advanced Materials (impact factor = 9.1), Journal of the American Chemical Society (impact factor = 7.4, the highest impact journal for chemistry), Macromolecules (impact factor 3.898, the highest impact journal for polymer chemistry) and Langmuir. Grants: I have regularly obtained funding through the ARC discovery and Linkage process. I currently hold the following grants: $770K (ARC Discovery), an ARC LIEF ($373K, 2005) and an ARC Discovery ($620K, 2005). I also have been granted funds from the UQ Research excellence award ($75K, 2004), UQ New Staff ($12K, 2004), RIBG UQ equipment grant ($556K, 2004) and Uniquest Trailblazer award ($1K). In 2006, I was a CI on</p><p>11 an International Biomaterials Research Alliance project, under the Smart State Innovation Projects Fund, National and International Research Alliances Program ($1.174 Million).</p><p>Awards/Highlights: 1992: Sir Ted Trelore Prize for Polymer Chemistry (RACI Polymer Division - Australian award) 2001: NWO award (Netherlands Scientific Research); sabbatical with Prof. V. Percec, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2003-2006: Adjunct Associate Professor - School of Chemistry, Sydney University 2004: J. G. Russell award (Australian Academy of Science) 2004: Uniquest innovation award (high commendation, $1000) 2004: University of Queensland Research Excellence Award ($75k) 2005: Uniquest innovation award (finalist) 2005: Highlight Paper in J. Polym. Sci. Part A Polym. Chem 2005: Cover Illustration in J. Polym. Sci. Part A Polym. Chem 2006: Uniquest innovation award (finalist) 2006: North America Travel award (Australian Academy of Science)</p><p>Peer Recognition 2001- IUPAC working party on “Terminology for radical polymerizations with minimal termination - the so-called "living" and/or "controlled" radical polymerization” 2004- IUPAC working party on “Towards a holistic mechanistic model for reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerizations: Dithiobenzoates as mediating agents” 2003- RACI Australian Polymer Division - Committee member 2003- Australian Polymer Symposium – Scientific Committee member. 2003- RACI QLD Polymer Division – President</p><p>12 Professor Andrei Rode The Australian National University Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Oliphant Building 60 Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia</p><p>Tel: +61 2 6125 4637 Fax: +61 2 6125 0029 Mobile: +61 0416 249 653 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Unconventional magnetism in carbon nanoclusters</p><p>Carbon nanoclusters produced by high-repetition-rate laser ablation of graphite and glassy carbon in Ar exhibits paramagnetic, superparamagnetic, and ferromagnetic behaviour. The results show that the degree of remanent order is strongly dependent on the magnetic history, i.e. whether the samples were cooled under zero-field or field conditions. Such behaviour is typical for a spin glass structure where the system can exist in many different roughly equivalent spin configurations. The spin-freezing temperature is unusually high (50 - 300 K) compared with ≤ 15 K for typical spin glasses. The maximum in the zero-field magnetic susceptibility experiments and their field dependence indicate that there is competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange pathways, accounting for the spin glass behavior and/or a low-dimensionality of the system. Magnetic inhomogeneity is supported by detailed EPR studies, where we recognized three different types of centre with significantly different relaxation times, from very long one of the order of 1 ms, down to 100 ns.</p><p>These carbon nanoclusters may find biomedical applications such as target drug delivery, non-viral vectors for gene delivery, and as a contrast agent for in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging</p><p>Current Position Senior Fellow </p><p>Academic Qualifications  1975 MSc. – Moscow State University, USSR  1987 Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR </p><p>Research Interests  Interaction of ultra-short laser radiation with matter: electronic melting, electron-phonon energy coupling, ionisation, ablation, and ion acceleration;  Nanoclusters and their properties, nanoclusters formed in a laser ablated plume;  Nonlinear chalcogenide optical films, their properties