OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool GRADUATION

OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool GRADUATION

<p> OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN SCHOOL NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 1 SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area:_Mathematics______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 1: THE PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SCORING PROFICIENT OR HIGHER IN READING WILL INCREASE FROM 80% TO 85% AND MATHEMATICS 74.5% TO 80% BY SPRING OF 2017 AS MEASURED BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 1A: All staff members will implement the New Learning Standards.</p><p>BASELINE MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR OCT. 2013 FEB. 2014 ACTUAL MAY 2014 ACTUAL FEB. 2015 ACTUAL MAY 2015 ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS</p><p>100% OF 100% OF 100% ALL 100% OF TEACHERS WILL IMPLEMENT THE 100% ALL PG. 2 NEW LEARNING STANDARDS AS N/A THE 89% THE 96% TEACHERS 90% TEACHERS SPECIFIED SPECIFIED DEMONSTRATED BY WALK-THROUGHS ANS/OR GROUP GROUP OBSERVATIONS. </p><p>STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OCT. 2013 FEB. 2014 ACTUAL MAY 2014 ACTUAL OCT. 2014 ACTUAL FEB. ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS 2015 RESULTS</p><p>READING 100% OF STUDENTS WILL BE PROFICIENT AS MAP MEASURED BY REQUIRED OR APPROVED READING -45.9% ASSESSMENTS. MAP -43.8% th READING % Terra Nova-9 -51.0 MATH READING READING th MAP PROFICIENT Terra Nova-10 -54.5 MAP -43.1% MAP MAP MAP & -40.5% -43.2% -48.5% % % MATH TERRA % PROF. PROFICIENT MATH NOVA FOR PROFICIENT MAP -36.2% READING MATH MAP MATH th MAP MAP 9-10 AND MAP Terra Nova-9 -41.2 TERRA MAP MAP -37.8% SLO POST Terra Nova-10th-38.5 NOVA -35.5% -38.4% TEST SCORE 61.3 FOR 11-12</p><p>MATH TERRA NOVA 52.5</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 2 OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN SCHOOL NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area:_Mathematics______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 1: THE PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SCORING PROFICIENT OR HIGHER IN READING WILL INCREASE FROM 80% TO 85% AND MATHEMATICS 74.5% TO 80% BY SPRING OF 2017 AS MEASURED BY THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 1A: All staff members will implement the New Learning Standards.</p><p>BASELINE MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR OCT. 2013 MAY 2015 ACTUAL FEB. 2016 ACTUAL MAY 2016 ACTUAL FEB. 2017 ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS</p><p>100% OF TEACHERS WILL IMPLEMENT THE 100% OF 100% OF 100% ALL 100% ALL THE 96% THE 94% TEACHERS NEW LEARNING STANDARDS AS N/A TEACHERS SPECIFIED SPECIFIED DEMONSTRATED BY WALK-THROUGHS ANS/OR GROUP GROUP OBSERVATIONS. 98%</p><p>STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OCT. 2013 MAY 2015 ACTUAL OCT. 2015 ACTUAL FEB. 2016 ACTUAL ACTUAL MAY 2016 RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS READING READING MAP - OF STUDENTS WILL BE PROFICIENT AS 100% MAP -43.8% MEASURED BY REQUIRED OR APPROVED th % READING Terra Nova-9 -51.0 READING READING MATH ASSESSMENTS. th PROFICIENT MAP Terra Nova-10 -54.5 MAP - MAP MAP -43.9% -47.3% MAP & -45.7% % TERRA % MATH MATH % PROF. READING PROFICIENT NOVA FOR PROFICIENT MATH MAP -36.2% MAP MATH MAP TERRA th MAP 9-10 AND MAP MAP Terra Nova-9 -41.2 -40.6% MAP NOVA SLO POST -35.4% Terra Nova-10th-38.5 -37.8% TEST SCORE MATH FOR 11-12 TERRA NOVA</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 3 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Monitoring Person(s) Implementation Timeline Resources Needed: ACTION STEPS Evidence/Dat Responsib Budget/Material/ a le/ 2013 2014 2015 Technology Teacher Group(s) attendance Substitute teachers, in- Teachers, records for service/waiver days, 1.a.1 Understand Ohio’s New Learning Standards