<p>Procedural Matters (Open Session) Page 174</p><p>1 Tuesday, 13 July 2010</p><p>2 [Open session]</p><p>3 [The accused entered court]</p><p>4 --- Upon commencing at 9.09 a.m.</p><p>5 THE REGISTRAR: Good morning, Your Honours. Good morning to</p><p>6 everyone in and around the courtroom. This is case IT-08-91-T, the</p><p>7 Prosecutor versus Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin.</p><p>8 JUDGE HALL: Thank you, Madam Registrar.</p><p>9 Good morning to everyone. May we take today's appearances,</p><p>10 please.</p><p>11 MR. HANNIS: Good morning, all. I'm Tom Hannis along with</p><p>12 Crispian Smith for the Office of the Prosecutor.</p><p>13 MR. ZECEVIC: Sorry, Your Honour. Slobodan Zecevic,</p><p>14 Slobodan Cvijetic, Eugene O'Sullivan, and Ms. Tatjana Savic appearing for</p><p>15 the Stanisic Defence this morning. Thank you.</p><p>16 MR. PANTELIC: Good morning, Your Honours. For Zupljanin</p><p>17 Defence, Igor Pantelic.</p><p>18 JUDGE HALL: Thank you. And the Registrar -- sorry. The Usher</p><p>19 may escort the witness back to the stand if there is nothing --</p><p>20 MR. HANNIS: As the witness is coming in, Your Honour, I just</p><p>21 wanted to indicate -- to request your attention to a matter regarding</p><p>22 Ewa Tabeau. She's a Prosecution witness we hope to call as the last</p><p>23 witness before the break, and there's matters pending that -- that we</p><p>24 need a decision from you about whether we can use her new report, whether</p><p>25 she will testify as an expert, et cetera.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 175 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 Thank you.</p><p>2 JUDGE HALL: Thanks for the reminder.</p><p>3 [The witness takes the stand]</p><p>4 JUDGE HALL: Good morning to you, Mr. Markovic. Before</p><p>5 Mr. Cvijetic resumes his cross-examination, I would remind you you're</p><p>6 still on your oath.</p><p>7 Yes, Mr. Cvijetic.</p><p>8 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honours.</p><p>9 WITNESS: SLOBODAN MARKOVIC [Resumed]</p><p>10 [Witness answered through interpreter]</p><p>11 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic: [Continued]</p><p>12 Q. [Interpretation] Mr. Markovic, good morning.</p><p>13 A. Good morning.</p><p>14 Q. Well, we can't away from this. We have to keep on going.</p><p>15 A. Certainly, I am here.</p><p>16 Q. Yesterday I showed you minutes from a government session of the</p><p>17 Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of 28 July 1992, and we saw</p><p>18 that the government discussed and supported the agreement on the</p><p>19 conditions and manner of prisoner exchanges.</p><p>20 Do you recall that?</p><p>21 THE INTERPRETER: Interpreter's correction, the 22nd of July.</p><p>22 MR. CVIJETIC:</p><p>23 Q. [Interpretation] Following that, I showed you a -- an agreement</p><p>24 that I thought was the relevant one, agreement that was signed in Geneva</p><p>25 on the 23rd of May, 1992, and agreed upon by representatives of the</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 176 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 Serbian and the Muslim parties, or sides. However, you pointed out that</p><p>2 this could not have been the relevant agreement and that the government</p><p>3 probably, at its session, discussed and deliberated on another agreement,</p><p>4 and I did not show it to you yesterday because I misplaced it; it was in</p><p>5 the Prosecutor's binder yesterday and I couldn't pull it out immediately</p><p>6 so I would like to do it now.</p><p>7 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Could we please pull up P1318.26.</p><p>8 Q. Mr. Markovic, before you read this first agreement that we have</p><p>9 on the monitors, let me just say that the agreement that we are going to</p><p>10 discuss is attached to this -- to this contract.</p><p>11 Would you please take a look at this contract before I put</p><p>12 several questions to you.</p><p>13 Have you seen -- have you read through it?</p><p>14 A. Yes.</p><p>15 Q. You see, this is a contract reached, concluded between two</p><p>16 representatives of two commissions, the Serbian commission and the Muslim</p><p>17 commission, but with the mediation of UNPROFOR representatives.</p><p>18 Can you see that?</p><p>19 A. Yes.</p><p>20 Q. However, if we look at the text of this agreement, would you</p><p>21 agree with me that this was agreement that actually related to one</p><p>22 particular exchange, an ad hoc, as it were, exchange, in a certain area,</p><p>23 because the agreement does not include some general -- general provisions</p><p>24 on the principles which would be applied throughout the territory, the</p><p>25 demarcation territory and so on.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 177 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 So let me ask you: Do you know anything about this agreement and</p><p>2 can you shed some light on that?</p><p>3 A. This agreement, I've never actually seen it before. It is true</p><p>4 that it pertains to one particular exchange, a single exchange, and it's</p><p>5 probably an exchange somewhere around Ilidza. I assume that, because the</p><p>6 Serbian side, the representative whose side on their behalf was</p><p>7 Nenad Vanovac, and the stamp was not the commission stamp but, rather,</p><p>8 the Serbian Democratic Party of Ilidza stamp, as you can read for</p><p>9 yourself, the Municipal Board of the Serbian Democratic Party at Ilidza.</p><p>10 So probably the agreement and the list relate to the exchange in</p><p>11 Ilidza, around Ilidza, or somewhere in that general area. And for this</p><p>12 document, itself, I have never seen it before.</p><p>13 Q. Thank you. I have to admit that I've actually -- I did not note</p><p>14 what you've just told us about the stamp, but you did confirm that this</p><p>15 was a specific exchange that this document relates to?</p><p>16 A. Yes, absolutely. Because we see that the stamp reads Ilidza</p><p>17 or -- or Vojkovici, some of those areas.</p><p>18 Q. Mr. Markovic, do you agree that this issue, the issue of prisoner</p><p>19 exchanges in wartime, the free movement of civilians and security of</p><p>20 those individuals who are waiting to be exchanged, would you agree that</p><p>21 this is a major issue that has to be discussed and decided upon by the</p><p>22 highest representatives of the Serbian or Muslim nations specifically,</p><p>23 but that the international community should also participate in that type</p><p>24 of agreement to provide guarantees that it will be abided by and</p><p>25 implemented.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 178 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 Would you agree with what I've just said?</p><p>2 JUDGE HALL: I assume, Mr. Cvijetic, that that was a question and</p><p>3 not a speech. I don't know what the witness can make of that.</p><p>4 [Defence counsel confer]</p><p>5 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I will rephrase my</p><p>6 question.</p><p>7 Q. Mr. Markovic, do you consider that this problem that you've also</p><p>8 dealt with at the time in question should have been resolved and</p><p>9 discussed by the highest authorities and representatives of these</p><p>10 parties, as well as members of the international community?</p><p>11 A. I fully agree with what you've just said, and especially in</p><p>12 relation to the presence of the international community, because whenever</p><p>13 I arranged some exchanges, it was always done with the presence of the</p><p>14 UNPROFOR because they were there as a sort of judge and referee.</p><p>15 Q. This is the following page of the document, and we should have</p><p>16 the attachment to the agreement here, and this is something that we would</p><p>17 need to discuss now.</p><p>18 Mr. Markovic, I'm going give you some time again just to look at</p><p>19 the document and then we will comment on it.</p><p>20 Have you had the opportunity to look at the first page of the</p><p>21 document?</p><p>22 A. Yes.</p><p>23 Q. You can see in the introductory paragraph, the agreement is an</p><p>24 agreement that is concluded between the highest representatives of the</p><p>25 Serbian and the Muslim people, between, thus, Mr. Radovan Karadzic, on</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 179 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 behalf of the Republic of Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina and</p><p>2 Alija Izetbegovic and representatives of state commissions for the</p><p>3 exchange of prisoners, as it says at the top.</p><p>4 You will see, however, that the date is missing, so we will</p><p>5 remember this bit because when we finish this document -- with this</p><p>6 document, I will go back to discuss the point why there is no date here.</p><p>7 So let us just go through some of the provisions of this</p><p>8 agreement now.</p><p>9 You can see in item 1, that the subject of the agreement is</p><p>10 noted. This is something that you dealt with in your commission as well.</p><p>11 Isn't that right?</p><p>12 A. Yes.</p><p>13 Q. In item 2, it is said that the exchanges should be carried out</p><p>14 through the commissions that should be formed by both sides. Do you see</p><p>15 that?</p><p>16 A. Yes, I do.</p><p>17 Q. In paragraph 3, the priorities are set about the unconditional</p><p>18 release of certain categories of persons, and what is meant here are</p><p>19 primarily civilians. Do you see that paragraph?</p><p>20 A. Yes.</p><p>21 Q. In paragraph 4, it is stated that the commissions should exchange</p><p>22 the lists of detained persons. And then towards the end, the principle</p><p>23 all for all that you mentioned is also referred to. Do you see that?</p><p>24 A. Yes, I do.</p><p>25 Q. And just help us here with this principle. If you can just</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 180 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 confirm that this principle is supposed to guarantee that there will be</p><p>2 no individual trading and bargaining one for one and so on and so forth</p><p>3 but it will be an all-for-all exchange. I think you were explaining a</p><p>4 little bit about that yesterday. Is that how matters were?</p><p>5 A. I have to say that this principle all for all functioned sometime</p><p>6 at the very beginning of the war. However, afterwards, the principle was</p><p>7 not applied. For example, a high-ranking officer of the Serbian army</p><p>8 would be exchanged for 15 or 20 Muslim fighters, and they would be</p><p>9 requested by name, so the principle actually became meaningless as the</p><p>10 combat progressed.</p><p>11 Q. Yes, that is why I asked you. You will agree with me that the</p><p>12 principle was put in the agreement with justification. There was a</p><p>13 reason to put it in the agreement. Would you agree with that?</p><p>14 A. Yes, yes, I would. But I'm noting that the principle was applied</p><p>15 at the beginning of the war, for a month or two.</p><p>16 Q. Very well. We already said that.</p><p>17 Paragraph 5, you can see here that the agreement provides for the</p><p>18 encouragement of agreements at local levels. And I have to remind you,</p><p>19 you said that your Central Commission objectively could not cover the</p><p>20 whole territory, and you will agree that this agreement actually</p><p>21 acknowledges that. Would you agree?</p><p>22 A. Yes, I agree completely. Because physically it was impossible</p><p>23 for us to approach and to cover everything, because of the roads and</p><p>24 everything. However, the commissions were unable to provide us with the</p><p>25 lists of exchanged persons also because it was not possible to</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 181 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 communicate.</p><p>2 Q. All right. Item 6, we can just briefly say that the agreement is</p><p>3 also covering the exchange of dead bodies. So it is not only about the</p><p>4 exchange of people who are alive but also the exchange of bodies.</p><p>5 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we now move to paragraph 7,</p><p>6 which is on the following page, please.</p><p>7 Q. In paragraph 7, there is an agreement on the release of all</p><p>8 detained JNA soldiers. Do you see that?</p><p>9 And then item 8 refers to other priority categories, and these</p><p>10 would be journalists, medical science and culture workers, public</p><p>11 workers, priests, and so on and so forth.</p><p>12 Do you see that?</p><p>13 A. Yes.</p><p>14 Q. And you can see in paragraph 9 the agreement is reached on the</p><p>15 humane treatment of prisoners. And I think this principle is also noted</p><p>16 in the decision on your commission.</p><p>17 A. Not only do I remember it; I know it off by heart.</p><p>18 Q. What is interesting to me is paragraph 11, where the agreement</p><p>19 provides for the sides enabling each other to check on the living</p><p>20 conditions of the prisoners, guaranteeing mutual safety and return.</p><p>21 So let us try to interpret this as meaning that you as a</p><p>22 representative of the commission and your colleague, on the Muslim side,</p><p>23 could cross the line of separation wherever you had information that</p><p>24 there were prisoners and you had the right to inspect those facilities.</p><p>25 Do you interpret this provision in the same way, in the way that</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 182 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 I have just interpreted it?</p><p>2 A. According to the agreement reached with the Muslim side that is</p><p>3 how it should have been. However, this was not actually possible to</p><p>4 implement. Who among the Serbs could enter the notorious Viktor Bubanj</p><p>5 prison in the barracks of the same name or enter the central prison which</p><p>6 is located in central Sarajevo?</p><p>7 So this actually never happened on either side; I have to mention</p><p>8 that.</p><p>9 Q. The gist of my questions relating to this agreement actually is</p><p>10 aimed at establishing the reasons why this did not happen. So now we</p><p>11 will quickly move to item 14 where the parties would commit themselves to</p><p>12 prevent occurrences of unlawful arrests, to ban blackmail, and I think</p><p>13 that we will agree that this principle all for all would eliminate these</p><p>14 options from item 14. Would you agree?</p><p>15 A. Yes, to a large degree. Yes, of course, I agree entirely. And</p><p>16 the principle all for all has been eliminated here completely and I will</p><p>17 explain that with one detail.</p><p>18 For example, when a brother of one of the Serbs would be</p><p>19 arrested, then the army would arrest a Muslim, and then there would be</p><p>20 private negotiations for the exchange of his brother for this Muslim</p><p>21 person. There were many such occurrences because war is a difficult</p><p>22 situation.</p><p>23 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we now see item 17 of the</p><p>24 document; also in the B/C/S, please.</p><p>25 Q. And you can see here that the contracting parties have committed</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 183 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 themselves to invite representatives of the UN High Commissioner for</p><p>2 Refugees and UNPROFOR representatives as well as representatives of the</p><p>3 Red Cross of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Red Cross of the</p><p>4 Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and representatives of the International</p><p>5 Red Cross.</p><p>6 We have now come to the introductory part of my question. You</p><p>7 would agree, wouldn't you, that an agreement as detailed as this could be</p><p>8 applied only with the presence of all these entities referred to in</p><p>9 paragraph 17.</p><p>10 Would you agree?