GENERAL INDEX TO TIIE QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND PROCEla]DINGS ()F TIlE GE()LOGICAI, SOCIETY. Ach<ftiJ,~ Sl>. (Miocene), 194 95 & AXD~EWS~ C. W., 41. 48: (m the pl. xxx. Lower Miocene Vertebrates from Acmite, chem. anal. of, 300. British East Africa. c<)llecte,l by Adamellites of Western Cordillera. 16. Dr. Felix Oswald, 163--86 fi~'s. & ,+]girite and mgirite-acmite, chem. pls. xxvii xxix. ~mMs. of. 300 ; ,"eg'irite-granites, Anna's I4ust. see Vredefort. chem. anals, of, 297. Annelid Grits (Upper Llandovery). r Agglonler'tte, andesitic, in Victoria Lough iNafooey are~, 111 8: pl. xvii Nyanza region, 144., 145 ; agglome- (map). rates in Melrose district, 312 13. Annual General Meeting', xvii el "~r AINSWORTH, J., 129. Anthracotheres (Lower Miocene), Alluvial deposits ()f the Eastern hmneri of, 173 75 figs.: tibia of, Altaplanieie, 39-43. 166 figs., 175 76. Altaplanicie (high-level Bolivian pla- Anthrc Wdd ape, see I)~'!/(qJith ec,.,. teau), g'eology of, 23-43 w. sect. & Aplite, topaz-bearing', of (;un<mg pls. iv, viii ix. Bakan, 365 66 fiR's., 372 73 & Alton Bay (I. of Wight), v. pl. lii (microseop. sec~.). AmpMbolite of Nira, &c., 133 34, Appin Quartzite. &c.. 323 et .,'eqq. 138; amphibolite partly re-fused A~BER, E. A. N., 119: A Contribu- by granite, 331 & pl. xlvi (micro- tion to our Knowledge of the seop. sect.). Geology of the Kent Coalfield .Imp,tl, ria o,ata, 189 90 & pl. xxx. "-title onlg], xiii: on the F()ssil Analyses ()f biotite-felspar rock & Flora of the Kent Coalfield. 54 81 monzonite, 276 : of Carvichen & pls. xi xiii. Granitite, 277 : of cordierite-n()rites, Arenig rocks of Loug'h Nafo()ey =trea, 289 : of roekMlite & aeg'irite- 106 109 fig.'. & pl. xvii (map). gTanites, 297; of mgirite-acmite, Arica, see Andes. &c., 300 : ()f Magnesian Limestoqhes, ArtefiLcts, see Palmoliths, To. 235-49, 253, 261 63 : of trachy- Ash-necks in neighl)ourhood of Mel- dolerite.% &c., 394 95, 397. rose, 303, 312-I3 & pls. xlii xliii ANDERSON, T., obituary of: lxxvi-- (geol. maps). lxxvii. Assets, statement ()f, Mix. Andes of Peru & B~flivia, sects. Auditors elected, xv. through: descr. & fig., 1 53 fig', & Augite-andesite of Kikongo district, pls. i x. &c., 144 ; au~te-olivine-trachyte Andesites ()f Western Cm'dillera. 22 - of Eildon Hills, 309 10 & pl. x]i 23 & pl. vii ; of Carlo t~., 25 26 & (microscop. sect.). pl. vii. Aurig~acian at L~ Col<>mbibre. xcviii. -Ill) IIENERA I, I N I)EX. [l)cc. I9J4~ Austria-Hmlgary, Geol. Surv. maps Blaekhall I4ocks (Durham), Magne- 1,resented, c. sian Limestones of, 236, 239 w. AvEm:t~Y, Loeb, obituary of, lxix- chem. anals. : Blackhall Colliery, lxxi. M. L. of, 242. 247, 248--49 w. chem. tmals. 'Bluestones' (variety of Ma~msian BAILEY, E. B.. 314; the Ballaehu- Limestone). 237, 238 w. chem. lish Foht near the Head of Loeb anal. Creran (Argyllshire), 321 27 fig. & Bolivia..~ee Andes. 1ft. xlv (m~p) : [c()nmlunicates Lady BOLTON, H., on the Occurrence of a McR.obel~'s papcr~, 303. Giant Dragon-Fly in the Radstock 13ahtnce-sheet fro' 1913. xliv-xlv. Coal-Measures, 119 26 fig'. & pls. Ba.llachulish fold nr. head of Loch xviii xix. Creran. 