rigor (noun/verb) principals trainings/in- Spring ODE website, supported by SOESC trainings and district sponsored in-service. and SOESC services and computer labs, and consultants certificates of Promethian boards attendance In-service/waiver days, Curriculum ODE website, Teachers pacing guides computer labs, 1.a 2 Design curriculum pacing guides. and Fall and lesson Promethian boards, principals plans and Release time for grade levels In-service/waiver days, Resource ODE website, computer inventories, labs, and Promethian pacing guides, Teachers boards; establish textbook 1.a.3 Gather/evaluate/organize resources. Spring and lesson committees; pilot textbook plans programs in preparation of purchasing new resources. Classroom Curriculum Teachers observations guides/resources, and 1.a.4 Implement Ohio’s New Learning Standards. and Fall and lesson classroom observation principals plans tool Formal/informal In-service/waiver days, classroom ODE website, assessments, Teachers, curriculum 1.a.5 Evaluate and refine implementation of Ohio’s New Learning classroom principals, guides/resources, Spring Standards. observations, and SOESC classroom assessment lesson plans, consultants records, and and pacing classroom observation charts tool Technology coordinator, ODE principals, Assessment programs, 1.a.6 Administer and evaluate growth measures for instructional Diagnostics, teachers, Sprin Spring Spring computer labs, DASL, implications. MAP, Terra and g and staff Nova & SLOs intervention staff members Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 4 OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN SCHOOL NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 5 SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area _Mathematics______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 1: THE PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SCORING PROFICIENT OR HIGHER IN READING WILL INCREASE FROM 80% TO 85% AND MATHEMATICS 74.5% TO 80% BY SPRING OF 2017 AS MEASURED BT THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 1B: All staff members will implement high-impact instructional practices for all students. (FIP – Formative Instructional Practices) </p><p>BASELINE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR OCTOBER 2013 FEB. 2014 ACTUAL MAY 2014 ACTUAL RESULTS FEB. ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS 2015 RESULTS 2015</p><p>100% OF TEACHERS WILL IMPLEMENT HIGH- 94% 84% IMPACT INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES AS N/A 100% 82% 100% 100% 88% 100% DEMONSTRATED BY WALK-THROUGHS AND/OR 94% OBSERVATIONS. STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR FALL 2013 FEB. 2014 ACTUAL MAY 2014 ACTUAL RESULTS FEB. ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS 2015 RESULTS 2015 MAP MAP READING—54.1% READING-59.1% 100% OF STUDENTS WILL DEMONSTRATE ONE MATH—61.6% MATH-61.3% YEAR’S GROWTH AS MEASURED BY REQUIRED SLO SLO OR APPROVED ASSESSMENTS. 65% READING—ENG. READING—ENG. Administer ENG. I—92% MAP ENG. I—81.8% Assessments MAP MAP OR 70% ENG. II—62% READING— ENG. II—95.4% READING— SLO DATA MAP MAP FALL TO FALL TO 61.9% 52.9% MATH AND ENG. III—74% OR ENG. III—97.2% SLO Data WINTER WINTER MATH— MATH— READING ENG. IV—58% SLO ENG. IV—84.4% Math and 58.2% 53.7% MATH DATA MATH Reading FALL TO SPRING ALG. I—64% ALG. I—73.6% GEO.—92% GEO.—98.8% ALG.II—98% ALG.II—83.5% SR. INT.—100% SR. INT—100.0% AD. MATH—87% AD. MATH—59.5%</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 6 OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATHEMATICS</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN SCHOOL NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 7 SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area _Mathematics______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 1: THE PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS SCORING PROFICIENT OR HIGHER IN READING WILL INCREASE FROM 80% TO 85% AND MATHEMATICS 74.5% TO 80% BY SPRING OF 2017 AS MEASURED BT THE ANNUAL STATE ASSESSMENTS. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 1B: All staff members will implement high-impact instructional practices for all students. (FIP – Formative Instructional Practices) </p><p>BASELINE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR OCTOBER 2013 FEB. 2016 ACTUAL MAY 2016 ACTUAL RESULTS FEB. ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS 2017 RESULTS 2017</p><p>__% 100% OF TEACHERS WILL IMPLEMENT HIGH- IMPACT INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES AS N/A 100% 83.5% 100% 100% 100% DEMONSTRATED BY WALK-THROUGHS AND/OR __% OBSERVATIONS. STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR FALL 2013 FEB. 2016 ACTUAL MAY 2016 ACTUAL RESULTS FEB. ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS 2017 RESULTS 2017 MAP MAP READING—% READING-% 100% OF STUDENTS WILL DEMONSTRATE ONE MATH—% MATH-% YEAR’S GROWTH AS MEASURED BY REQUIRED SLO SLO OR APPROVED ASSESSMENTS. 65% READING—ENG. READING—ENG. Administer ENG. I— ENG. I— Assessments MAP MAP OR MAP 70% ENG. II— ENG. II— READING— SLO DATA READING— MAP MAP FALL TO FALL TO 51.6% MATH AND ENG. III— % OR ENG. III— SLO Data WINTER WINTER MATH— READING ENG. IV— MATH—% SLO ENG. IV— Math and 47.0% MATH DATA MATH Reading FALL TO SPRING ALG. I— ALG. I— GEO.— GEO.— ALG.II— ALG.II— SR. INT.—1 SR. INT— AD. MATH— AD. MATH—</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 8 Monitoring Person(s) Implementation Timeline Resources ACTION STEPS Evidence/Da Responsib Needed: ta le/ Budget/Materi 1.b.1 Develop a yearly professional development plan to include Group(s) al/ formative instructional practices training.</p><p>1.b.2 Provide Professional Development Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) supported by Battelle for Kids training modules and district sponsored in-service. Teacher attendance  Instructional Basics In-service/waiver records for Learning targets days, Battelle for trainings/in- Essential vocabulary Kids website, services and Teachers Use of the 6 Step Process Ohio Teacher certificates of and Feb. 2012 → → →  Formative Instructional Practices Evaluation attendance; principals Learning targets System (OTES) Classroom Evidence of learning rubric and Observation Student self-reflection computer labs Feedback Effective feedback Tool  Research-based Strategies Marzano instructional strategies  Using formative classroom assessments to guide instruction</p><p>Formative FIP Curriculum Assessments Classroom Feb. guides/resources, Instructiona Sept. 2012 Observation Teachers 2012 Marzano Classroom l Basics Identified K-5 Observation 1.b.3 Implement FIP practices in the classroom. Feedback and K-5 Sept. 2013 Strategies Sept. 2013 Feedback Tool, Tool and principals Sept. K-12 Feb. 2012 6-8 and formal/informal lesson plans 2013 ?? classroom 6-12 9-12 assessments Classroom Observation Curriculum Feedback Teachers, guides/resources, Tool, principals, Classroom Observation 1.b.4 Evaluate and refine implementation of FIP. formal/informa and special May 2014 Feedback Tool, l classroom program’s and formal/informal assessments, director classroom and lesson assessments plans Collection Principals, MAP 1.b.5 Collect and analyze MAP and SLO data. Coordinators, May 2014 form TBT, BLT, DLT OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – READING AND MATH </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 9 DISTRICT PLAN DISTRICT NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Reading Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area __ ___Math_ Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 2: Each subgroup will meet Ohio’s Annual Measurable Objective Targets in Reading and Math each year. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 2A: All staff will vary instructional activities by process and product based upon the individual needs and strengths of the students.