■A, • A w g e Daily Net PrcM Ron The WwitRor ^ . TUESDAY^ MARCH « , For the Week Ended Fate Bant ad V. 0. PAGE POimTEEN ^anrl^rati^r lEofnins 1|walJt March M, 1966 Fair, oaM totogirt, tow’ 14,119 Increaatag doodliMaa aad e His Fourth Words: "My Ctod. Tho W orW 'f B«»t ; Btomber of the Audit Morrair, Mgh to ■Ud-Stik . ' 1 My Ood, why hast thou forsak­ Town Plans Groohert Leading Candidate ' B onaa of CIrcalatlon About Town en meT’^wUl be the theme of Poi^m «»-Cologii«»; M anehetter^A CUy of ViUago Chmrm the Loiten program for senior «F i«e Girt Wrapping" H )« Amertcan Legton Aux- h i^ students Thursday at 7 To Relocate As Delegate to Convention fliu y will apoiwor a nnmnage am. at Second Congregational ARTHUR DRUB VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 147 (TWBNTY-KIGHT PAGES—TWO SECnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, IMS Adraettotog oa Faga M) PRICE SEVEN GENIB Mle on Tuesday, March 30, at Church. T pjn. at the Legion Home. Do- Sewer Line StaU Rep. Atty. Paul Oroo-^of Atty. Harold Gfurlty and nationa may be made Monday Charles V. Henry, district bert, with the backing of Town Mrs. Msjry Roes. _ ^ ____ A ____ •t 7:30 p.m. at the Legion The other 11 delegates, all minister of Jehovah's Witnesses Democratic Chairman Ted Cum­ of whom represented Manches­ Home, lliose wishing pickup in New Ekigland, will speak at A trouUesome storm se^ver, aervVce may contact Mrs. Clif­ situated in the middle of - a mings and other highly placed ter at the 1964 State Demo­ the semi-annual Circuit Assem­ cratic Convention, are: Mayor Events ford Walker, ~ ohaiiman, 76 bly of Jehovah’s Witnesses Fri­ membera o f the town commit­ privately owned lot on Fergu­ Francis J. Mahoney. State Gas Protests ^ I%eips Rd. day through Sunday at Platt son Rd., south of Garth Rd., tee, appears to be the leading Reps. Groobert, and Steve Ca- High School. Meriden. His topic candidate for endorsement as Youth Night on the “Ad­ will be relocated soon, so that it vagnaro. Town Directors David Moon on Sunday will be "The Moral In State -ups vance with Christ” series at Brecdtdown — What Can Be is within a town-acquired right Manchester’s choice for the 4th Bariy, Robert Stone and Frank Trinity Covenant Chun* will Done About It?” The public is of way. Senatorial District’s delegate to Stamler, Town Clerk Bldward be on Thursday at 7:30 pjn. at welcome. Admission is free. The storm sewer does not the forthcoming State Consti­ Tomklel, Board of Education the church. function at present because the tutional Convention. Chairman Mrs. Katherine Besiege LBJ Four Firemen The 1960 Otiss Reunion Com­ lot In which It is situated has The Democratic Town Com­ Bourn, former town directors Theodore Powell and Atty. Court Clrela Mlancheater mittee will meet tonight at 8 been filled with large, obstruc­ mittee will meet on Msirch 31, at the British American Club, tive boulders, and Director of to endorse its candidate, and to Richard Woodhouse, and Matt Hurt During Branch of the Trans-Atlantic Moriarty. ■y. JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Oson'a responae to a group of Re- Brides and ParenU Association, 73 Maple St., and not at Man­ Public Works Walter Fuss has fill two vacancies on its slate received permission from Gen­ of delegates to the April 7 con­ AP Special Correapondent publican Congressmen who pro­ Two-Hour Blaze Back by Ranger 9 win meet Thursday at 7 p.m. at chester High School, as previ­ ously planned. A meetling re­ eral Manager Richard Mautin vention of tho 1st Congressional WASHINGTON (AP)— tested in a letter to him against Susannah Wesley Hall, Hsu*t- "gas warCore” would take this ford Rd. Any British giris in minder committee and a pub­ Soprano Soloist to move it. District, called to select seven The Johnson administra­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — licity committee will be formed. Lead Role Democratic delegates to the line. the area are welcome. For more An existing balance of 82,100 FOR tion was beset today by de­ The letter was sent to the information, contact Mrs. An­ Miss Roberta Johns of Man­ in the 812,000 Storm Sewer A c­ Miss Elizabeth Shellabarger ConsUtuUonsd Convention. Four firemen required hos­ PASADENA, Cmllf. chester will be soprano soloist mands to call off what White Ho\iee Tuesday as a pital treatment for injuries (AP)—^Ranger 9 televised gelo Parandes, 34 Margaret Rd. The Class of 1945 Reunion count will be utilized to relocate (tf 353 Main Bt., will appear as The 1st District Convention storm of crittcism and denun­ Cab Drivers committee will meet Thursday with the Lebanon Valley College the storm sewer on a' rig*t