This index contains about 2,300 entries of persons, places, etc., and about 3,300 references under these entries. Abbatt, Dilworth, 4. Arlington, Lord, 84. Barclay, Robert, Inner Life, Aberdeen, 29, 30, 125. Armistead, Christopher, 35. 6, 38, 43, 59n. Aberystwyth, 3, 78, 84. Armistead, Wilson, Works Barcroft, Thomas, 137. Abraham, Daniel, 22, 104, n, by, i3n, i6n. Barger, Thomas, 90. 105. Annitage, Thomas, 84. Barker, Edward, 102. Abraham, Emma C., iO4n. Armitt, John, 94, n. Barker, John, 75. Abraham, John, 22,104, n, 123, Armstrong, Joseoh, 38. Barker, William, 75. 152. Armstrong, Wiluam, 126. Barling, William T.f Memoir Abraham, Rachel, 104, 105, Arncliffe, 35. of, 39- see Fell, Rachel. Arscott, Alexander, Works Barlow, John, Memoir of, 39.. Abraham, Sarah, 152. by, 79- Barlow, Kennedy, 20. Acklam, 73. Artis, Mary, 114. Barmston (Barniston), 101, Acklam, Peter, 103. Ashbridge, Elizabeth, 133. Ackwith, 35. Ashford, 5, 44. Barnard, Ella K., 46. Ackworth, 83, 116, n, 142. Ashton, 35, 36. Barnby, 103. Adair, Harold, 122. Ashton, Isaac, 99. Barnes, Ellen, 98. Adams, Andrew, 102. Ashton, Margaret, 99. Barnes, John, 98. Adams, John, 10. Assheton, R., in. Barnes, Peter 98. Adeler, Max, 142. Atherstone, 69. Barnes, Thomas, Sen.f 98. Adingham, 34. Atherton, Anne, 99. Barnes, Thomas, Jun., 98. Ady, John, Final Audit, 39. Atherton, Gotterell, 99. Barnes, William, 98. Africa, 141. Atherton, Oliver, 99n. Barniston, 101, iO3n. Agar, Thomas, 73. Atkins family, 54. Barnoldswick, 35, 360. Ailwood, io6n. Atkinson, Elizabeth, Brief Barnsley, 33, 83. Airson, 75. Discovery, 79. Barnstable, 64n. Airton, 35. Atkinson, Joseph, 126. Barrett, Samuel, 90. Aislaby, 73. Atkinson, Peter, 35. Barrow, John, 100. Akehurst, Daniel, 36. Atkinson, Sarah, Mountebank Barrow, Samuel, 98. Albemarle, 36. Tumbler, 79. Barrow Thomas, 98. Albrough, 102. Atlantic, 40,94,116,122,139, Barton (Burton), 35, 36n. Aldam, Thomas, 33. 141. Barton, 73. Aldam, William, 33. Audborough, 32. Barton, Bernard, 117. Alexander, Joseph Fisher, 71. Audland, John, 7. Barton, Elizabeth, 99. Alexander, Mary, 142. Aughton, 32. Barton, James, 99. Alexander, Sarah, Voice, 93. Australasia, 59. Barton, James, Jun., 99. Alexander, William, 42. Austwick, Phillip, 33. Barton, Robert, 98. Allattson, George, 75. Avon, river, 95n. Barton, Samuel, 103. Alien family, 118. Ayrbye, 35, 36. Barton, William, 99. Alien, Job, 66. Ay ton, 75, 760. Bastin family, 118. Alien, John, 66, 118. Bath, 122. Alien, William, 64-66, 68. Backhouse, Thomas W., 2,82. Batt family, 85. Alien, William, F.R.S., 65, 66. Backhouse, William, 112. Batt, Jasper, 87. Allerthorp, Sebastian, 103. Baddeley, Elizabeth, 138. Bax family, 85. Allerton, 74. Baddeley, Margaret, 138. Baxter, Richard, 70. Allonby, 122. Baddeley, Thomas, 138. Bayley, Hugh, 103. Ambler, Henry, 34. Bainbridge, John, 34. Bayly, Ada E. (Bdna Lyall), Ambleside, 141. Baites, George, 74. 38. America, 29, 40, 45, 62, 70, Balby, 33, 60, 61. Beamsley, 34. 86, go,94n,112,115,1^2,130. Balderston, Isaiah, 132. Beardsey, Arthur, 80. American View, 71. Balke, 74, 760. Beck family, 118. American Historical Record, Balkinkeale, 16, 17, 19. Beck, William, 5. 