Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project Submitted to the National Energy Board Pursuant to Hearing Order GH-1-2004 March 15, 2010 Volume 1 – Report Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project REVISED TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1 Glossary of Terms............................................................................................v 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................1 2. The Mackenzie Gas Project – Crown Consultation Unit (MGP-CCU) ...................................................1 3. Crown Consultation and the MGP.........................................................4 3.1 How Did We Consult? ................................................................4 3.1.1 The Joint Review Panel and National Energy Board Hearing Processes .............................................5 3.1.2 Information on Aboriginal Concerns Provided by the Proponent............................................5 3.2 Direct Consultations ...................................................................5 3.2.1 Who Did We Consult?...................................................5 3.2.2 Process for Direct Consultation.....................................6 3.3 Consultation Binder ....................................................................7 4. Funding .................................................................................................7 4.1 Funding Related to the Environmental Assessment Process .....8 4.1.1 Interim Resource Management Assistance Program (IRMA)............................................................8 4.1.2 Pipeline Division – MGP Community Capacity..............8 4.2 Funding Related to Mitigation.....................................................8 4.2.1 Sambaa K’e Dene Band – Trout Lake (SKDB) .............8 4.2.2 Fort Providence.............................................................9 4.2.3 Other.............................................................................9 5. Going Forward ......................................................................................9 6. Summary of Activities to Date ..............................................................9 i March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project 7. Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) ......................................................10 7.1 Consultations with the Inuvialuit ...............................................11 7.2 Summary of Concerns..............................................................11 8. Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) .........................................................15 8.1 Consultations with the Gwich’in................................................16 8.2 Summary of Concerns..............................................................16 9. Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA)..............................................................20 9.1 Consultations with the Sahtu Dene and Métis ..........................21 9.2 Summary of Concerns..............................................................21 10. Dene Tha’ First Nation (DTFN) ...........................................................31 10.1 Summary of Concerns..............................................................31 11. Dehcho Region (DFN).........................................................................32 11.1 Overview ..................................................................................32 11.2 Workshops and Information Sessions ......................................32 11.3 DFN Communities ....................................................................32 11.3.1 Pehdzeh Ki First Nation – Wrigley (PFKN)...............33 11.3.2 Liidlii Kue First Nation – Fort Simpson (LKFN) .........38 11.3.3 Fort Simpson Métis Nation (FSMN)..........................40 11.3.4 Tthek'edeli First Nation – Jean Marie River (JMRFN).......................................42 11.3.5 Sambaa K’e Dene Band – Trout Lake (SKDB).........44 11.3.6 Acho Dene Koe First Nation– Fort Liard (ADK) ........46 11.3.7 Fort Liard Métis (FLM)..............................................47 11.3.8 Na_ahdee First Nation – Nahanni Butte (NBDB)......48 11.3.9 Deh Gah Got’ie Dene Council – Fort Providence (DGGDC) .......................................49 11.3.10 Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation – Kakisa (KFTN)................50 11.3.11 K’atlodeechee First Nation – Hay River Reserve (KFN).........................................54 11.3.12 West Point First Nation – Hay River (WPFN) ...........57 12. Other Aboriginal Groups .....................................................................58 12.1 Hay River Métis Council (HRMC) ....................................58 ii March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project Volume 2 Tab A - Sections 1, 2, and 5 of