Estimated Estimated % Chg

Estimated Estimated % Chg

FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg. Estimated % Chg. State Totals Non-Virtual ADM 1,029,700 1,045,332 1.5% 1,046,032 0.1% Virtual ADM 12,924 15,278 18.2% 16,573 8.5% Complexity Index 0.1807 0.1827 1.1% 0.1823 -0.2% Foundation 5,902,153,564 6,075,645,205 2.9% 6,233,082,842 2.6% Complexity 670,142,482 805,388,984 20.2% 786,812,482 -2.3% Total Regular 6,572,296,046 6,881,034,189 4.7% 7,019,895,324 2.0% $/ ADM 6,304 6,488 2.9% 6,606 1.8% Special Ed 589,161,764 682,621,336 15.9% 766,378,001 12.3% Career & Tech Ed 133,134,060 144,649,270 8.6% 153,587,470 6.2% Honors 30,644,800 31,380,000 2.4% 32,148,100 2.4% Total 7,325,236,670 7,739,684,795 5.7% 7,972,008,895 3.0% $/ADM 7,026 7,297 3.9% 7,502 2.8% Title 1 242,221,971 244,761,399 1.0% 247,289,219 1.0% $/ADM 232 231 -0.7% 233 0.8% Grants Foundation $5,703 $5,771 1.2% $5,913 2.5% Complexity $3,675 $4,291 16.8% $4,192 -2.3% Honors Tier 1 $1,500 $1,500 0.0% $1,500 0.0% Honors Tier 2 $1,100 $1,100 0.0% $1,100 0.0% Special Education Severe $9,156 $10,072 10.0% $11,079 10.0% Moderate $2,300 $2,530 10.0% $2,783 10.0% Comm $500 $550 10.0% $605 10.0% Preschool $3,000 $3,300 10.0% $3,630 10.0% Career and Tech High Value Level 1 $680 $680 0.0% $680 0.0% High Value Level 2 $1,020 $1,020 0.0% $1,020 0.0% Moderate Value Level 1 $400 $400 0.0% $400 0.0% Moderate Value Level 2 $600 $600 0.0% $600 0.0% Less than Moderate ValueEstimate Level 1 $200 $200 0.0% $200 0.0% Less than Moderate Value Level 2 $300 $300 0.0% $300 0.0% Pilot $300 $300 0.0% $300 0.0% Intro CTE Course $300 $300 0.0% $300 0.0% CTE Apprenticeship/WBL $500 $500 0.0% $500 0.0% Area Participation $150 $150 0.0% $150 0.0% Preparing for College and Careers $150 $150 0.0% $150 0.0% Prepared by Legislative Services Agency 4/7/2021 FY 21-231 School Funding Formula_Official Senate Democrat Formula.xlsm FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg. Estimated % Chg. Estimate Prepared by Legislative Services Agency 4/7/2021 FY 21-232 School Funding Formula_Official Senate Democrat Formula.xlsm FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg. Estimated % Chg. 5330 M S D Lawrence Township Senator Jean D. Breaux Non-Virtual ADM 15,262 15,896 4.2% 16,069 1.1% Virtual ADM 130 163 25.6% 165 1.1% Complexity Index 0.2332 0.2453 5.2% 0.2453 0.0% Foundation 87,669,303 92,537,383 5.6% 95,846,432 3.6% Complexity 13,191,093 16,903,806 28.1% 16,693,645 -1.2% Total Regular 100,860,396 109,441,189 8.5% 112,540,077 2.8% $/ ADM 6,553 6,815 4.0% 6,932 1.7% Special Ed 8,439,564 9,566,650 13.4% 10,387,352 8.6% Career & Tech Ed 2,651,210 2,837,110 7.0% 3,016,490 6.3% Honors 452,700 486,900 7.6% 523,300 7.5% Total 112,403,870 122,331,849 8.8% 126,467,219 3.4% $/ADM 7,303 7,617 4.3% 7,790 2.3% Title 1 3,749,802 3,685,517 -1.7% 3,621,232 -1.7% $/ADM 244 229 -5.8% 223 -2.8% 5360 M S D Warren Township Non-Virtual ADM 11,396 11,469 0.6% 11,418 -0.4% Virtual ADM 8 - -100.0% - 0.0% Complexity Index 0.3008 0.3413 13.5% 0.3413 0.0% Foundation 65,027,836 66,186,506 1.8% 67,514,769 2.0% Complexity 12,605,982 16,796,303 33.2% 16,336,108 -2.7% Total Regular 77,633,818 82,982,809 6.9% 83,850,877 1.0% $/ ADM 6,808 7,236 6.3% 7,344 1.5% Special Ed 6,586,008 7,137,546 8.4% 7,678,979 7.6% Career & Tech Ed 1,878,440 1,956,330 4.1% 2,082,170 6.4% Honors 202,400 214,900 6.2% 228,500 6.3% Total 86,300,666 92,291,585 6.9% 93,840,526 1.7% $/ADM 7,568 8,047 6.3% 8,219 2.1% Title 1 Estimate 3,673,942 3,676,530 0.1% 3,679,118 0.1% $/ADM 322 321 -0.5% 322 0.5% Prepared by Legislative