" .'" '.' " \~ .. ~' . ,.:, . W" .. ·· ... ii.',.•.•,.••.••'. i, .' ".~~.,' ' .''f'.'''' " '.••• , .. T..~"·wo:·:. ··I'ns N-E:AA \"Cro"'n- < •. ~ ~\_:.~ " Greeks I Celebrate, . r.. ~~: ~', :s~~'~' ·'·u /;Week.OJ Jubilafio'n N.W:t\\{~~~RECO.1.'·..Greek'Weekgets into run swing with the Greek Goddess '\' -'""""~' t, ~ , "NCAA victory dance at '8:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Topper .' ~ , ", • ClUb:. TV sets, will lie placed around the dance In strategic , .. , spots for watching the Bearcats play at 10:30 p. m., according to, Bob Hartmann, EN,G:~'64, and Canaline Muster, A&S "62) _' Series BE22 Z552 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday,Ma'~ch, 23, 1961 co..chairmen of. Greek W~ek. 'The G~'orge Smith and ,pon 'Russia, and .the U.S. Miller orchestra, will play for the dance. Ea~h of. the .fra,. 'ternities has a candidate for ' I . '. Greek Goddess; the winner will be announced'at thedi.'nce. ~e'on"VolkoV' TQ"'Spe,ak TicketswiH be sold' at the door .,,~. from 8:J:5"'to 11:00 • <'Greek 'Week, which ends Wed- nesday, isa Week Ofactivities plan- ned for all cthe fraternities and' At St:udent Convocation sororities on campus. It will' be Lesh, AA '63; and Phi Delta highlighted with games, seminars, Theta-c-Marcia- Detmering, TC '62.- Mr: Leon Vplkov,- former Lf Thinks I'ni ~ead." .He also suc- Volkovtraveled with him. open houses, and a banquet besides Also candidates are: Acacia- Colonel in the Russian Air Force; cessfully predicted, that Malen- will speak at a Student Council Dean Burseik will preside over the dance. Ellen Herbert,. A&S '63; Judy kof woul,~ succeed Stalln. the~',,'convocation. Dean Spencer sponsored convocation ion Tues- Candidates for Greek Goddess Routzong, AA '64; Pi Lambda In addition to writing stories Shank will introduce Volkov aft- ..areas follows: Alpha Epsilon Pi Phi-Nancy Coplan, Bus.' Ad. day, March 28, at Lsp. -m.iin Wil- ror other'imagazines, he hascom- son Auditorium. er theprescntatron of the Student ':":"Barbara Shure, TC'64; Alpha ,/64; Sigma Alpha Epsilon- posed three plays. Council Executdve Committee by Jane McGehee, A&S -'63; Sigma Mr. Volkov's -topic will be Sigma Phi~Paulette Foertsch, In 1953' he joined the edi~- JimStergi,opoulos, Eng.' '61, presi- :A,&S'64;. Alpha Tau Omega-Car- Alpha Mu-Marianne Biehle, "Russia and theUnited States- ' torial staff of" Newsweek as dent of 'Student Council. r ole Sandusky, TC '64; American A&S '63; Sigma Chi-KaJhy Can We Do Business?" . contributing editor. Part of his Jim Hughes, Pharm, '62, Chair- At present Volkov is serving Commons Club-Stephany Feld- Honnert, A&S '63; Si.gma Nu'::-; duties- are. to accompany- vis.!t- man of the Student Council Con- camp, A&S '64; Beta Theta Pi- Sue Putman, A&S '61; Sigma Phi as' Soviet Affairs Expert forNews- ing Russian .offlcials on tours . vocation: Committee, was confi- week magazine. He is' the high- 'Penny Hepp, TC '62; Delta Tau Epsilon-Dea Pizzo, Bus. Ad. of the US; When Krushchev dent that UCstudellts wouldTill Delta-Charlene Massing, Bus. '64; Theta Chi-Nancy Pape, est ranking Russian officer ever, visited this country a'year ago, ..(Continued- on Page 12), to defect to the United States. Ad. '64; Lambda. Chi Alpha-Sue H.Ec. '62; and Triangle-Karen Schram, AA 163. trainedHe wasbothbornas ,anin' engineer.Moscow 'andand / . '. '""'L":" ~ I. .' - " \., Greek Week games are sched- If .' uled for Saturday and will take' '38 a pilot, During World War II ."', ". • place in Burnet Woods near the t~~~~~bOmbingmiSsiOnsoverA WSEects New 0 LcerS, Shelter house. The games will-be- .gin at 1 p.m. with a parade down Becoming dissatisfied with the t /, - • ,~ . • Clifton Avenue which will fea- ture the newly chosen Greek God- He~~~~~~was ~~=~~ei~~~?::~:er:019~~~-made a citizen In 19'54.\ G"'Le'nys Abbot' t' , To: Pt eS'L·de dess and members of the fra- In 1948 Volkov wrote a.serles , . ~, , ~ ternities and sororities who are ~~ participating in Or interested in of articles for the Saturday j Evening 'Post called "Stalin Glenys, Abbott, N&H' '62; \ 'has the games. ' She also plans to have. e~h fary.) Seven games are planned' for been elected president of the As- college representative of AWS a The 'individual college represen- sociation of ". ~"omen .Students .. .non-voting meinberof each .col~e%e the afternoon. At 1:30, a three- tatives are Lynn 'Kohl, Applied legged obstacle race will start the COLLOQUIUM AWlS isa governmental organiza- tribunal, to 'have a uniform JUdiCI~1 Arts; Ann Damon, Arts and Sci-. tion which 'is both educational and system for all sorority houses and activities.. Following will" be a The Psychology Colloquium ences; -Karen Bennett and. Sarah. back-to-back race at 1:45, a 'base- cultural arid stresses the legisla- women's residence, ha~ls,. to re- Grace Bennett, Business Adminis- will meet Friday, Mar. 24, to tive role, of the' woman student. ball toss at 2 and, a tug of war hear Dr. Jerome Kagan, chair- vise the present constitution ,~n~ tration; Carolyn Woodruff and Judy at 2:15. man of the Psychology Depart- Amang the:,plans which Miss to keep on improving AWlS activi- Lewis, Engineering. ties, orientation of r:'reshman" ~o- At 2:30, Presidents-on-lea wrll ment- of the Fals Research In- .t\bbott hopes to initiate in the' Other representatives, are Cyn- be held .. In this event the fra .