</p><p>11 A. I agree with you, absolutely. It's an ideally written agreement</p><p>12 except that it was not possible to implement it in the field. And I'm</p><p>13 noting here that the agreement was signed only by the Serbian side. It</p><p>14 was signed by the president of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and</p><p>15 Herzegovina, Dr. Radovan Karadzic, and the president of the exchange</p><p>16 commission, Nenad Vanovac. And there are no signatures by</p><p>17 Mr. Alija Izetbegovic and Mr. Filip Vukovic.</p><p>18 So I'm not sure to what extent this agreement is valid.</p><p>19 Q. My reasons for dealing with this agreement precisely are in this,</p><p>20 and that is that it was evidently not signed by the Muslim side because</p><p>21 we will remind ourselves again of the introductory party where there was</p><p>22 no date because it was to be expected that they would sign such</p><p>23 agreement.</p><p>24 So there was just a draft agreement, or an offer, from the</p><p>25 Serbian side to the Muslim side to resolve this particular problem in</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 184 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 this particular way. Would you agree with what I have just said?</p><p>2 A. Yes, I do agree. And evidently, the Muslim side did not agree to</p><p>3 it because they probably didn't like it.</p><p>4 Q. And you will agree with me that by signing and implementing this</p><p>5 agreement, many ugly things that later happened in the area of prisoner</p><p>6 exchanges and prisoner camps would have been prevented had both sides</p><p>7 bilaterally respected each one of these provisions and had the</p><p>8 international community guaranteed the implementation of this agreement.</p><p>9 Would not those negative things that happened have been prevented</p><p>10 by that?</p><p>11 A. If the agreement had been implemented, it would have been very</p><p>12 good for both sides and all the ugly things could have been avoided,</p><p>13 especially if members of SFOR had always been present during prisoner</p><p>14 exchanges, or members -- representatives of the International Red Cross.</p><p>15 JUDGE HARHOFF: Mr. Markovic, you said just a short while ago</p><p>16 that you thought that the reason why the Muslims hadn't signed this draft</p><p>17 agreement was that they probably didn't like it.</p><p>18 What makes you conclude that they didn't like it? What, in your</p><p>19 view, would have caused the Muslims to abstain from signing, if you know?</p><p>20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, I don't know precisely, but I</p><p>21 believe that this agreement did not go in their favour for the simple</p><p>22 reason that only in the city of Sarajevo, where I live, there were more</p><p>23 than 200.000 Serbs left behind, and pursuant to this agreement, they</p><p>24 should have released them all, freed them from Sarajevo. But they held</p><p>25 them as hostages and mistreated them in their prisons.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 185 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 JUDGE HARHOFF: Do you mean to say that the Muslim side held</p><p>2 200.000 Serbs in prisons in -- within Sarajevo?</p><p>3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Not in prisons but in Sarajevo</p><p>4 itself and some in prisons. Because people were living in Sarajevo but</p><p>5 under daily stress, fear, daily killings in buildings, but they were</p><p>6 unable to leave Sarajevo in any case.</p><p>7 JUDGE HARHOFF: Did the -- did the draft agreement make any</p><p>8 distinction between prisoners of war and detained civilians?</p><p>9 Forgive me for not picking this up when we went through the</p><p>10 agreement, but I didn't see any provision to this effect so I'm just</p><p>11 asking you, who are more familiar with the draft, if -- if any such</p><p>12 distinction was made in the agreement.</p><p>13 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Absolutely. I worked in the</p><p>14 Commission for Exchanges of Prisoners of War, and I could not exchange</p><p>15 them. However, the citizens of Serb ethnicity who lived in Sarajevo, I</p><p>16 could not use them for these exchanges because they did not consider them</p><p>17 prisoners. They considered them and used them as shields, human shields,</p><p>18 during the combat operations around Sarajevo.</p><p>19 Therefore, they did not have an opportunity to leave Sarajevo</p><p>20 either through the commission or any other way. The only thing that I</p><p>21 could do is exchange prisoners of war but not regular citizens and</p><p>22 civilians.</p><p>23 JUDGE HARHOFF: Excuse me, I thought you told us yesterday that</p><p>24 you only dealt with the exchange of civilians; whereas, exchange of</p><p>25 prisoners of war would be left to the military commissions.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 186 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The name of my commission was the</p><p>2 Commission for an Exchange of Prisoners of War. But we also exchanged</p><p>3 civilians. Let me explain it. Prisoners of war were civilians. They</p><p>4 would, for instance, capture 100 Serbs in Sarajevo and then bring them to</p><p>5 the demarcation line and they were considered, in that case, prisoners of</p><p>6 war. As for the military aspect, members of both parties would exchange</p><p>7 members of the armies, of the respective armies.</p><p>8 JUDGE HARHOFF: But it seems to me, from what you now tell us,</p><p>9 that both parties, actually, seemed to completely ignore the definitions</p><p>10 of a prisoner of war, according to the Geneva Convention, the Third</p><p>11 Convention.</p><p>12 Was that done deliberately, or was it just by ignorance?</p><p>13 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, in my view, it was out of</p><p>14 ignorance. In my view.</p><p>15 JUDGE HARHOFF: Well, yes, because if you were to abide by the</p><p>16 Geneva Conventions - this goes for both parties to the conflict - then</p><p>17 the detention of civilians would be unlawful unless you would detain them</p><p>18 for some -- for the purpose of criminal investigation of some sort. But</p><p>19 just to detain civilians in great numbers would be in contravention of</p><p>20 the -- both the Third and the Fourth Convention.</p><p>21 So my question is: If there was any awareness about these</p><p>22 matters in the commission that you worked in.</p><p>23 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, yes, of course, there was a</p><p>24 certain awareness, and we tried to abide and comply as much as we could</p><p>25 to the Geneva Conventions' provisions.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 187 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 However, Judge, you must understand that this was a war of major</p><p>2 proportions, and I don't know what your opinion is on this, but do you</p><p>3 think that the American army in Vietnam or in Iraq applied those</p><p>4 principles? As for us, we did have to -- and, of course, they would have</p><p>5 had to abide by the provisions of the Geneva Conventions.</p><p>6 I mentioned this just for comparative reasons, for comparison.</p><p>7 JUDGE HARHOFF: I have no doubts that the rules are broken in</p><p>8 every war that has ever been fought in history. But, you see, I'm a</p><p>9 Judge and my job to actually make sure that these international norms are</p><p>10 respected. Because if they weren't, then things could get really out of</p><p>11 hand.</p><p>12 Back to you, Mr. Cvijetic.</p><p>13 JUDGE DELVOIE: Just one moment, please.</p><p>14 Mr. Markovic, this draft agreement we are talking about now did</p><p>15 you know of it at the time, or did you learn it lately here or ...</p><p>16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I've seen it for the first time</p><p>17 here.</p><p>18 JUDGE DELVOIE: So when you answered Mr. Cvijetic saying that you</p><p>19 agreed that evidentially the Muslim side did not agree to it because they</p><p>20 probably didn't like it, that is not something that you know of but</p><p>21 that's something you are deducting from the fact that there is no</p><p>22 signature on the Muslim side; is that right? You didn't know that this</p><p>23 was just a draft and not a signed agreement, or did you?</p><p>24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, I didn't know. I used the word</p><p>25 "I assume." That they didn't sign it because it didn't suit them</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 188 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 precisely because of the Serbs who were in Sarajevo, held captive there</p><p>2 practically, and they couldn't leave the town. They were used as human</p><p>3 shields to dig trenches around Sarajevo and for other physical labour.</p><p>4 JUDGE DELVOIE: But you don't know if it has ever been signed or</p><p>5 not?</p><p>6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, I don't.</p><p>7 JUDGE DELVOIE: Thank you.</p><p>8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No. But I can see that it wasn't,</p><p>9 here.</p><p>10 JUDGE DELVOIE: Yes, Mr. Cvijetic.</p><p>11 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.</p><p>12 Q. Sir, I would just like to clarify this by putting a few</p><p>13 questions.</p><p>14 Had this agreement been signed, you would have been the first, as</p><p>15 a member of the commission, to know that there was such agreement in</p><p>16 place because you would, among other things, have to apply their</p><p>17 provisions; correct? Its provisions.</p><p>18 A. I could know about it only if Mr. Vanovac, who is the undersigned</p><p>19 person here, sent it to me. That would have been the only way for me to</p><p>20 have any knowledge about this.</p><p>21 Q. Very well. I would just like to remind you of a question that</p><p>22 the Prosecutor asked yesterday. In one of the documents, the president</p><p>23 of the commission on the Bosnian side, Filip Vukovic, regarding the free</p><p>24 flow of civilians that is also mentioned here, referred to it as ethnic</p><p>25 cleansing. In that respect, in order to clarify this for the</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 189 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 Trial Chamber -- or, rather to provide an illustration, we should mention</p><p>2 what the scale of the flow of civilians was and the problems that this</p><p>3 posed to the authorities.</p><p>4 I would now just like to mention a few facts that I assume you</p><p>5 are familiar with.</p><p>6 You said that you live and work in Bijeljina; correct?</p><p>7 A. Yes.</p><p>8 Q. Do you know that before the war that town, the centre itself,</p><p>9 numbered 35.000 inhabitants?</p><p>10 A. Yes, around 36.000, that's correct.</p><p>11 Q. Do you know that during the war and after the war the number of</p><p>12 registered inhabitants, new inhabitants was 52.000. They were refugees</p><p>13 or displaced persons. Do you know this fact?</p><p>14 A. I know this fact. Bijeljina numbers today around 135.000 people,</p><p>15 so --</p><p>16 THE INTERPRETER: Could the -- could the witness please repeat</p><p>17 the number of refugees who moved in.</p><p>18 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation]</p><p>19 Q. Please repeat the figure that you have, because we have the wrong</p><p>20 number here. According to you, how many people moved in, subsequently,</p><p>21 into Bijeljina?</p><p>22 A. Well, about 100.000 people.</p><p>23 Q. Do you know the fact that at least twice as many people stayed or</p><p>24 passed through Bijeljina, looking for some other place where they could</p><p>25 actually settle and find some kind of shelter and accommodation. Do you</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 190 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 know that fact?</p><p>2 MR. HANNIS: Your Honour, I'd like to object at this point. This</p><p>3 is in the nature of tu quoque. We're not tying it to any specific dates.</p><p>4 If it's between 1992 and 2010, there could be all kinds of reasons those</p><p>5 people passed through, and without that connection, I don't think this</p><p>6 evidence is very relevant or useful to you.</p><p>7 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, we are discussing</p><p>8 generally the problem of refugees and displaced persons, and that is the</p><p>9 problem that this witness actually dealt with in his work. And after I</p><p>10 mentioned these -- some these facts, I will actually -- this is just to</p><p>11 provide the foundation for the question that I will put after this and I</p><p>12 will go through this briefly and quickly.</p><p>13 MR. HANNIS: I'm sorry, I have another objection too.</p><p>14 Mr. Cvijetic keeps talking about "these facts I'm suggesting to you."</p><p>15 Mr. Cvijetic is not a witness and it's not a fact. He can ask a question</p><p>16 based on something he knows but he can't call it a fact at this stage.</p><p>17 And he keeps doing it and I would ask that he be directed to stop doing</p><p>18 it that way.</p><p>19 JUDGE HALL: In other words, Mr. Cvijetic, you must both come</p><p>20 rapidly to the point that are you trying to make and remember, as</p><p>21 Mr. Hannis has cautioned and as I attempted some while ago to point out</p><p>22 to you, you're counsel, not the witness.</p><p>23 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour, I will do my</p><p>24 best. If you noticed, my questions were direct. They were not leading</p><p>25 questions. I just asked the witness whether he knew the bit of</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 191 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 information that I gave him.</p><p>2 So now could you just briefly tell us, do you know -- did you</p><p>3 know about that last figure that I mentioned, about the people who were</p><p>4 there in transit?</p><p>5 A. Of course. Because not all people could stay in Bijeljina. They</p><p>6 would move on to Serbia, Bratunac, Srebrenica, Zvornik.</p><p>7 Q. Very well. Now let me ask you this: You will agree, won't you,</p><p>8 for Republika Srpska to resolve this problem was to tell these people,</p><p>9 You were the victim of ethnic cleansing and just go back to where you</p><p>10 have come from.</p><p>11 Would this have resolved the problem, according to you?</p><p>12 A. I don't think it would have resolved the problem, no way. The</p><p>13 simple reason being that, for instance, today, only 1 per cent of</p><p>14 Sarajevo population are Croats, and some 4 to 5 per cent are Serbs. And</p><p>15 to this day, people are leaving Sarajevo for all sorts of reasons,</p><p>16 because they can't get a job, because of religious discrimination, and</p><p>17 for all sorts of other reasons.</p><p>18 Q. In other words, this mass movement of the populations, the one,</p><p>19 the second, and the third group, was something that had to be accepted as</p><p>20 a result of the war. And you will agree with me that the authorities of</p><p>21 Republika Srpska dealt with this problem and did not ignore the fact or</p><p>22 the -- the claim that it was in the aftermath of ethnic cleansing?</p><p>23 MR. HANNIS: I'm sorry, I object to that question. It is vague.</p><p>24 Which mass movements of the population, the one, the second, the third</p><p>25 group? When in time is that? Which people is it? From where to where?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 192 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 How does that relate to anything in our case?</p><p>2 That needs some clarification.</p><p>3 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Well, I will be specific.</p><p>4 Q. Mr. Markovic, the agreement that you see before you, was it</p><p>5 directed at resolving this problem in the proper way?</p><p>6 MR. HANNIS: I object again. It's vague. Which problem? And</p><p>7 what does "proper way" mean?</p><p>8 It's the problem of prisoners? It's the problem of movement of</p><p>9 population? Which problem is being asked about here?