USOO8045681 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,045,681 B2 Hertel et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 25, 2011 (54) METHOD OF OPERATING A (56) References Cited TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINK BETWEEN TWO TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS WHICH TRANSMITS DISPLAY CONTROL 5,003,577 A * 3/1991 Ertz et al. ................... 379.88.13 COMMANDS IN A SEPARATE DATA 6,157,705. A * 12/2000 Perrone ...................... 379.88.01 CHANNEL 6, 192,057 B1 2/2001 Duecket al. 6,252,944 B1* 6/2001 Hansen et al. ............... 379 (67.1 (75) Inventors: Andreas Hertel, Barendorf (DE); 2002/0055350 A1* 5/2002 Gupte et al. ... ... 455,412 2002fOO73142 A1* 6, 2002 Moran ........... TO9,203 H.-Dieter Kröger, Wakendord II (DE) 2002fO154745 A1 * 10, 2002 Shtivelman .... ... 379.88.12 (73) Assignee: Aastra Deutschland GmbH, Berlin 2008/0317235 A1 12/2008 Hansen et al. ........... 379,211.02 (DE) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DE 1963O45.6 A1 1, 1998 *) NotOt1Ce: Subjubject to anyy d1Sclaimer,disclai theh term off thisthi EP O 590,862 A2 4f1994 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP 1381,212 A1 1, 2004 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1395 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 11/583,478 Janusz Klink: “Remote data transfer in distributed measurement, diagnostics and control systems'. In IEEE International Symposium (22) Filed: Oct. 19, 2006 on Intelligent Signal Processing, Sep. 4-6, 2003, p. 231-235. (65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner US 2007/O127633 A1 Jun. 7, 2007 Primary Examiner — Fan Tsang Related U.S. Application Data Assistant Examiner — Solomon Bezuayehu (63) Continuation of application No. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Laurence A. Greenberg; PCT/DE2005/000671, filed on Apr. 14, 2005. Werner H. Stemer; Ralph E. Locher (30) Foreign Application Priority Data (57) ABSTRACT A method for operating a communications link between two Apr. 19, 2004 (DE) ......................... 10 2004 O19584 telecommunications device requires that speech information be transmitted in a speech channel and data signals are trans (51) Int. Cl. mitted in a data channel that is separate from the speech H04M I/64 (2006.01) channel. This provides a particularly user-friendly, conve HO4M II/IO (2006.01) nient method for operating a telecommunications link. To HO4M II/OO (2006.01) achieve this, display control commands are transmitted in the (52) U.S. Cl. .................. 379/88.11:455/413: 379/88.13; data channel as data signals, the display control commands 379/93.17 triggering a display on a screen of the telecommunications (58) Field of Classification Search ............... 379/88.11, device that receives the display control commands. 379/88.13, 88.18, 142.17 See application file for complete search history. 22 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2011 US 8,045,681 B2 US 8,045,681 B2 1. 2 METHOD OF OPERATINGA above-mentioned disadvantages of the prior art methods and TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINK BETWEEN devices of this general type, which is particularly user TWO TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES friendly and convenient. WHICH TRANSMITS DISPLAY CONTROL With the foregoing and other objects in view there is pro COMMANDS IN A SEPARATE DATA 5 vided, in accordance with the invention, a method for oper CHANNEL ating a communications link between an answering device and a telecommunications terminal. The method includes CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED establishing a communications link to a caller of the answer APPLICATIONS ing device by setting up a connection of a Voice channel and 10 a data channel, transmitting Voice information in the Voice This is a continuation, under 35 U.S.C. S 120, of copending channel, transmitting display control commands in the data international application PCT/DE2005/000671, filed Apr. 14, channel separate from the Voice channel as data signals for 2005, which designated the United States; this application triggering a display on a screen of the telecommunications also claims the priority, under 35 U.S.C. S 119, of German 15 terminal receiving the display control commands. The trans patent application 10 2004019584.6, filed Apr. 19, 2004; the mitting of the display control commands further includes the prior applications are herewith incorporated by reference in steps of transmitting, via the answering device, a command to their entirety. the telecommunications terminal resulting in a triggering of an automatic response of the telecommunications terminal to BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION request a predetermined display content from the answering device; and transmitting, via the answering device, the pre Field of the Invention determined display content to the telecommunications termi nal after receiving the request for the predetermined display The invention relates to a method for operating a commu content in the answering machine. nications link between an answering device and a telecom 25 Accordingly, it is provided, according to the invention, that munications terminal. In the method, display control com between two telecommunications devices, Voice information mands are transmitted in a data channel separate from the is transmitted in a voice channel (preferably D channel) and Voice channel as data signals for triggering a display on a display control commands which trigger a screen display on screen of the telecommunications terminal receiving the dis a screen of the telecommunications device receiving the play control commands. 