![Arxiv:2108.11740V1 [Astro-Ph.CO] 26 Aug 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Confronting the primordial black hole scenario with the gravitational-wave events detected by LIGO-Virgo Zu-Cheng Chen,1, 2, ∗ Chen Yuan,1, 2, y and Qing-Guo Huang1, 2, 3, 4, z 1CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China 3School of Fundamental Physics and Mathematical Sciences Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS, Hangzhou 310024, China 4Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, College of Physical Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China (Dated: August 27, 2021) Adopting a binned method, we model-independently reconstruct the mass function of primordial black holes (PBHs) from GWTC-2 and find that such a PBH mass function can be explained by a broad red-tilted power spectrum of curvature perturbations. Even though GW190521 with component masses in upper mass gap (m > 65M ) can be naturally interpreted in the PBH scenario, the events (including GW190814, GW190425, GW200105, and GW200115) with component masses in the light mass range (m < 3M ) are quite unlikely to be explained by binary PBHs although there are no electromagnetic counterparts because the corresponding PBH merger rates are much smaller than those given by LIGO-Virgo. Furthermore, we predict that both the gravitational-wave (GW) background generated by the binary PBHs and the scalar-induced GWs accompanying the formation of PBHs should be detected by the ground-based and space-borne GW detectors and pulsar timing arrays in the future. Introduction. Primordial black holes (PBHs) [1,2] are five gravitational-wave (GW) events [14{17]. formed in the very early Universe due to the collapse of over-densed regions which are generated by the en- hanced curvature power spectrum on small scales com- In this letter, we will give a comprehensive investiga- pared to those on the cosmic microwave background tion for the possibility that if the GW events, in particu- (CMB) scales. PBHs can not only represent the dark lar the five events mentioned above, can be explained in matter (DM) in the Universe, but also may potentially the PBH scenario. We adopt a binned method to model- provide an explanation to the merger events detected independently reconstruct the PBH mass function from by LIGO-Virgo Collaboration (LVC) if the fraction of GWTC-2 [18], and we find that GW190521 can be ex- the stellar mass PBHs in cold dark matter (CDM) is plained by a binary PBH merger. But the other four −3 GW events (GW190814, GW190425, GW200105, and fPBH ∼ few × 10 [3{12]. GW200115) are quite unlikely to be interpreted as binary Among all the merger events detected by LVC, some of PBHs because the corresponding merger rates of binary them are likely to have ambiguities in the astrophysical PBHs are much smaller than those given by LVC even scenario. Firstly, the primary component of GW190521 though the PBH mass function around ∼ 1M is signif- has a high probability to be within the pair-instability icantly enhanced due to the softening of the equation of supernovae mass gap [13], implying that the primary state during the QCD phase transition [19]. black hole (BH) might not have stellar origin. Secondly, even though the component masses of GW190425 lie in In addition, we compute the gravitational-wave back- the mass range of [1:12M ; 2:52M ] and are consistent ground (GWB) from both the PBH binary coalescences with the individual binary component being neutron star [20] and the so-called scalar-induced gravitational waves arXiv:2108.11740v1 [astro-ph.CO] 26 Aug 2021 (NS) [14], the source-frame chirp mass and total mass (SIGWs) generated by the curvature perturbation during are significantly larger than any known binary NS sys- the formation of PBHs [21]. We find that the GWB asso- tem. Thirdly, GW190814 is reported to have a compact ciated with PBHs is compatible with the current limits of object with a mass of 2:5 − 2:67M [15], which falls in observations and should be detected by the ground-based the \lower mass gap" where no NSs or BHs have been and space-borne GW detectors and pulsar timing arrays observed in a double compact-object system. Finally, in the future. LVC recently reported GW200105 and GW200115 [16] in which the secondary component masses are respectively +0:3 +0:7 1:9−0:2M and 1:5−0:3M , indicating that both of them A model-independent reconstruction of PBH mass are well below the maximal mass of a NS. In addition, function. In