SCITECH SPORTS PILLBOX Prepare for the upcoming BOC and TOC • B Section Using big data for brain research • A4 Women’s soccer team excels • A10 Boyhood captures coming of age • C6 thetartan.org @thetartan September 8, 2014 Volume 109, Issue 3 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 CMU launches global brain initiative Chipotle coming soon to Forbes BRIAN TRIMBOLI Other students are more News Editor ambivalent. “There’s already a Chipot- Although many students le 30 seconds from my house, grieved at the loss of the Pan- so it doesn’t really matter ther Hollow Inn, a local bar, for me,” said Brian Lee, a ju- over the summer, they may nior economics and statistics now have something else to major. look forward to: Winthorpe Vira Shao, a junior Chi- Valentine, LP, which bought nese studies and psychology 4611 Forbes Ave. after it was double major, had her doubts sold last year, has filed plans about the upcoming Chipo- with the Department of City tle. “I’m happy I don’t have Planning to put a Chipotle to walk all the way down to Mexican Grill in the former Chipotle, but I’m pretty am- bar’s location. bivalent,” Shao said. “Here’s Chipotle Mexican Grill, one thing: I think that from a which last year celebrated its business standpoint, they’re 25-year anniversary, serves a making a very poor choice. variety of Mexican-inspired Because yes, that Chipotle foods, including tacos and will recoup a lot of money re- burritos. ally, really quickly, but alco- It was announced in May hol sells more. And they’re Abhinav Gautam/Staff Photographer 2013 that Panther Hollow going to have to renovate the University President Subra Suresh spoke about Carnegie Mellon’s plan to work across disciplines and across the world to better understand the hu- Inn, known by most students hell out of that place because man brain. as PHI, would close after the it’s a franchise. You can’t just end of the spring 2014 se- have Chipotle food in a PHI- BRADEN KELNER are connected with different approaches for better analyz- tiative, Carnegie Mellon has mester. Winthorpe Valentine, esque bar; it doesn’t work like Editor-in-Chief parts of campus who may or ing and understanding the secured $75 million of ini- LP bought PHI from former that.” may not in some cases have link between what the brain tial commitments over the owner Eugene DePasquale in Carnegie Mellon is looking been previously engaged in is doing at a specific time as it next five years from various June 2014 for $850,000; the to find out how the brain af- research related to neurosci- yields various behaviors, ac- funders, including the Hill- bar closed for the last time in According to fects human behavior through ence, brain science — to try cording to the release. man Foundation, RK Mellon the early hours of June 1. the filed plans, its latest initiative, BrainHub. and bring their expertise to “The belief is that there Foundation, Dietrich Founda- When it was announced On Aug. 26, the university bear on questions that are are people at Carnegie Mel- tion, and Kris Gopalakrish- that PHI was closing last the restaurant announced the launch of Brai- relevant to brain function,” lon who have developed these nan, the co-founder of busi- year, The Tartan reported, will open nHub during a discussion with said Nathan Urban, interim kinds of technologies in one ness consulting company students mourned the loss faculty and research partners. provost and Dr. Frederick A. application area, and we want Infosys, among others. of what then-Student Body for business The university stated in a press Schwertz distinguished pro- to understand how they can The National Institutes President Will Weiner (DC on Jan. 1, release that it will work with a fessor of life sciences. be leveraged in another appli- of Health and the National ‘13) called “one of the few variety of home and interna- For example, a person in- cation area,” Urban said. Science Foundation also rep- unique CMU hangout spots.” 2015 after tional partners to create tools terested in engineering may As part of the initiative, resent a large portion of the Within days, students had to study how the brain and hu- be applying a data analysis Carnegie Mellon said univer- funding, according to Urban. garnered 750 signatures on a a period of man behavior are linked. process in an electrical engi- sity deans plan to recruit 10 Notable partnerships for change.org petition to keep construction... The initiative aims to bring neering context, but may be or more new faculty members the BrainHub initiative in- PHI open. insight into a variety of areas able to apply that process to specializing in the brain sci- clude Sun Yat-sen Univesrity Some students, however, Jeremy Applebaum, a related to the brain, including answer questions about the