321 27 fig. & pl. xlv Bostonite. see Lime-bostonlte. (nlap). BOSWELL. P. G. ]{., ion Palmolith% BALLIVIA~N', ~[. u 48. &c.], xi xii, award fr. Daniel- ]3,tLSTOX. W. E, "2: 48~ 51, 129. Pidgeon Fund to, xcix. BALa'ZEn, P~. A.. ,,bituary (,f, lxvi Bowden Moor Quarry (Roxburgh- lxviii. shire), traehy~ in, 310. BA,XCm)FT (Mis.~). N.. 48 : ml Mi(,e. Brachyo<lP,,_'~ humerus of. 173 75 figs. 1)heir-remains fr. Victori~ Nyanza Breceias, Arenig, of Lough Nafooey reg'i(m:. 1"~0. area, 106 107 & pl. xvii (m~rp). Bande,l Series (Leven Scl,ists). 321 ]~I:I, LEX. ]{.. A., 129. el .,'eqq. BURn, A. & M.. 55. ]3arfrcst(m Boring' (Kellt). Coal- B,,rtoa of. nil olico, 195 96 & pl. xxx. Measure flora of, 55 57. BusH. R. E. J., 126. BAR.LOW-JAMESON Fun(l, list of Bycrs Quarry, ~'ee Mars(len. recipients, xli. Bytownite-norite of Huntly district. Basalts of North ttea(l (Otago Har- 27'2 73. 1)tml'). 382 ~,g .~eqq. figs., 388 et seq~)..' 393 et seqq. w. chem. anals. Cannon-Shot Gravels of Norfolk. Basanite re-named " trachyd(dcrite," fntetured flints from. ii iii. 389. Ca rb,niferous, junction w. Lr. Lias BATHER. F. A.. ~S. in Dover Colliery, xiii : (or Permo- Batholithic replacement, the()ry dis- Carboniferous) of Titicaca district. missed. 16 et seqq. 30 37 & pls. viii ix (loss.) ; see (d,,.o Beacon Hill (Durham), Magnesian Cord Me~sures. Limestone of. 2.tl w. chem. (!~rdioC, rlm,; gutbieri. 75 & pl. xii. allal. Carvichen Granitite, 270. 276 77 w, BECKE, F. J., elected For. Men'mr. chron, anal. (21H. Cassiterite of Gunong Bakau. 363, BELL. ~V. H., 129. 369, 373. Bemcrsi,le Hill (Roxburghshire). non- Castle Eden Dene (Durham), Ma~'- I,orphyritic qmu'tz-trachyte of. 306 nesian Limestolms of. 239, 2,i6. ,v pl. xli (microseop. sect.). 264 w. chem. anal. & pl. xxxvii Benc,)rragh (Galway), l~illow-la[vas (inicroscop. sect.). of. 1(5 ,~ pl. xvi : Arenig brcccias Castor fiber fr. Piltdown gravel. 92. of, 107. Cuuldshiels Hill & Loch (Roxburgh- ]hsnY. A. tI, 365. shire). (lykes of, 311, 3!2. Bibliography of the geology, &c., Cellular structures (in Magnesian of portions of Bolivi~ & 49 : Peru, LimestE(mes), origin of, 256 57. of C(~al-Measure flor~ of Kent. 80: Cera.~tu~; ef. ,mo,ll.emb,r~. 196 97 & of the evolution & classification of pl. xxx. ammonites, 359 60. -,~p. (Mi(,eene). 197. [BIGSBY medallists, list of. xl. Bic~tite-felspar rock of Huntly dis- ~E:RNYSEV.,~'ee TSCHERNYSCI-IEW. trict. 275,276 (chem. anal.) ; bio- CriAI~BERH~'. T. (!., elected For. tite-gneiss (,f Gongogongo. 146 ; Member. ciii. "' (h). near S~ria, &c.. 151. 153. CHATVr C, [P.. 359 ; alq)ointment Bl'tck Hill (Roxburghshire), porphy- of. xviii. ritic quartz-frachyte, &c. of, 306. CHEI~RET'r, B. W., 129. V,,I. 7o. i (IENER:kL INDEX. 4ll Cherts. Arenlg radiolarian, of Lough Creran, Loch (Argyllshire), Balla- Nafo,)ey area, 107-108 & pl. xvii chulish fold hr. head eL 321--27 (malO. figs. & pl. xlv (map). Chiefswood ash-neck (Roxburghshire), Cull Bay Slates, 323 et ~,.eqq. 312 : dyke intrusive in do., 311. CULLIS, C. G., 292. Cl~itr~ of. iJ~dica, 185. Curraghrevagh (Galway), 104 et seqq. ; Chh xiti.