r filii. liIiWU r (I) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 22 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 To Study Shuttle Explosion REA GAN FORMS INVESTIGA TION BOARD WASHINGTON (AP) -- PresIdent would serve as chaIrman and Reagan today named former Sec­ VIce chaIrman of the panel, retary of State WIllIam P Rog­ whIch WIll have at least 10 oth­ ers and former astronaut Nell er members, IncludIng SCIen­ Armstrong to head an Independent tIStS, government offICIals, board to determIne what caused technIcal experts and prIvate last week's space shuttle catas­ executIves trophe that kIlled seven astro­ Among those named to the In­ nauts vestIgatIve panel are Chuck Reagan saId the presIdentIal Yeager, the test pIlot who was commISSIon on the shuttle aCCI­ the fIrst to break the sound dent would have 120 days to barrIer, and astronaut Sally fInd out "how It happened and RIde, the fIrst AmerIcan woman how It can be prevented from In space happenIng agaIn " Tre NatIonal AeronautIcs and In a brIef announcement at Space AdmInIstratIon set up It'S the WhIte House, Reagan saId own, InterIm InvestIgatIve board Rogers, who served as secreLary ImmedIately after the accIdent of state durIng the NIxon admIn­ Reagan has been under pressure IstratIon, and Armstrong, the from Congress to appoInt an fIrst man to walk on the moon, Independent panel NASA Investigation Continues FILM SHOWS SPURT OF FIRE FROM ROCKET Pope In India By HOWARD BENEDICT AP Aerospace Wrlter NASA has acknowledged only Pope John Paul II spoke out agalnst exploltatlon of workers that one bone sectIon has wash­ In a V1Slt today to Indla's poorest provlnce where thousands of CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla -- More ed ashore, but has not saId laborers are held In vlrtual slavery "The church lnslsts on a human parts have been found and whether It carne from one of the Just wage for workers, a wage that takes lnto account the needs are beIng examIned to see If seven astronauts That was last of thelr famllles," he sald In Ranchl See Page 4 they are remaIns of Challenger's WednesddY, the day after the (UPI Flle Photo) astronauts, relIable sources re­ tragedy, when what appeared to ported today Two more ShIPS be part of a foot was found and a thIrd robot submarIne wIth a pIece of blue fabrIC at­ JOIned the search for Challeng­ tached FOUR SOVIET DIPLOMATS er's cabIn The agency saId It would An lnvestlgatlon board held have no comment on the latest EXPELLED FROM FRANCE ItS fIrst full formal meetIng report of more fIndIngs of hu­ PARIS CAP) -- France ex­ et unIon, the prosecutor's of­ today to study fllm and data man parts, sayIng that can only pelled four SOVIet dIplomats fIce In Rennes revealed Thurs­ that could tell whether a mys­ be released by the board of In­ over the weekend follOWIng the day terIOUS spurt of fIre from a vestIgatIon announcement that a retIred Sourlsseau, 44, was alleged rocket trIggered the destruc­ The sources saId that more French naval veteran had been to have made regular trlps to tIon of the shuttle and ltS parts had been collected but charged WIth spylng here for the AtlantIC ports of Lorlent crew dId not say whether they came the Sovlet UnIon, the ForeIgn and Brest and observed warshIp As the probe Into Tuesday's from beaches or were found at Mlnlstry sald today movements at naval Installa­ dIsaster proceeded, NASA offI­ sea They would not dIsclose The four dIplomats left tIons there as well as actIVI­ cIals were confIdent they could how many parts had been brought French terrItory by aIrplane tIes near the lIe de Longue nu­ pInpoInt the cause and resume In or what they were but that ovec the weekend clear submarIne base near Brest shuttle flIghts perhaps as ear­ they had been taken to a hOSPI­ It was the largest SIngle OffIclals saId SourIsseau ly as June tal at PatrIck AIr Force Base expulSIon of SOVIets from had been recrUIted by a SOVIet "ThIS IS fundamentally a NASA last week cautIoned France Slnce 1983 when 47 SOVI­ KGB agent based In ParIS sound system," WIllIam R that the bone found then could et offICIals were told to OffICIals saId that before Graham, actlng dIrector of the belong to an anImal or some leave SourIsseau's arrest, they had NatIonal AeronautIcs and Space other human than an astronaut Bernard SourIsseau, a retlr­ notIced a perSIstent SOVIet In­ AdmlnIstratlon, saId Sunday A NASA spokesman saId the ed French navy non-commIssIoned terest In the Lorlent-Brest re­ "It's gone through 24 success­ head of the board WIll meet offIcer, was arrested more than gIon Thls Included the unusual ful flIghts" WIth reporters later thIS week a week ago and charged WIth presence of SOVIet trucks and spyIng on French nuclear sub­ the SOVIet aIrlIne Aeroflot be­ FAA ORDERS INSPECTIONS marlne actIVItIes for the SOVI- glnnlng flIghts to Brest ON BOEING 747 JUMBO JETS