CHRISTIA TY TODAY A PRESBYTERIAN JOURNAL DEVOTED TO STATING1 DEfENDING I f I AND fURTHERING THE GOSPEL IN THE MODERN WORLD III SAMUELG. CRAIG, Editor H. McALLISTER GRIFFITHS, Managing Editor Published monthly by THE PRESBYTERIAN AND MID-AUGUST,1930 $1.00 A YEAR REFORMED PUBLISHING CO., 501 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila., Pa. Vol. 1 No.4 EVERYWHERE Relative to the Value of Christianity T is to multiply words without w'isdom Dr of the Chaldees, or whether the Law cost were not only looked upon by them I to discuss the value of Christianity was given by MosEs, or whether JESUS as belonging to the sphere of history but apart from the question of its truthful­ was virgin born or bodily resurrected or as belonging to the very essence of their ness. If Christianity lacks the element even whether JESUS ever lived. Christian faith. The fact, therefore, that there are of truthfulness it is worthless and may be faith, we are told, is something too deep, those who allege that the value of Chris­ harmful; but if it possesses this element too vital, dwells on too high a level, to be tianity is independent of its truthfulness it is safe to assume that it has some worth dependent on what happened, or is alleged has no real bearing on the question we are and that It may be beyond price. It would to have happened, so many centurie~ ago. actually discussing and that because a be otherwise, of course, if the subject of Weare not concerned to deny that the Christianity that is iridependent of the discussion were the significance of Chris­ faith of those who make such statements historic facts is something other than tianity. Because the significance of a is independent of anything so prosaic as Christianity as we, with the Church of movement is more or less independent of historic facts; but we more t?an' question all ages, understand it. its truthfulness. Whether or no Chris­ whether such a faith has any right to call Perhaps a word should be said relative tianity is true, it is one of the most sig­ itself Christian .. It is altogether certain to a somewhat closely related view. nific~l11t movements i~ history-a move­ -whatever may be alleged by some-that There are those who though skeptical of ),nent, moreover, that must still be the faith of the Apostles and of the the truthfulness of Olristianity both .in reckoned with despite the "wishful think­ Apostolic Church was wedded for weal or the sense of "truth of idea" and "truth ing" of its enemies. At the same time woe to' what they regarded as historic of fact" are so impressed by the useful­ while a movement may have significance, facts, that such events as the incarnation. ness of Christianity that they maintain regardless of the degree to which it is an the atonement, the resurrection, the that it is the part of wisdom to live "as embodiment of truth, the permanency of ascension of CHRIST and the descent of if" it were true. The restraints of Chris­ its significance and so its abiding value is the HOLY SPIRIT on the day of Pente- tianity (such as its teaching as to rewards indissolubly bound up with the question and punishment) are useful, we are told, of its truthfulness. Here the words of in holding the masses in check and its WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT apply: ql11etIves (such as its belief in the IN THIS ISSUE: "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again: existence of a FATHER-GOD and a Th' eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, Christianity Today in the Near East. • • 5 SAVIOUR-KiNG) is the hope andconsola­ And dies among bis worshippers." Sylvester W. Beach tion of multitudes. Whether or no Chris· A few decades ago, few, if any, would The Passing of a Peerless Personality. • 7 tianity is true, it produces the highest and have taken any exception to what has A. Z. Conrad most satisfactory type o~ life of which just been written. Such is not the case we have any knowledge: why then should today. Many of our leaders of Christian Books of Religious Significance we not exhort men to live "as if" it were thought-so-called at least-insist that the Treatise on the Gods. • . • • . • • 9 true? We reply that while Christianity vaiue of Christianity is independent of the is useful yet in our judgment it is use­ "Rashi" on the Pentateuch. • . • . .• 10 question of its truthfulness in the ordi­ ful because, and only because, it is true. nary sense of the wo,rd, i.e., in the sense of The Spirit of Protestantism. • • • • • •• 11 It is no doubt the part of wisdom to conformity to historic fact or objective Questions Relative to Christian Faith live "as if" Christianity were true but .reality. In harmony with this we are told and Practice. .. 