Consultation Binder Material Tab B - Going Forward Tab C - Tables 3.1 from the Consultation Binders: ≈ Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) ≈ Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) ≈ Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA) ≈ Pehdzeh Ki First Nation (PKFN) Volume 3 Tab C - Tables 3.1 from the Consultation Binders, continued: ≈ Liidlii Kue First Nation (LKFN) ≈ Fort Simpson Métis Nation (FSMN) ≈ Jean Marie River First Nation (JMRFN) ≈ Sambaa K’e Dene Band (SKDB) ≈ Acho Dene Koe First Nation (ADK) ≈ Fort Liard Métis (FLM) ≈ Na_ahdee First Nation – Nahanni Butte (NBDB) ≈ Deh Gah Got’ie Dene Council – Fort Providence (DGGDC) ≈ Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation – Kakisa (KTFN) ≈ K’atlodeechee First Nation – Hay River Reserve (KFN) ≈ West Point First Nation (WPFN) Volume 4 Tab D - Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) Tab E - Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) Tab F - Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA) Tab G - Dene Tha’ First Nation (DTFN) Tab H - Pehdzeh Ki First Nation (PKFN) Tab I - Liidlii Kue First Nation (LKFN) iii March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project Volume 5 Tab J - Fort Simpson Métis Nation (FSMN) Tab K - Jean Marie River First Nation (JMRFN) Tab L - Sambaa K’e Dene Band (SKDB) Tab M - Acho Dene Koe First Nation (ADK) Tab N - Fort Liard Métis (FLM) Tab O - Nahanni Butte Dene Band (NBDB) Tab P - Deh Gah Got’ie Dene Council (DGGDC) Tab Q - Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation (KTFN) Tab R - K’atlodeechee First Nation (KFN) Tab S - West Point First Nation (WPFN) Tab T - Other Aboriginal Groups (OAG) Tab U - Hay River Métis Council (HRMC) iv March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project GLOSSARY OF TERMS ABREVIATION NAME ABC - Aboriginal Business Canada ADK - Acho Dene Koe First Nation (Ft. Liard) AEUB - Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Akaitcho - Akaitcho Territory Government Canada - Government of Canada CEAA - Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency CEDO - Community Economic Development Organizations Program CLCA - Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement CCU - Crown Consultation Unit DAS - Dehgah Alliance Society DFN - Dehcho First Nation CEOP - Community Economic Opportunities Program DFN - Dehcho First Nation DFO - Fisheries and Oceans Canada DGGDC - Deh Gah Got’ie Dene Council (Ft. Providence Dene) DTFN - Dene Tha’ First Nation EC - Environment Canada EDA - East Dehcho Alliance EIS - Environmental Impact Statement ENR - Environment and Natural Resources (GNWT) FLM - Fort Liard Métis FSM - Fort Simpson Métis FPM - Fort Providence Métis GNWT - Government of the Northwest Territories GSA - Gwich’in Settlement Area GTC - Gwich’in Tribal Council HRMC - Hay River Métis Council HRSDC - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada IHTC - Inuvialuit Hunters and Trappers Committee IFA - Inuvialuit Final Agreement IGC - Inuvialuit Game Council IJS - Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat IMA - Interim Measures Agreement INAC - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada IRC - Inuvialuit Regional Corporation IRMA - Interim Resource Management Assistance ISR - Inuvialuit Settlement Region JCC - Joint Coordinating Committee JMRFN - Jean Marie River First Nation JRP - Joint Review Panel KFN - K’atlodeeche First Nation KTFN - Ka’a’gee Tu First Nation MGP - Mackenzie Gas Project MGP-CCU - Mackenzie Gas Project – Crown Consultation Unit MVRMA - Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act NBDB - Nahanni Butte Dene Band v March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project NEB - National Energy Board NGTL - Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. NRCan - Natural Resources Canada NTCL - Northern Transportation Co. Ltd. NTMN - Northwest Territories Métis Nation PKFN - Pehdzeh Ki First Nation PRO - Pipeline Readiness Office RoW - Right of Way RPDP - Resource Pre-Development Program SKDB - Sambaa K’e Dene Band SRRB - Sahtu Renewable Resources Board SSA - Sahtu Settlement Area SSI - Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated TC - Transport Canada Tlicho - Tlicho First Nation Government WPFN - West Point First Nation vi March 15, 2010 Updated Report on Canada’s Aboriginal Consultation Activities for the Mackenzie Gas Project 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide updated evidence (Update) of the Government of Canada’s (Canada) activities from August 10, 2006 to December 31, 20091 in respect of consultations with Aboriginal groups whose Aboriginal and treaty rights protected by s. 35 of the Constitution Act 19822 may be adversely affected by Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP). During this period, Canada’s consultation activities consisted of: studying
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