•. ~omi"-g year, are: '''to write a men, the. Junior AdvI~or program, 'c stitute; Yellow ~Springs, Ohio. thiaGoetz,· Horne Economics; Lynn ternity presidents will' ted new 'orientation booklet 'for in-; and the freshman project, She. also 1,- Dr: Kagan will 'discuss hls -re- Shoemaker, Pharmacy; Mary Ellen their endurance by see i n 9 search on: "Consistencies in coming students, to hold a -tea plans to have monthly edu~atIOnal McKann, Teacher's College; and programs for members.o! A.WS. which one can sit on a block (pf Personality Development," . for new women students in Francis Berg, University. College.. ice for the longest period 'of' The fttHowingcabmet of of- Refreshments will be served order to introduce them to the April 2-6, the new president and time. in Room 43' MoMicken fron) Dean' of Women's staff .and- to ficers, elected re.cently. by t~e vice-president wlllbeattending the 'women on campus, WIll assIst The all-star powder puff foot- .3:50 to 4:~5 p.m, The'talk,;will AWS, to send out"a semi-annual national convention of 'the Inter- Miss Abbott: Bonnie Moeller, ball game will get underway at be given in Room 35 McMicken newsletter to all women students college Association of Women Stu- N&H '62,vice·president; Barbara 3,..and at 3:45 the rowing contest a't 4:30. to keep them lnformed ' about dents at the University of Wiseon. on the Burnet Woods Lake will Th Yer N&H "63,. treasurer; various activities of AW'S!' .. sin in Madison, Wisconsin. This take place. Trophies for the. win- a "'63 1 'o'd 'L'Inda White , N&H reeC" r • -convention is heldbi-annually and' ing Secretary; .and Cat~y . oyne, ping groups will be presented at is attended by over 500 girls from a convocation Tuesday in Wilson .all over the country, . , .! . CagersHi~ Past Peak;~;~;e:;po;~n:;;Controversial.'(ContinuedFilmon Page 10) Hope To' UpR~cord"$lHFor16 Tags Yo Be Shown April 11 ' ..Thl' .. Bearcatby Dick,cagers.,i<lenehave..·~ -no:v - -,,~.'. ,- ' ,,' ".' .' '/' n'.' c'our.t 'A Ctl·0" n reached the point attau:ed at this ~ "" . time by the last two CIlley tea~s The Student Republican Club an- . lnferna] security of the natio;'~11 of the Oscar Robertson-Ralph I?avis flounced Monday it has, made ar~' Mr. ,Hoover 'continued; "Tlms, era- The,N'CAA Midwest. " Regional Edwin' Mellman', .BA '61 was rangements to bring the contro- when the decision of the HCUA championship. fined $111 for 'a series of' im- versial film "Operation Abolition" to hold hearings May 12-14, 1960, The lasses 'in past years, m proper parking violations by Stu- to UC. The film will 'be shown in San Francisco was announced, the Far West Tourna~ent ~ere to dent Court at its session on 'March April 11 in room 127 MCl\1icken it was mandatory for Communists California, in California. T~IS year 15; , Hall at ,12:30 p.m. to implement the convention reso- the contest will take place m K~n- Mellman had been charged "Operation Abolition' isa docu- lution by doing everything poss- sas •Cit1 y, with _the Utah.. Redskms with receiving eight separate mentary depicting thestudent riots ible to disrupt the hearings as part !furnishing the opposition. tags over a period of five months against the. House Committee on of the overall aim to destroy the , The Redskins are led by ~II. totalil1g $71 and' with eight "cor- Uri-American -Activities .last May .. ll HCUA." A mencan.. B'III "The Hill McG.111, , ll responding "failure to register • According to J. Edgar Hoover, The fill" documents the riots, . 6·9 ~202·pound junior center. tags adding up to $40. the "Communist attack on .the their causes, and their conse- ~cGiLI'" is averaging better than - HCUA in San' Francisco was in quences. It also shows the ex'; 28- points and p' rebounds a At 'an earlier session of the court, the defendant had pl~aded line' with a ·Iong·standing party tent to which the riots ,were COm- came. - I'd aim 'to destroy not only, the m-unist Inspired and led. Coach Jack Gardner s sqqua innocent to eight of the tags and HCUA, ,but also the Ser'ljlte In- The current controversy is over is far f.rom a one.m!"n team, how- guilty to the other eight.
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