<p>UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Generic Terms of Reference</p><p>I. Position Information</p><p>JOB CODE TITLE: Early Recovery Adviser GRADE: e.g. P5 equivalent DUTY STATION: DURATION: e.g. 3 months SUPERVISOR: UN Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), Country X LANGUAGE: e.g. French</p><p>II. Background & Organizational Context</p><p>A. Crisis context e.g. as provided in the first SitRep or a CAP if a more detailed description of context is not available example from a natural disaster context: Haiti earthquake 2010 On 12 January, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale hit a highly populated area in Ouest Province of Haiti (population 2.2 million), 17km south-west of Port-au-Prince. Carrefour and Jacmel are also affected. Thousands are feared dead and many more injured. Unknown numbers are still buried under the rubble. Initial reconnaissance and aerial assessments have been undertaken. Damage to buildings and infrastructure is widespread and considerable. Port- au-Prince is still without critical infrastructure such as electricity and water. The airport in Port-au- Prince is reportedly operational, but roads to the capital are partly blocked. example from a conflict context: Uganda CAP executive summary 2010 The transition from humanitarian to recovery programming continues in northern Uganda. However, this transition takes place amid growing concern. The humanitarian gains made following the 2006 Cessation of Hostilities agreement between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) are in danger of unraveling. This is due to diminishing humanitarian programming that is unmatched by a significant increase in recovery programmes. Movements from camps to home or transit sites have steadily increased since the Cessation of Hostilities. These movements total 1.4 million people, or about 80% of the original camp population in the region at the end of 2009. The large-scale returns indicate IDPs’ growing confidence in sustainability of the current peace in northern Uganda, with the LRA moving its theatre of operation outside the border. However, for the 1.8 million affected, the situation on the ground can be characterized neither as an end of displacement nor the achievement of lasting Durable Solutions. Vulnerability persists, which requires ongoing humanitarian assistance alongside effective recovery and developmental programming.</p><p>B. Rationale for Early Recovery While in a crisis situation life saving relief is undeniably the most important priority, affected populations simultaneously start looking for ways to rebuild their lives. Support to stabilisation of the situation in the first instance can reduce further setbacks for the affected population and pave the way towards an eventual recovery. This requires of all actors that they focus not only on saving lives but also on stemming further loss of livelihoods and security that are fundamental to</p><p>1 the survival of the affected population, even during humanitarian operations. From the outset it is also vital to support, sustain, and begin to rebuild the essential national capacities that are necessary to manage the situation in the longer term. Early Recovery (ER) is the application of development principles to humanitarian situations. It is intended to stabilise local and national capacities from further deterioration so that they can provide the foundation for full recovery and stimulate spontaneous recovery activities amongst the affected population. If such national capacities are used and strengthened, they are likely to reduce the overall burden of humanitarian support more rapidly. This can be achieved through distinctive early recovery activities to stabilise the situation, while identifying opportunities for longer term recovery and eventually development. Early Recovery aims to bring development principles into relief and seize opportunities to go beyond saving lives and contributes to the restoration of national capacity, livelihoods and human security. Early recovery and humanitarian efforts occur in parallel and use the same mechanisms, but their objectives and expertise are different. Early recovery aims to: Augment on-going emergency assistance operations through measures that foster the self-reliance of the affected population and meet the most critical needs to rebuild livelihoods; Support spontaneous recovery initiatives by the affected population and mitigate the rebuilding of risk; Establish the foundations for longer-term recovery.</p><p>C. Coordination context, e.g. which clusters have been set up (exchange of communication between HC and the Emergency Relief Coordinator; how do these relate to existing coordination mechanisms such as sectoral groups) sample Haiti floods 2008: United Nations agencies and partners are using the cluster approach to support the Haitian government's efforts. The following structure is being used: Sector/cluster Governmental institutions Lead agency (UN and partners) Agriculture MARNDR FAO Coordination and support services MPCE OCHA Early recovery MPCE UNDP Education MEFP UNICEF Food assistance CNSA WFP Health MSPP PAHO/WHO Logistics WFP Protection UNICEF Shelter and Non-food items MAST/DPC IOM Water and sanitation DPSPE/MSPP UNICEF</p><p>While assessments are still ongoing, there is a clearly identified need to reinforce the national capacity and existing coordination structures. The country team has requested particular support from global clusters in the following four areas: Logistics (WFP), Water & Sanitation (UNICEF), Shelter and Non-Food Items (IOM) and Early Recovery (UNDP).