of will be held at the Parma Res­ critics called "gas warfare’’ suffered in a two-alarm Choir in a concert Friday at 8 Edith in the Manchester Gilbert Cosmetics ciation btdlt up around the live today a dramatic se­ Daughters of Liberty, Nos. 17 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. way recently acquired from and Sullivan Worshop presenta­ taurant In Hartford. against Communist guer­ world against the United States ’ire that swept through a quence of more than 20 and 125, will sponsor an Irish Lillian Benoit Burnett, 16 p.m. at Community Baptist E. J, HoU, developer of the Cummings said today that he Church. Miss Dorothy Hudson of tion of ’’Pirates of Penzance” rilla forces in Viet Nam. providing the non-killing gas to ’our-story downtown build- Go on Strike close-ups of the moon as it Tea Party on Friday at 7:30 Berkley St. Rockledge subdivision. has had meetings with several IT’S High administration officials South Viet Nam for use against p.m. in Orange Hall. Alter tea McLean, Va., will accompany Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. other Democratic town chair­ ng late Tuesday night. dove to its death in a lunar Miss Johns on the piano. The denied, however, that the Unit­ Oommunist guerrillas. with Irish cakes and breads have The “Village Charmers,” a at Manchester High School. A men of the 4th District, and ed States was In fact engaged in The proteks were even re­ The blaze at 1118 Main St. In New York crater. been served, Mra J(*n Shoors quartet from the Mountain public is invited. that he has received assurances threatened several adjacent A graduate of Manchester Agents to Offer Saturday matinee wifi be given Liggeifs gas warfare, and insisted that flected in talks held with admin­ The beautifully illumi­ will show slides of Ireland. Laurel Chapter of Sweet Ade­ that Manchester’s endorsed can­ the employment of nonlethal, istration leaders by British For­ stores In the area before being Tickets may be obtained from lines, Inc., of Hartford, will sing High School, Miss Johns was one at 2 pjn. didate will be chosen as the put under control. No estimate NEW YORK (AP) — Thou­ nated series began by of the first students at the school At The Parkade nauseous gases agadnst guerril­ eign ^cretary Michael StewOrt. Mrs. Thomas Conn, Mrs. Thom­ in a program that includes New Tax Assistance Miss Shellabarger, a music District’s delegate. la-infested villages in some in- In responae to a question fol­ k the damage was available sands of taxicab drivers struck showing three craters in as Leemon, Mrs. Joseph John­ London SPEBSQSA groups, to be awarded the Daniel Man- teacher in the Manchester ele­ MANCHESTER pending an Inspection later to­ today in the nation’s largest chuk Music Scholarship for Lau­ In backing Rep. Groobert as •tances In the past had been lowing a speech at the Notional sharp detail from 1,300 son, Mrs. Robert Dunlc^ or at guest quartets and a chorus of With the deadline for filing mentary . schools, has played his choice, Cummings said, “I done to save civilian lives. day. city. Police reported wind­ rel Music Camp. She is the Fifi in the “ Merry Widow,” Press Chub, Stewart argued miles up, and finished by the door. over 40 people. The program is 1964 income tax returns only 23 think very highly of him. He The White House said Presi­ that the use of any weapon in FHre (3hlef Sylvester E. Jen­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ which was given by the Orfo- nings said the two-hour fire shields of dozens of parked cabs displaying tiny pock marks planned for Saturday at 8 p.m. days away (April 15), Thursday Is studious, diligent and a re­ dent Johnson was not consulted Viet Nam should be weighed broken and several assaults and at the Goodspeed Opera House, ert Johns of 260 Greenwood Dr. rado Springs Opera Associa­ started In a first floor store and on thB, floor of the crater The Mr. and Mrs. Club of Her father is a music teacher will be the last day on which sponsible legislator. before the gas was used. against Its Impact on world pub­ intimidations against working Blast Haddam. Tickets are avail­ tion. She has a l^ appeared in spread through the ceiling to the Temple Beth Sholom wlU spon­ in the public school system. two Internal Revenue agents "Groobert is the kind of man Indicationi were that John- lic opinion, then said: drivers. Alphonsus frxMn but a few sor its annual paid-up member­ able at the box office or from will be in Manchester, to assist this area with the Podium .who devotes his full time and "I am in fact asking the Unit­ upper floors.
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