School Worship Bible Project

School Worship Bible Project

<p> School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Lent is the ‘penitential’ season which comes before Holy Week and Easter. The season is related to the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness, the stories about which we read in the gospels Matthew and Luke. The story is not in John’s Gospel. It is a time for reflection and focussing on the needs of others and has been traditionally a time for preparation for baptism. Our readings pick out some of the stories that are in John in which Jesus meets a number of people including the disciples. The stories show some of the ways in which Jesus thought about what he was doing and why. They also give us some clues as to how he interacted with people. The idea of sin occurs in this season. It is worth spending time thinking about this with older pupils/students, particularly the idea that what we might think is sin may not actually be sin at all. Sin is a very difficult word in our culture, its mis-use and mis-appropriation by many people in the past has led to many people shying away from using it. The term is very important in Christianity, it often refers to our sense of self-awareness and those things which limit us or make us cause sadness, loss or harm to others. While there is a moral dimension to sin it is not the only or even the most important dimension, sin is not to be equated with being naughty. Sin is more to do with those things which cause our relationships to become strained or broken, including our relationship with ourselves and especially our relationship with God. Some suggestions for music might include something that gives us a chance to reflect on the way that Jesus interacts with other people. A way to do this might be to choose some duet music, for example flute and guitar pieces, where it is easy to pick out the sounds of the two instruments. There are a number of lovely examples on YouTube for you to choose from. ‘Laying the table’ in this season involves modelling cameos for each story, in which people meet with Jesus. You can choose how to do this, for example, by using various media such as:</p><p> Lego  Plasticine  Clay </p><p>Classes could make a scene each or it could be the responsibility of one group. Each week gives you some brief suggestions as to how the story might be interpreted. If models are too challenging, you could create pictures instead. On the other hand you may wish to be even more ambitious and make cartoons or animations.</p><p>The prayers are all loosely built around the traditional form of prayer known as a ‘collect. You can find out more about this form of prayer in our developmental prayer paper on the Oxford Diocese Website </p><p>As with all of this material, please feel free to alter or adjust it to suit your needs and circumstances. School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 1: A Woman and a Well John 4: 7 – 27 (edit) Bible Reading Notes</p><p>A Samaritan woman came to draw some water, and This is one of the most famous of all the Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” (His stories about Jesus. The writer of the story disciples had gone into town to buy food.) makes it very clear that the Jews do not The woman answered, “You are a Jew, and I am a associate with Samaritans. Samaritan — so how can you ask me for a drink?” Jesus does not spend any time on this but (Jews will not use the same cups and bowls that does two other very important things: Samaritans use.) firstly, as we have seen before in stories Jesus answered, “If only you knew what God gives and concerning Jesus, he encourages the who it is that is asking you for a drink, you would ask woman to ask questions of herself. him, and he would give you life-giving water.” Secondly, he speaks of God, of what God is “Sir,” the woman said, “you haven't got a bucket, and doing and of God’s power. the well is deep. Where would you get that life-giving The water is a picture of God’s strength water? It was our ancestor Jacob who gave us this which Jesus builds up in the story. Jesus well; he and his sons and his flocks all drank from it. cleverly turns this picture on its head. To You don't claim to be greater than Jacob, do you?” start with he is asking for water and ends up Jesus answered, “All those who drink this water will offering water. Jesus makes a spiritual be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I picture. He talks about becoming a spring will give him will never be thirsty again. The water inside which gives ‘life-giving’ water – that I will give him will become in him a spring which creating a metaphor for eternity. To start will provide him with life-giving water and give him with, the woman seems to misunderstand eternal life.” Jesus and she thinks that he is offering her a “Sir,” the woman said, “give me that water! Then I will drink which goes on for ever. never be thirsty again, nor will I have to come here to Soon, however, they are talking about the draw water.” … importance of worship and finding God ‘as .. the woman said. “My Samaritan ancestors he really is’. worshipped God on this mountain, but you Jews say The woman thought that Jesus had been that Jerusalem is the place where we should worship offering her ordinary water and did not God.” … understand that he was talking about [Jesus said] but the time is coming and is already here, spiritual water. When they talk about when by the power of God's Spirit people will worship worship she is concerned about places the Father as he really is, offering him the true where worship happens not how worship worship that he wants. God is Spirit, and only by the happens. Jesus points out that true worship power of his Spirit can people worship him as he is spiritual and can take place anywhere. really is.”