and</p><p>13 applications in photonics;  Application of short-pulse laser-matter interaction phenomena in nanotechnology, medicine, micromachining, optical memory, photon science and technology, and art conservation. Pulsed laser ablation and pulsed laser deposition; Physics of laser-produced plasmas; laser fusion; x-ray generation by laser- produced plasmas; multi-photon ionization of atoms; x-ray spectroscopy; x-ray optics, in particularly arrays optics with negative refractive index</p><p>Publications 10 Most significant publications in the last five years: 1. V. Rode, A. G. Christy, E. G. Gamaly, S. T. Hyde, B. Luther-Davies, Magnetic properties of novel carbon allotropes, in: “Carbon-based magnetism”, Eds. T. Makarova, (Elsevier, 2006) 463-482. 2. D. Arčon, Z. Jagličič, A. Zorko, A. V. Rode, A. G. Christy, N. R Madsen, E. G. Gamaly, B. Luther-Davies, Origin of Magnetic Moments in Carbon Nanofoam, Phys Rev B, 74, 0114438 (1-9) (2006). 3. V. Rode, E. G. Gamaly, A. G. Christy, J. D. Fitz Gerald, S. T. Hyde, R. G. Elliman, B. Luther-Davies, A. I. Veinger, J. Androulakis, J. Giapintzakis, Strong paramagnetism and possible ferromagnetism in pure carbon nanofoam produced by laser ablation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, 298- 301 (2005). 4. E. G. Gamaly, A. V. Rode, Nanostructures created by lasers, in: “Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Ed. H. S. Nalwa, (Am. Sci. Publishers, Stevenson Range, 2004), v. 7, 783-809. 5. O. P. Uteza, E. G. Gamaly, A. V. Rode, M. Samoc, B. Luther-Davies, Gallium transformation under femtosecond laser excitation: Phase coexistence and incomplete melting, Phys Rev B 70, 054108 (2004) pp 1-13. 6. V. Rode, E. G. Gamaly, A. G. Christy, J. D. Fitz Gerald, S. T. Hyde, R. G. Elliman, B. Luther-Davies, A. I. Veinger, J. Androulakis, J. Giapintzakis, Unconventional magnetism in all-carbon nanofoam, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 054407 (2004). 7. V. Z. Kolev, M. J. Lederer, B. Luther-Davies, and A. V. Rode, Passive mode- locking of a Nd:YVO4 laser with an extra-long optical resonator, Optics Letters, 28, 1275-1277 (2003). 8. E. G. Gamaly, A. V. Rode, B. Luther-Davies, and V. T. Tikhonchuk, ‘Ablation of solids by femtosecond lasers: ablation mechanism and ablation thresholds for metals and dielectrics’, Physics of Plasmas, 9, 949-957 (2002). 9. S. Juodkazis, A. V. Rode, E. G. Gamaly, S. Matsuo, H. Mizawa, Recording and reading of three-dimensional memory in glasses, Appl. Phys. B, 77, 361-368 (2003). 10. A.V. Rode, M. Samoc, B. Luther-Davies, E. G. Gamaly, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, Dynamics of light-induced reflectivity switching in gallium films, deposited on silica by pulsed laser ablation, Optics Letters, 26, 441-443 (2001).</p><p>14 Professor Michelle Yvonne Simmons University of New South Wales, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, School of Physics, Sydney, NSW 2052 Australia</p><p>Telephone: +61 2 9385 6313 Facsimile: +61 2 9385 6060 Mobile: + 61 0425 336 756 Email: [email protected] Atomic-Scale Device Fabrication in Silicon </p><p>The driving force behind the microelectronics industry is the ability to pack ever more features onto a silicon chip, by continually miniaturising the individual components. However, after 2015 there is no known technological route to reduce device sizes below 10nm. In this talk we demonstrate a complete fabrication strategy towards atomic-scale device fabrication in silicon using phosphorus as a dopant in combination with scanning probe lithography and high purity crystal growth. </p><p>A key aspect of being able to build single atom devices is the ability to distinguish single atoms on the silicon surface. We demonstrate a detailed understanding of the surface chemistry to identify and control the interaction of phosphine as a dopant source in silicon [1]. We can place individual phosphorus atoms in silicon at precise locations [2] and encapsulate them in epitaxial silicon with minimal diffusion and segregation of the dopants [3]. </p><p>Using this process we have fabricated conducting nanoscale wires with widths down to ~8nm, tunnel junctions, single electron transistors and arrays of quantum dots in silicon. We will present an overview of the many devices that have since been made with this technology, see for e.g. [4,5] and highlight some of the challenges to achieving truly atomically precise devices. </p><p>1. H.F. Wilson, O. Warschkow, N.A. Marks, S.R. Schofield, N.J. Curson, P.V. Smith, M.W. Radny, D.R. McKenzie and M.Y. Simmons, “Phosphine dissociation on the Si(001) surface”, Physical Review Letters 93, 226102 (2004). 