12 this too finds its ultimate explanation in that the value of Christianity in no wise the fact that Christianity is actually true. hinges on the question, for instance, Letters to the Editor. .. 15 vVe hold indeed that those who live "as whether ABRAHAM ever migrated from News of the Church. • .. 18 if" Christianity were true will as a rule 2 CHRISTIANITY TODAY August, 1930 come to believe that it is true but that too There are many possible ways of briefly sipated. Only where Christianity has finds its explanation in the fact that it indicating the things that gi';'e value to gone do men know what they should be­ really is true. It is noticeable, how­ Christianity. The following commends lieve concerning GOD and what duty GOD ever, that those who urge living "as itself to us as one of the best. The value requires of man. Christianity is a "re­ if" Christianity were true usually have of Christianity is due (1) to the additions vealed" religion, not a religion that man others in mind rather than themselves. it has brought to this world's aggregate has "discovered," or it is a religion that Christianity is useful for the masses, for of facts, (2) to the additions it has claims to be what it is not. This revela­ the "unenlightened," somewhat as the brought to this world's stock of knowl­ tion is partly a revelation by acts or deeds, story of SANTA CLAUS is useful for edge and (3) to the additions it has and partly a revelation by words through children: but of course "enlightened" brought to this world's fund of power. the mouths of prophets and apostles and persons like themselves have no need of \Ve would not be understood as implying especially through JESUS CHRIST. In such restraints and incentives as Chris­ that all the values of Christianity may be large part the words would be empty tianity affords! We have scant sympathy subsumed, naturally and logically and without the acts while the acts would be with this view, even less than we have without compulsion, under one or the blind and unmeaning without the explain­ with the view of those who maintain that other of these heads but certainly if what ing word. The great value of the Bible Christianity has been and is a curse to falls without demur under either of these lies in th~ fact that it both records those humanity. Christianity presents itself as heads is ignored or denied it is impossible great acts that GOD has wrought for our the truth. I f it is not the truth, it has to obtain any adequate conception of the salvation and explains their meaning. led mankind astray long enough and it value that attaches to Christianity. The acts are meaningless for us save as is high time it were relegated to the In the first place, Christianity has they are understood. The GOD who museum of dead religions. I f there is brought an addition to the world's ag­ wrought them is alone competent to make something truer than Christianity there gregate of facts. Christianity is not a known their significance, and that He has is something better than Christianity and product of this world's resident forces done in what we call the doctrines of the that something better is what we and all as the consistent evolutionist would have Bible. The doctrines of Christianity are men ought to have. Our conviction that us believe. The forces implanted by the no less essential both to its being and its there is nothing better, and that nothing CREATOR in the beginning, no matter how well-being than are its facts. better will ever be discovered or revealed, divinely led, were incapable of producing In the third place, Christianity brought finds its ulitmate explanation in this con- those facts that lie at the basis of the an addition to this world's fund of power. viction and in this conviction alone, viz., Christian religion and apart from which Sin had not only brought guilt and ig­ that Christianity is true both as reg·ards Christianity would be as empty of con­ norance, it had also brought weakness its facts and its doctrines. tent as astronomy would be empty of and inability. It is not enough to say But granting that Christianity is true, content if the stars were phantoms. If to the sinner, "This is the way; walk ye wherein consists its value? If Chris­ the supernatural in the form of the mil-­ in it." "Men know the gooe! without the tianity is true, we may be sure that it has aculous had 110t energized in this world power to do it; they know the evil with­ some value but that fact of itself would the facts which lie at the basis of Chris­ out the power to avoid it." Men need not justify the belief that it has any great tianity, and make it what it is, it would something more than a correct knowl­ value.
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