</p><p>Values: Koinonia: Our communities are made around a common idea, understanding or task; hence the word community. Jesus came from the Jewish community and the woman from the Samaritan community yet there is something common to these two conflicting communities – they both have Jacob as an ancestor. In our modern world there are communities created around sport, art, music, science and a multitude of other things. We sometimes hear about the ‘scientific community’ a school is sometimes referred to as a learning community. What is at the centre of your learning community? School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Endurance: The idea of eternity comes up often in Christianity. It is a gift of God but is also demanding. Eternity faces us with the question of what it is that we might be able to do for all time! Faith has ways of nurturing or feeding us, making us spiritually stronger. Lent, in particular, is a season in which many Christians explore ways of building up endurance. Questions: Can you think of any other ‘communities’? What is it that is at the centre of the community of your school? What do you think that eternity is? Is eternal life something that just goes on and on and on? What would you need to give you the strength to keep faith going for eternity? Is eternity the same as never ending time? What is the metaphor of life-giving water meant to make us think of? Do you think that it matters where we have worship? What are the most important things about worship? If you were the Samaritan woman, would you give Jesus a drink?</p><p>Week 1: A Woman and a Well Reflection Prayer</p><p>I wonder – what do you like to drink the most? Eternal Father,</p><p>Imagine for a moment that you have a glass of your favourite Jesus made time to talk with the drink in front of you woman at the well and to share with her. What colour is it? How tall is the glass? Help us to listen carefully to the Does it have a straw? things that Jesus tells us through the stories of his miracles and What does it feel like to expect the taste of the drink? parables so that we can grow in our understanding and compassion. Now, in your imagination reach out and take the glass… Raise it to your lips… Amen And … drink.</p><p>Now how do you feel?</p><p>Laying the table Build your first model. You could simply show Jesus and the woman talking but an interesting way to interpret this story would be to do something that does not happen in the tale and show the woman giving Jesus the drink that he originally asked for. School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 1: A Woman and a Well Genesis 32: 22-32 A bit more from the Bible: Notes:</p><p>That same night Jacob got up, took his two wives, Jacob was one of the leaders found in the book his two concubines, and his eleven children, and of Genesis who are known as the Patriarchs and crossed the River Jabbok. After he had sent them include Abraham and Isaac. Jacob, of course, across, he also sent across all that he owned, but he was the father of Joseph (of many-coloured coat stayed behind, alone. fame). Then a man came and wrestled with him until just Jacob finds himself in an encounter with a before daybreak. When the man saw that he was stranger who seemingly will not let him follow not winning the struggle, he struck Jacob on the hip, his family across the river Jabbok. The wrestling and it was thrown out of joint. The man said, “Let match ends with Jacob winning and the stranger me go; daylight is coming.” ‘cheating’ in order to gain victory. Even then “I won't, unless you bless me,” Jacob answered. Jacob will not give up and receives the blessing “What is your name?” the man asked. that he wanted. First the man tells Jacob that he “Jacob,” he answered. will be known as ‘Israel’ – then he blesses him. The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. All the time however the stranger is refusing to You have struggled with God and with men, and you tell Jacob his name! have won; so your name will be Israel.” Israel means something like ‘man who has Jacob said, “Now tell me your name.” struggled with God’, ‘a prince with God’ or But he answered, “Why do you want to know my similar. From this it seems that Jacob works out name?” Then he blessed Jacob. that it was God with whom he was struggling. Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face, and I am Hence he can say ‘I have seen God …’. And name still alive”; so he named the place Peniel. The sun the place where the struggle happened was rose as Jacob was leaving Peniel, and he was limping named Peniel or ‘face of God’. Notice that at the because of his hip. Even today the descendants of beginning of the story it is not clear that the Israel do not eat the muscle which is on the hip man is anything other than an ordinary man but joint, because it was on this muscle that Jacob was as the tale unfolds it becomes more and more struck. clear that he is special – even God himself. So (If you wish you could adjust the first verse to say perhaps the man did let Jacob know his name something like ‘Jacob took his family…’ when dealing after all… with younger children. Older children