- cale-~chist of Kona Plateau, sect. W. of, 110; sect. in stream 152. flowg, f:. Benbeg to Curraghrevagh CgOFFAT. P.. elected For. Corresp., hamlet, 114. ciii. Curvature, terminal, of rocks under- ( 'h,,, ~l,'i t e... Limestones (Magnesian), lying Glacial Drift, 209, 227 & 236 w. chem. anals. pl. xxxiii (map). Claxhengh (Durham)~ Ma~msian Cgcloderma rioted x, sp. nov., 183- Limestones of, 242 w. chem. anals. 85 & pl. xxvii. ,k p]. xxxvi (microsc()t). sect.). Cl,,,lmtr,, b~tIimoides, 192 93 & pl. xxx. DALE, W., Ion fractured flint~. &c.~, ,'. ,,',:l,. 193 9~ & pl. xxx. vii. Clivig'er Scrics (E. Lanes.) of lakes & DANIEL-PIDGEON Fund awarded t(~ (,verflow-channels, 217 19. P. G. H. Boswell, xcix; list of C(~al-Mea~m'e flora of Kent, 5,1 81 recipients, xli. ,~ pls. xi xiii: C. M. of Radstock, DARWIN, Sir GEORGE H.. obituary M~!p~J~e,,,',, from, 119-27 fi~. & of, lxxxii lxxxiii. l)IS. xviii xix. DAWKINS, ~V. B., [on Pal~eoliths, (2'.:,ccHI. I.. obituary of, lxviii-lxix. &c.~, ix-x. C,)I)RI~(:TOX, T., 'exhibits fractured DAWSON. C., "on zine-blende fr. st,nc ft. Sinaitic- Peninsula], xii. Upper'Purbeek of Netherfield~. COI,E. G. A. J.. 118. xiv ; ,~exhibits lantern-slides of C.)LOmXAS, J., 316. Iguanodon, &c.], xeviii; (& A. S. C[)manche (Bolivia). diorite of, 28- Woodward), Supplementary Nt)te _.~.)( Cx- pls. v, vii; Permian of, 29-30 on the Discovery of a Palmolithic ,k pl. vi. Human Skull & Mandible at Pilt- Co)IeSTO_',-. S., 226. down (Sussex), 82--98 figs. & Contaet-mctamorl)hism ill the Huntly pls. xiv-xv. district, 279-91 w. chem. anals. & Dedolomitization (& segregation) in pls. xxxviii xxxix (microscop. Magllesian Limestones, 251-56 : sects.). use of term, 264, 265. C,-~,-)K. XV. H.. ~on 'Eoliths." &2.~,, Deltas, rate of formation of, lxxxvi ..... Vii VII1. et .,'eqq. Corn:. T. H.. obituary of, lxxxii. Denudatfim. problems of post-Glacial, Co,',l,i,']~d,,.: ~tt)proxinuct~.; , 75 & lxxxv xevi. pl. xiii. Desaguadero R. (Bolivia), gravel- ..... sp. (Mid,lle Coal Measures), 76 & terraces of, 40 -41. p]. xiii. Dewmian of the Altapla~ficie, 37 -39 Cordierite-norites of Hml~ly district, & pl. viii (loss.) ; see al,,'o Old Red 282-91 w. chem. anals. & pl.-:. Sandstone. xxxviii xxxix (microscop. sects.). Diabases, so-called, intrusive in Wit- Cordillera, see Eastern ~" Western. watersrand Beds, 329 et seqq. & ' C~m? - bouMers ' in porphyritic pl. xlvi (microscop. sects.). granite ,ff Gunong Bakau, 367. Dictgopteris miinsteri, 72 & pl. xi. Cf)RTESI, A. S., 100. Dinotheri~f1~ hobleyi. 164 66 & pl. Council. ammal report of, xvii-xxi ; (& xxviii, 167-68. Officers) elected, xxxi. Dioritic intrusions of the Altaplanicie, C,xhoe..,'e,.' Raisby. 28-29 & pls. v, ~di, x. Cm~TO~-. D. C., 129. Dolerites of Morro de Arica, 12-13 Crayford ' (Kent), flint-implements of Lough Nafooey area. 114 15; fr,)m, xii. of Kisii Highlands, 148. (!nE~)Nnn, H., obituary of, lxiv- Dolomite, see Magnesian Limestones. lxvi. Dolomitic deposition (& dolomitiza- Creodont (Lower Miocene), astra- tion of the Shell Limestone), evi- g'alus of. 179-80 & pl. xxix. dence bearing upon, 249-51. 412 GENER• LNI)EX. [Dec. 19 [ 4, Donors to Library, lists of, xxi- Epidote-schist hr.
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