CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by Aquila Digital Community Gulf and Caribbean Research Volume 21 | Issue 1 2009 Age Estimates of Two Large Misty Grouper, Epinephelus mystacinus (Serranidae) from Bermuda with a Comparison of the Age of Tropical Groupers in the Western Atlantic Brian E. Luckhurst Marine Resources Division, Bermuda John M. Dean University of South Carolina DOI: 10.18785/gcr.2101.09 Follow this and additional works at: http://aquila.usm.edu/gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Luckhurst, B. E. and J. M. Dean. 2009. Age Estimates of Two Large Misty Grouper, Epinephelus mystacinus (Serranidae) from Bermuda with a Comparison of the Age of Tropical Groupers in the Western Atlantic. Gulf and Caribbean Research 21 (1): 73-77. Retrieved from http://aquila.usm.edu/gcr/vol21/iss1/9 This Short Communication is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Gulf and CaribbeanGulf Research and Caribbean Vol 21, 73-77,Research 2009 Vol 21, 73-77, 2009 Manuscript receivedManuscript January 7,received 2009; Januaryaccepted 7, February 2009; accepted 6, 2009 February 6, 2009 Gulf and Caribbean Research Vol 21, 73-77, 2009 Manuscript received January 7, 2009; accepted February 6, 2009 SHORT COMMUNICATIONSHORT COMMUNICATION SHORT COMMUNICATION AGE ESTIMATESAGE ESTIMATES OF TWO OF LARGE TWO MISTYLARGE GROUPER, MISTY GROUPER, AGE ESTIMATES OF TWO LARGE MISTY GROUPER, EPINEPHELUSEPINEPHELUS MYSTACINUS MYSTACINUS (SERRANIDAE) (SERRANIDAE) FROM BERMUDA FROM BERMUDA EPINEPHELUS MYSTACINUS (SERRANIDAE) FROM BERMUDA WITH A WITHCOMPARISON A COMPARISON OF THE OFAGE THE OF AGETROPICAL OF TROPICAL WITH A COMPARISON OF THE AGE OF TROPICAL GROUPERSGROUPERS IN THE WESTERNIN THE WESTERN ATLANTIC ATLANTIC GROUPERS IN THE WESTERN ATLANTIC Brian E. LuckhurstBrian1* and E. Luckhurst John M. Dean1* and2 John M. Dean2 Brian E. Luckhurst1* and John M. Dean2 1Marine Resources1 MarineDivision, Resources P. O. Box Division, CR 52, P. Crawl O. Box CRBX, CR 52, Bermuda, Crawl CRBX, e-mail: [email protected], e-mail: [email protected] 1Marine Resources Division, P. O. Box CR 52, Crawl CRBX, Bermuda, e-mail: [email protected] 2Baruch Institute for2Baruch Marine Institute and Coastal for Marine Sciences, and UniversityCoastal Sciences, of South University Carolina, of Columbia, South Carolina, SC 29208, Columbia, USA, SC*Current 29208, address: USA, *Current address: 2Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA, *2-4Current Via della address: Chiesa, 2-4 Via05020 della Acqualoreto Chiesa, 05020 (TR), Acqualoreto Umbria, Italy (TR), Umbria, Italy 2-4 Via della Chiesa, 05020 Acqualoreto (TR), Umbria, Italy INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The Bermuda SeamountThe Bermuda is the Seamount most northerly is the mostknown northerly lo- depths known (to lo- 650depths m) to target(to 650 wreckfish, m) to target Polyprion wreckfish, americanus Polyprion americanus The Bermuda Seamount is the most northerly known lo- depths (to 650 m) to target wreckfish,cation for Polyprionthe mistycation americanus grouper for the (misty Epinephelus grouper mystacinus (Epinephelus) in themystacinus (B. )Luckhurst, in the pers.(B. Luckhurst, obs). These pers. two obs). species These plus two deep-water species plus deep-water cation for the misty grouper (Epinephelus mystacinus) in the (B. Luckhurst, pers. obs). Thesewestern two species North plus westernAtlantic, deep-water North but this Atlantic, species but is broadlythis species distrib- is broadlylutjanids distrib- were subjectedlutjanids wereto intense subjected fishing to intensepressure fishing around pressure around western North Atlantic, but this species is broadly distrib- lutjanids were subjected to intenseuted asfishing far south pressureuted as asTrinidad, aroundfar south as as well Trinidad, as in the as Galapagoswell as in the theGalapagos Bermuda platform,the Bermuda and platform,suffered precipitousand suffered declines precipitous declines uted as far south as Trinidad, as well as in the Galapagos the Bermuda platform, and Islandssuffered in precipitous the easternIslands declines Pacificin the (Heemstraeastern Pacific and (HeemstraRandall 1993). and Randallwhen 1993). the limited when habitats the limited (depth habitats strata) for(depth these strata) species for these species Islands in the eastern Pacific (Heemstra and Randall 1993). when the limited habitats (depthAdults strata) are reportedforAdults these to arespecies be reported solitary, todeep-water be solitary, predators deep-water were predators overexploited were (Luckhurst overexploited 1996). (Luckhurst 1996). Adults are reported to be solitary, deep-water