might enjoy a discussion of ancient marriage customs)</p><p>A few more Questions Can you write a story in which a mysterious stranger slowly reveals their name? If eternity is unending time – did time have a beginning? Or is it eternal in both directions? Some things to do This is not the only place where Jacob is given the name ‘Israel’. Look in Genesis to find the other place; Genesis 35:10</p><p>______School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 2: The Official’s Son John 4 : 46 - 54 Bible Reading Notes</p><p>… Jesus went back to Cana in Galilee, where he The story of the wedding at Cana was at the very had turned the water into wine. A government beginning of the year. It features in this story to official was there whose son was ill in give us some idea of how Jesus’ reputation was Capernaum. spreading. The story itself is very simple. Jesus is When he heard that Jesus had come from Judea asked to heal the official’s son and he does so. to Galilee, he went to him and asked him to go to However, there are some important ideas Capernaum and heal his son, who was about to wrapped around this simple centre. Jesus points die. Jesus said to him, “None of you will ever out that people will not believe in God unless believe unless you see miracles and wonders.” they see ‘wonders and miracles’. Then, just as at “Sir,” replied the official, “come with me before Cana, Jesus does the miracle with no fuss. At my child dies.” Cana, Mary had absolute faith that Jesus would Jesus said to him, “Go, your son will live!” succeed and here the official has a similar faith The man believed Jesus' words and went. On his and simply believes what Jesus says. way home his servants met him with the news, The end of the story adds a little more to the “Your boy is going to live!” picture. The official is told that his son was He asked them what time it was when his son got healed when Jesus spoke and then ‘he and all his better, and they answered, “It was one o'clock family believed’. The story does not make clear yesterday afternoon when the fever left him.” what was believed – but it cannot be that the Then the father remembered it was at that very son should be made better, because that had hour that Jesus had told him, “Your son will live.” already happened. So he and all his family believed.</p><p>Values: Reverence: Reverence is shown when we properly understand people and what they can share with us, and others. In this sense it must be earned. The official in the reading knew what it was that Jesus was able to do and who he thought that Jesus was so he showed true reverence by knowing that Jesus could help. Thankfulness: There are many different ways of showing thankfulness. We like to say ‘thank you’ and to hear others say this to us. We can do other things to express our thanks like give a gift or keep a promise, sometimes these things say ‘thank you’ even more powerfully. What is it that you like people to do to express their thanks to you? Questions: Did Jesus go to Capernaum to heal the son? Why not? Jesus mentions that people will not believe without ‘wonders and miracles’. Do you think that these give us enough evidence to believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Why? Why not? Do you think that the official’s reverence for Jesus increased because Jesus healed his son? Why do you think this? School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>What did the Official’s family believe at the end of the story? How many ways of showing thanks can you think of? How did the Official show thanks to Jesus? Could he have shown more thankfulness? Do you have any special ways of showing your thanks? Is it sometimes difficult to say ‘thank you’?</p><p>Week 2: The Official’s Son Reflection Prayer For a moment let us think - Lord of Prayer What is it that we want most of all? In our story the Official was confident that Jesus would help him. Is it something for ourselves? Please help us to be confident in our prayers Is it something for others? so that our own faith will be made stronger. In a moment of quiet think about when you were Help us also to make others feel confident younger. What did you want most of all a few years through our own examples. ago? Amen Do you think that you will always want the same thing as you grow up? </p><p>Laying the table 3 model choices seem possible from this reading:</p><p>When The Official speak to Jesus, when the Official is told that his son is well, or, the family demonstrating their belief (they could, for example be praying). BUT you could, again, choose part of the story that we don’t hear – the moment when the Official meets his well son. School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent Week 2: Reverence for God Psalm 5 edit A Bit More From The Bible Notes </p><p>Listen to my words, O Lord, Psalm 5 gives us some clues as to the ways in and hear my sighs. which people many years ago showed reverence Listen to my cry for help, to God. These include: my God and king!  Words, sighs and cries for help – perhaps what we might call prayer … because of your great love  Going to God’s house where God’s love I can come into your house; can be found I can worship in your holy Temple  Worship – bowing down in reverence and bow down to you in reverence…  Singing  Being obedient … all who find safety in you will rejoice; All of these things are familiar – they are still what they can always sing for joy. people do who go to church! Protect those who love you; because of you they are truly happy. You bless those who obey you, Lord; your love protects them like a shield.