--__- _. "THE PlRST WQRD 1N CAMPUS NEWS." -~__ Please rei-ycle thi's newspaper. Monday, ?larch 16, 1981 Over 600 Hear Various Outlooks at Harvard's El Salwador Forum by Todd White A United Nations repre- Seeming tb On-ly join the sentative to the United N~-others to laugh at a state- tions. told a receptive ment or two from the Depart- Boston-area audience that ment spokesman such as, "The "there was a struggle for public in El Salvador has democratization in central, tzrned its back on the far- America, and Nicaragua was I left for its violence and the first major victory." its marxism.'' Nicaragua's special envoy This "far-lef t ,I1 whose to the U.N. Alejandro Ben- victory platform Calls for dana was the keynote speaker democratic elections, would at xarvardls "Forum on U.S. ' Soon be represented .that policy in ~1 ~alvador,~~~ri-. night by an official spokes- day night. person of the FDR (Revolu- A few years back, said tiOnary Democratic Front) Bendana, "millionaire oli- of El Salvdor. The State garchs were guarded by pri- kpartment speaker concluded vate armies" in ~icaragua Sy asking, "if the revolu- while many natives went hun- tionary left were to come gry. Then the revolution to pouer, but lose the sub- gathered momentum, Bendan,a sequent election which it added. "El Salvador is in has promised to the people, CAMPUS DIRECTORIES RIPPED-OFF: A student uses one the same situation." do you .expect the marxists of the campus maps erected last summer at the base of The next. speaker, Joseph to cede the power, they have Meinorial SLeps and adjacent to West Hall. The ,two maps, Sullivan of the Office of just won to someone else?'.' which cost $1,000 each, were reported stolen out of Policy Planning at the U.S. "Yes," shouted only a their frames eai'ly Friday morning. The Campus Police State Department, was greet- few. said they have no suspects. cd with hisses and boos. "Well, you have more After scvcral calls of "hit faith than L," he said, and the road, Jack" and "Yankee returned to his seat at the murderer, go home," the. panel. C.S.L. to Review Constitution Today crowd became still. Arnaldo Ramos of the FER Sullivan skipped through moved to the microphone and Committee Confident of its Passage the country's recent history was hailed with cheers from by E,ve Sullivan with no shots fired from the crowd of over six hun- The Committee on Student , the. students," said T.C;U. the listeners. He tried dred. Quickly responding Life, which last February Senate Chairman Phil Swain, to carefully construct the to whether Salvadorans are 20 mandated that the T.C.E. , who was also a Steering Com- situation of the pawcr still behind the FDR gueril- Senate convene a convention mittee member. "The cor.st i- ,struggle since thc most re- las, he asked, "With no jun- to write itself 3 new con-, tution is an improvement cent election in 51 Salva- gles to hide in, what else stitution, will receive the over the docunent we hlive dor. He was contradicted could be hiding us _-but the document that the conventio:n now." on his facts by a few in people?" produced, at its meeting Juiie Rosen, ijho also the audience over and over. The Front once commanded today. 0 served on ,the Steering Com- I One listener punctuated the four provinces and all prac- Menhers of the conveptio'n mittee, said she is "overall i spokesman's intimidated tical communication in El steering committee ;ire gen- pleased" with the results speech with,( "The U.S. Gov- Salvador, he said, implying erally confident that the , of the convention. Rosen, ernment has supported 12,000 its impossibility without constitution will have no however, criticized that murders ! majority sympathy. "Support problem passing,through the the const itut'ion "will have Sullivan waited and then for our position is growing C.S.L. The C.S.L. has only- been worked out more." explained that both the far- all over thc world." Mar- to check that it complies She stated that the com- i right and far-left are re- ches of 25,000 in Frankfurt, with the ilniversity and fac- mittce should have had more sisting the land reform pro- West Germany, 5,000 in Ber- ulty charter and by-laws, tine to work on the p-ropo- ) gram and that the U.S. sup- keley, California, and 2,000 before it goes to the stu- sals and that the four-night. ports neither extreme. at Harvard University last dint body for a ,vote ot rat- format created declining The majority of the Bos- week was proof to him. ification . participation. "When therc ton audience wanted to hear Sister Navarro from the 'lItm hoping for an over- were only ten people there him out-. They were polite; continued page 5 whelming ratification by ' continued page 2 I News Briefs Polish Leader .Resigns of $1.5 million dollars is federal funds to help the ' . The Polish Communist Par- investigation. So far, the ty newspaper says the party bodies of twenty black chil- chief in the city of Random, dren have been found and who has been under fire by two are still missing. For independent union leaders, the 22nd weekend, volunteers resigned ten days a.go; It's are combing the city in not cl.ear why the news was search for clues. not articulated earlier and more extensively. 'The offi- French & German Leaders cial's ouster was one of Convene in Strbsbourg New Faculty Group Considers the demands that has led solidarity union leaders Sources in Bonn say a in the city to call a warn- El Salvador Teach-in French-German Summit meeting ing strike for Wednesday. views to work togetiler .'I by Paul'Van Osdol . is scheduled for today near Karen Smith, J'81, a mem- the French city of Stras- An El Salvador teach-in ber of the Tufts Political A Battle Over Cuisinarts bourg . President Giscard at T-ufts in Apri.1 is the Ac.t i on Coa 1 i f ion who at ten- D'Estang and Chancellor Hel- (r focui"ot a f.acu1ty pol itical ded the meeting, said "there There's a food processor mut Schmidt are expec,ted action group that rnct for will definitely be,coordina- war gping on in Connecticut to focus on the Reagan Admi- thc. i irst tine last Wednes- t:ion" between TPAC and the between two former business nistration's firm stand to- day. faculty group. But she be- associates. The president ward Iiussia and the possibi- 'With ;I group of educated lieves. that TPAC will take of the Greenwich, Connecti- lity of arms 'talks. The f:ic,.ulty. thc. lorum should ;1 more ;ictivis.t route than cut-based Cuisinarts Incor- meeting is said to have been take an c.ducn:ion;il shape the fac:ul:y group. porated 'and the president hastily arranged. in trying to alert public Tony Lent. A'83, who also of Robot-Coupe's American opinion ,I1 sa i 3 associ atc attended the meeting, was subsidiary are battling over professor of History Dan cl-itical of student apathy whose machine is better. Pakistani Hijackers Surrender, Mulhol,land, onc of thc forty about El Salvador. "S t11- The Cuisinart was invented professors who :ittendcd thc dents must be unaware oi- in France and made for the Three Pakistani hijackers :neet i ng .I t.he history of the Vietnam c:ompany by Robot-Coupe . surr.endered to Syrian auth- Assistant professor of Var to bc so apathetic about But the two broke off their orities after releaking more Sociology Paul Joseph said El Salvador," .he said. business arrangemlent in than one hundred hostages 111\.*e1 I re trying to c'hange he is "confident that there and the' French company held on a Pakistani jet for s1980; will be a substantial number that . I' has set up its own.company. nearly two weeks. The, sur- of faculty, students, and The nec:tings. which are But Cuisinclrts has gone to render came as a planeload staff attending the teach- being , held L<edcesdays, are court to protect its of prisoners arrived in Da- in." He added that, despitc open to students, faculty rights, and recently a Fed- mascus from Pakistan. differences of opinion among and staff. Those interested eral judge issced ;i preli- faculty and studen-ts, "there in attending should call mi nary inj u nc t i o n a g a i n s t - The World is a deep, cominon concern Prof. Bill Schlesinger at one Robot-Coupe ad he said with Reagan, and a willing-. X-6629 to verify the time was mi s leadi ng . According to Ronald ness of people from diverse and place of the meetings. Bush Goes to Atlanta Vice President Bush W~S C.S.L., continued in Atlanta yesterday to $how the Reagan administration's ;: An Elections Board, voting on referenda and independent of the Senate, support in the probe of the amendments (proposals), I'm will run Senate and C.S.L. missing and murdered black not sure I like that." elections. children. Pres i dent Rea- gan announced Bush's trip The proposal constitution ;: The Financial Committee contains the following- arti- has been re-named the Allo- at the same time that hc announced. thc assign:ncn; moving troops ncc2r 'o! 111 cles that differ from the cations Board.
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