</p><p>10 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Well, simply the problem that is</p><p>11 dealt with in the agreement.</p><p>12 MR. HANNIS: Okay. Can we have pointed to us in the agreement</p><p>13 what problem is being addressed?</p><p>14 JUDGE HALL: I -- I don't know how helpful this, what we have now</p><p>15 gotten bogged down in, is going to be the Trial Chamber at the end of the</p><p>16 day.</p><p>17 The -- Mr. Cvijetic, you have spent a considerable amount of time</p><p>18 setting the background to this situation and eliciting the witness's</p><p>19 observations, in light of his own experience. But for our purposes,</p><p>20 could we move on to the precise point that you are trying to make as a</p><p>21 matter of evidence.</p><p>22 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, the essence is this.</p><p>23 As this agreement was not signed and therefore implemented, this problem</p><p>24 in Republika Srpska was dealt with in the manner that I showed yesterday,</p><p>25 when I showed the witness some documents of the state organs, and I would</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 193 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 like now to show how Republika Srpska continued to deal with this problem</p><p>2 at the local level because this agreement was -- had not been signed.</p><p>3 So the point is -- the point we want to make is that</p><p>4 Republika Srpska had to resolve this problem irrespective of the fact</p><p>5 there were no signatures of both sides, and the problem could not be</p><p>6 resolved bilaterally.</p><p>7 JUDGE HALL: Before, Mr. Hannis responds, and I expect I know</p><p>8 what is he going to say, aren't you sliding into the tu quoque defence.</p><p>9 I assume that was the point you were going to make, Mr. Hannis.</p><p>10 MR. HANNIS: That and also, Your Honour, maybe it's just me but I</p><p>11 still don't understand what "this problem" is. I'm simply asking him to</p><p>12 explain what he is talking about. And he keeps referring to the general</p><p>13 term of "this problem."</p><p>14 I don't know what that is.</p><p>15 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, if the territory of</p><p>16 Republika Srpska, and we mentioned one town alone, receives</p><p>17 100.000 people from elsewhere, refugees and displaced persons, then that</p><p>18 does pose a problem, that the highest organs of authorities have to deal</p><p>19 with in a manner that we point -- showed yesterday and that we will see</p><p>20 here, too, and that's a problem that cannot be resolved by shutting your</p><p>21 eyes and just claiming that this is the problem to do with ethnic</p><p>22 cleansing and we're not going to deal with it.</p><p>23 So what I'm trying to show here today, and I've shown it</p><p>24 yesterday, I would like to show a few documents to show how</p><p>25 Republika Srpska tried to resolve this problem by using various methods.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 194 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 [Trial Chamber confers]</p><p>2 JUDGE HALL: Mr. Cvijetic, I would remind you that the stage of</p><p>3 the trial that we're at is that we -- evidence is being led from</p><p>4 witnesses. You are in the process of cross-examining this witness, so</p><p>5 you are testing and probing the evidence that he has given on behalf of</p><p>6 the Prosecution and challenging it. But the question of conclusions</p><p>7 and -- and what arguments you would wish to make, you would reserve for</p><p>8 the end of the exercise when all of the evidence is in.</p><p>9 So if you would confine yourself to getting the evidence from the</p><p>10 witness while the witness is on the stand, we could get ahead.</p><p>11 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Very well, Your Honours.</p><p>12 Can we now show the witness document P60.8, please.</p><p>13 Q. Mr. Markovic, can you see the title of the document?</p><p>14 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we now look at the first page</p><p>15 of the document, please. And there is an affirmation by the translator;</p><p>16 I just wanted to note that.</p><p>17 Q. Mr. Markovic, you can see here that the problem of the refugee</p><p>18 population in the area of Sanski Most, for example, is something that the</p><p>19 municipal civilian protection staff was dealing with. And you said that</p><p>20 some parts of the Serbian Republic of the Krajina were inaccessible to</p><p>21 members of the commission for certain periods of time.</p><p>22 Can you confirm, however, whether this organ that was dealing</p><p>23 with this question was one of those authorised to resolve this problem?</p><p>24 A. I said yesterday, Mr. Cvijetic, that Crisis Staffs were</p><p>25 established in all the municipalities which were practically the Alpha</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 195 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 and Omega of the work of the municipality. This municipality of</p><p>2 Sanski Most I never visited privately and not during the war, so this is</p><p>3 an order based on the conclusions of the municipal staff of Sanski Most.</p><p>4 But, like I said, I never saw this order before, and I never went to the</p><p>5 Sanski Most municipality myself.</p><p>6 Q. The question was whether the municipal civilian protection staff</p><p>7 was supposed to be dealing with this problem. This is what I asked you.</p><p>8 A. If these were civilians, then, yes, absolutely, yes.</p><p>9 Q. Very well. I'm going move immediately to the next document.</p><p>10 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we look at 1D03, please, 4458.</p><p>11 Q. You can see here that the care for individuals in the centre in</p><p>12 Trnopolje is being dealt along with the participation of the</p><p>13 International Red Cross and they're asking for support in food and -- and</p><p>14 other supplies.</p><p>15 So is this one of the entities that should have been dealing with</p><p>16 this question?</p><p>17 A. Yes. Because, in a way, that's part of the description of the</p><p>18 duties of the Red Cross, because what is being requested here is food,</p><p>19 flour, meat, and so on, fuel and so on and so forth. So I think that it</p><p>20 is proper for the organisation of the Red Cross to be dealing with</p><p>21 matters that have to do with civilians.</p><p>22 Q. Thank you. We have now rounded off - at least I think - of all</p><p>23 the key state organs and factors from the Presidency, the government, the</p><p>24 army, down to the local organs, which were dealing with the issues of</p><p>25 detention facilities, the movement of civilians, and providing assistance</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 196 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 and care for the population.</p><p>2 Finally, I am going to show you three documents by the minister</p><p>3 of the interior.</p><p>4 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we now look at Exhibit 1D55,</p><p>5 please.</p><p>6 Q. Mr. Markovic, at the time this order was adopted, you were still</p><p>7 a member of the commission so I'm not sure if you actually saw this</p><p>8 document or not. But, please, can you now read the contents of the</p><p>9 documents? If you're able to; the letters are very small.</p><p>10 A. Yes, yes, I can.</p><p>11 Q. Well, just go ahead, read it and then I'm going to put some</p><p>12 questions to you.</p><p>13 Have you managed?</p><p>14 A. Yes.</p><p>15 Q. You spoke yesterday about the delineation of responsibilities and</p><p>16 the authority of the Ministry of the Interior when we're talking about</p><p>17 these detention facilities, and you restricted that to facilities that</p><p>18 were within the public security stations, which is where the police had</p><p>19 the right to detain persons up to three days.</p><p>20 A. Yes, that is correct.</p><p>21 Q. Did you say that, and now that you see this -- did you say that</p><p>22 based on your general knowledge of police affairs and regulations, or did</p><p>23 you say that on the basis of the knowledge of this particular document?</p><p>24 Can you remember?</p><p>25 A. This order was quite specifically formulated and it states that</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 197 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 the security of collection centres shall be the direct responsibility of</p><p>2 the Serbian army and members of the reserve police can be engaged on</p><p>3 these tasks. I know that the minister, in a document of his, issued</p><p>4 orders for all reserve police force members to be demobilised from the</p><p>5 police and to be made available for the disposition of the Army of</p><p>6 Republika Srpska. I read this document.</p><p>7 Q. Can you read item 2 of this document to the very end and I think</p><p>8 that you will find what you have just said.</p><p>9 A. Should I read it aloud?</p><p>10 Q. No, just read it to yourself.</p><p>11 A. Yes, that is exactly what it says, what I was referring to</p><p>12 earlier.</p><p>13 Q. My question at the beginning was whether -- do you -- are you</p><p>14 aware of the regulations on -- of the Law of Internal Affairs, allowing</p><p>15 the police to deal with matters like this only in their own public</p><p>16 security stations, and are they able to then keep these persons detained</p><p>17 for a maximum of three days? Is that what the regulations state?</p><p>18 Just briefly.</p><p>19 A. According to the Law on Interior Affairs, it specifically says</p><p>20 that a person can be detained in a public security facility up to three</p><p>21 days, so one, two, and up to a maximum of three days. And this is in</p><p>22 police stations which have the adequate facilities for such detention.</p><p>23 Q. Very well. And this order is dealing precisely with those</p><p>24 facilities, what they should look like and so on and so forth.</p><p>25 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Can we now look at the next</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 198 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 document? This is 1D56.</p><p>2 Q. I'm sorry, your answer was not recorded completely, so ...</p><p>3 You can see here Mr. Stanisic's order about the applications of</p><p>4 the provisions of international laws of war and adherence to the</p><p>5 conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war and so on and so forth.</p><p>6 Yesterday, responding to a question from the Prosecutor, you said</p><p>7 that policemen, when they're engaged on military assignments, are under</p><p>8 the command of the army, and they act pursuant to orders from the army.</p><p>9 A. Yes.</p><p>10 Q. Do you remember saying that yesterday?</p><p>11 A. Yes, I remember that very well.</p><p>12 As soon as members of the police are transferred to military</p><p>13 units, they are immediately subordinated to the military officers and</p><p>14 bound by their orders. They are considered to be soldiers.</p><p>15 Q. And do you recall that I showed you an order from the</p><p>16 commander-in-chief, President Karadzic, ordering that all these</p><p>17 international convention regulations be applied?</p><p>18 A. Yes, I remember that.</p><p>19 Q. So, Mr. Stanisic, with this order, orders, in a general way, to</p><p>20 the members of the police that if they should find themselves in a</p><p>21 situation, even if they are not under the jurisdiction of the MUP but are</p><p>22 in the status of soldiers, they should comport themselves pursuant to the</p><p>23 regulations as they are stated here.</p><p>24 So that applied to you in the same way, regardless of the fact</p><p>25 that you were under the jurisdiction of the government and were a member</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 199 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 of a government commission. I think you said that -- this was said in a</p><p>2 meeting in a conversation. Do you recall that?</p><p>3 A. Yes, I remember that very well. But here in the last</p><p>4 paragraph it is stated that persons who violate the regulations and act</p><p>5 contrary to our legal and international regulations in this field and so</p><p>6 on and so forth, regardless of whether they were members of the MUP or</p><p>7 the army, it is necessary to immediately start gathering information and</p><p>8 documentation and submit criminal reports to the authorised prosecutor's</p><p>9 office. Regardless of whether these were soldiers or policemen, if they</p><p>10 commit a criminal act, criminal reports have to be submitted to the</p><p>11 authorised prosecutor's office.</p><p>12 Q. Very well. We have one more document.</p><p>13 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] 1D57.</p><p>14 Q. We can see here that the Ministry of Interior, and it says in the</p><p>15 second sentence, regardless of its jurisdiction, should act pursuant to</p><p>16 the request of the Ministry of Health, Work, and Social Security and</p><p>17 assisted in the collection of certain data about these facilities that we</p><p>18 spoke about yesterday and today. And it says that this was done at the</p><p>19 request of the International Committee of the Red Cross.</p><p>20 So the ministry did deal with this problem to the extent that it</p><p>21 was able to assist other authorised organs that were authorised to deal</p><p>22 with this problem. Isn't that right?</p><p>23 A. Yes, precisely. Because this refers to data that was gathered by</p><p>24 the Ministry of Health, and the minister instructed the centres and the</p><p>25 stations of public security to collect the names of the places, who</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 200 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 formed or set up those camps, the institutions, and so on and so forth.</p><p>2 Q. I'm going show you one more document.</p><p>3 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] I think that this is P731.</p><p>4 Q. We can see that this is a report or action pursuant to a dispatch</p><p>5 by the public security station of Rogatica, where the chief of that</p><p>6 station reports on the situation in his area, and then, in this second</p><p>7 larger paragraph, speaks about the military engagement of members of the</p><p>8 public security station and the problems that it encountered. And then</p><p>9 at the end of that paragraph, it is said that after a struggle with the</p><p>10 military organs, they managed to keep 50 per cent of their force in order</p><p>11 to be able to perform their regular duties.</p><p>12 Do you see that at the end of that paragraph?</p><p>13 A. Yes.</p><p>14 Q. What I am interested in is the problem -- one problem that was</p><p>15 encountered and that the chief was forced to resolve in an ad hoc manner,</p><p>16 again, regardless of jurisdiction, and this is in the last paragraph but</p><p>17 one, if you are able to read it. After the army and certain civilian</p><p>18 organs left a group of civilian population out of the zone of combat, he</p><p>19 literally says:</p><p>20 "Although pursuant to the Law on Internal Affairs they were not</p><p>21 under our jurisdiction, we guarded those persons and transferred them to</p><p>22 the territory controlled by the authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and</p><p>23 Herzegovina."</p><p>24 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] And can we now move to page 2.</p><p>25 [Defence counsel confer]</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 201 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, my colleague is</p><p>2 drawing my attention to the fact that the break is -- it's time for a</p><p>3 break, so perhaps it would be good for the witness to have time to</p><p>4 acquaint himself with this document before I can put some questions to</p><p>5 him on it.</p><p>6 JUDGE HALL: The -- when you say "have time to acquaint himself</p><p>7 with the document," you're inviting him to read it during the break or</p><p>8 what? I -- I don't follow you.