. ... CATALOGUE ... ... or... ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, ... FOR THE ... ACADEMIC YEAR 1906-1907. ... AND ... PROSPECTUS 1907-1908 ANNAPeL1s: MARYLAND REj>UBLICAN PRINT t~OT. 11 ! ? I I I \ .... __ .· 1907 CALENDAR.·· 1908 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 3 Opening of Session and Reception WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, - } of Candidates for Admiss10n. Examitlation for conditioned and THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, - } unexamined students in Latin UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. and Greek. Examinati.·on for conditioned and • GENERAL STATEMENT, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, } unexamined students in English, St. John's College has entered into an affiliation with the History and Science. Schools of Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy of the Uni- Examination for conditioned and versity of Maryland. } SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, - unexamined students m Mathe- The operation of these working relations is outlined as follows: matics. FIRST. Seniors in St. John's College must do the five hours re- S A.TURD,..• Y, D Eo ,. 21· , - Commencement of Christmas Vacation. quired work as specified in the schedule (page 40) for the Senior class. The remaining twelve hours may be supplied by elective 1908. studies in the law school of the Maryland University as comprised in that school. ·Upon the satisfactory completion of this course TUESDAY, JAN. 7, Resumption of College Exercises. the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science is con- WEDNESllAY, FEB. 5, Second Term Begins. ferred upon such students at the end of thf> year. The Profes- sional Degree may be reached in two yea.rs more. Students so FRIDAY, FEB. 22, Washington's Birthday. electing must continue their formal registration in the college, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, Good,,Friday. though doing part of their work in the Law School. MONDAY, APRIL 20, Easter Monday. SECOND. Students who have completed the Junior year in St. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, Entrance Examination-Latin and Greek. John's College and who have made an approved choice of elec· THURSDAY, JUNE 4, do -English, History and Science. tives, may, if they desire it, do the entire work of the Senior year FRIDAY, JUNE 5, do . -Mathematics in the Medical School of the University. If they successfully THURSDAY, JUNE 11, Junior Class Oratorical Contest. complete the work of the med'lcal year they are graduated with FRIDAY, JUNE 12, Preparatory School Commencement. their class with the degree of A. B. from St. John's College. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, Anniversary of the Philokalian Society. By taking advantage of this privilege a man may complete the Undergraduate and Medical courses in seven years SATURDAY, JUNE 13, Anniversary of the Philomathean Society. Dliiring three of these years, or until he has completed the SUNDAY, JUNE 14, (morning) Baccalaureate Sermon. work of the Junior class ht' is a resident student in St~ John's SUNDAY. JUNE 14, (evening) Address before Y. M. C. A. College, and for four years he is a resident in the Medical' School Celebration of members of the Philo- in Baltimore. MoNDAY,J UNE 15, { kalian and Philomathean Society. At the end of the fourth year he rer.eives the A. B. degree, and TUESDAY, JUNE 16, Farewell Ball to Graduating Class. at the end of sevep years the M. D: degree, but credit from the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, } Commencement Day. Medical School cannot be accepted in subjects for which credit " " Address before the Alumni, ha.s already been given in the college of Liberal Arts. 4 OlRCtrLA.R OF ST, JOHN'S COLLEGE. 5 ·The University of Maryland The University Coandt.' is represented by five dt>partments, each having·a distinct faculty of instruction. 1st. THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS at Annapolis, Mary- The above Council. formulates the scheme of studies to be land. St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., founded in 1696, pursued by students desiring both an academic and a profession- as King Williams School, is by contract of affiiliation styled al or scientific degree. · and is. 'recognizt>d as the Department of Arts and Sciences. THE CHANC'ELLOR, 'fhe curriculum leads to the degree of Bachelor, or Master, of Hon. Edwin Warfielu', Arts and Smence. Governor of Maryland. 2nd. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, in Baltimore, Maryland. This school was established in Baltimore, Md., in 1807, and THE PRO-CHANCELLOR, offers a high grade course in medicine, leading to the degree of Hon. Bernard Carter, LL. D. Doctor of Medicine, an~ extending over a period of four· years. Baltimore, Md. It repre~ents the Department of Medicine. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR, 3rd. THE SCHOOL OF LA wm Baltimore, Maryland. This Thomas.Fell, Ph. D., LL. ·D., school was opened in 1822 and reorganized in 1865, and is de- President of St. John's ·College. signed by means of a course of study covering three years to PROFESSORS B. V. Cecil, M. A., and qualify its students for the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and for C. W. Stryker, B. A., a successful practice of the law. It represents the Department For St. John's College. of L11.w. PROFESSORS R. Dorsey Coale,, Ph. D ., and 4th. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY was established in Randolph Winslow, M. A., M. D., 1841 as the Maryland College of Pharmacy, and affiliated For School of Medicine. with the University in 1904. The school is designed to give PROFESSORS John P. Poe, LL. D., and students a thorough acquaintance with pharmacy, chemistry, W. T. Brantley, A. M., LL. D., materia mt>dica and pharmacognosy by means of lectures anu. For School of Law. laboratory training. The course leading to degree of Doctor of Pharmacy extends over two years. PROFEBSOR Charles Caspari, Jr., Ph. D., 5th. THE DEPARTMENT OF DENTISTRY was founded in 1882, For School of Pharmacy. '!' and is designed to teach the art of dentistry as an mtegral part PROFESSOR F. J. S. Gorgas, A. M., M: D., D. D. S., of the School of Medicine. The course of study leading to the For School of Dentistry. degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery covers a period of three years. ' ORGANIZATION. BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORS. l' The charter of St. J obn's College was granted in 1784, and the I institution openf!d in 1789. But under another form and name PRESIDENT. it had been doing its work during nearly a hundred previous (Under the Charter elected annually.) years, and is, therefore, one of the oldest Colleges in the country. His ExcELLENCY, EDWIN WARFIELD At the City of St. Mary's, then the capital of Maryland, as early The Governor of Maryland, as 1671, the Upper House of the General Assembly passed an ""' Annapolis, Md .• 1004. Act "for founding and erecting a school or college for the educa- tion of youth in learning and v-irtue." This was followed by the Act of 1696, establishing KING WILLIAM'S SCHOOL, which was PRE;SIDENT opened 1701. Here were educated some of the most distinguish- (Pro-tem.), ed sons of Maryland-ph_ysicians, lawyers, statesmen,, clergymen HoN. J. WIRT RANDALL, -and pre-eminent among the brilliant number was William Annapolis, Md. Pinkney, whose learning and eloquence have a national fame. KING WILLIAM'S t::!CHOOL was, in 17.84, merged into St. John's College, which has thus been connected with the State of Mary- SECRETARY land from the early 'times of colonial history. Francis Scott L. DORSEY GASSAWAY, EsQ., Key, author of our favorite national ode, and Reverdy Johnson, Annapolis, Md., 1891, distiuguished as a lawyer and a statesman, are among the alumni, and many others, scarcely less eminent, could be mentioned. LOCATION AND ACCESS. (Ex-Officio.) (Ex-Officio.) HoN. JOSEPH B. SETH, The College is pleasantly situated at Annapolis, on the banks HoN. JOHN P. BRISCOE, President of the Senate, of the Severn River, a few miles from the Ch<:!sapeake Bay. Judge Court of Appeals, Rockville, Md. Nothing in the country surpasses the picturesque beauty of its Prince .Frederick, Md. situation. The college green is spacious, amply spaded, and H0N. CARVILLE D. BENSON, HoN. HENRY PAGE, most attractive to the eye while the campus, in the rear, is ad- Speaker of the Hot'Se O"f Delegates, Judge Court of Appeals, mirably adapted for sports. Bordering the grounds, "College Dickeyville, llld. Princess Anne, Md. Creek," a branch of the Severn, affords every facility for swim- HoN. JAMES McSHERRY, HON. JOHN G. ROGERS, ming and boating. Indeed, the situation combines every advan- Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of Appeals, tage desirable for a college. The buildings are large, commo- Frederick, Md. Ellicott City, Md, dious, and well adapted for purposes of both classical and technical education, and accommodate two hundred and HoN. SAMUEL D. SCHMUCKER, HoN. A. HUNTER BOYD, fifty students. Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of Appeals, Haltimore, Md. Annapolis has railroad communication with Baltimore and Cumberland, Md. Washington, several times a day, daily steamboat connection with HoN. DAVID E'OWLER, HoN. JAMES A. PEARCE, the former city, and telegraphic connection with every part of Judge Court ot Appeals, Judge Co'.lrt of Appeals, the country. Towson, Md. Chestertown, Md. 1 i :i BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORS. THE FACULTY. III" [Continued.] 11 THOMAS FELL, A. M., PH. D., LL. D. I DANIEL"M. THOMAS, LOUIS T. CLARKE, PRESIDENT. Baltimore, Md., 1859. Ellicott City, Yd., 1005. PROFESSOR OF MORAL SCIENCE HoN. J WIRT RANDALL, JAMES M. MUNROE, B. VERNON CECIL, M. A , [Graduate of St • .John's College.] Annapolis, Md., 1882. Annapolis, Md., 1896. VICE·PREBIDENT, WILLIAM G. RIDOUT, M. D., HoN. ROBERT MOSS, AND. PROFESSOR OF CHEMtS'J.'RY~ AND PHYSICS An.napolis, Md., 1882. · Annapolis, Md.; 1897. JOHN B. WHITE, B. A.., M. A., GEORGEWELLS, M. D., L. ALLISON WILMER; [Graduate of Geneva College.] PROFESSOR OF GREEK ,AND LATIN Annapolis, Md .
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