</p><p>BASELINE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR OCT 2013 FEB. 2014 ACTUAL MAY 2014 ACTUAL FEB. 2015 ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL FEB. ACTUAL RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS 2015 RE-SULTS 2016 RESULTS</p><p>100% OF TEACHERS WILL USE 71% N/A INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES TAILORED TO 75% 86% 75% 78% 100% 76% 100% 100% STUDENTS’ INDIVIDUAL NEEDS AND 77% STRENGTHS AS DEMONSTRATED BY WALK-THROUGHS AND/OR OBSERVATIONS.</p><p>STUDENT PERFORMANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL FALL 2014 FALL 2015 INDICATOR FALL 2012 FALL 2013 RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS R R R R All 80% All 78.6% All 79.0% All 68.5% EACH SUBGROUP WILL MEET OHIO’S R –83.4% R—84.9% R—86.4% ED 75.4% ED 73.6% ED 72.4% ED 60.5% ANNUAL MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE M—78.5% M- 80.5% M—82.5% White 79.8% White 79.6% White 79.3% White 68.7% TARGETS IN READING AND MATH. Multi 76.7% Multi N/A Multi 79.5% Multi NR SWD 47.5% SWD 47.0% SWD 45.6% SWD 24.8% M M M M All 74.5% All 67.4% All 71.6% All 55.8% Ed 67.1% ED 60.0% ED 62.5% ED 46.8% White 74.6% White 68.2% White 72.1% White 56.2% Multi 70.0% Multi N/A Multi 64.1% Multi NR SWD 48.5% SWD 33.6% SWD 31.6% SWD 16.8%</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 10 Monitoring Person(s) Implementation Timeline Resources Needed: ACTION STEPS Evidence/D Responsibl Budget/Material/ ata June- Sept.- Dec.- March- e/ Group(s) Aug. Nov. Feb. May Technology Sources Nat’l and/or 2.a.1 Obtain baseline data. Principals X Time, computers/lab, State % Teachers 2012 space scores Attendance, Release time, Waiver 2.a.2 Provide ongoing high quality professional development in certificates, Principals X X X days, technology, instructional practices in Reading and Math. evaluations trainers of the PD</p><p>2.a.3 Provide structures (e.g. TBT, department teams) and schedules and common planning/meeting for collaboration and support for all core Principals, Subs, scheduling, Meeting logs X X X content. BLT release time</p><p>Student 2.a.4 Provide classroom interventions, resources and/or collaborative PD, Scheduling, Records, Principals, team teaching, varied learning experiences and differentiated results of Assessment Intervention X X X practices to address ALL students individual needs. assessments, data, testing Personnel students records results</p><p>2.a.5 Use state adopted common core curriculum and intervention Walkthroughs Principals, PD, Time, Core resources and materials to address students’ individual needs. and X X X BLT Curriculum Observations</p><p>2.a.6 Create a district-wide TBT log and implement TBT’s in each building TBT Log Principals X X X Time, PD with fidelity.</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 11 OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – GRADUATION</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN DISTRICT NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 12 SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area ______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______X____ _ Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 3: By 2017, the district’s 4-year graduation rate will be 93% and the district’s 5-year graduation rate will be 95% as measured by the state local report card. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 3A: The staff will heed early warning signs regarding a lack of academic success by implementing appropriate interventions.