this work, the PBH mass is considered in there are no electromagnetic counterparts to confirm and the range of [1M ; 130M ]. To infer the PBH mass func- PBHs are speculated to provide an explanation to these tion from the GWTC-2, we adopt a model-independent 2 approach using the following binned mass function 8 >P1; 1 M ≤ m < 3 M > >P ; 3 M ≤ m < 10 M <> 2 P (m) = P3; 10 M ≤ m < 40 M (1) > >P4; 40 M ≤ m < 80 M > :P5; 80 M ≤ m ≤ 130 M in which the mass function P (m) is normalized by R P (m)dm = 1. Therefore, only four of Pi(i = 1; ··· ; 5) ~ are independent, and θ = fP1;P2;P3;P4g are chosen to be the free parameters. The merger rate density in units of Gpc−3 yr−1 for a general mass function, P (mjθ~), takes the form of [4] FIG. 1. The median values and the 90% credible intervals 34 − 37 of the population parameters fPBHPi with i = 1; ··· ; 5. The t 21 ~ 6 2 2 2 − 74 R12(tjθ) ≈ 2:8 · 10 × fPBH(0:7fPBH + σeq) blue curve corresponds to the mass function of PBHs gener- t0 ated by a broad tilted curvature power spectrum. ! ! P (m jθ~) P (m jθ~) P (m jθ~) P (m jθ~) × min 1 ; 2 1 + 2 m1 m2 m1 m2 with component masses in the upper mass gap (m > 3 36 65M ) and the light mass range (m < 3M ) are listed ×(m m ) 37 (m + m ) 37 ; (2) 1 2 1 2 in the third column of Tab.I. Compared to the merger where the component masses m1 and m2 are in units of rates given by LVC (the second column of Tab.I), we M , fPBH ≡ ΩPBH=ΩCDM is the energy density fraction conclude that the upper mass gap event GW190521 can of PBHs in CDM, and σeq ≈ 0:005 [4, 22] is the variance be explained by the PBH scenario, while the events with of density perturbations of the rest CDM on scale of order at least one component mass being smaller than 3M 0 3 O(10 ∼ 10 )M at radiation-matter equality. (GW190425, GW190814, GW200105, and GW200115) We perform the hierarchical Bayesian inference [23{29] are quite unlikely to be explained in the PBH scenario ~ because the merger rates of corresponding binary PBHs to extract the population parameters fθ; fPBHg from ob- served BBHs. Given the data of N binary BH (BBH) are at least one order of magnitude smaller than those ~ given by LVC. detections, d = (d1; : : : ; dN ), the likelihood for an inho- mogeneous Poisson process is [26{29] −3 −1 −3 −1 Event RLVC[Gpc yr ] RPBH[Gpc yr ] N +0:30 +0:15 Z GW190521 0:13−0:11 [13] 0:12−0:08 ~ Y p(d~jθ;~ R) / e−β(θ) d~λ p(~λjd ) R (~λjθ~); (3) +1050 +2:0 i 12 GW190425 460−390 [14] 1:0−0:8 i +16 +0:05 GW190814 7−6 [15] 0:07−0:04 +38 +1:3 ~ ~ GW200105 16−14 [16] 0:9−0:5 where λ ≡ fm1; m2g, p(λjdi) is the posterior of an in- +82 +1:2 ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ GW200115 36−30 [16] 0:8−0:5 dividual event, and β(θ) ≡ dλ V T (λ) R12(λjθ) where VT (~λ) is the spacetime sensitivity volume of LIGO-Virgo detectors. We use the GW events from GWTC-2 by dis- TABLE I. The local merger rate inferred by LIGO-Virgo and carding events with false alarm rate larger than 1 yr−1, PBH. events with the secondary component mass smaller than It is also worthy figuring out a physical explanation for 3M to avoid contamination from putative events involv- ing neutron stars [11], and the events with non-vanishing the PBH mass function reconstucted from GWTC-2 in effective spin because the spin of PBHs is expected to Fig.1. Here, we take into account a broad tilted power be negligible at formation [30, 31]. The median value spectrum for the curvature perturbations, namely and 90% equal-tailed credible intervals for the parameters P (k) = A(k=k )αΘ(k − k )Θ(k − k); (4) ~ R min min max fθ; fPBHg are represented by crosses in Fig.1. The results are P = 1:8+0:8 × 10−1M −1, P = 1:1+1:4 × 10−2M −1, where Θ is the heaviside theta function, kmin = 3:2 × 1 −0:8 2 −0:8 5 −1 6 −1 +0:5 −2 −1 +1:2 −3 −1 10 Mpc and kmax = 9:5 × 10 Mpc . After PBHs are P3 = 1:5−0:4 × 10 M , P4 = 2:0−1:0 × 10 M , and +0:9 −3 formed, they evolve like dust-like matter during radiation fPBH = 2:8−0:7 × 10 . Therefore, the total local merger +186 −3 −1 dominated era, and then rate is 154−88 Gpc yr according to Eq. (2). 1=2 From our binned reconstruction of PBH mass function, 1 Meq fPBHP (m) = β (m) ; (5) the inferred merger rates of binary PBHs for the events ΩCDMm m 3 17 where Meq ≈ 2:8×10 M is the horizon mass at matter- spectrum provides a quite reasonable explanation for the radiation equality and β(m) describes the mass fraction PBH mass function implied by GWTC-2.
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