</p><p>9 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Yes, precisely.</p><p>10 MR. HANNIS: I have no objection if a hard copy is provided to</p><p>11 him to look at during the break.</p><p>12 JUDGE HALL: Yes, well, that can be done.</p><p>13 And we take the break now.</p><p>14 [The witness stands down]</p><p>15 --- Recess taken at 10.23 a.m.</p><p>16 --- On resuming at 10.58 a.m.</p><p>17 [The witness takes the stand]</p><p>18 JUDGE HALL: Yes, Mr. Cvijetic, you may continue.</p><p>19 MR. CVIJETIC:</p><p>20 Q. [Interpretation] We will be brief, Mr. Markovic. I assume that</p><p>21 you've seen the report and read through it. I will only -- yes, we have</p><p>22 the second page.</p><p>23 Now here we see that the chief of the station is describing why</p><p>24 he has done as he has, as described in the document. And what I would</p><p>25 like to ask you is this: In the first part, he says that he was not</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 202 Cross-examination by Mr. Cvijetic (Continued)</p><p>1 bound by law to take any action. Do you agree with me?</p><p>2 A. Yes.</p><p>3 Q. He informed about this incident. Now, let's see, if he received</p><p>4 this dispatch on the 25th of July, he informed thereof the centre of the</p><p>5 security stations in August. Now what I would like to know is whether he</p><p>6 informed your commission and whether you knew about this transfer of</p><p>7 civilians.</p><p>8 Answer with just yes or no.</p><p>9 A. No, I don't know about this. But the army brought them in, and</p><p>10 neither the army authorities nor the civilian authorities wanted to take</p><p>11 any responsibility for them so they just transferred their</p><p>12 responsibility, as it were, to the police which then had to do something,</p><p>13 and they simply let them go. This was a -- an attempt to remove the</p><p>14 population, the civilian population, from areas where there was fighting.</p><p>15 Muslim civilians.</p><p>16 Q. Yes. That's what it says here.</p><p>17 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] And I have no further questions</p><p>18 for this witness.</p><p>19 Q. Mr. Markovic, thank you, I have no further questions for you.</p><p>20 A. You're welcome.</p><p>21 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic:</p><p>22 Q. [Interpretation] Good afternoon, Mr. Markovic.</p><p>23 A. Good afternoon.</p><p>24 Q. I am Defence counsel Igor Pantelic, and I'm the Defence counsel</p><p>25 for Mr. Zupljanin. Unfortunately, we didn't have occasion to meet these</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 203 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 past days. My colleague spoke with you, but I will continue with the</p><p>2 questioning in line with what we've heard before for the Trial Chamber's</p><p>3 benefit.</p><p>4 A. Very well.</p><p>5 Q. My first question is this. Based on information that I have from</p><p>6 client and certain exhibits that the Defence has, Mr. Zupljanin never</p><p>7 participated in any kind of discussions to do with exchanges of prisoners</p><p>8 or populations and so on.</p><p>9 A. That's correct, he never did.</p><p>10 Q. In your statement to the Prosecution on 26th of February, 2008, I</p><p>11 found, as I read through it, a very tragic and moving incident described</p><p>12 therein. And for the Trial Chamber to get a better picture, could you</p><p>13 please tell us briefly what this was about. I am referring to the</p><p>14 incident where Croatian soldiers from the HVO were supposed to be</p><p>15 exchanged for Serbian prisoners of war and the Croatian prisoners of war</p><p>16 were detained in the military camp Manjaca.</p><p>17 A. That's correct.</p><p>18 Q. Would you please describe to the Trial Chamber what you witnessed</p><p>19 during the exchange and please describe how you felt about it.</p><p>20 A. Well, I will begin with my arrival in Banja Luka.</p><p>21 When I arrived Banja Luka, on orders from the prime minister, I</p><p>22 first went to my own base, as it were. That's the CSB in Banja Luka,</p><p>23 where I met Mr. Zupljanin for the first time. We met very briefly, a</p><p>24 couple of minutes. I went to see him so that he could tell me and my</p><p>25 colleague who was with me, Mr. Slobodan Avlijas, where the Banja Luka</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 204 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 court was, and we were looking to meet with the president of the court,</p><p>2 Mr. Jovo Rosic, who is unfortunately -- who has unfortunately passed</p><p>3 away. Mr. Zupljanin called Mr. Rosic and he said that we had come to</p><p>4 arrange this exchange.</p><p>5 I met with Mr. Rosic and Mr. Branko Dokic, who was the dean of</p><p>6 the electrical engineering school in Banja Luka at the time, and they</p><p>7 were representatives in the commission of the Autonomous Region of</p><p>8 Krajina. That's what it was called at the time. I had lists with me of</p><p>9 Croatian prisoners that were being sought by the Croatian side because I</p><p>10 received them by fax from a certain Mario Plejic, who lived in</p><p>11 Dusseldorf, somewhere in Germany anyway, and we exchanged fax messages</p><p>12 and lists in that manner.</p><p>13 I confirmed that I had found all these men and that all the men</p><p>14 that they were asking, that were on the list, will be -- would be</p><p>15 exchanged. Mr. Rosic Avlijas, myself, and Dokic went to Manjaca where we</p><p>16 took over, took with us a certain number of prisoners of war of Croatian</p><p>17 ethnicity who had been captured during combat. From there, we boarded</p><p>18 buses, two or three buses, I can't recall exactly, and went to Knin.</p><p>19 When we arrived in Knin it was already dark so we spent the night there,</p><p>20 and the Croatians who were on the buses were guarded by the Army of the</p><p>21 Knin Krajina.</p><p>22 The next day we left in a convoy of buses for a place called</p><p>23 Zitnic, which was in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. There, we</p><p>24 met members of the Croatian commission, Mr. Ivan Bender, Valentin Coric,</p><p>25 and two other men that I didn't know. In these negotiations, a member of</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 205 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 the international mission also was present. I think his name was</p><p>2 Martin --</p><p>3 THE INTERPRETER: The interpreter did not hear the last name.</p><p>4 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] -- from Portugal. After some</p><p>5 discussion and negotiation they asked to board the buses and check</p><p>6 whether the men that they had sought were on the buses. We, on our part,</p><p>7 had brought every single man that they had requested. And then, from</p><p>8 there on, we continued to another place called Pakovo Selo, near Sibenik,</p><p>9 where we were supposed to check our list of our people that we had sought</p><p>10 and that had been agreed with Mr. Plejic. That's what we thought.</p><p>11 When we arrived there, we were surprised, first, when the people</p><p>12 started boarding the buses, there were very few men. There were women</p><p>13 mostly and even young women with their children, babies. Perhaps</p><p>14 5 per cent of the people that were on the list actually showed up. We</p><p>15 didn't know what to do and then Mr. Jovo Rosic, as the president of the</p><p>16 court and the most senior member of the commission among us, went back to</p><p>17 Zitnic and made a telephone call, probably to the prime minister,</p><p>18 Mr. Djeric, and when he returned he said there will be no exchange.</p><p>19 Of course, the Croats began protesting, because, you know, for</p><p>20 our people -- for our people it wasn't really simple. They were almost</p><p>21 free and now they were supposed to go back to hell. I'm sure they didn't</p><p>22 enjoy it there.</p><p>23 Now, these -- this was a very difficult situation. There were</p><p>24 people crying, the women and children, even some of the Croatian</p><p>25 prisoners were crying. After this, on order from the prime minister, we</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 206 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 took them back to Manjaca and left them where we had taken them from</p><p>2 originally.</p><p>3 Q. Very well. Mr. Markovic, let me take you to that year, 1992.</p><p>4 There's an impression here, and this is what the Prosecution is</p><p>5 trying to build up, that the entire situation and atmosphere was quiet,</p><p>6 peaceful, and that everything should follow in an orderly fashion, and</p><p>7 every regulation and provision of the law should be applied by.</p><p>8 Now, let me ask you this: When -- during the process of</p><p>9 establishment of Republika Srpska, there were a lot of organisational and</p><p>10 other problems and all authorities, all government organs, local and</p><p>11 government -- and at the government level, had a lot of difficulties in</p><p>12 organising this in a timely fashion because events just followed one</p><p>13 after another at great speed. Correct?</p><p>14 A. Yes, that's correct. Other than the documents that we received</p><p>15 on how we were to proceed in our work, we also received a document from</p><p>16 the mission, international mission, which basically followed the same</p><p>17 rules. But have you to understand that in these circumstances, in the</p><p>18 chaos of war it was practically impossible to implement all -- and comply</p><p>19 with all of these regulations.</p><p>20 Q. In answering my colleague Cvijetic's questions, you discussed</p><p>21 that and I would now like to set up a framework, a legal framework within</p><p>22 which we have to work.</p><p>23 Now, do you know that in -- on the 12th of May, 1992, the</p><p>24 Assembly of Republika Srpska declared a state of war. Did you know that?</p><p>25 A. Yes. At the time, I was already a member of the commission and I</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 207 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 was in Pale.</p><p>2 Q. As an experienced police officer, you know that in circumstances</p><p>3 of an immediate threat of war, the army has -- and the police have</p><p>4 certain rules to abide by and they have to be resubordinated to the army.</p><p>5 A. That's correct.</p><p>6 Q. You've commented a document that Mr. Cvijetic showed you. That's</p><p>7 P189. And I would now like quickly to go through it and discuss certain</p><p>8 matters therein.</p><p>9 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] So could we please pull it up,</p><p>10 P189. Here we have it.</p><p>11 Q. First of all, Mr. Markovic, we see in the preamble to these</p><p>12 instructions that it was adopted -- that they were adopted, pursuant to</p><p>13 an order from the Presidency of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and</p><p>14 Herzegovina of 13 June 1992, and these instructions are being issued by</p><p>15 the Ministry of Defence; correct?</p><p>16 A. Yes.</p><p>17 Q. In item 1, the Ministry of Defence, for all practical purposes,</p><p>18 issues an order to members of the MUP as well to comply with certain</p><p>19 rules and regulations in keeping with the -- what we've earlier said</p><p>20 about the resubordination of the MUP to the army; correct?</p><p>21 A. Yes.</p><p>22 Q. If we look at the paragraph 4 now of these instructions, it says</p><p>23 there that the reception centres for captured persons shall be determined</p><p>24 by a senior officer with a rank of company commander or higher; is that</p><p>25 correct?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 208 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 A. Yes.</p><p>2 Q. We will not go through all the items, the other items or other</p><p>3 articles talk about conditions that should exist in all these centres and</p><p>4 reception centres, detention centres and so on.</p><p>5 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Now let us move to page 3 of the</p><p>6 Serbian or B/C/S version. The last three digits are 451, the last three</p><p>7 digits of the ERN number. That's right.</p><p>8 We see number 18, please. Can we please have number 18 on the</p><p>9 screen in the B/C/S version.</p><p>10 Q. In item 18 it is stated that for organisation and location of the</p><p>11 camps, it is the commanders of the corps of the VRS of the Bosnia and</p><p>12 Herzegovina -- it's the responsibility of the corps commanders.</p><p>13 So all this was within the systematic regulations that define the</p><p>14 role of the army in such conditions.</p><p>15 A. Yes, that's correct. And if you remember, there was an order</p><p>16 we've seen yesterday issued by General Ratko Mladic about establishment</p><p>17 of camps where it is stated that the VRS should have exclusive control of</p><p>18 such camps, that each of the corps has a task to that effect.</p><p>19 Q. Now, Mr. Markovic, let us look into the circumstances prevailing</p><p>20 in the Autonomous Region of Krajina in 1992. So if you have any</p><p>21 information about that, I would like to hear your opinion.</p><p>22 As far as we know, the entire territory of the Autonomous Region</p><p>23 of Krajina was, practically speaking, a front line that was even</p><p>24 encircled by the enemy forces until the corridor was made. They were</p><p>25 encircled by the enemy forces. Is that correct?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 209 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 A. Yes.</p><p>2 Q. Let us analyse the situation in the area of Prijedor, so-called</p><p>3 Potkozarje region, if you have, of course, any information about that.</p><p>4 In strong conflicts in that area, the VRS was very active in the period</p><p>5 of April until July of 1992.</p><p>6 A. Mr. Pantelic --</p><p>7 MR. HANNIS: I'm sorry, I have to object there. The evidence in</p><p>8 this case is that the VRS wasn't created until the middle of May 1992, so</p><p>9 the question needs to be reformulated.</p><p>10 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Yes, yes. Since my colleague</p><p>11 Mr. Hannis insists on being perfectly precise, and this is an objective</p><p>12 fact.</p><p>13 Q. The fighting in the area of Prijedor was between very strong</p><p>14 Muslim units and the forces of the Serbian Territorial Defence until</p><p>15 May 12th, when the VRS was established, and, as of 12th of May, the</p><p>16 fighting was between the VRS and its subordinated units and very strong</p><p>17 Muslim forces in the area. Is that correct?</p><p>18 A. Yes. Together with the Croatian forces.</p><p>19 Q. These were hard battles with many victims on the Serbian side as</p><p>20 well, with a lot of blood spilled.</p><p>21 A. Yes.</p><p>22 Q. In course of such fighting, unfortunately, as a consequence of</p><p>23 military operations, the civilian population of all three ethnicities was</p><p>24 in danger.</p><p>25 A. Yes, that's correct.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 210 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 Q. And then the relevant command of the VRS ordered, in accordance</p><p>2 with international law, that civilian population should be protected, and</p><p>3 that's why Trnopolje reception centre was established, where civilians</p><p>4 could find some kind of shelter; is that correct?</p><p>5 A. Yes.</p><p>6 JUDGE DELVOIE: Mr. Pantelic.</p><p>7 MR. PANTELIC: Yes, Your Honour.</p><p>8 JUDGE DELVOIE: You were referring to Prijedor municipality and</p><p>9 then the so-called region but the name of the region is not in the</p><p>10 transcript, and I would like to know what region you were talking about</p><p>11 where these heavy fighting were going on.</p><p>12 MR. PANTELIC: Yes.</p><p>13 JUDGE DELVOIE: You mentioned it but it isn't on the transcript.</p><p>14 MR. PANTELIC: Yes, I will clarify that.</p><p>15 Q. [Interpretation] For the purpose of transcript let us repeat.