ences in various departments in Guangzhou, China for its welcome the change. junior chemistry major, al- cognition, learning and per- brain, Urban said. and “establish new sources of work with Alzheimer’s and “I’m all for it,” said Jamie though he said he, too, was ception, and brain disorders Key first steps of the initia- ongoing support for gradu- autism, the University of War- Rupert, a senior decision sci- ambivalent on the issue, like Parkinson’s disease, ac- tive will be to develop better ate students and postdoctoral wick in Coventry, England for ence major. “The only thing hesitated to embrace the new cording to the release. tools for recording neuron ac- fellows,” according to the re- its specialty in digital health, is that PHI was small. I hope Chipotle. “As an initiative, [Brain- tivity and properties, as well lease. they’re planning to add more “It’s just going to encour- Hub] seeks to link people who as computational tools and To jumpstart the new ini- See BRAIN, A3 space.” age CMU students to be re- According to the filed ally lazy and never leave the plans, the restaurant will area. At least encourage them open for business on Jan. 1, to walk five minutes down 2015, after a period of con- Forbes to get Chipotle,” Ap- Architects chosen for Tepper quadrangle struction that began over a plebaum said. month ago, on Aug. 1. The The Chipotle at 4611 BRENT HEARD the Tepper School of Business, Bob Reppe, Director of university money, and various plans include a new sec- Forbes will join several oth- Senior Staffwriter described the building as one Design for Carnegie Mellon, other smaller donations. At ond floor area, part of a er locations, including one which “will house not just the framed the Tepper Quadran- the time of the donation, Tep- 725-square-foot addition to in Oakland at 3619 Forbes Carnegie Mellon an- Tepper school, but a number gle as being part of the univer- per said in a university press the space, and various reno- Ave., another in East Liberty nounced last Wednesday that of university-wide activities,” sity’s overall expansion. “The release, “CMU has a long his- vations to the walls, floor, at 5986 Centre Ave., and the university has selected explaining that, “the idea is idea is as we grow campus tory of providing the world and bathroom of the one in Shadyside at 4800 an architectural firm to de- to try and provide an environ- across Forbes, we will be cre- with innovative thinkers and building. Baum Blvd. sign the gateway building ment that draws faculty and ating a gateway,” Reppe said. the establishment of a true for the new David A. Tepper students in from all across He added that Forbes is to be hub for entrepreneurship will Quadrangle. The Santa Mon- campus” for both social and “the main street of campus,” help create the next genera- ica-based firm Moore Ruble intellectual connections. and the new building will help tion of global leaders.” Yudell Architects & Planners Dammon emphasized the with “moving Tepper from the Dammon recalled that the have been commissioned to presence of “collaborative edge of campus to the center Quadrangle is “something design the building, part of a spaces” for students, and said of campus.” that the Tepper school has large expansion of campus. that this building and the an- The Tepper Quadrangle been trying to do for a num- The building was described ticipated four or five addition- will be where the Morewood ber of years now.” Talks be- in a university press release as al buildings planned for the parking lot is currently lo- gan under previous dean Ken being 295 thousand square Tepper Quadrangle are “going cated, and is being funded by Dunn around 2007, according feet and located on a 4.5 acre to promote innovation and a $67 million donation from to Dammon. “Finally we’re plot on Forbes Avenue. entrepreneurship at Carnegie David Tepper’s charitable or- able to put together the major Robert Dammon, dean of Mellon.” ganization, $201 million of sources of support,” Dammon explained, referencing the donation from David Tepper, support from the university, and fundraising efforts. The gateway building will contain an entrepreneur- ship center, a Technology En- hanced Learning facility from the Eberly Center, a new din- ing space, fitness center, a 600 -seat auditorium — making it the largest on campus — as well as a university welcome center. The building will also officially house the Simon Ini- tiative. “President Suresh … believes that we need a wel- come center located promi- nently on Forbes Ave,” Repp said. Dammon said that the building “will allow us to increase the size of our un- dergraduate business pro- gram,” from the current en- tering freshman class of 85 to around 140 students by 2018.
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