Services Agency 4/7/2021 FY 21-233 School Funding Formula_Official Senate Democrat Formula.xlsm FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg. Estimated % Chg. 5370 M S D Washington Township Senator Jean D. Breaux Non-Virtual ADM 10,774 10,973 1.8% 10,946 -0.2% Virtual ADM - - 0.0% - 0.0% Complexity Index 0.2021 0.2121 4.9% 0.2121 0.0% Foundation 61,441,742 63,322,926 3.1% 64,721,176 2.2% Complexity 8,001,755 9,986,391 24.8% 9,731,929 -2.5% Total Regular 69,443,497 73,309,317 5.6% 74,453,105 1.6% $/ ADM 6,446 6,681 3.7% 6,802 1.8% Special Ed 6,213,888 7,238,706 16.5% 7,866,902 8.7% Career & Tech Ed 789,560 864,260 9.5% 912,670 5.6% Honors 295,000 274,800 -6.8% 255,700 -7.0% Total 76,741,945 81,687,083 6.4% 83,488,377 2.2% $/ADM 7,123 7,445 4.5% 7,628 2.5% Title 1 3,081,803 3,267,477 6.0% 3,453,151 5.7% $/ADM 286 298 4.1% 315 5.9% 5385 Indianapolis Public Schools Non-Virtual ADM 30,060 31,383 4.4% 31,392 0.0% Virtual ADM 47 5 -89.3% 5 0.0% Complexity Index 0.4209 0.3726 -11.5% 0.3726 0.0% Foundation 171,661,156 181,135,635 5.5% 185,643,374 2.5% Complexity 46,570,097 50,184,028 7.8% 49,039,533 -2.3% Total Regular 218,231,253 231,319,663 6.0% 234,682,907 1.5% $/ ADM 7,248 7,370 1.7% 7,475 1.4% Special Ed 19,758,740 24,646,952 24.7% 27,779,970 12.7% Career & Tech Ed 1,996,770 2,217,210 11.0% 2,341,100 5.6% Honors 359,100 365,000 1.6% 370,900 1.6% Total 240,345,863 258,548,825 7.6% 265,174,877 2.6% $/ADM 7,983 8,237 3.2% 8,446 2.5% Title 1 Estimate 28,428,165 28,842,366 1.5% 29,256,567 1.4% $/ADM 944 919 -2.7% 932 1.4% Prepared by Legislative Services Agency 4/7/2021 FY 21-234 School Funding Formula_Official Senate Democrat Formula.xlsm FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg. Estimated % Chg. 8940 James & Rosemary Phalen Leadership Academy High S Senator Jean D. Breaux Non-Virtual ADM 328 403 22.9% 487 20.9% Virtual ADM 4 - -100.0% - 0.0% Complexity Index 0.4713 0.4713 0.0% 0.4713 0.0% Foundation 1,890,318 2,327,194 23.1% 2,882,103 23.8% Complexity 575,135 815,526 41.8% 962,987 18.1% Total Regular 2,465,453 3,142,720 27.5% 3,845,090 22.3% $/ ADM 7,425 7,793 5.0% 7,889 1.2% Special Ed 160,056 176,062 10.0% 193,668 10.0% Career & Tech Ed 90,340 98,960 9.5% 104,610 5.7% Honors - - 0.0% - 0.0% Total 2,715,849 3,417,742 25.8% 4,143,368 21.2% $/ADM 8,179 8,475 3.6% 8,501 0.3% Title 1 - - 0.0% - 0.0% $/ADM - - 0.0% - 0.0% 8970 GEO Next Generation Academy - Indianapolis Non-Virtual ADM 99 172 74.6% 220 27.7% Virtual ADM 3 - -100.0% - 0.0% Complexity Index 0.4694 0.4694 0.0% 0.4694 0.0% Foundation 577,502 994,985 72.3% 1,301,899 30.8% Complexity 175,458 347,271 97.9% 433,244 24.8% Total Regular 752,960 1,342,256 78.3% 1,735,143 29.3% $/ ADM 7,403 7,785 5.2% 7,881 1.2% Special Ed 49,712 54,684 10.0% 60,152 10.0% Career & Tech Ed - - 0.0% - 0.0% Honors - - 0.0% - 0.0% Total 802,672 1,396,940 74.0% 1,795,295 28.5% $/ADM 7,892 8,102 2.7% 8,154 0.6% Title 1 Estimate - - 0.0% - 0.0% $/ADM - - 0.0% - 0.0% Prepared by Legislative Services Agency 4/7/2021 FY 21-235 School Funding Formula_Official Senate Democrat Formula.xlsm FY 2021 Through FY 2023 School Formula Simulation: Official Senate Democrat Formula FY 2021 September ADM, CTE, Honors, Special Education and FY 2022- FY 2023 Complexity Actuals FY 2022 and FY 2023 Spec Ed Categories increased by 10% Year over Year, Foundation Grant Increased Complexity Grant Modified to Increase Appropriation by 3% Year-over-Year FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Estimated Estimated % Chg.

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