</p><p>16 The fighting took place in the area of Prijedor and the region of</p><p>17 Potkozarje. This region means, in translation, "surrounding</p><p>18 Mount Kozara." Is that correct?</p><p>19 A. Yes.</p><p>20 JUDGE DELVOIE: Thank you.</p><p>21 MR. PANTELIC: You're welcome, Your Honour.</p><p>22 Q. [Interpretation] So, according to the information that we have,</p><p>23 Trnopolje was an open-type reception centre, where civilian population</p><p>24 could freely enter or leave at any point; is that correct?</p><p>25 A. Yes.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 211 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 Q. However, the problem regarding Trnopolje got worse with time,</p><p>2 mainly because of the food supply problems and other supply problems, and</p><p>3 then the Red Cross from Prijedor also reacted to the situation. Am I</p><p>4 correct?</p><p>5 A. Yes. We've seen a document to that effect.</p><p>6 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Can we please have 1D9 --</p><p>7 apologies, 1D03-4458.</p><p>8 Q. This is the document my learned colleague Cvijetic asked you</p><p>9 about. As we see here, the situation on the 12th of September, 1992, was</p><p>10 very serious, a shortage of food, fuel for heating, and the municipal</p><p>11 Red Cross of Prijedor reacts by sending reports to the Municipal Assembly</p><p>12 of Prijedor.</p><p>13 A. To the Executive Committee, yes.</p><p>14 Q. Generally speaking, although you were not in the area at the</p><p>15 time, but you did have information that all such centres faced similar</p><p>16 problems because of the war conditions and because it was very hard to</p><p>17 organise everything required in relation to feeding the people and so on.</p><p>18 Is that correct?</p><p>19 A. Yes, that's correct.</p><p>20 MR. PANTELIC: If there is no objections -- I don't know if that</p><p>21 document was admitted. If there is no objection from my learned friend</p><p>22 Mr. Hannis, I would like to -- to tender it, although it was uploaded by</p><p>23 our friends from Stanisic Defence.</p><p>24 JUDGE DELVOIE: [Microphone not activated]</p><p>25 MR. HANNIS: I do object to it, Your Honour. This witness can't</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 212 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 speak to it. He wasn't at Trnopolje. He doesn't know who wrote this</p><p>2 document. He doesn't know anything about it.</p><p>3 I object to its admission through this witness.</p><p>4 MR. PANTELIC: Maybe we could MFI.</p><p>5 JUDGE HALL: Yes, marked for identification.</p><p>6 MR. PANTELIC: Thank you.</p><p>7 THE REGISTRAR: Exhibit 2D93 marked -- this will be Exhibit 2D93,</p><p>8 marked for identification, Your Honours.</p><p>9 MR. PANTELIC: Thank you.</p><p>10 JUDGE HALL: That's marked for identification pending a suitable</p><p>11 witness being able to tender it.</p><p>12 MR. PANTELIC: Absolutely. I was just trying to speed up this</p><p>13 process, but, okay, no problem at all. Thank you so much, Your Honour.</p><p>14 Q. [Interpretation] Next document I would like to --</p><p>15 JUDGE DELVOIE: Mr. Pantelic.</p><p>16 MR. PANTELIC: Yes, Your Honour.</p><p>17 JUDGE DELVOIE: Mr. Pantelic, please, I suppose your actual line</p><p>18 of question goes to the challenge of one or more of 39 adjudicated facts.</p><p>19 MR. PANTELIC: That's correct, Your Honour.</p><p>20 JUDGE DELVOIE: Okay. Can -- may I remember you that you should</p><p>21 announce which facts you are challenging that way. If you could, that</p><p>22 would be very helpful. Thank you.</p><p>23 MR. PANTELIC: Could you bear with me one second, please,</p><p>24 Your Honour.</p><p>25 JUDGE DELVOIE: If you are not able to do it right now, you can</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 213 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 do it perhaps after the next break or something like that.</p><p>2 MR. PANTELIC: Yes, thank you, Your Honour.</p><p>3 JUDGE DELVOIE: Thank you.</p><p>4 MR. PANTELIC: Just for the record. Thank you. Thank you so</p><p>5 much for your understanding.</p><p>6 Q. [Interpretation] So the next document I would like to show to you</p><p>7 and to discuss with you is the document that you already talked about.</p><p>8 It's 560 from the Prosecutor's 65 ter list.</p><p>9 We can see here that the author of the document was the warden of</p><p>10 the Trnopolje centre, Mr. Pero Curguz. And on the 8th of October, 1992,</p><p>11 he reports again to the Municipal Assembly of Prijedor and its Executive</p><p>12 Committee about problems in relation to bread, flour and so on.</p><p>13 In the end, at the end of the first paragraph, he is saying that</p><p>14 there is many people coming in, that there's about 3.500 of them already</p><p>15 there. Is that correct?</p><p>16 A. Yes.</p><p>17 Q. So the problem with Trnopolje is still active at the time. He is</p><p>18 then saying that although the centre is officially closed, people keep</p><p>19 coming, because people are feeling insecure and feel threatened because</p><p>20 of the conflicts of war, and that's the reason why people do go there.</p><p>21 Is that correct?</p><p>22 A. [No interpretation]</p><p>23 MR. PANTELIC: Your Honour, I would like to tender this document</p><p>24 for MFI, please, if it is appropriate. Thank you. Because it is related</p><p>25 to previous one.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 214 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 JUDGE HALL: Marked for identification, again pending admission</p><p>2 through a -- a witness to whom there's a closer nexus.</p><p>3 THE REGISTRAR: This will be Exhibit 2D94, marked for</p><p>4 identification, Your Honours.</p><p>5 MR. PANTELIC:</p><p>6 Q. [Interpretation] If we could only have your answer in the</p><p>7 transcript as well.</p><p>8 So, my question was: The combat activities in the area was what</p><p>9 prompted the influx of people to Trnopolje and the Red Cross is trying to</p><p>10 do its best to make arrangements for the people.</p><p>11 A. Of course, the safety of the people was the main thing. They</p><p>12 were safe in Trnopolje. There's -- as you can see, there is mention of</p><p>13 50 per cent of children between 1 and 12 years. They were safe in the</p><p>14 centre. They did have food and the rest -- well, to some extent at</p><p>15 least, they had it, thanks to the Red Cross.</p><p>16 Q. Thank you. Let us now look at P194.</p><p>17 While we're waiting for this document, let me just say it's a</p><p>18 report by the commission of the Republika Srpska government consisting of</p><p>19 Mr. Vojin Lale, who was Assistant Minister for Justice, and Mr. Erkic,</p><p>20 who was an inspector in the MUP. This commission visited the object</p><p>21 between the 10th and the 15th of August -- or, rather, facilities in</p><p>22 Krajina region; namely, Trnopolje, Omarska, Keraterm, Krings in</p><p>23 Sanski Most, and two other centres in Bosanski Samac.</p><p>24 Let us deal with Trnopolje and the situation there.</p><p>25 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Can we please have the following</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 215 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 page of this document put up on the screen. Or, rather, the third page.</p><p>2 So one more page, please. The last three ERN numbers are 062. Yes,</p><p>3 thank you.</p><p>4 Q. In the third paragraph, it is stated that this settlement of</p><p>5 Trnopolje is under the protection of the VRS and that one can see in</p><p>6 Serbian and English a sign saying "open reception centre".</p><p>7 Can you see that?</p><p>8 A. Yes, yes, I can see that.</p><p>9 Q. Furthermore, the commission writes, that certain problems persist</p><p>10 in relation to provision of food but that the local Red Cross</p><p>11 organisation and a Muslim organisation called Merhamet are doing all they</p><p>12 can to improve the conditions.</p><p>13 And then, on the following page of this report, the commission --</p><p>14 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Can we please have the next page.</p><p>15 Q. The commission states or writes about the conditions in the POW</p><p>16 detention centre called Omarska. They discuss the conditions found</p><p>17 there, and then explains what conditions were like in Keraterm,</p><p>18 Sanski Most and Bosanski Samac.</p><p>19 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Now can we please move to page 5</p><p>20 of the document. The last three ERN numbers are 066.</p><p>21 So, conclusions or concluding remarks.</p><p>22 Q. Mr. Markovic, it is a known fact that on the basis of the</p><p>23 reaction by the Assembly of Republika Srpska in July, but also in</p><p>24 August of 1992, such centres were subjected to intensive control and also</p><p>25 that because of international outcry in relation to these centres. Is</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 216 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 that correct?</p><p>2 A. Yes.</p><p>3 Q. In item 1, the commission criticises the government of</p><p>4 Republika Srpska and says that the government did not pay appropriate</p><p>5 attention to the problems relating to these facilities; is that correct?</p><p>6 A. Yes.</p><p>7 Q. And then in the following items, the commission speaks about</p><p>8 inadequate conditions, as well as noting that the government should have,</p><p>9 through the Ministry of Defence, have taken appropriate measures; is that</p><p>10 correct? This is in paragraph marked 3. Do you see that?</p><p>11 A. Yes.</p><p>12 Q. And then, on the next page in the B/C/S - that is, paragraph 5 -</p><p>13 attention is drawn to the lack of suitable regulations regarding the</p><p>14 treatment of civilian refugees which is particularly evident in the case</p><p>15 of Trnopolje; is that correct?</p><p>16 A. Yes.</p><p>17 Q. So we could draw a conclusion on the basis of all this, on the</p><p>18 basis of the circumstances and facts here, that there was quite a lot of</p><p>19 disorganisation and lack of direction and lack of correct interpretation</p><p>20 of the regulations and standards that had led to a number of abuses even,</p><p>21 in this area, by a number of individuals; is that correct?</p><p>22 A. Yes.</p><p>23 Q. However, the government and the defence ministry are those in</p><p>24 charge of taking measures and taking the lead on this and not the police;</p><p>25 is that correct?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 217 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 A. Yes, absolutely.</p><p>2 Q. Because the police, within the constitutional system, is actually</p><p>3 an organ of state administration; is that correct?</p><p>4 A. Yes.</p><p>5 Q. And we can see on this page, especially in paragraph marked 5 --</p><p>6 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Can we scroll up the B/C/S</p><p>7 version, please.</p><p>8 Q. That certain measures are being proposed by the commission to the</p><p>9 government as to what the government should do on this matter. But what</p><p>10 is important to me at this time is that when we look at item 5 that</p><p>11 speaks about Trnopolje and possible manipulation of the public media and</p><p>12 public opinion, I have a specific question. We know that representatives</p><p>13 of foreign media did tour those places and we know that members of the</p><p>14 foreign media exaggerated and presented the circumstances there</p><p>15 unrealistically.</p><p>16 I think you started to explain this but were interrupted by the</p><p>17 Prosecutor. Do you have any information about Trnopolje or anything in</p><p>18 terms of media manipulation and public manipulation regards conditions in</p><p>19 Trnopolje? You wanted to say something but were interrupted by the</p><p>20 Prosecutor.</p><p>21 A. Well, perhaps one of the key things is that scene when that tall,</p><p>22 thin, young man, with his bones practically protruding, is standing</p><p>23 behind barbed wire fence. And when the journalist shows only that</p><p>24 sequence, when you can only see him and the barbed wire fence, but</p><p>25 actually there were shovels and other tools, working tools, standing</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 218 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 behind that fence, and she used that opportunity to make that photograph</p><p>2 and that photograph was broadcast all over the world. And everything was</p><p>3 presented in a very negative way. People were presented as criminals, as</p><p>4 inhumane, even though that is very far from the truth, far from the truth</p><p>5 of what the photograph is showing. And broader than that.</p><p>6 Q. Throughout the war years, you had witnessed a high degree of</p><p>7 manipulation by the foreign media, in terms of the events and objective</p><p>8 reporting from the field; is that correct?</p><p>9 A. Yes. I would just like to say that after the war, as inspector</p><p>10 in the police administration of the Ministry of the Interior of</p><p>11 Republika Srpska, I went to Prijedor to inspect the work of that public</p><p>12 security station -- actually Prijedor was a public security centre at the</p><p>13 time, and I did go to Trnopolje. Of course, the war was over, and that's</p><p>14 when people explained to me what kind of a camp it was. My colleagues</p><p>15 who were there explained to me. We toured Trnopolje. They explained</p><p>16 what was being done in that camp, that that photograph that was shown had</p><p>17 no relation to the truth, that actually only 2 metres away from there was</p><p>18 a barbed wire fence behind which a -- a wire fence behind which tools</p><p>19 were stored, but it was really contrived to make it seem as if it was</p><p>20 some -- Auschwitz practically.</p><p>21 MR. ZECEVIC: Your Honours, 45, 4, page 45, line 4, I believe the</p><p>22 witness says that the -- the wire length was 2 metres only. That was my</p><p>23 understanding.</p><p>24 Maybe this can be checked with the witness.</p><p>25 MR. PANTELIC:</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 219 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 Q. A small correction to the transcript. Can you please confirm</p><p>2 what my colleague has just said.</p><p>3 A. Yes, yes, it was two, two and a half metres, an enclosure where</p><p>4 tools were kept, and this was set apart to prevent them perhaps from</p><p>5 fighting or injuring each other in a fight. I mean, this is what my</p><p>6 colleagues told me.</p><p>7 Q. And now about the functioning of the police and about information</p><p>8 from this topic. It's important that we cover that topic, and we would</p><p>9 need to look at a certain number of documents in order to do that.</p><p>10 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Please, can we look at document,</p><p>11 Exhibit 1D57. This is a Stanisic Defence document.</p><p>12 Q. Of course, I'm not going to ask you to confirm if you have seen</p><p>13 those documents or not, but I'm just using them as a certain illustration</p><p>14 of the methods of work of the Ministry of the Interior. So I have a few</p><p>15 questions on that topic.</p><p>16 Here in this exhibit we can see a dispatch sent on the</p><p>17 24th of August, 1992, from the Ministry of the Interior to all</p><p>18 Security Service Centres and public security stations, where MUP, on the</p><p>19 basis of the request of the ministry, is requesting certain information</p><p>20 regarding the camps, the dates when they were set up, who ordered these</p><p>21 persons to be brought in, and a deadline is given until the</p><p>22 30th of August, 1992, for the MUP to inform about this.</p><p>23 A. Yes, that is correct.</p><p>24 Q. Of course, you, as an experienced policeman, police professional,</p><p>25 will confirm that when the Ministry of the Interior orders something like</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 220 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 this and because of its urgency, we can see that the dispatch was sent</p><p>2 both to the centres and to the public security stations individually too;</p><p>3 is that correct?