2. S. R. Schofield, N. J. Curson, M. Y. Simmons, F. J. Ruess, T. Hallam, L. Oberbeck and R. G. Clark, “Atomically precise placement of single dopants in silicon”, Physical Review Letters 91, 136104 (2003). 3. K.E.J. Goh, L. Oberbeck, M.Y. Simmons and R.G. Clark, “Effect of encapsulation temperature on Si:P -doped layers”, Applied Physics Letters 85, 4953-4955 (2004). 4. K.E.J. Goh, L. Oberbeck, M.Y. Simmons, A.R. Hamilton and M.J. Butcher, “Influence of doping density on electronic transport in degenerate Si : P delta-doped layers”, Physical Review B 73, 03541 (2006). 5. F.J. Rueß, L. Oberbeck, M.Y. Simmons, K.E.J. Goh, A.R. Hamilton, T. Hallam, N.J. Curson and R.G. Clark, “Fabrication of quantum wires using scanning probe microscopy”, Nano Letters 4, 1969 (2004).</p><p>Current Position ARC Federation Fellow and Professor </p><p>Academic Qualifications  1988 Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Chemistry University of Durham, U.K.  1988 Bachelor of Science (Hons.) PhysicsUniversity of Durham, UK  1992 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Durham, UK  2005 Pawsey Medal Australian Academy of Science</p><p>15  2006 Fellow, Australian Academy of Science University of New South Wales</p><p>Biography Michelle is Director of the Atomic Fabrication Facility (AFF), which houses unique combined scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) systems dedicated to the fabrication of atomic-scale devices in silicon. She leads a group in atomic electronics at UNSW, whose aim is to fabricate precisely doped silicon nanostructures, including wires, arrays and dots ultimately leading to a solid state qubit architecture. Her group has achieved several major milestones: to incorporate a single phosphorus atom in the silicon surface with atomic precision; demonstrated <2.8Å movement of dopants during encapsulation in silicon at room temperature, performed electrical measurement of STM-patterned devices and were the first to correlate dopant placement with electrical measurement, placing them at the forefront of this technology. </p><p>She is also part of the Quantum Electronics Group at UNSW investigating low dimensional physics in GaAs heterostructures specifically one and two dimensional hole systems. She maintains an extensive network of collaborations with researchers in the UK (Cambridge, Sussex, Oxford), Japan, USA and Taiwan. </p><p>Publications Michelle has published >240 papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 2200 citations. In addition she has written a book on Nanotechnology, three book chapters, 3 patents and has given 25 invited talks on quantum electronic devices at international conferences. Below is a selection of those papers.</p><p>1. G. Allison, E.A. Galaktionov, A.K. Savchenko, S.S. Safonov, M.M. Fogler, M.Y. Simmons, D.A. Ritchie, “Thermodynamic density of states of two- dimensional GaAs systems near the apparent metal-insulator transition”, Physics Review Letters 96 (21), 216407 (2006). 2. R. Danneau, O. Klochan, W.R. Clarke, L.H. Ho, A.P. Micolich, M.Y. Simmons, A.R. Hamilton, M. Pepper, D.A. Ritchie, U. Zulicke, “Zeeman splitting in ballistic hole quantum wires”, Physics Review Letters 97 (2), 026403 (2006). 3. F.J. Rueß, L. Oberbeck, K.E.J. Goh, M.J. Butcher, E. Gauja, A.R. Hamilton and M.Y. Simmons, ‘The use of etched registration markers to make four terminal electrical contacts to STM-patterned nanostructures’, Nanotechnology 16, 2446 (2005). 4. M.Y. Simmons, F.J. Rueß, K.E.J. Goh, T. Hallam, S.R. Schofield, L. Oberbeck, N.J. Curson, A.R. Hamilton, M.J. Butcher, R.G. Clark and T.C.G. Reusch, ‘Scanning probe microscopy for silicon device fabrication’, Molecular Simulation 31 (6-7), 505-514 (2005). 5. F.J. Rueß, L. Oberbeck, M.Y. Simmons, K.E.J. Goh, A.R. Hamilton, T. Hallam, S.R. Schofield, N.J. Curson and R.G. Clark, ‘Toward atomic- scale device fabrication in silicon using scanning probe microscopy’, Nano Letters 4 (10), 1969-1973 (2004). [Covered by Science 306, 1103 (2004)]. 