</p><p>D. Early Recovery Coordination UNDP has the responsibility to lead a coordinated approach to ER planning together with key partners. The Humanitarian Coordinator has the lead responsibility for coordinating the ER efforts of international organizations in cooperation with national actors. Given the multi-dimensional nature of ER, an Early Recovery Network will be established: a network of ER focal points from each of the other clusters, to work together on the integration, mainstreaming and coordination of early recovery issues. The ER Network makes ER a common concern and avoids limiting it to the work of one cluster, with each of the other IASC Clusters on the ground - such as Health, Protection, Education, etc –systematically planning and implementing early recovery interventions</p><p>2 within the context of their own specific areas of work. The HC will oversee the work of the Early Recovery Network, supported by the Early Recovery Advisor. In addition, areas of ER that are not covered by the other clusters and that are essential in order to kick-start the recovery effort, such as for example, livelihoods, reintegration, land and property, infrastructure, governance, or rule of law will be covered through either sectoral groups or a dedicated cluster. To better distinguish this cluster from the ER network, the cluster can be named according to the gaps which need to be covered, e.g. GIL Cluster (governance, community infrastructure and livelihoods), GLUE Cluster (governance, livelihoods, utilities and environment) or CoRe Cluster (community restoration). UNDP will set up and run this cluster. The UNDP country office will be supported in setting up and maintaining this cluster by the Cluster Coordinator [e.g. GIL Cluster Coordinator]. Together, the [GIL] Cluster and Early Recovery Network ensure that: a) early recovery is effectively mainstreamed throughout everyone’s work and becomes a collective responsibility (through the ER Network); and b) no gaps are left uncovered that are considered essential for the success of the collective early recovery effort (through the [GIL] Cluster).</p><p>E. Role of the Early Recovery Advisor UNDP will add an early recovery capacity to the office of the HC: the Early Recovery Adviser. He/she will work to increase the attention paid by all stakeholders to issues of early recovery, as well as to enhance overall IASC coherence in this field. Mechanisms such as existing UN country thematic working groups, as well as others, can and should be put to the service of early recovery when appropriate. The ER Adviser reports directly to the HC, and will be responsible for supporting the work of all UN agencies, international and national NGO and Red Cross Movement in the area of early recovery. Supported by the ER Advisor, the Early Recovery Network will: Assess and analyze ER needs using appropriate methodology – ideally joint/integrated needs assessments; Assess local capacities and capacity-development priorities for recovery; Design a Strategic framework for ER, contextualizing the ER needs, setting out the key priority focus areas for a comprehensive approach to ER, and linking ER to longer-term recovery strategies; Work with the different clusters to ensure that the Strategic framework is translated into interventions and implemented; Ensure the immediate integration of key cross-cutting issues into the recovery process; Design and implement an effective information management strategy that contributes to inter-cluster information management products and services, often OCHA-led; Develop a monitoring and evaluation system for early recovery which tracks the delivery and impact of early recovery interventions on the ground; Mobilize resources for an adequate and appropriate response to early recovery needs; Derive lessons learned from ER actions and revise strategies accordingly; and Ensure that hand-over strategies are developed and implemented.</p><p>3 III. Functions/Key Results Expected</p><p>1) Supports the HC to ensure effective coordination of early recovery across the humanitarian response Assists the HC in establishing and maintaining an Early Recovery Network or similar inter-cluster coordination mechanism covering early recovery Advocate for the integration of development actors and other non-UN partners in the ER network Provides advice to the HC on early recovery issues Assists the HC in advocacy for early recovery</p><p>2) Facilitates the work of the Early Recovery Network (or similar mechanism) to ensure the mainstreaming of early recovery across the humanitarian response Facilitate regular coordination with network members regarding early recovery activities across all clusters, including secretariat support to the ER network Ensures linkages with national coordination mechanisms and promote national ownership Ensure linkages with the global Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery (CWGER) and other relevant bodies</p><p>3) Through the ER network facilitates assessment and analysis of early recovery needs and existing capacities Clarify responsibilities with ER Needs Assessment specialist where deployed Ensures that early recovery needs in affected areas are assessed, e.g. through the inclusion in humanitarian assessments or through a dedicated early recovery needs assessment Ensures that cross-cutting issues (Gender, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Environment, Age) are taken into account.</p><p>4) Through the ER network facilitates strategic planning for early recovery Ensures that a strategic plan for addressing early recovery needs is developed, e.g. as a Early Recovery Strategic Framework or through inclusion in humanitarian plans and recovery frameworks Monitor progress against this plan and take action when necessary Supports the development of local-level early recovery action plans within the overall strategy for early recovery. Ensures that cross-cutting issues (Gender, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Environment, Age) are taken into account.</p><p>5) Through the ER network facilitate information management on early recovery issues Clarify responsibilities with ER IM specialist where deployed Contribute to inter-cluster information management coordination led by OCHA Consolidate and/or draft and disseminate overviews of all clusters’ activities in early recovery, including Contact Directory of early recovery actors (Who Does What Where (3W)) that feeds into the overall 3W (typically maintained by OCHA); meeting minutes; standard forms; policy or technical guidance; datasets; etc. Link with and support information management related to needs assessments specific to or including early recovery such as for example the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Commit to the collection of age and sex disaggregated data/information where appropriate</p><p>6) Through the ER network facilitates monitoring and evaluation of and reporting on early recovery</p><p>4 Support the establishment of monitoring mechanisms and report progress of early recovery activities in a timely, transparent and consolidated manner; identifying gaps and proposing possible ways to address them</p><p>7) Supports resource mobilization on behalf of the ER network Works closely with the HC, the ER network, the other cluster leads, and other stakeholders on the development of a resource mobilization strategy.