30 respective display control commands are transmitted in a data It is known that telecommunications terminals digitize channel (preferably D channel) separate from the voice chan audio signals in accordance with the Consultative Committee nel. for International Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT) stan An advantage of the method according to the invention dard G.711 and transmit the voice information formed in this relates in that it ensures particularly high convenience of use manner in a so-called B channel in the case of an integrated 35 because display control commands can also be transmitted in services digital network (ISDN) connection. In parallel, the addition to voice information. For example, the name of the telecommunications terminals additionally transmit data Sig caller can be transmitted. nals with information which is used for managing the com A further significant advantage of the method according to munications link in a separate data channel briefly called a D the invention relates in that the voice channel is not affected channel. 40 by the additional data transmission. This ensures that the In addition, it is known that telecommunications devices voice information can be transmitted undisturbed in the nor can enter into data links with one another. For this purpose, mal manner—that is to say with the entire available audio the telecommunications devices transmit digital values rep bandwidth. resenting a data coding instead of digitally coded audio sig A third significant advantage of the method according to nals in the voice channel (B channel). The information trans 45 the invention relates in that no IP addresses need to be known mitted in the separate data channel (D channel) basically does for transmitting the display control commands since the dis not differ from the “telephony case”, that is to say the case of play control commands are transmitted in the separate data a “normal transmission of audio signals. channel after the connection has been set up in the normal In addition, there is in global system for mobile commu a. nications (GSM) networks the so-called general packet radio 50 The method according to the invention can be used, for service (GPRS) method in which data links are based on example, in a communications link in which one of the two Internet protocols “TCP/IP” known from the Internet. In this telecommunications devices involved is an answering device connection, the “Wireless Markup Language” (WML), by or by a telecommunications device handling an answering which image data are transmitted by the known “Wireless device function. The answering device function can also be Application Protocol (WAP) has become successful for rep 55 provided, for example, by a network operator (“mailbox'). resenting screen contents or display contents. A correspond The telecommunications device operating as an answering ing data link requires so-called WAP-capable telecommuni device canthus transmit, in addition to the Voice information, cations terminals; the telecommunications terminals involved other information as display data to the caller, for example, must always know the respective IP address of the telecom the name of the owner of the answering device or of the munication partner for establishing a data link. 60 “mailbox', the respective time of day, the date and in the case where audio signals are recorded on the answering device or SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION on the “mailbox”, the residual recording time available in each case can be displayed. The caller thus knows that he is It is accordingly an object of the invention to provide a connected to the correct answering device or to the correct method of operating a telecommunications link between two 65 mailbox, respectively, and how much time is still available to telecommunications devices that transmits display control him for recording his voice message on the answering device commands in a separate data channel which overcome the or the mailbox, respectively. US 8,045,681 B2 3 4 The answering device or the mailbox can also be interro For the rest, it is considered to be advantageous if first the gated correspondingly: if the owner of the mailbox interro characteristics of the telecommunications devices involved gates his mailbox for the purpose of interrogating audio mes are determined during the performance of the method. For sages received, the date, the time of day and the name of the example, one of the telecommunications devices involved caller, for example, is displayed to him on the screen of the can trigger an automatic response from the partner telecom telecommunications terminal used for the interrogation, in munications device by transmitting the control commands addition to the stored audio information.
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