predators were overexploited (Luckhurstin 1996). the depth rangein the 100-400 depth rangem, and 100-400 are thought m, and to areprefer thought toMisty prefer grouper areMisty known grouper to attain are known at least to 54 attain kg and at least 115 54 kg and 115 in the depth range 100-400 m, and are thought to prefer Misty grouper are known tohigh attain relief, at least hardhigh 54 bottom kg relief, and slope 115hard habitats bottom (Bullockslope habitats and Smith (Bullock cmand total Smith length cm (TL) total (Heemstra length (TL) and (HeemstraRandall 1993) and althoughRandall 1993) although high relief, hard bottom slope habitats (Bullock and Smith cm total length (TL) (Heemstra1991). and RandallThey are 1993)1991). presumed although They toare be presumed protogynous to be hermaphro- protogynous hermaphro-a maximum sizea ofmaximum 160 cm TL size is of reported 160 cm (AppeldoornTL is reported et (Appeldoorn al. et al. 1991). They are presumed to be protogynous hermaphro- a maximum size of 160 cm TLdites is reported and slow-growing, (Appeldoorndites and characteristics slow-growing,et al. thatcharacteristics are common that in are common1987, cited in in www.FishBase.com).1987, cited in www.FishBase.com). Recently, two specimens Recently, two specimens dites and slow-growing, characteristics that are common in 1987, cited in www.FishBase.com).the epinepheline Recently, thetwo groupers epinepheline specimens (Heemstra groupers and (HeemstraRandall 1993). and RandallIn (152 1993). and In 157 mm(152 TL)and were157 mmlanded TL) by were commercial landed byfisher- commercial fisher- the epinepheline groupers (Heemstra and Randall 1993). In (152 and 157 mm TL) were Cuba,landed they by commercialareCuba, an incidental they fisher- are catchan incidental in the deep-water catch in thefish- deep-waterman from fish- the manedge fromof the the Bermuda edge of platform,the Bermuda providing platform, providing Cuba, they are an incidental catch in the deep-water fish- man from the edge of the Bermudaery that primarily platform,ery targetsthat providing primarily snappers targets (Lutjanidae) snappers (Claro (Lutjanidae) et al. (Clarodocumentation et al. documentation of the maximum of sizethe whichmaximum may sizebe attained which may be attained ery that primarily targets snappers (Lutjanidae) (Claro et al. documentation of the maximum2001) size and which have may2001) been be andattainedreported have tobeen be reportedthe dominant to be grouperthe dominant by thisgrouper species. byThere this are species. no age There and growthare no age studies and ongrowth misty studies on misty 2001) and have been reported to be the dominant grouper by this species. There are no agein andthe growthdeep-water studiesin thefishery ondeep-water misty in the USfishery Virgin in theIslands US Virgin(Heem- Islandsgrouper (Heem- (Heemstragrouper and (HeemstraRandall 1993; and www.FishBase.com).Randall 1993; www.FishBase.com). in the deep-water fishery in the US Virgin Islands (Heem- grouper (Heemstra and Randallstra 1993; and Randall1993). www.FishBase.com).stra and AnRandall1993). active fishery An has active now fishery developed has now Therefore, developed the Therefore,age data presented the age datahere, presented although here,not vali-although not vali- stra and Randall1993). An active fishery has now developed Therefore, the age data presentedin Puerto here, Rico althoughin (E. Puerto Pineiro, not Ricovali- pers. (E. comm.,Pineiro, Caribbeanpers. comm., Fish- Caribbeandated, Fish- representdated, the firstrepresent estimates the firstof maximum estimates longevityof maximum longevity in Puerto Rico (E. Pineiro, pers. comm., Caribbean Fish- dated, represent the first estimatesery Management of maximumery Council, Management longevity Puerto Council, Rico); landingsPuerto Rico); of misty landings and of supportmisty Campana’sand support (2005) Campana’s statement (2005) that, statement “methods that, “methods ery Management Council, Puerto Rico); landings of misty and support Campana’s (2005)grouper statement from 2004-2006that,grouper “methods from ranged 2004-2006 from 2,175–3,361 ranged from kg 2,175–3,361 (G. for validatingkg (G. agesfor validatingof deep-sea ages fishes of deep-seaare urgently fishes required.” are urgently required.” grouper from 2004-2006 ranged from 2,175–3,361 kg (G. for validating ages of deep-seaGarcia-Moliner, fishes are urgentlyGarcia-Moliner, pers. required.” comm., Caribbeanpers. comm., Fishery Caribbean Manage- FisheryWe Manage- compared theWe agecompared estimates the of age our estimates misty grouper of our speci-misty
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