</p><p>8) Develops a clear hand-over strategy Work closely with national counterparts, the World Bank, donors and other stakeholders to ensure that the ongoing ER activities tie in with common recovery strategies and with the UNDAF and develop a clear hand-over strategy.</p><p>IV. Deliverables </p><p> Prepare HC early recovery briefings to government officials, donors and other stakeholders; carry out briefings as necessary Coordination mechanism established and regular consultations maintained Early Recovery needs in affected areas are assessed Strategic planning for early recovery is developed, e.g. Early Recovery Strategic Framework and progress monitored Resource Mobilization Strategy for early recovery is developed Project proposals related to the coordination of early recovery activities are drafted Information relating to ER needs and activities is shared with relevant stakeholders Progress regarding early recovery response is monitored, e.g. draft/contribute to the drafting of regular reports to the HC, and send a monthly report to the global CWGER on progress and areas of potential concern An exit strategy for ER coordination is developed Prepare a handover note/debriefing report Undertake related tasks as may be requested by the supervisor</p><p>V. Competencies</p><p>Corporate: Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by modelling the UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards; Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of the UN and UNDP; Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability. </p><p>Development and Operational Effectiveness: Communication Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills Excellent interpersonal and networking skills. Client Orientation Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback</p><p>5 Ability to build and sustain effective partnerships with UN Agencies and main constituents, advocate effectively, communicate sensitively across different constituencies. Planning and Organizing Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example Sound time management and organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple tasks Capacity to work under tight deadlines, manage stress and adapt to rapidly evolving situations </p><p>Managerial competencies: Leadership Ability to advocate and provide policy advice Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of joint work plans Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills Building Trust Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment with sound understanding and capability to empower and develop the capacity of national counterparts Able to establish trustful relationships with governments, donors, non-government and international development organizations Judgement/Decision-making Demonstrated substantive experience and ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic, policy and operational objectives Clear conceptual and strategic thinking - understanding the big picture, the wider knowledge context and the UN’s and UNDP’s strategy within it</p><p>VI. Recruitment Qualifications</p><p>Education: Advanced degree (masters level) in political science/international relations, or other relevant field; or the equivalent combination of education and the extensive relevant professional experience in a related area.</p><p>Experience: A minimum of 15 years work experience in the field of international development and humanitarian assistance and considerable experience in the field of early recovery Included in the above: minimum of 10 years specific substantive and technical experience in inter-agency coordination, needs assessment, policy development, strategy formulation, programme planning and monitoring & evaluation in crisis and post-crisis settings Experience working in an international organization Knowledge of UNDP/UN regulations, rules, policies, procedures and practices</p><p>Language Fluency in written and spoken French/English/Spanish is required for this post. Requirements: </p><p>Summary of Possess a comprehensive set of competencies enabling immediately taking on Critical the challenging role of leading early recovery efforts in the designated area of</p><p>6 Competencies responsibility – strategic, integrity, results orientation, teamwork, good inter- for Immediate personal skills, well developed communication skills, sound judgment, Response analytical skills, flexibility, proactive engagement, innovation, risk management, Situations: gender and culturally sensitive, ability to work under pressure and demonstrates high tolerance for change, complexity and unpredictability.</p><p>VII. Management arrangements</p><p> a) The assignment shall comprise ___ work days in total, in the period from _____ to _____ b) UNDP will cover travel costs and DSA for the period of the assignment c) The consultant may be required to travel to Geneva before and after the assignment for pre and post mission briefing and debriefing d) A consultant evaluation must be completed by the supervisor and submitted to BCPR/ERT in order for final payment to be released e) In addition to his/her supervisor, the incumbent has at his/her disposal, three lines of global support and communication: (1) country support through the country focal point, (2) technical ER support through the Early Recovery Field Advisor and the CWGER secretariat and (3) roster administration support through the RRST Interagency coordination roster manager, who can be contacted at any time during the mission as considered necessary</p><p>VIII. Methods of Payment </p><p> a) Payments of Fees will be made in ______instalments upon receipt of monthly activity reports against specific deliverables (to be determined by supervisor) b) DSA will be paid separately c) Payment of all other expenses will be made by claims along with receipts and other proof, along with properly completed claim forms</p><p>7</p>
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