</p><p>A few more Questions: The list of ways to show reverence in Psalm 5 is quite long. What else do we do in school that shows reverence? What do we do in worship that shows reverence or respect? </p><p>Some things to do Look again at Psalm 5 and try to arrange for some people from local churches to come to school to talk about how they worship (show reverence). It would be good to find willing folk from different denominations. You can use the Psalm to create questions such as; What do you sing? What kinds of prayer do you use? ______School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 3: ‘Take up your mat…’ John 5: 1-18 Bible Reading: Notes</p><p>Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem there is a pool In this story we see Jesus perform a miracle in a with five porches; in Hebrew it is called place where many people went for healing. Bethzatha. A large crowd of sick people were Almost a miracle within miracles; there is a sad lying in the porches — the blind, the lame, and theme in the story. The waters were supposed to the paralysed. A man was there who had been ill heal when they moved or were ‘stirred up’. (See for 38 years. Jesus saw him lying there, and he ‘things to do) Unfortunately, he is so poorly that knew that the man had been ill for such a long he cannot get to the water in time. time; so he asked him, “Do you want to get When Jesus asks him if he wishes to get well he well?” seems to think that he can ask Jesus to be the The sick man answered, “Sir, I have no one here one to help him into the water. Imagine his to put me in the pool when the water is stirred surprise when Jesus does no such thing and up; while I am trying to get in, somebody else simply tells him to get up. As we have seen so gets there first.” often in these stories, Jesus engages the person Jesus said to him, “Get up, pick up your mat, and first and encourages them to think about their walk.” Immediately the man got well; he picked own position. Then the miracle happens. up his mat and started walking.</p><p>Values: Compassion: Many things stir us to feel compassion for others. We are all moved by different things, the stories of people’s plight or suffering, pictures of ill or homeless people, the sound of crying. In this story we see two of these at the same time, Jesus sees the man lying paralysed but also hears the sad tale of his difficulties. Trust: Sometimes trust is a very immediate thing. We just have to do what we are told and trust that everything will be as it should be. In this way the man in the story had just to trust that what Jesus said would work out and he would be able to walk. We find these situations in many areas of life in school where we have to trust our teachers and in sport where we must trust our teammates. </p><p>Questions: When Jesus came across the paralysed man do you think that it was the sight of him or the story he told that made Jesus want to help him? Which would have made you want to help?</p><p>There are some examples of trust above – can you think of any others? Is it hard work to trust people?</p><p>How did Jesus know that the man had been ill for a long time? School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 3: ‘Take up your mat…’ Reflection Prayer I wonder have you been poorly? Father God, Gather ideas together such as: The gospel gives us a lovely picture of Jesus helping a man in great need, after How long for? many years of suffering. What was wrong? Who looked after you? Guide us, we pray, to be as quick to show compassion and help so that people in How does it feel when you are poorly? need do not have to suffer any longer. Again gather ideas Amen How does it feel when you get better? </p><p>Laying the table In this case two choices spring to mind: either Jesus speaking to the man or the moment when he picks up his mat. If you wanted to be more dramatic you could model the man struggling to get to the pool and being beaten to the water – maybe with Jesus looking on. </p><p>Week 3: ‘Take up your mat…’ John 5: 9-18 A bit more from the Bible: Notes:</p><p>The day this happened was a Sabbath, so the Jewish This is what happens at the close of the story authorities told the man who had been healed, “This of the man who picked up his mat. is a Sabbath, and it is against our Law for you to carry Firstly, we come across the very strict laws of your mat.” the Jews. These were essential to the well- He answered, “The man who made me well told me being of the community. When the authorities to pick up my mat and walk.” challenge the man they are not just pointing They asked him, “Who is the man who told you to do out that he is breaking the rules but that he is this?” making himself estranged from God. But the man who had been healed did not know The authorities then manage to track Jesus who Jesus was, for there was a crowd in that place, down and challenge him but they do not get and Jesus had slipped away… they began to the answer that they want. To start with they persecute Jesus, because he had done this healing had one charge, that of healing on the on a Sabbath. Jesus answered them, “My Father is Sabbath. When they were finished they had a always working, and I too must work.” second, that of making himself equal with This saying made the Jewish authorities all the more God. Jesus’ words are significant in determined to kill him; not only had he broken the understanding the relationship between Jesus Sabbath law, but he had said that God was his own and the Father and show that there is a Father and in this way had made himself equal with dynamic working partnership within the God. Trinity. School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>A few more Questions: What sort of work do you think that God is always doing? Jesus talked about doing God’s work. Is there any way in which we can also do God’s work? Some things to do: Have a look in a Bible at John 5 and see if you can find these words – ‘They were waiting for the water to move, because every now and then an angel of the Lord went down into the pool and stirred up the water. The first sick person to go into the pool after the water was stirred up was healed from whatever disease he had.’ The gospels are translated from Greek but there are a number of ancient Greek versions so the people who do the translation have to choose which bits to include. Would you include this bit? Gather some examples of modern places of healing. You can use Christian examples such as Lourdes, but try, also, to find examples from other faiths. You might be able to invite people who have visited some of these places to talk about their experiences with the children</p><p>______School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 4: Jesus Walks on Water John 6: 16-21(Mt 14: 22-33, Mk 6: 45-52) Bible Reading Notes</p><p>When evening came, Jesus' disciples went ‘Walking on water’ has become a cliché in our down to the lake, got into a boat, and went modern world and in this story we find Jesus back across the lake towards Capernaum. Night laying the foundations of this saying. The tale is came on, and Jesus still had not come to them. quite atmospheric with the storm at night and the By then a strong wind was blowing and stirring disciples struggling to row in the strong wind. up the water. The disciples had rowed about The disciples’ fear is easy to understand because five or six kilometres when they saw Jesus they did not recognise Jesus at first, his words walking on the water, coming near the boat, indicate that this was the case. and they were terrified. “Don't be afraid,” Jesus Jesus gets into the boat, but that is not the end of told them, “it is I!” Then they willingly took him the story. This story has two miracles, the second into the boat, and immediately the boat is that the boat came to land without any further reached land at the place they were heading effort. for.</p><p>Values: Creation: There is much that we do not understand about the world. Scientists have made tremendous discoveries but there are still things to find out so science continues to explore. Walking on water is not scientifically possible but it gives us a picture of Jesus being in control of creation and helps us define a miracle as something which is not explained by natural laws. Friendship: One of the times when we feel friendship most strongly is when we are parted from our friends. We remember all sorts of things about what friends mean to us, the things we like about them and those things which, perhaps we don’t like so much. Questions: We noticed that there are 2 miracles in the reading. Is one more important than the other? Which is which? What do you feel about the world in which we live? What are your favourite parts of creation? The disciples were afraid but Jesus arrival took their fear away. What sorts of things are you afraid of? What helps you to be unafraid?</p><p>What is it that you like to remember about your friends? Are they all good things?</p><p>School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 4: Reflection Prayer For a moment let’s sit as if we are alone and listen to the Father God quiet. The disciples were afraid when they We are surrounded by slight sounds, rippling water were in their boat without Jesus. slapping and splashing gently – we realise that we are in As we go through our lives there might a boat. be times when we feel alone or afraid. Now imagine that you can hear a noise in the distance, Help us all to feel the miracle of your the wind. presence and so no longer be alone or afraid. Slowly the sound gets louder, the wind rises and the boat begins to rock. The water slaps the boat harder and Amen harder. The sound becomes louder, more shrill and more deep at the same time. And now the storm is howling all around us. Then suddenly we are no longer alone, the storm is gone and our friend is with us.</p><p>Laying the table This story is very appropriate for some form of kinetic modelling. Can you make a boat that really rolls and bounces as if in a storm? Can you make a figure of Jesus that appears to walk on water?