</p><p>BASELINE MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR DEC. MAR ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL OCT. ACTUAL ACTUAL 2014 2015 RESULTS 2015 RESULTS 2015 RESULTS RESULTS</p><p>100% OF TEACHERS WILL IDENTIFY AND Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Contacts per Contacts per Contacts per Contacts per MONITOR AT-RISK STUDENTS WHEN PROBLEMS Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher ______IN ATTENDANCE AND/OR ACADEMIC 27.0 30.4 25.2 35.0 PERFORMANCE ARE IDENTIFIED AND WILL Avg. Parental Avg. Parental % Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Contact per At- Contact per At- Contact per At- CONTACT 18 AT-RISK STUDENTS’ PARENTS Contact per At-Risk Risk Student Risk Student Risk Student Student INCLUDING 4 POSITIVE PARENTAL CONTACTS 5.9 3.6 5.0 VIA PHONE, EMAIL, WRITTEN 4.2 Avg. Avg. Avg. CORRESPONDENCE OR PERSONAL CONTACTS Avg. Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions Implemented per Implemented per Implemented per Implemented PER NINE WEEKS AND PROVIDE At-Risk Student At-Risk Student At-Risk Student per At-Risk Student INTERVENTIONS/ACADEMIC SUPPORTS AS 2.3 3.5 2.8 MEASURED BY AT-RISK STUDENT LOGS . 4.0</p><p>JAN ACTUAL MAR ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL ACTUAL STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OCT. 2014 RESULTS 2015 RESULTS 2015 RESULTS RESULTS 2014</p><p>100% OF AT-RISK STUDENTS WILL ATTEND Attendance: Attendance: Attendance: Attendance: 8.6% 5.2% 4.7% SCHOOL A MINIMUM OF 90% OF THE SCHOOL 10.2% Academic Academic Academic YEAR AND WILL ATTAIN MEETING THE Academic Performance: Performance Performance ELIGIBILITY LIST (9-12) OR ATTAIN “AT Performance: 23.2% 24.7% 32.0% GRADE LEVEL” STATUS ON SPRING MAP 28.9% RIMP Plans: RIMP Plans: RIMP Plans: (K-8) AND READING “ON-TRACK” (K-3). RIMP Plans: 34.9% 34.9% 34.9% 29.0% At-Risk—2 or At-Risk—2 or At-Risk—2 or At-Risk—2 or 3 more more more more 5.5% 4.5% 2.8% 3.3% OIP DISTRICT Implementation Management/Monitoring Tool – GRADUATION</p><p>DISTRICT PLAN DISTRICT NAME/IRN# GREENFIELD EXEMPTED 045401 Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 13 SMART GOALS Goal 1: Student Performance Content Area : Goal 2: Student Performance Content Area ______Goal 3: Expectations & Conditions ______X____ _ Goal 4: Operational/Cross-content-______</p><p>GOAL 3: By 2017, the district’s 4-year graduation rate will be 93% and the district’s 5-year graduation rate will be 95% as measured by the state local report card. STRATEGIES, INDICATORS AND PROGRESS MEASURES</p><p>STRATEGY 3A: The staff will heed early warning signs regarding a lack of academic success by implementing appropriate interventions.</p><p>BASELINE MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE PROGRESS MEASURE ADULT IMPLEMENTATION INDICATOR DEC. JAN ACTUAL MAR ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL OCT. ACTUAL 2014 2016 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS</p><p>100% OF TEACHERS WILL IDENTIFY AND Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Contacts per Contacts per Contacts per Contacts per MONITOR AT-RISK STUDENTS WHEN PROBLEMS Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher ______IN ATTENDANCE AND/OR ACADEMIC 27.0 36.5 PERFORMANCE ARE IDENTIFIED AND WILL Avg. Parental Avg. Parental % Avg. Parental Avg. Parental Contact per At- Contact per At- Contact per At- CONTACT 18 AT-RISK STUDENTS’ PARENTS Contact per At-Risk Risk Student Risk Student Risk Student Student INCLUDING 4 POSITIVE PARENTAL CONTACTS 4.0 VIA PHONE, EMAIL, WRITTEN 4.2 Avg. Avg. Avg. CORRESPONDENCE OR PERSONAL CONTACTS Avg. Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions Implemented per Implemented per Implemented per Implemented PER NINE WEEKS AND PROVIDE At-Risk Student At-Risk Student At-Risk Student per At-Risk Student INTERVENTIONS/ACADEMIC SUPPORTS AS 2.3 4.0 MEASURED BY AT-RISK STUDENT LOGS .