</p><p>4 A. Yes. And this was upon the request of the Ministry of Health,</p><p>5 Work, and Social Security.</p><p>6 Q. Yes, precisely. Precisely. And now let's look at the next</p><p>7 document related to this dispatch.</p><p>8 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] And that is 65 ter document 536.</p><p>9 It's Prosecution Exhibit P972, in fact, if I'm not mistaken.</p><p>10 Q. We can see the first page of that document where the chief of the</p><p>11 CSB, Simo Drljaca, in reference to the dispatch of the 24th of August,</p><p>12 replies to it. And then on page 2 of this document, and that's ERN</p><p>13 number 311, that those are the last three numbers, we can see on the</p><p>14 second page this initial dispatch from the ministry. Now we can go to</p><p>15 the third page of this same document, because it comprises a number of</p><p>16 pages.</p><p>17 And we can see here that the Banja Luka CSB, on the 27th of</p><p>18 August, conveyed this message from the MUP, upon the request of the</p><p>19 health ministry, and requested that action be taken pursuant to it.</p><p>20 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] But can I see my learned friend</p><p>21 Mr. Hannis on his feet.</p><p>22 MR. HANNIS: I'm sorry, if we're looking apparently at 65 ter</p><p>23 536, Mr. Pantelic made a reference to a P exhibit number. This is not a</p><p>24 P exhibit. As far as I can tell, this is still just a 65 ter.</p><p>25 JUDGE HALL: The Registry has confirmed that --</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 221 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 MR. HANNIS: Thank you.</p><p>2 JUDGE HALL: -- that it is not.</p><p>3 MR. PANTELIC: I do apologise. It is my mistake. The next one</p><p>4 is P. So I do apologise to all parties.</p><p>5 Q. [Interpretation] What we are seeing now is that this is being</p><p>6 distributed, this dispatch, further, an action is being taken on the</p><p>7 basis of it. Is that correct?</p><p>8 A. Yes.</p><p>9 MR. PANTELIC: Your Honours, if we can mark this document for</p><p>10 identification or maybe if there is no particular objection from --</p><p>11 because this is a police matter and communication. If there is no</p><p>12 objection from our friends from the Prosecution.</p><p>13 MR. HANNIS: I don't have an objection to this one being marked</p><p>14 as an exhibit. We believe it is authentic.</p><p>15 JUDGE HALL: Tendered, admitted, and marked.</p><p>16 THE REGISTRAR: As Exhibit 2D95, Your Honours.</p><p>17 MR. PANTELIC:</p><p>18 Q. [Interpretation] In the context of narrow police topics, I'm</p><p>19 asking you this. There is an system of informing and reporting in the</p><p>20 police where, using daily dispatches, weekly dispatches, monthly</p><p>21 dispatches, the -- higher ranking organs in the MUP are being informed</p><p>22 about the SJ -- by the SJB about work for the past period.</p><p>23 A. Yes, about work for the prior period.</p><p>24 Q. The main point is that these lowest organisational units, the</p><p>25 public security stations, must, at the daily level, have a report about</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 222 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 events, including any abuses, professional abuses. For example, if a</p><p>2 policeman exceeds his authorities or commits certain violations. Is that</p><p>3 correct?</p><p>4 A. Yes, that is correct. That is why police stations have a</p><p>5 log-book of daily events where each event that is reported by citizens,</p><p>6 in person or over the phone, is logged in.</p><p>7 Q. And, of course, the responsibility of the public security station</p><p>8 chief has -- is to suspend or take measures in the event violations are</p><p>9 committed, such as, for example, a policeman beating up a civilian or</p><p>10 things like that.</p><p>11 A. Yes, that is correct.</p><p>12 Q. And then the chief of that municipal police unit, in his regular</p><p>13 reports, pursuant to regulations and rules of the Law on Internal</p><p>14 Affairs, has to report to his superiors, and that would be the next</p><p>15 level, the CSB; is that correct?</p><p>16 A. Yes.</p><p>17 Q. Of course, the CSB would not be forwarding all types of daily</p><p>18 information directly to the chief but they would be sent to his assistant</p><p>19 about daily activities if they are in the area of police duties; is that</p><p>20 correct?</p><p>21 A. Yes. They would be sent to the lower-ranking officers and then</p><p>22 this would be sent down to the lower-ranking officers who would then go</p><p>23 about implementing these duties.</p><p>24 Q. Of course, for example, if a policeman in the municipal MUP were</p><p>25 to commit a disciplinary violation or a criminal act, that would, of</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 223 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 course, be part of the daily report that would be sent to the authorised</p><p>2 CSB assistant in charge of police information.</p><p>3 A. It would go, actually, to the Ministry of the Interior too. And</p><p>4 if it was a more serious violation, then disciplinary proceedings would</p><p>5 be initiated. In the event of committing a crime, he would be suspended</p><p>6 and a criminal report would be submitted against that particular person.</p><p>7 Q. All right. Sir, unfortunately, the times were extremely</p><p>8 difficult, chaotic. The wartime period, 1992, was a very difficult year.</p><p>9 And, unfortunately, the police found themselves with the problem between</p><p>10 demands from the army and the local political structures, such as</p><p>11 Crisis Staff, and each one of them pulled the police in their own</p><p>12 direction. They misused their authorities and duties and were placing</p><p>13 the police in a difficult position, making them very scattered and</p><p>14 pulling -- pulled in all directions. Is that correct?</p><p>15 A. That is correct. We saw a document yesterday where</p><p>16 Minister Stanisic requested - and I believe this was at a government</p><p>17 session - that the reserve force of the police be attached to the</p><p>18 Army of Republika Srpska and that they no longer function as police</p><p>19 officers but, rather, be subordinated to the Army of Republika Srpska.</p><p>20 In other words, that they -- that the only -- that the professional</p><p>21 police remain just as strictly police force and carry out their duties.</p><p>22 Q. In order to illustrate this, although we have a wealth of</p><p>23 evidence here, and that is what the Defence is trying to do, present all</p><p>24 that evidence, we want to show the delicate position in which the police</p><p>25 find itself because the civilian authorities are pulling it to one side</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 224 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 and the army to the other.</p><p>2 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] So to illustrate that, I would</p><p>3 like now to call a document, 1D166. It is a Stanisic exhibit.</p><p>4 It is hard to make it out, but if we can just zoom in on the</p><p>5 first paragraph of this order.</p><p>6 Q. You see, Mr. Markovic, first of all, that the date on the</p><p>7 document is May 31st, 1992, and that this is a document -- or, rather, an</p><p>8 order from the Prijedor SJB. And in the introductory paragraph it says</p><p>9 that in keeping with the order of the Crisis Staff of Prijedor, it is</p><p>10 being ordered that the temporary collection point for individuals, for</p><p>11 persons who were in combat, that this point should be -- the reception</p><p>12 point should be in the Omarska mine.</p><p>13 Do you see that?</p><p>14 A. Yes, I do.</p><p>15 Q. This is, indeed, a very stark example of how civilian</p><p>16 authorities, such as the Crisis Staff here, and some military structures,</p><p>17 as we saw earlier, initiate for their own needs these matters, such as</p><p>18 detention centres. Correct?</p><p>19 A. Yes.</p><p>20 Q. And, of course, we've shown a number of decisions taken in</p><p>21 Prijedor -- a number of judgements in the cases related to Prijedor,</p><p>22 where we saw exactly what the roles of Simo Drljaca and others were. But</p><p>23 if have you some knowledge, could you confirm here for the Trial</p><p>24 Chamber's benefit whether Prijedor and its Crisis Staff, headed by this</p><p>25 same person, Simo Drljaca, was in fact a state within a state, if I may</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 225 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 define it as such.</p><p>2 A. Well, I really cannot say anything about that. I don't know.</p><p>3 Q. Very well.</p><p>4 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] Now, let us move on to</p><p>5 paragraph 11 of this order. That's on the second page of this document.</p><p>6 Paragraph 11. Could we please enlarge it, zoom in on it --</p><p>7 Q. So that can you read it more easily.</p><p>8 Now you see what it says there, what Chief Drljaca says there.</p><p>9 He says that all the coordinators of those security services are</p><p>10 duty-bound to report on a daily basis, every day, at 1200 hours, to him,</p><p>11 the chief, their reports on their work for the past -- for the previous</p><p>12 24 hours, and in the event of any extraordinary circumstances or</p><p>13 developments that they should report immediately. Correct?</p><p>14 A. Yes, that's right. That's what it says there.</p><p>15 Q. From this I can conclude --</p><p>16 A. Just a moment, please. That is correct. I can confirm that, but</p><p>17 the principle and the standard procedure in all public security stations</p><p>18 before, during, and after the war was to compile daily reports every day</p><p>19 and inform the chief of the centre and other superiors on the work of the</p><p>20 station for the previous 24 hours.</p><p>21 Q. Very well. So the point is this: Drljaca must have been</p><p>22 informed on these developments because they would have to have been</p><p>23 reported by some of his subordinates?</p><p>24 A. Certainly. And they would have had to have been -- they would</p><p>25 have had to be registered.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 226 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 Q. Certainly.</p><p>2 MR. PANTELIC: [Interpretation] My question did not -- was not</p><p>3 recorded in the transcript. Let me repeat it.</p><p>4 Q. My last question was this. I said that he, as the chief in</p><p>5 Prijedor, was duty-bound to report any violations committed by his</p><p>6 subordinates to the CSB and that would have been part of the daily</p><p>7 report. Is that correct?</p><p>8 A. Yes. As a lower-level station, security station, they were</p><p>9 duty-bound to report to their superior station, which in this case was</p><p>10 the CSB.</p><p>11 MR. PANTELIC: Your Honours, just for the record, I have here</p><p>12 fact, adjudicated fact 858, just for the record, 866, and 884. Because</p><p>13 certain lines of question were related -- it's a living matter, it cannot</p><p>14 be covered everything, but certain lines are related to the issues in</p><p>15 Trnopolje and Prijedor.</p><p>16 Q. [Interpretation] Mr. Markovic, I have no further questions for</p><p>17 you. This is the end of my cross-examination.</p><p>18 MR. PANTELIC: Your Honours, if it's appropriate time for a</p><p>19 break. We have a couple of minutes left, and then my friend Mr. Hannis</p><p>20 can take the boat after the break.</p><p>21 [Trial Chamber confers]</p><p>22 JUDGE DELVOIE: It's perhaps the appropriate moment to come back</p><p>23 to the question of -- raised by Ms. Korner sometime ago about challenge</p><p>24 of adjudicated facts by the Defence.</p><p>25 The Trial Chamber reminds the parties that the Defence has been</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 227 Cross-examination by Mr. Pantelic</p><p>1 asked to announce very clearly the challenge of an adjudicated fact the</p><p>2 moment they challenge it by asking questions of a witness or in whatever</p><p>3 other way the challenge is made.</p><p>4 The Trial Chamber is of the view that there is no basis in the</p><p>5 rules nor in the jurisprudence that allows the Trial Chamber to impose</p><p>6 the obligation to announce in advance the adjudicated facts taken</p><p>7 judicial notice of that the Defence challenges.</p><p>8 In other words, there is no basis that permits to impose an</p><p>9 exhaustive list to be produced before the end of the Prosecutor's case</p><p>10 that would prevent the -- the later challenge of any adjudicated fact not</p><p>11 on that list. However, and even so, it would certainly assist the</p><p>12 Trial Chamber and the expeditiousness of the procedure if both Defence</p><p>13 teams could indicate at this stage of the trial the adjudicated facts</p><p>14 that, to their actual knowledge, are going to be challenged for sure.</p><p>15 This would materially advance the work to be done without putting any</p><p>16 restriction on the Defence.</p><p>17 Thank you.</p><p>18 JUDGE HALL: Thank you, Judge.</p><p>19 So we now take the break and resume in 20 minutes.</p><p>20 [The witness stands down]</p><p>21 --- Recess taken at 12.06 p.m.</p><p>22 --- On resuming at 12.27 p.m.</p><p>23 MR. HANNIS: Your Honours, I asked to address something before</p><p>24 the witness was brought in concerning the adjudicated facts that</p><p>25 Mr. Pantelic said he was challenging. I wanted to confirm that those</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Evidentiary Matters (Open Session) Page 228</p><p>1 were numbers 858, 866, and 884?</p><p>2 And -- and my review of your decision on adjudicated facts shows</p><p>3 that 858 refers to Prijedor SUP -- detainees being transferred from</p><p>4 Prijedor SUP to Omarska camp by policemen; 866 refers to what happened to</p><p>5 some of the detainees in Omarska camp; and 884 details with the presence</p><p>6 of interrogators from Banja Luka CSB and Banja Luka Corps in Omarska.</p><p>7 I frankly didn't hear anything from this witness that really</p><p>8 touches on that in Omarska. But now that I have confirmed those are the</p><p>9 facts, I have maybe one question to ask the witness and I'm ready to</p><p>10 resume with him. Thank you.</p><p>11 MR. PANTELIC: Just for the record, in fact, line of questions</p><p>12 was in relation to the role of the members of the army who, during which</p><p>13 operation, ordered to civilian population to go to certain centres,</p><p>14 what -- on which basis was that, et cetera.</p><p>15 So I agree with Mr. Hannis that it was not specifically related</p><p>16 to the wordings, but in, I would say, an overall context of Prijedor.</p><p>17 That was the -- the line that I was following.</p><p>18 Yes, thank you.</p><p>19 [The witness takes the stand]</p><p>20 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis:</p><p>21 Q. Mr. Markovic, now it's my turn once again.</p><p>22 I wanted to ask you a question concerning some of your evidence</p><p>23 relating to the problems with communications.</p><p>24 You said, I think more than once yesterday, that when you were in</p><p>25 Pale that there were problems with telephone lines and fax lines and not</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 229 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 having communications.</p><p>2 And can you confirm for me where you were, where your office was</p><p>3 or were you were housed in Pale? I understood it was in Kalovita Brda in</p><p>4 what I have sometimes referred to as the scouts' house. You will have to</p><p>5 answer out loud.</p><p>6 A. No. The name of the settlement was Kalovita Brda, and the</p><p>7 facility where I was was called Buducnost. That's a facility that before</p><p>8 the war was used for scouts, for students of elementary schools, for</p><p>9 nature tour classes.</p><p>10 Q. Thank you. In connection with Buducnost - pardon my</p><p>11 pronunciation - I would like to show you Exhibit P543.