122. Ballymurrin, 16, 19. Beck and Ball, London Ampleforth, 74. Baltimore (Ireland), 113. Friends9 Meetings, 590. Anderson, Thomas, 101. Baltimore (Md.), 46, 130-132, Beckerings Park, 60. Andrew, Roger, 138. 141. Beckliffe, 104. Andrews, Catherine, 138. Banbury, 81. Beckwith, Elizabeth, 42. Andrews, Richard, 138. Bandon, 113, H4n. Beckwith, Matthew, 75. Andrews, Thomas, Inquiry, 79. Bangor, 138. Beckwith, William, 75. Annual Monitor, 67. Banks, James, 35. Bedfordshire, 60. Anti-Quakerism, 39. Banks, Robert, 35. Beef or th, 101. Ap David, Jane, 138. Bannockburn, 4. Beesley, Alfred, Works by, Ap David, Robert, 138. Bantry, 113. 119. Appleby, T., 74. Baptists, 69. Beesley, Ann, 2, see Beving- Arber, Term Catalogues, 43. Barclay, John, Letters, 590, ton, Ann. Archdale, Ann, 36. 6on, 6in. Bell, Herbert, u. Archdale, John, 36, 38. Barclay, Robert, 30, 80, 107, Bellerby, Philip, 76. Archdale, Mary, 36. 123. Sellers, John, Works by, 119. Ardsley, 33. Barclay, Robert, Apology, 84. Bemister, Richard, surgeon, 84. 153 Vol. ii. 12. 154 INDEX. Bempton, 101, 1030. Bootle, William, 98. Browne, William, 73. Benezet, Anthony, 9, 80. Boore, Mrs., 100. Buckell, Robert, 103. Benezet, Francis, 83. Borthwick, 29. Buckinghamshire, 2on, 67. Benezet, Madelene, 83. Boston (Mass.). 40. Bull and Mouth, 44, 60. Bennett, Elizabeth, 67, see Potterill, William, 101. Bullock, Margaret, 137, 138. Trusted, Elizabeth. Boucher, William, 102. Bullock, Robert, 137, 138. Bennett, William, 64, 67, 68. Boulby, Judith, 42. Bulmer, 73, 76n. Benson, , 24, n. Boult, Benjamin, loon. Bulmer, Robert, 74. Benson, Bernard, 105, 106. Boulton, 34. Bulmer, Thomas, 32. Benson, Gervase, 35. Boulton, John, 36. Bundy, Mary, 36. Bentham, 35. Bowden, James, Epistles, 59n. Bundy, William, 36. Bermondsey, 4. Bowes, Thomas, 102. Burdsall, 73. Besant, Walter, Orange Girl, Bowland (Bolland), 35. Burgesse, John, 33. g6n. Bowland, John, 35. burials, 3, 45, 68, 100, loin, Besse, Sufferings, 43, 84, xoon. Bowling, 34. 137- Bevan, Joseph G., 91. Bowne, John, 122. burial grounds, 3, 14, 25, Bevan, Paul, 91. Box, Samuel, 33. 45, 67, 68, 80, io6n, 123, Bevan-Naish Library, 40, Bradford, 34. 129, 142. Bradford, John, 33. Burke, Landed Gentry, 29. Beverley, 103. Bradford, John, 134. Burlington (N. J.), 39, 77, Bevington, Ann, 2, see Bees- Bradley, 35. 134- ley, Ann, Bradley, Peter, 100. Burniston, 76. Bevington, Elizabeth, 136. Bradshaw, George, too. Burnley, 137. Bevington, Helen, 2. Brady, Charles, 80, 83. Burrough, Edward, 50, 51. Bevington, John, 113. Braithwaite, Anna, 115. Burrowby, 74, 123. Bevington, Richard, 2. Braithwaite, Isaac, 115. Burrows, Dorothy, 99. Bewley, Samuel, ii2n. Braithwaite, J. Bevan, Anna Burrows, George, 99. Bible, The, 65, 87. Braithwaite, 115. Burton (Barton), 35, s6n. Bickerstaff, 99n. Braithwaite, William C., 81. Burton, 33, Bickerstaff, John, 3, 4. Bramham, 32. Burton, 75. Bickley, George Fox, 123. Bramston, Thomas, 43. Burton (Brandsburton), Biddle, Hester, Trumpet, 119. Bramston, William, 43. 103, n. Bigg, Jeremiah, Quakerieties, Brandsburton, 103, n. Burton, Francis, 102. Brantingham, 103. Burton Pidsee, 102. Bigg, William, 93, n. Braton, 32. Buss, Robert W., 4. Billing, Edward, 38. Brayshaw, A. Neave, 8, 44. Butterfield, Abraham, 66. Billingley, 33. Brayshaw, A. Neave, Bible Butterfield, Rebecca, Diary, Billingsley, Francis, 46, 131. Notes, 118. 