6. H.F. Wilson, O. Warschkow, N.A. Marks, S.R. Schofield, N.J. Curson, P.V.</p><p>16 Smith, M.W. Radny, D.R. McKenzie, M.Y. Simmons, ‘Phosphine dissociation on the Si(001) surface’, Physical Review Letters 93, 226102 (2004). 7. P. Roche, J. Segala, D.C. Glatti, J.T. Nicholls, M. Pepper, M.Y. Simmons and D.A. Ritchie, “Fano factor reduction on the 0.7 conductance structure of a ballistic one-dimensional wire”, Physical Review Letters 93, 116602 (2004). 8. S.R. Schofield, N.J. Curson, M.Y. Simmons, F.J. Ruess, T. Hallam, L. Oberbeck and R.G. Clark, ‘Atomically precise placement of single dopants in silicon’, Physical Review Letters 91, 6104 (2003). 9. A.C Graham, K.J. Thomas, M. Pepper, N.R. Cooper, M.Y. Simmons and D.A. Ritchie, “Interaction effects at crossing of spin- polarised 1D subbands”, Physical Review Letters 91, 136404 (2003). 10.Y.Y. Proskuryakov, A.K. Savchenko, S.S. Safonov, M. Pepper, M.Y Simmons and D.A. Ritchie, “Hole-hole interaction effect in the conductance of the two-dimensional hole gas in the ballistic regime”, Physical Review Letters 89, 6406 (2002). </p><p>17 Professor Chao Zhang School of Engineering Physics University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW 2522 Australia</p><p>Tel: +61 2 4221 34 58 Fax: +61 2 422 13238 Mobile: +61 0412 509 876 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Thermoelectrics and thermionics based on nanomaterials and nanosystems.</p><p>Materials of high figure of merit are of paramount importance in developing thermoelectric and thermionic devices. These devices realize energy conversion between heat and electricity without the use of moving mechanical components and hazardous working fluids. They can operate in both directions (generation or refrigeration) and are integrable with most electronic devices. It is expected that nano-material based thermoelectric and thermionic devices will play an important role in solving the energy and environment problems the world is facing today. </p><p>In this talk, we present our recent modelling result on nano-thermoelectrics and nano- thermionics. We demonstrate that nano-materials (e.g., semiconductor/semiconductor layered structures, nanowires, quantum dots) can have high efficiency close to the theoretical limit, main due to the ballistic electron motion and reduced phonon heat conduction. We propose new devices derived from nanoscale structures and composites and explore potential applications in making novel thermoelectric and thermionic nano- devices</p><p>Current Position Professor</p><p>Recent Publications</p><p>1. P. C. E. Stamp and C. Zhang, Theory of Bloch delocalization and quantum diffusion of heavy particles in insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1902 (1991). 2. C. Zhang, A. D. Martin, M. Lerch, P. E. Simmond and L. Eaves, Plasmon assisted resonant tunnelling in a double barrier structure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3397 (1994). 3. W. Xu and C. Zhang, Enhancement of THz acoustic phonon generation by the magnetic field applied parallel to a two-dimensional semiconductor system, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68(6), 823 (1996) 4. W. Xu and C. Zhang, Resonant absorption of terahertz electromagnetic wave by heated electrons in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68(23), 3305, (1996)</p><p>18 5. W. Xu and C. Zhang, Magneto-photon-phonon resonances in two dimensional semiconductor systems driven by terahertz electromagnetic fields, Phys. Rev. B 54, 4907 (1996). 6. C. Zhang, Resonant tunnelling and bistability in a double barrier structure under an intense terahertz laser, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 4187 (2001) 7. C. Zhang, Dynamic screening and collective excitation of an electron gas under intense terahertz radiation, Phys. Rev. B 65,153107 (2002) 8. C. Zhang, Frequency-dependent electrical transport under an intense terahertz radiation, Phys. Rev. B66, (Rapid Commun.) 081105(R) (2002) 9. M. Fujita, T. Toyota, J. C. Cao, and C. Zhang, Induced charge density oscillation under a quantizing magnetic field and an intense laser , Phys. Rev. B67, 075105 (2003) 10.M. Xi, J. C. Cao and C. Zhang, Optical absorption in terahertz-driven quantum wells, Journal of Applied Phys. 95, 1191 (2004)</p><p>19</p>

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