</p><p>12 MR. HANNIS: This was not one that was in my original tab of</p><p>13 documents to use with the witness but it arises related to the issue of</p><p>14 communications.</p><p>15 Q. You will see on the screen in a moment, Mr. Markovic, what</p><p>16 appears to be an order from Mr. Stanisic to the CSB centres about sending</p><p>17 in daily reports. And what I'd like to you look at is the upper</p><p>18 left-hand corner on the original in B/C/S, what I would call the fax</p><p>19 header line, and would you agree with me that that says "Buducnost in</p><p>20 Pale"?</p><p>21 A. Yes.</p><p>22 Q. And the date of this document is the 18th of April -- on the fax</p><p>23 header line is 18 April 1992.</p><p>24 MR. HANNIS: If we can zoom out so the witness can see that.</p><p>25 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I can see it.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 230 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 MR. HANNIS:</p><p>2 Q. So it appears that somebody in Buducnost had access to a fax as</p><p>3 early as 18 April 1992. Did you know about that?</p><p>4 A. Sir, I said that yesterday that on the 17th of April I actually</p><p>5 resigned from the Bosnia and Herzegovina MUP, and I arrived in Pale on</p><p>6 the 9th of May, 1992.</p><p>7 The communications between Pale and the federal part of Sarajevo,</p><p>8 Bosnia and Herzegovina, probably were in service, in operation, for some</p><p>9 10 to 15 days after I arrived, and after that, no more communications</p><p>10 lines were available, and this document actually is from the time while I</p><p>11 was still in Sarajevo.</p><p>12 Q. Fair enough, I understand. Did you know Dragan Kezunovic, who</p><p>13 was chief of the communications and cryptographic data protection</p><p>14 administration in the RS MUP in 1992?</p><p>15 A. I do know Mr. Dragan Kezunovic. He was also the chief of</p><p>16 communications in the joint MUP before the war, and when the Serbian MUP</p><p>17 was established, it was normal for him to be appointed to that same</p><p>18 position, to be the chief of communications, because he was</p><p>19 well-acquainted with the work of that department.</p><p>20 Q. And would you agree that he would be better informed than you</p><p>21 about the status of communications in the RS MUP in 1992 because it was</p><p>22 part of his job?</p><p>23 A. Well, I believe so.</p><p>24 Police officers had Motorola radio sets, they could use that for</p><p>25 communication, and that was the only way they could actually communicate</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 231 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 amongst themselves. And --</p><p>2 Q. I'm sorry, go ahead.</p><p>3 A. And I'd like to stress here that these Motorolas were charged by</p><p>4 way of batteries because there was no -- or -- generators because there</p><p>5 was no electricity. There was a power shortage in Pale.</p><p>6 Q. I now want to go to some questions that Mr. Cvijetic asked you</p><p>7 yesterday.</p><p>8 At page 12689, line 19, he said he was interested in your status</p><p>9 and asked who you reported to, in terms of your work when you were on the</p><p>10 Exchange Commission.</p><p>11 During that time in 1992, when you were a MUP representative to</p><p>12 the Exchange Commission, you've told us that you were paid by the MUP.</p><p>13 Did you wear a uniform or civilian clothes?</p><p>14 A. No, I wore civilian clothes, because my job was a government job</p><p>15 and there are no uniforms there. And, of course, my salary was paid out</p><p>16 through the Ministry of the Interior.</p><p>17 Q. And did you retain all your service time during that period, that</p><p>18 counted towards your retirement or your pension benefits in MUP? Did</p><p>19 that time when you were working on the Exchange Commission count towards</p><p>20 your MUP retirement?</p><p>21 A. Yes, exactly so. Because I got my salary from them, I was still</p><p>22 considered to be a member of the MUP, but I was just for a while seconded</p><p>23 to the government as a representative of the group.</p><p>24 Q. In terms of reporting to the prime minister, Mr. Djeric, can you</p><p>25 tell us approximately when and how and how often you did that, in 1992?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 232 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 Was that on a daily basis; was it oral or in writing?</p><p>2 A. It was not on a daily basis. It was in writing, especially where</p><p>3 large-scale exchanges were carried out, and I also sent my requests for</p><p>4 the necessary resources that we needed for our work, for the problems</p><p>5 that the commission was facing and so on. And when we met at the</p><p>6 government building in Kikinda, as you said, then I would describe to</p><p>7 him, in an informal sort of exchange, about what was going on and what</p><p>8 things would -- how things evolved. That's it. Thank you.</p><p>9 Q. When -- when Mr. Djeric's government fell in late 1992 and he was</p><p>10 replaced, who did you report to after that?</p><p>11 A. I don't recall that I submitted my reports to anyone at that</p><p>12 time, because some two or three months after that, I left the commission,</p><p>13 when Mr. Djeric left.</p><p>14 Q. At page 12694 yesterday, Mr. Cvijetic was showing you</p><p>15 Exhibit P192.</p><p>16 MR. HANNIS: And if we could have a look at that, please.</p><p>17 Q. This is, I believe, the document from Mr. Kovac. And you recall</p><p>18 in the second paragraph -- I'm sorry, the third paragraph. He is talking</p><p>19 about the problem in the field about people not being categorised.</p><p>20 Do you recall that?</p><p>21 A. Yes. Mr. Cvijetic put some questions about that, and we</p><p>22 described the individuals who were detained, and then other categories of</p><p>23 persons, detained persons.</p><p>24 Q. Okay. And would you agree with me that this is an indication</p><p>25 that that was still a problem as of August 1992 in the RS?</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 233 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 A. Well, as the war became fiercer and fiercer, the problems</p><p>2 increased.</p><p>3 Q. [Microphone not activated] I'm sorry, I'm looking for a</p><p>4 page number, Mr. Markovic.</p><p>5 MR. HANNIS: Could we have a look at Exhibit P1318.22.</p><p>6 Q. This is a document that Mr. Cvijetic showed you yesterday, dated</p><p>7 in 1994, 28th of October, from Captain Bulajic, and it's talking about</p><p>8 accommodation of Muslim citizens in Butmir since the start of the</p><p>9 conflict.</p><p>10 I see on the original B/C/S version, or the Serbian version, in</p><p>11 the upper right-hand corner, it has Republic of Srpska Government Central</p><p>12 Commission for the Exchange of Prisoners. And that's in English while</p><p>13 all the rest of the document is in Serbian. Can you tell me why that was</p><p>14 in English? Was this for communications to be made with the</p><p>15 international community.</p><p>16 A. Sir, this document is dated 28th of October, 1994, and on the</p><p>17 1st of April, 1993, I left the commission, and the president of the</p><p>18 commission, Captain Dragan Bulajic is addressing Mr. Ljubisa Vladusic,</p><p>19 who was the chief of the refugee secretariat -- secretariat for refugees,</p><p>20 so this document was sent after I had already left the commission. And</p><p>21 why the letterhead is in English as well, I don't -- I can't explain it.</p><p>22 Q. And in the body of the document where he says this facility was</p><p>23 used for the purpose of accommodating Muslim civilians passing through in</p><p>24 transit to the Muslim part of Sarajevo and it talks about the process of</p><p>25 "family reunification" or "freedom of movement."</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 234 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 Do you know why those two terms are put in quotes?</p><p>2 JUDGE HALL: Having regard to the answer to the previous question</p><p>3 I'm at loss, Mr. Hannis, as to why you are persisting with questioning</p><p>4 him on this document.</p><p>5 MR. HANNIS: Well, Your Honour, he answered questions about this</p><p>6 document on cross-examination, and I'm just trying to find out what the</p><p>7 source of his knowledge is to be able to give those answers.</p><p>8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I already said before that we</p><p>9 worked on family reunification and freedom of movement for the people so</p><p>10 that people could go where they wished to go. And in this document, it</p><p>11 says that they were going toward the Muslim part of Sarajevo. And as for</p><p>12 your question, why these terms are under -- within quotes, I really can't</p><p>13 explain that.</p><p>14 MR. HANNIS:</p><p>15 Q. Thank you. Let me show you another document, P189. This was</p><p>16 shown to you by Mr. Cvijetic. At page 12 -- I'm sorry. 12 ... 12707,</p><p>17 you see this -- this is the instructions from the defence minister,</p><p>18 Subotic, concerning the treatment of captured persons.</p><p>19 And given that this is from the defence minister, would I be</p><p>20 correct in understanding "captured persons" means "prisoners of war."</p><p>21 That would be enemy combatants or enemy soldiers who had laid down their</p><p>22 weapons and had been wounded and were captured?</p><p>23 A. Well, they don't just have to be soldiers captured during combat.</p><p>24 There was also -- arrests were also made in houses where weapons were</p><p>25 found from which snipers would open fire. So there were such instances</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 235 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 of arrests as well.</p><p>2 Q. And was the army authorised to make those kind of arrests, or was</p><p>3 that a matter for the police?</p><p>4 A. No, it's not the police, sir. The police could not be on the</p><p>5 front lines, so they could not arrest these persons. The army arrested</p><p>6 them.</p><p>7 Q. But I thought you told us -- I thought you had told us today that</p><p>8 the police were subordinated to the army. And didn't -- did they not</p><p>9 take part in combat operations?</p><p>10 A. When the police - and I'm talking about the reserve force</p><p>11 exclusively - once they are resubordinated to the military, they are</p><p>12 considered soldiers and not police officers, and they are subordinated to</p><p>13 the military command.</p><p>14 Q. Were you aware of an order by Mico Stanisic, dated the</p><p>15 15th of May, 1992, concerning the creation of war units in the MUP?</p><p>16 Did you know about that? I'm sorry, I didn't hear your answer.</p><p>17 A. I was expecting, waiting to see the text of that. I really</p><p>18 didn't know about that. At the time I worked for the commission, and I</p><p>19 did not receive dispatches from the Ministry of the Interior.</p><p>20 Q. Thank you. Let me show you Exhibit 1D46.</p><p>21 As I said, this is a document dated the 15th of May, 1992.</p><p>22 From --</p><p>23 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours --</p><p>24 MR. HANNIS: Yes.</p><p>25 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] -- if I may, the witness has</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 236 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 already said that he did not have occasion to receive this document and</p><p>2 he explained why. And also, during my cross-examination, I did not touch</p><p>3 upon this order, nor did I cross-examine about the problems dealt with in</p><p>4 this order, so I think there is no foundation for the Prosecutor to now</p><p>5 ask questions about this.</p><p>6 MR. HANNIS: My foundation for asking about this subject relates</p><p>7 to Mr. Pantelic's question at page 33, line 18, today. He asked him: As</p><p>8 an experienced police officer, you knew that in the circumstances of war</p><p>9 that the police are subordinated to the army. And I think I'm entitled</p><p>10 to inquire into the basis of his knowledge about that.</p><p>11 JUDGE HALL: Please proceed.</p><p>12 MR. HANNIS: Thank you.</p><p>13 Q. You see -- you see this document in item number 1, Mr. Stanisic</p><p>14 is directing the creation of --</p><p>15 A. Yes.</p><p>16 Q. -- certain war units. If we could go to item number 6 on this</p><p>17 page, you'll see he says authorising the chiefs of CSB and the commander</p><p>18 of the police detachment of the ministry to appoint the appropriate</p><p>19 officers with the appropriate qualifications to ensure the principle of</p><p>20 subordination and superiority in the command system.</p><p>21 MR. HANNIS: And if we could go to the next page in both English</p><p>22 and B/C/S, at the top of the page, item number 7 says:</p><p>23 "The use of the ministry units in coordinated action with the</p><p>24 armed forces ... may be ordered by the minister ... commander of the</p><p>25 police detachment ... and chiefs of the CSB ..."</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 237 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 And the last paragraph under number 7 says:</p><p>2 "While participating in combat operations, the units of the</p><p>3 ministry shall be subordinated to the command of the armed forces;</p><p>4 however, the ministry units shall be under the direct command of certain</p><p>5 ministry officials."</p><p>6 Now, wasn't it true that during a state of imminent threat of</p><p>7 war, the police could be subordinated to the army for purposes of combat</p><p>8 operations but it did not mean that they were subordinated to the army</p><p>9 for every purpose, for all times during such a state?</p><p>10 A. Of course, it doesn't mean that they would be subordinated to the</p><p>11 army forever. It would depend on the operations. In large-scale</p><p>12 operations, the reserve complement of them ministry would be engaged in</p><p>13 the Army of the Republika Srpska.</p><p>14 As for what is stated here, that it is under the command of</p><p>15 certain ministry officials, that relates to the transfer of the military</p><p>16 command, for instance, from the company command -- that relates to the</p><p>17 transfer or forwarding of orders by the officials within the ministry to</p><p>18 their subordinates because -- for instance, to a company commander, and</p><p>19 if you can -- you can also see that it says here that officials, workers</p><p>20 of the ministry will carry out the duties, the same duties that they</p><p>21 carry out in peacetime; in other words, they carry out their regular</p><p>22 police duties.</p><p>23 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Could I please suggest that the</p><p>24 witness also read this paragraph 8, if he can be given the opportunity to</p><p>25 just read through it, at least the first subparagraph.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 238 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, exactly what I said earlier,</p><p>2 in carrying out regular duties and tasks, the provisions of the Law on</p><p>3 Internal Affairs and other regulations of the Serbian Republic of BH</p><p>4 shall be strictly upheld; whereas, in military operations, military</p><p>5 regulations and rules shall be enforced. And I feel -- I believe this is</p><p>6 quite clear.</p><p>7 MR. HANNIS:</p><p>8 Q. Thank you. I want to ask you about one further item in</p><p>9 connection with the Exchange Commission and Mr. Vanovac.</p><p>10 MR. HANNIS: If we could look at P1318.26.</p><p>11 Q. Which was shown to you earlier this morning.</p><p>12 At page 3, line 18, Mr. Cvijetic was asking you about this</p><p>13 document. And he asks if you would agree with him that the agreement was</p><p>14 actually related to one particular exchange ad hoc. And in your answer</p><p>15 you -- you noted that although you'd never seen this document before, it</p><p>16 is true that it pertains to one particular exchange and it is probably an</p><p>17 exchange somewhere around Ilidza.