</p><p>Week 4: Mothering Sunday Psalm 131 A bit more from the Bible: Notes:</p><p>Lord, I have given up my pride A very simple Psalm, perhaps for older and turned away from my arrogance. children/students. It sums up the great significance I am not concerned with great matters of motherhood (parenthood). It is in simplicity that or with subjects too difficult for me. we find peace. Peace here is greater than just calm – Instead, I am content and at peace. it is the sense of wholeness that is embodied in the As a child lies quietly in its mother's arms, Hebrew word shalom. The Psalm begins with the so my heart is quiet within me. negative and becomes positive. It is not, however, running away from responsibility and effort because Israel, trust in the Lord it ends with trusting God which itself requires now and for ever! commitment and hard work. School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent A few more Questions What makes you feel peaceful? Is there a person who makes you feel peaceful? Some things to do Try to find out something more about where the disciples went fishing - the Sea of Galilee. Do storms happen there often? ______School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent</p><p>Week 5: Healing Blindness John 9: 1-11 Bible Reading Notes</p><p>As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who The disciples ask Jesus a very interesting had been born blind. His disciples asked him, question about sin to start this story off (See “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? below and above in the introduction). Jesus Was it his own or his parents' sin?” Jesus turns the conversation away from this very answered, “His blindness has nothing to do with quickly to help the disciples to think about God. his sins or his parents' sins. He is blind so that By doing this he is trying to help the disciples’ God's power might be seen at work in him. As focus on what he had to do. Jesus points out that long as it is day, we must keep on doing the work this is God’s power at work and how important it of him who sent me; night is coming when no is to do the work that God asks of us rather than one can work. While I am in the world, I am the making judgements about people. The gospel light for the world.” also takes the opportunity to use the man’s After he said this, Jesus spat on the ground and blindness to repeat the metaphor of Jesus being made some mud with the spittle; he rubbed the the light for the world. mud on the man's eyes and said, “Go and wash Then we hear of Jesus doing some work – this your face in the Pool of Siloam.” (This name miracle is very unusual in that Jesus uses mud means “Sent”.) So the man went, washed his and spit to heal the blindness, rather than face, and came back seeing. speaking to or touching the blind man. </p><p>Values: Wisdom: Sometimes, like the disciples in the reading, we can think the wrong things about people. People have done this for all sorts of reasons like colour of skin or gender or religion. The disciples thought that the man had sinned – and needed forgiveness. But the story helps us to see that we should not jump to conclusions but see what work we need to do to bring help or healing to people. Endurance: The gospel stories very clearly tell of the work that Jesus did. These show a great deal of perseverance and effort. We began our season by thinking about eternity and how faith can nurture and sustain us. Jesus did work to help the blind man. What work do we need to do in order to help ourselves and each other?</p><p>Questions: What is important about work? What different kinds of work are there? Are some kinds of work more important than others? What are they? Jesus used spit and clay to help the blind man. What tools do we have that help us to help others? Should we make judgements about other people? Do you like people making judgements about you? School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent Week 5: Reflection Prayer Let’s pause to reflect Father God What is the best work that we do? In healing the blind man, Jesus wanted to show the power of and compassion of What do we learn from this work? God. Who do we do this work for? We pray that we will follow this example How can we make sure that our work is the right thing to and always strive to work hard so that do? the good things that God has given us (Pause) will be seen by everyone. What work do you want to do? Amen</p><p>Laying the table This story might be best illustrated using clay! There is a wide choice of scenes: Jesus talking to the disciples, Jesus making the clay balls, Jesus putting mud on the man’s eyes … You should by now have 5 scenes in your display, a profound collection of Jesus’ interactions with people. What do you feel about them? Which do you think says the most about how Jesus helped people? </p><p>Week 5: Water in the Desert Isaiah 35: 5-7 A bit more from the Bible: Notes: The blind will be able to see, The prophet Isaiah has many words which are and the deaf will hear. understood to be about Jesus in some way. The lame will leap and dance, These words speak of evidence of God’s and those who cannot speak will shout for joy. splendour and the miracle of healing blindness is Streams of water will flow through the desert; (in Christian terms) an example of that evidence. the burning sand will become a lake, These few verses are a fitting end to the season and dry land will be filled with springs. of Lent, a season drawn from the story of Jesus Where jackals used to live, going out into the desert – the wilderness. Here marsh grass and reeds will grow. we see what happens when God’s power comes into the desert.</p><p>A few more Questions The reading ends with the illustration of God’s power in the desert, another example of God’s control School Worship Bible Project Year 2 Lent of creation. Why do you think that the writer of the Psalm thinks that this is important to include in the Psalm? The Psalm has very positive and joyful images – can you think of any other images which you might use instead? Do you think that the miracles are evidence of the splendour or glory of God?</p><p>Some things to do Look at the whole of Isaiah 35 – do you think that these words relate to Jesus? ______</p>

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