</p><p>OCT ACTUAL JAN ACTUAL MAR ACTUAL MAY ACTUAL STUDENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OCT. 2015 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS 2016 RESULTS 2014</p><p>Attendance: 3.9% Attendance: 4.9% Attendance: 100% OF AT-RISK STUDENTS WILL ATTEND Attendance: Academic SCHOOL A MINIMUM OF 90% OF THE SCHOOL Academic Academic 10.2% Performance: Performance: Performance: YEAR AND WILL ATTAIN MEETING THE Academic 29.0% 26.7% ELIGIBILITY LIST (9-12) OR ATTAIN “AT Performance: Subgroups: Subgroups:30.1% Subgroups: GRADE LEVEL” STATUS ON SPRING MAP 28.9% 16.3% RIMP Plans: 37.2% (K-8) AND READING “ON-TRACK” (K-3). RIMP Plans: RIMP Plans: RIMP Plans: At-Risk—3 or 37.4% 29.0% more: 1.5% At-Risk—2 or 3 more At-Risk—3 or At-Risk—3 or more more 5.5% 2.4%</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 14 Resources Monitoring Person(s) Implementation Timeline Needed: ACTION STEPS Evidence/Dat Responsible/ a June- Sept.- Dec.- March- Budget/Material/ Group(s) Aug. Nov. Feb. May Sources Technology 3.a.1 Report attendance based on identifiable sub-groups District (Economically Disadvantaged, SWDs, and Multi-Racial). Technology Documentation Leadership X X X Tech Support Team</p><p>3.a.2 Identify and intervene with students when they accumulate 5, 10 Attendance Principals and 15 cumulative days of absence. records, parent Technology, Counselors attendance X X X X Documentation Teachers letter contact records Secretaries log Principal, 3.a.3 Provide online credit recovery options. Credit Recovery Counselors, X X Technology Documentation MVLC Coordinator At-Risk Identification, 3.a.4 Identify at-risk students (Attendance—missed 5 days or more the K-5 Classroom Parental At-Risk 1st nine weeks) and/or (Academic Performance—Grades 9-12- Teachers; 6-8 Contact& Identification, Inelgibility list; Grades K-8—Fall MAP—““At Opportunity” in Teacher-Based Academic X X X Parental Contact& Reading and/or Math and/or Grades K-3—Reading Teams; 9-12 Supports Form Academic Supports Improvement & Monitoring Plan). Homeroom documenting Form Teachers reasons for identification At-Risk Identification, Parental At-Risk 3.a.5 Grade-level TBTs/Homeroom Teachers will document at-risk Contact& Grade-level Identification, students’ attendance, academic performance, and Academic TBTs/Homeroo X X X Parental Contact& interventions/academic supports provided. Supports Form m Teachers Academic Supports documenting Form reasons for identification At-Risk K-5 Classroom X X X At-Risk 3.a.6 Elementary, Middle School and High School Teachers will contact Identification, Teachers;6-8 Identification, 16 at-risk students’ parents and 4 positive parental contacts via Parental Teacher-Based Parental Contact& phone or email per nine weeks. Contact& Teams; 9-12 Academic Supports Academic Homeroom Form Supports Form Teachers documenting reasons for </p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 15 Resources Monitoring Person(s) Implementation Timeline Needed: ACTION STEPS Evidence/Dat Responsible/ a June- Sept.- Dec.- March- Budget/Material/ Group(s) Aug. Nov. Feb. May Sources Technology</p><p> identification</p><p>SOESC Attendance 3.a.7 Provide Preschool & Kindergarten parents with a presentation SOESC Resource Attendance Resource X stressing the importance of their child receiving an education and Person Sheets Person & 2015 attending school. Refreshments Elementary Administrators</p><p>Administrators, Time in the 3.a.8 Build relationships with students through high school homerooms homeroom Schedule and middle school TBTs by meeting with the same group of Agendas teachers and X X X Agendas students for 20-30 mins. every 2-3 weeks for the year. classroom Student incentives teachers</p><p>3.a.9 Establish a Career Planning Program for Grades K-12 Guidance Attendance Counselors, ELA  Elementary—Career Day(s) with a focus on the sheets; teachers and importance of education and attendance Guest speakers, Digital Career Family & X X X  Middle School/High School—OhioMeansJobs with a Career portfolios Portfolio Consumer focus on a different aspect every year Grades 6-12. Science teachers</p><p>Feb. 18, 2016--Revised 16</p>

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