Major Swap To Take Place In Berlin WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Fed­ The FAA sald In Its dIrec­ eral AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon tIve that the InCIdents demon­ spy AffiEEMENT REPORlED ordered specIal InspectIons to­ strate that the current Inspec­ day on an estImated 150 to 160 tIon programs "are lnadequate BONN, West Germany CAP) -­ munlst East Germany The brIdge BoeIng 747s to ensure agaInst to assure contlnued alrworthl­ Two newspapers toda; reported has been the SIte of preVIOUS severe crackIng In the fuselage ness" of the Jumbo let, WhICh agreement between East and West major East-West spy swaps frame of the Jumbo Jets was Introduced Into commercIal on a major prIsoner exchange The source was broadly con­ FAA spokesman Stephen Hayes serVlce In January 1970 that lnc]udes SOVIet JeWIsh fIrmIng a report In the Hamburg­ saId the FAA learned In recent There was no ImmedIate com­ dISSIdent Anatoly Shcharansky publIshed Blld newspaper But weeks of four InCIdents In WhIch ment from the BoeIng Company In Bonn today, a Western he saId he could not comment on routIne maIntenance examInatIons A spokesman sald from the com­ government source saId US, Blld's report that the exchange revealed cracks In the frame, or pany's Seattle offIce that a SOVIet and West German offl­ would Include Shcharansky rIb cage, of 747 fuselages, In­ statement was beIng prepared clals have agreed to a major In WashIngton, WhIte House cludIng one case In WhIch three AccordIng to Boelng, there swap that WIll Involve both deputy press secretary Larry adjacent frames were found "to are 631 of the Jumbo Jets In spIes and East bloc dISSIdents Speakes saId today, "We WIll be essentIally severed" serVIce worldWIde, IncludIng and IS due to take place In have no comment, perIod Top to He saId the emergency dIrec­ 161 belng flown by U S aIr­ BerlIn Feb 11. bottom, no comment" tIve, WhICh calls for the oldest lInes The FAA order applIes to The source, who spoke to The No offICIal confIrmatIon of the Jets to be Inspected both U S aIr carrIers and for­ ASSOCIated Press on condItIon came from West Germany eIther WIthIn 50 flIghts, was sent to eIgn carrIers that serve U S he not be further IdentIfIed, But In Jerusalem, an IsraelI all operators of the BoeIng aIr­ cltles IS In a POSItIon to know de­ offICIal, who InSIsted on ano­ craft All of the crackIng was dIS­ tdlls of such an exchange nymlty, today saId the SOVIet JetlIners WIth less than covered In InspectIons durIng He saId It IS to take place UnIon IS expected to release 10,000 flIghts are exempt from the routIne overhaul of the on the Gllenlcke Brldge between Shcharansky by earlv next week the dIrectIve, Hayes saId planes West BerlIn and Potsdam, In com- as part of a prIsoner swap I ' o , LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Kwaialein Atoll Tide Chart February 1986 Day Tlme Ht Day Tlme Ht h m ft h m ft 1 0236 1 4 16 0210 1 9 0903 4 3 0850 3 9 1521 1 9 1511 2 5 2116 3 7 2028 3 2 2 0334 1 8 17 0242 2 3 1025 4 1 1025 3 6 1716 2 2 1921 2 7 2301 3 2 2356 2 8 3 0507 2 0 18 0513 2 6 1222 4 2 1323 3 8 1936 2 0 2045 2 2 Recent remodellng of the lnslde of the PDR offers a pleaslng atmosphere for patrons 4 0123 3 2 19 0237 3 2 The structure wlll also be enhanced In the sprlng wlth the replacement of a sectlon of 0703 2 0 0750 2 4 1352 4 7 1427 4 3 the concrete roof slab (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) 2048 1 4 2114 1 7 5 0245 3 6 20 0309 3 6 New Engineering Procedure Tests PDR Structure 0840 1 9 0819 1 6 By PAT ROBBINS 1453 5 2 1504 4 8 thought Obvlously, we Cln' t shut down the 2139 1 3 KMR PubllC Affalrs Offlcer 2136 1 0 PDR " How do you determ1ne the 1nternal 6 0333 4 0 21 0336 4 1 By uSlng the X-ray procedure, englneers 0912 1 2 0917 1 5 soundness of a bUlldlng's framework wlth­ are able to get an exact plcture of the 1538 5 6 1536 5 3 out tearlng lt up? Actually, the answer lS structural steel lnslde the concrete Th1S 2212 0 6 2203 0 8 slmple You X-ray lt just as you would a procedure conf1rmed the dlagnosls that all person prlor to performlng many types of was well lnslde and that the planned work 7 0410 4 4 22 0402 4 5 surgery could be accompllshed as proposed 0954 0 9 0951 1 0 ThlS procedure, known as non-destruc­ The non-destructlve testlng on the PDR 1605 5 7 1617 5 9 tlve testlng, was accompllshed on a sec­ was the flrst tlme thls procedure had been 2247 0 3 2229 0 5 tlon of the Paclflc Dlnlng Room roof In used at Kwajaleln Because of the success 8 0443 4 7 23 0429 4 9 late January and convenlence of thls testlng, lt lS an­ 1033 0 6 1021 0 6 Joe Conn, conbtructlon englneer for tlclpated that more of thlS work wlll be 1652 6 0 1636 6 0 Kwajale1n Mlsslle Range, sald a sectlon of done In the future to check the soundness 2316 0 2 2254 0 2
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