23716 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 19, 2000 Paladin is just one of the many high-tech, Mr. Dellums was first elected to the U.S. In fact, greater spending does not always bio-tech, and information technology busi- House of Representatives in 1970, serving guarantee better quality. nesses that are stimulating economic growth until his retirement in 1998, Mr. Dellums was I would like to call my colleagues’ attention and creating new jobs in our country. Like a distinguished and respected leader in the to a recent report published in the Journal of many other Members of Congress, I value the Congress and throughout the world and re- the American Medical Association (JAMA) en- contributions of our dynamic high-tech industry mains a tireless leader on behalf of peace and titled, ‘‘Quality of Medical Care Delivered to and want to make sure that the government justice. Medicare Beneficiaries: A Profile at State and continues to take appropriate action to help His diverse accomplishments include his National Levels.’’ This report, compiled by re- stimulate and develop this industry. I invite leadership and vision as the Chair of the Con- searchers at the Health Care Financing Ad- other Members of Congress to join me in con- gressional Black Caucus, Chair of the House ministration, ranks states according to percent- gratulating Paladin Data Systems for their Armed Services and District of Columbia Com- age of Medicare Free-for-Service beneficiaries amazing success and wishing them nothing mittees; his challenge against the Vietnam receiving appropriate care. The researchers but the best in years to come. War; his belief and advocacy of ‘‘Coalition Pol- looked at a range of health problems, includ- f itics’’ as a way to truly evoke change in the ing strokes, heart failure, diabetes, pneu- political arena; his leadership and vision laid to monia, heart attacks, and breast cancer. TRIBUTE TO THOMAS J. SWEENEY the foundation for base conversion and ulti- There is remarkable consensus in the medical mately the job creation and business develop- community about what constitute appropriate HON. ANNA G. ESHOO ment of these former military installations; his care for these conditions. For example, health OF CALIFORNIA legislation to expand the Port of Oakland and professionals agree that conducting mammo- grams at least every 2 years can save count- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estuary dredging; his tireless commitment to youth; and his National Heath Service Act, less lives in the fight against breast cancer. Wednesday, October 18, 2000 which has long been considered the most They also agree that heart attack victims Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to comprehensive and progressive health care should be given aspirin within 24 hours of honor a patriotic American and a distinguished proposal since it was first introduced in 1977. being admitted to a hospital. leader in the labor movement, Thomas J. The true leadership of Mr. Dellums, and If the claims of the managed care, hospital, Sweeney. quite possibly the most rewarding moment in and provider groups are accurate, states re- A native and lifelong resident of Oakland, his career, was his vision to have the U.S. end ceiving the most Medicare spending should California, Tom Sweeney was the devoted its support of the racist apartheid regime of implement more of these scientifically vali- husband of Ann-Marie Sweeney for 51 years, South Africa. Mr. Dellums was among the first dated practices. So I compared state perform- the father of Susan Eldridge and the proud in Congress to lead the international Anti- ance rankings with Medicare payment esti- grandfather of four, including Teo and Michelle Apartheid movement. For years, until Nelson mates (per beneficiary). The results do not Eldridge. He served ably as Local 595’s Busi- Mandela was released from prison, he faith- support this view. In fact, the 10 best per- ness Manager, as an officer of IBEW’s Inter- fully introduced a bill and lobbied his col- forming states received 17 percent less in national Executive Council, as a Commis- leagues for support of having Congress im- Medicare payments per enrollee than the 10 sioner of the Port of Oakland and as President pose sanctions against the South African gov- worst performers. Clearly, more money does of the Building Trades Council. ernment. not automatically translate into better health When Tom Sweeney’s life ended on August Since his retirement from Congress, Mr. care nor does less money mean poor health 11, 2000, at the age of 78, he had raised his Dellums has served as the President of care. family, served his community, succeeded at Healthcare International Management Com- Furthermore, according to this JAMA report, providing countless opportunities for genera- pany focusing on global health issues, most all states could do a better job of imple- tions of working Americans and made his be- notably the AIDS pandemic. He serves as the menting quality care. On average, only 69 per- loved nation a much better place. Chair of President Clinton’s Advisory Com- cent of patients received appropriate care in It is an honor for me to pay tribute to this mittee on HIV/AIDS. He has also recently writ- the typical state. This figure dropped as low as good man and I ask Mr. Speaker, that my col- ten his memoirs, ‘‘Lying Down with the Lions: 11 percent for certain practices, such as im- leagues join me in offering our condolences to A Public Life from the Streets of Oakland to munization screenings for pneumonia patients the family of Tom Sweeney and pay tribute to the Halls of Power.’’ prior to discharge. A clear trend also a life lived so well. It is with great pride that we offer recogni- emerged—less populous states and those in f tion of some of the monumental contributions the Northeast performed better than more made by Ron Dellums to better our commu- populous states and those in the Southeast. IN CELEBRATION OF THE DEDICA- nity, country and world. There is no other What accounts for these differences in per- TION OF THE RONALD V. DEL- leader more deserving of having a Federal formance? JAMA authors suggested that, LUMS FEDERAL BUILDING, OAK- building named in his or her honor. Thank you ‘‘system changes are more effective than ei- LAND, CA Ron. ther provider or patient education in improving f provision of services.’’ Perhaps this is why HON. IKE SKELTON states that have instituted health care reform, RECOGNIZING THAT GREATER such as Vermont and Oregon, demonstrated OF MISSOURI SPENDING DOES NOT GUAR- relatively high levels of performance at lower HON. BARBARA LEE ANTEE QUALITY HEALTH CARE cost. OF CALIFORNIA Authors of the JAMA article further sug- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK gested that it is necessary to hold all stake- holders accountable, not just health care pro- Wednesday, October 18, 2000 OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES viders and health plans. This includes, ‘‘pur- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it is with great chasers, whether Medicare or Medicaid, . honor that my colleague, Ms. LEE and I rise in Wednesday, October 18, 2000 because they are making continual and impor- recognition of one of our greatest statesmen, Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, in these waning tant decisions that potentially balance quality Congressman Ronald V. Dellums, and in cele- days of the 106th Congress, we are consid- against expenditures.’’ bration of the dedication of the Ronald V. Del- ering a bill that will give back nearly $30 billion I call upon my colleagues to recognize that lums Federal Building in Oakland, California. to managed care organizations, hospitals, and we too are accountable. Medical experts The Dellums Federal Building is considered health care providers. These groups argue agree on best practices. So we must do more the ‘‘Gateway to the East Bay’’ and has en- that without spending increases, quality of than just authorize spending, we must recog- hanced the Oakland city skyline. The distinct health care will suffer. The assumption: more nize what constitutes quality care and expect twin towers of this $200 million project has money means better care. Of course adequate providers, hospitals, and health plans to de- played a pivotal role in the revitalization of the funding is necessary to effectively run hos- liver. Medicare beneficiaries across the United downtown area. Additionally, this building was pitals, health plans, and clinics—but is that all States deserve the best care available and built by a local and diverse workforce. it takes to ensure quality? this cannot be achieved through greater VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:58 Jan 24, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E19OC0.000 E19OC0.
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