64, 68. Bilsdale, 74. Bream, William, 33. Butterwicke, 102. Bilton, 102. Bridewell (Bristol), 15. Byrd, Thomas, 640. Bingham, Antiquities, 5. Bridljngton, 101. Byrne, Morgan, 55, 57. Binns, A. E., 122. Bridlington Quay, 101. Binns, Samuel, 33. Briercliff, 137. Calamy, Account, 69, 70. Birch, J. Guthlac, 50. Brigflatts, 117. Calapatch, sloop, 76. Bird, John, 102. Briggs, Thomas, 34. Caldbeck, 122. Birmingham, 40, 44, 91, 141. Brigham, 101. Calendar altered, 26-28. Biseley, Richard, 98. Brigham, 122. Calfe, Henry, 33. Bishop, George, Mene Tekd, Brighouse, 34. Callowhill, Thomas, 15. Bright, John, 78. Calvert, Robert, 35. Blackburn, 137. Brighton, 2on. Cambridge, 3, 60. Blackstone, Commentaries, 5. Bristol, 5, 7, 15, n, 63, 67, Cameromans, 107. Blaiklocke, Anthony, 74. 70, 95, n, loon, 123, 124, Camm, Thomas, 22. Blakey, Samuel, 137. 133, 139. Camplin, Richard, 73- Bland, George, 35. Bristol Y.M., 67. Camsgill, 22. Blaykling, Francis, 22. British Museum, 49, 115. Canbye, George, 32. Blaykling, John, 22, n, 23. Brook family, 78. Cannabye, Charles, 101. Blenkhorne, Christopher, loin Brookbank, John, 75. Cannabye, James, 101. Blenkhorne, Elizabeth, roin. Brooks, J. D., 5, 44. Canterbury, 84. Blenkhorne, Joseph, loin. Brough, 103. Cantley, 33. Blenkhorne, Josias, 76, loin. Broughton, 35. Caperquin, 113. Blenkhorne, Robert, loin, Brough ton, Thomas, 33. Carberry, 113. blind house, 2. Brown, Caroline, 2. Carden, 138. Blissett, Joseph, captain, Brown, Henton, Southwark, 79. Cardiff, 21. 88n, ill. Brown, Isaac, 39, 123. Cardiganshire, 3, 45. Blithman, Richard, 32. Brown, James, Epistle, 119. Carey, John, 75. Blossom, William, 102. Brown, James M., Primi­ Carlisle, 122. Bodon, Henry, 24, n. tive Christianity, 119. Carlow, 114, 134. Bolland (Bowland), 35. Brown, Kirk, 132. Carlton, 33-35, 75» Bolton, Ellen, 137. Brown, Richard G., 2. Carmarthenshire, 45, 78. Bonwick, 101. Brown, Robert, 69. Carnabye, 101. Book of Discipline, 44, 59n. Brown, Thomas, Works, 39. Carolina, 36. Booth, Francis, 33. Brown, William, Jun., Man's Carpenter, Samuel, 38. Booth, Jonas, 35. Restoration, 72* Carpenter, Samuel, 92. Boothman, Richard, 35. Browne, Tames, 123. Carr, Richard, 73. Bootle, 100. Browne, John, 137. Cartmell, Allice, 3. Bootle, Margaret, 98. Browne, Robert, 73. Carver, Anthony, 103. INDEX. 155 Carver, Jonathan, captain, 79, Coffin, Elijah, Works by, 79. Croxon, Elizabeth, 138. Carver, Robert, 103. Coffin, Levi, Life of, 39. Croydon, 2. Cassie, Margaret, 107, see Coggeshall, 7. Croysdale, William, 34. Miller, Margaret. Colchester, 7, 39, 63. Cry of Oppression, 89, 119. Castlcbridge, 17- Collett, Joseph, 90. Cubban, Anne, 99, n. Castlesow, 55- Collett, Stephen, 90. Cubban, Richard, 99, n. Cud Catherine and Mary, ship, 139 Collier,x-. _ Jonathan, Account, worth, 33. Catterick, 74. Culcheth, 100. Cave, 103. Collman, William, major, Cumberland, 60, 6in, 122, 136. Cawtherey, Joseph, 137- 88 ill. Cundiroff, Matthew, 4. Chalfont, 66, 68. Collumpton, 40. Cuninley, 35. Chalk, Thomas, John White- Colme, Robert, 34. Cutt, Thomas, 33. head, nsn.
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