</p><p>18 A. That's exactly what I said. And I also said that where it says</p><p>19 the president of the Commission for Exchange is Nenad Vanovac, the stamp</p><p>20 that is affixed there is not the commission stamp, but, rather, the</p><p>21 Municipal Board of the Serbian Democratic Party, because the stamp of the</p><p>22 commission was with me in Pale.</p><p>23 Q. Yes. I wanted to ask you about that. This document says based</p><p>24 on an agreement concluded on the 5th of July, and then it talks about</p><p>25 some events that will happen on the 11th, and the 13th, and the</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 239 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 15th of July. So it appears to be this is a document that was signed and</p><p>2 stamped sometime between the 5th and the 10th of July. Would you agree</p><p>3 with me?</p><p>4 A. Well, that's what it seems.</p><p>5 Q. And we saw yesterday that Mr. Vanovac was appointed by</p><p>6 Mico Stanisic to be president of the Exchange Commission, I think on the</p><p>7 4th of July. Do you recall that?</p><p>8 MR. CVIJETIC: [Interpretation] Just a moment, just a moment,</p><p>9 please.</p><p>10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It is not Mico Stanisic but,</p><p>11 rather, Momcilo Mandic.</p><p>12 MR. HANNIS:</p><p>13 Q. I'm sorry if I said -- you're correct.</p><p>14 A. The minister of justice, Momcilo Mandic.</p><p>15 Q. You're absolutely correct. If I said otherwise, I misspoke.</p><p>16 Do you recall that, that it was about the 4th of July? Or do you</p><p>17 need to see the document again?</p><p>18 A. Yes.</p><p>19 Q. Okay.</p><p>20 MR. HANNIS: If we could show the witness P1318.25.</p><p>21 Q. Does that refresh your recollection?</p><p>22 A. Yes, very much.</p><p>23 Q. And do you recall yesterday Mr. Cvijetic showed you a document</p><p>24 indicating when he had actually been appointed by the government, and</p><p>25 that was in one of the government sessions, sometime after the</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 240 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 4th of July.</p><p>2 A. I don't think that he was appointed by the government but the</p><p>3 Ministry of Justice with the signature of Momcilo Mandic. But he didn't</p><p>4 sign it himself. Somebody signed it on his behalf. And the last</p><p>5 sentence states:</p><p>6 "The decision by the government of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia</p><p>7 and Herzegovina will be forwarded subsequently."</p><p>8 And in the heading it is stated the Ministry of Justice, and he</p><p>9 was appointed by the ministry as one of its members.</p><p>10 Q. Okay. And you told us, when talking to Mr. Cvijetic, that after</p><p>11 the first time you met him, there was some 20 days or so later that he</p><p>12 came back and got the commission stamp from you; correct?</p><p>13 A. Tried to, but I wouldn't give it to him.</p><p>14 Q. Um ...</p><p>15 A. Because the seat of the Central Commission was at Pale, not in</p><p>16 Ilidza. And the president couldn't be in Ilidza and the commission at</p><p>17 Pale, so the stamp stayed with me. I didn't let him take it.</p><p>18 Q. Okay.</p><p>19 MR. HANNIS: Let's look first at Exhibit P200.</p><p>20 And could we look at item number 7 and number 8.</p><p>21 I'm sorry, we have to go over a couple of pages.</p><p>22 Q. You see number 7 is the proposal for appointing a president of</p><p>23 the Central Commission?</p><p>24 A. Yes.</p><p>25 MR. HANNIS: And if we could go to item number 7 within the text.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 241 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 MR. ZECEVIC: It's page 6 in the --</p><p>2 MR. HANNIS: Thank you, Mr. -- thank you, Mr. Zecevic.</p><p>3 Q. You'll see the proposal of the Ministry of Justice to appoint</p><p>4 Nenad Vanovac to the post of president "has been adopted."</p><p>5 Do you recall now having seen that yesterday?</p><p>6 A. Of course, I do. And earlier I said that he wasn't appointed by</p><p>7 the government but by the Ministry of Justice. I don't know whether the</p><p>8 government issued a decision. But he was appointed by the Ministry of</p><p>9 Justice instead of Rajko Colovic.</p><p>10 Q. At what was page 76 yesterday, line 12, you said that some</p><p>11 20 days or a month later after the first time you met him, he showed you</p><p>12 a document apparently about his appointment. And you said he took the</p><p>13 Central Commission stamp from you and returned to Ilidza.</p><p>14 Today you're telling us he did not take the stamp.</p><p>15 A. No, no. I'm sorry. Then the interpretation was incorrect.</p><p>16 He tried to take it, not that he took it. He tried to take it,</p><p>17 and the stamp stayed with me until I left in March, late March, 1993.</p><p>18 No. It was probably a mistake in the translation.</p><p>19 Q. Okay. Well, then one of the reasons that he couldn't have used</p><p>20 the commission stamp on this agreement that he signed as president of the</p><p>21 commission is because he couldn't get the stamp from you, right?</p><p>22 A. Absolutely.</p><p>23 Q. But then if that's your reason for saying that this was only a</p><p>24 local particular exchange is because it has the Ilidza stamp, that</p><p>25 doesn't make sense, because he couldn't have the commission stamp even</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 242 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 though he was president of the commission.</p><p>2 So why do you say that this agreement was not a general agreement</p><p>3 proposed for the entire territory?</p><p>4 Again, I'll show you Exhibit P1318.26 just so you can be clear</p><p>5 what I'm asking about.</p><p>6 A. Very well.</p><p>7 Q. This is agreement on mutual release of prisoners along the line</p><p>8 of all for all. And item number 1 says:</p><p>9 "Both commissions accept that all prisoners on both sides will be</p><p>10 immediately released along the line all for all and latest by 15</p><p>11 July ..."</p><p>12 On its face that seems to be an agreement about all prisoners on</p><p>13 both sides, signed by the respective commissioners of the state</p><p>14 commissions for the RS and for the other side.</p><p>15 A. It's true that they signed, but this was impossible to do in</p><p>16 those conditions, because probably Mr. Vanovac didn't have the</p><p>17 experience. He was active, he worked and was carrying out exchanges in</p><p>18 the Ilidza, Hrasnica, Vojkovici areas, neighbouring places that were</p><p>19 around Ilidza. And at the time, this was a little bit difficult to</p><p>20 implement, especially with Vukovic.</p><p>21 Q. Let me ask you, at line 24, on page 6 today, you were asked about</p><p>22 the all-for-all exchange principle. And you've said that this functioned</p><p>23 sometime at the very beginning of the war. However, afterwards it wasn't</p><p>24 applied, and you gave the example of a high-ranking --</p><p>25 A. That's correct.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 243 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 Q. You gave an example of a high-ranking Serb officer would be</p><p>2 exchanged for 15 to 20 Muslim fighters.</p><p>3 My question is: Isn't it true, though, unequal exchanges, like</p><p>4 one Serb officer for 15 to 20 Muslim fighters, unequal exchanges happened</p><p>5 both ways, on both sides?</p><p>6 A. I mentioned that only as an example, Mr. Prosecutor. But it did</p><p>7 happen, absolutely, on both sides.</p><p>8 Q. Thank you. We saw yesterday that -- that that document related</p><p>9 to Mr. Stanisic's request for the release of Anes Bucan, in exchange for</p><p>10 three Serb families and the bodies of four --</p><p>11 A. Butmir. Butmir.</p><p>12 Q. No, no, no. The individual named Anes Bucan, Mr. Stanisic had</p><p>13 requested be released in exchange for three Serb families and four -- the</p><p>14 bodies of four Serb soldiers. Do you remember that?</p><p>15 A. Very well.</p><p>16 Q. Thank you.</p><p>17 A. And I said that it was illogical for a minister to write, "I</p><p>18 kindly request." He is asking somebody who is ten levels beneath him to</p><p>19 make the release.</p><p>20 Q. Yes. You told us about that yesterday, that you thought he was</p><p>21 begging and pleading, the way that was written.</p><p>22 My next question --</p><p>23 A. No, he was kindly requesting even though he was a minister. He</p><p>24 was kindly making a request from some prison warden.</p><p>25 Q. Really, really, Mr. Markovic, do I need to show you the</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 244 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 transcript from yesterday, where you said he was begging and pleading?</p><p>2 You don't remember saying that?</p><p>3 JUDGE HALL: Let's move on.</p><p>4 MR. HANNIS: Okay.</p><p>5 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Begging. I didn't use that word,</p><p>6 definitely.</p><p>7 MR. HANNIS: Your Honours will see the transcript for yourselves.</p><p>8 I'll move on.</p><p>9 MR. ZECEVIC: I'm sorry, Mr. Hannis. I don't -- I was listening</p><p>10 to yesterday's testimony and I never heard witness saying that either.</p><p>11 So it is better that we clarify this with the witness while he is here.</p><p>12 I'm sorry.</p><p>13 MR. HANNIS: Well, he said what he said and what's in the</p><p>14 transcript is in the transcript. If I'm incorrect, I'm incorrect. But I</p><p>15 don't think it serves us for me to go show him the page.</p><p>16 JUDGE HALL: In any event, this is a side issue, let's move on.</p><p>17 MR. HANNIS: Yes. Yes, I'm trying.</p><p>18 Q. At page 10, line 23 today, Mr. Cvijetic was asking you about this</p><p>19 agreement and the failure to sign it and implement it, that many ugly</p><p>20 things that later happened in the area of prisoner exchanges and prisoner</p><p>21 camp would have been prevented, and you agreed. But isn't it correct</p><p>22 that by mid-July, a lot of ugly things in the area of prisoner exchanges</p><p>23 and prisoner camps had already happened in April, May and June of 1992?</p><p>24 A. What do you mean "ugly -- ugly things"? War is ugly by its very</p><p>25 nature.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 245 Re-examination by Mr. Hannis</p><p>1 Q. Well, it wasn't my term. It was the one that Mr. Cvijetic used</p><p>2 and you agreed with. So I assumed you knew what he was talking about.</p><p>3 A. All right. There were bodies, corpses of our soldiers that we</p><p>4 exchanged which had been massacred without eyes, ears, without hands,</p><p>5 with serious stab wounds with sharp objects and so on.</p><p>6 MR. HANNIS: For the record, the reference to "begging" was at</p><p>7 transcript page 12675, line 7, from yesterday's testimony.</p><p>8 Q. Two other areas, Mr. Markovic, and then I will be done.</p><p>9 You were shown -- pardon me. You were shown Exhibit P -- I'm</p><p>10 sorry, I've lost the number. I'll find it in just a second.</p><p>11 Regarding Trnopolje, you were asked several questions by</p><p>12 Mr. Pantelic today. You never visited Trnopolje in 1992, did you?</p><p>13 A. No.</p><p>14 Q. How about -- how about Omarska?</p><p>15 A. No.</p><p>16 Q. Keraterm?</p><p>17 A. No.</p><p>18 Q. Manjaca?</p><p>19 A. Yes, I took the Croatian prisoners from there for exchange in</p><p>20 Sibenik.</p><p>21 Q. That's right. And that was in October?</p><p>22 A. Yes. On the 25th, 26th, or the 28th of October. I -- I don't</p><p>23 know. We mentioned the place already, Zitnic.</p><p>24 Q. Okay. And your information about Trnopolje is what you heard</p><p>25 when you talked to some of your colleagues who had been there, and that</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Witness: Slobodan Markovic (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 246 Evidentiary Matters</p><p>1 conversation was some years after 1992; is that right?</p><p>2 A. Yes. After the war, when, as an inspector, as the police -- of</p><p>3 the police administration I came to inspect the work of the public</p><p>4 security station in Prijedor, and I went with a colleague to see it, and</p><p>5 they told me the story about that footage and the photograph.</p><p>6 Q. Okay. You never spoke to any non-Serb who had been in Trnopolje</p><p>7 in 1992, did you?</p><p>8 A. No, no, I didn't. I didn't know any of them.</p><p>9 Q. Thank you, Mr. Markovic.</p><p>10 MR. HANNIS: I don't have any other questions, Your Honours.</p><p>11 Thank you.</p><p>12 [Trial Chamber confers]</p><p>13 JUDGE HALL: Mr. Markovic, we thank you for your assistance to</p><p>14 the Tribunal. You are now released as a witness and we wish you a safe</p><p>15 journey back to your home.</p><p>16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] And thank you.</p><p>17 MR. ZECEVIC: Just for the purposes of transcript, Your Honours,</p><p>18 and the concerning my intervention just earlier on the -- on -- on what</p><p>19 the witness said.</p><p>20 Actually, we already filed a verification request, I don't know</p><p>21 if you remember, I raised the issue of -- of incorrect recording of the</p><p>22 witness's testimony yesterday. On pages 12674, line 15, until 12675,</p><p>23 line 3. And we already filed that request for verification. And that is</p><p>24 exactly where this -- the word "begging" was recorded. Plus some other</p><p>25 things as well.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Procedural Matters (Open Session) Page 247</p><p>1 [The witness withdrew]</p><p>2 MR. HANNIS: Well, no. "Begging" was at 12675, line 7, four</p><p>3 lines further on.</p><p>4 MR. ZECEVIC: Then we will extend our verification request.</p><p>5 Thank you very much.</p><p>6 MR. HANNIS: Your Honours, I have to report we have no other</p><p>7 witness until the witness who is scheduled for videolink on Thursday.</p><p>8 Again, I think the estimate for cross-examination was a total of six and</p><p>9 a half hours, which, with the Prosecution's estimate of three hours for</p><p>10 direct, would have carried us into at least the end of the first session</p><p>11 tomorrow.</p><p>12 I don't know what else to tell you, other than to request that we</p><p>13 adjourn until Thursday morning.</p><p>14 [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]</p><p>15 JUDGE HALL: Thank you, Mr. Hannis.</p><p>16 I understand that we are assigned to this courtroom again on</p><p>17 Thursday --</p><p>18 Mr. O'Sullivan.</p><p>19 MR. O'SULLIVAN: One last thing before we rise, Your Honour. We,</p><p>20 at the break, had a very long and protracted discussion with Ms. Korner</p><p>21 and she was quite insistent, and, as usual we have given in to her</p><p>22 request. And, in short, she has put me up to this, to wish Mr. Hannis a</p><p>23 happy birthday today. And it is quite clear, and we have to agree, that</p><p>24 no one would believe that he is 39 years old today.</p><p>25 Thank you.</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T Procedural Matters (Open Session) Page 248</p><p>1 MR. HANNIS: I'm sorry, if I may, I have to respond. I suspected</p><p>2 that Ms. Korner might do something like this, and, as I recall, there was</p><p>3 something about her recently. I would only indicate that, for the</p><p>4 record, although I am slightly older than Ms. Korner, I am much younger</p><p>5 than the great and glorious country of Canada. Thank you.</p><p>6 JUDGE HALL: And we join in the congratulations.</p><p>7 So we take the adjournment to resume in this courtroom on</p><p>8 Thursday morning at 9.00.</p><p>9 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 1.18 p.m.,</p><p>10 to be reconvened on Thursday, the 15th day of July,</p><p>11 2010, at 9.00 a.m.</p><p>12</p><p>13</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16</p><p>17</p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>22</p><p>23</p><p>24</p><p>25</p><p>Tuesday, 13 July 2010 Case No. IT-08-91-T</p>
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