Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1972 Daily Egyptian 1972 1-19-1972 The aiD ly Egyptian, January 19, 1972 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January1972 Volume 53, Issue 70 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, January 19, 1972." (Jan 1972). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1972 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1972 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Faculty Council .delays slated agend (f By Ridaard IAftIII stiblted at once to write aD operating motion asking tbat .._tion on the week terms, or one eight aDd oae'faur Daily Egypdu Staff Writer paper. This committee would consist m part m the admistration and Canut­ week term. faculty members from departments Amoros to begin immediately will be Aecording to the letter, sucb. plan I n a highly unusual move, the Faculty with an academic interest iD Ind&­ introduced. In September, the council would give students a choice wbieb tbey Council recessed its Tuesday meeting Chinese studies, The student members passed a resolutioD askiDg that do not bave DOW-to attead acbool for until next Tuesday without completing would be persons with an interest or negotiations resume. The motion will be only half the summer. The fac:ulty its scheduled agenda. personal acquaintaDce with Indochina. introduced because the only response so would also bave more optioaa. For in­ Chairman Thomas Pace asked for the The faculty members would be selected far has been a letter from the ad­ sta.nce, the letter states tbat thole recess shortly before 4 p.m., with the by their departments, while student ministration saying that the right thing whose services were required only part next meeting scheduled for Tuesday at members would be chosen by the was done and the case was not going to time could do aU their teaching in six -1:30 p. m. Pace cited a list m agenda president from a list submitted by the be reopened. weeks, while under the present system. I !ems which had not been completed director mthe center. There would be The BeDziger letter deals with many on part time salary bave to and were not likely to be completed as four faculty members for each student, splitting summer quarter into two, six-. remain in town until September, / reason for the recess. Scheduled for with the director 'serving as a non­ . next Tuesday is a report on implemen­ voting member. ting the recommendation made by a The second recommendation deals blue ribbon panel on the Center for with a review mthe center. The review IBHE stqff director Vietnamese Studies, a resolution on the would be conducted early in faU, 1972, Canut-Amoros case and a letter from The committee to carry out the review James Benziger, professor m English, would have six members. with the asking for a change in the length of report expected by December. A chides student advisors . ummer quarter. minority recommendation was written By Chuck Hutcbcr8rt the Collegiate Common Market Task - The implementation committee's concerning the review. This recommen­ Daily EgyptiaD Staff Writer Force, Daryl Pratsher, from Illinois report makes only two suggestions. One dation asks for the review to begin im­ Wesleyen. The letter was written in concerns the formation ma policy com­ mediately and to be completed by CHICAGO-The director of the November. mittee. The committee recommends spring. Illinois Board of Higher Education In the letter, Midkiff said every that a provisional committee be in- Concerning the Canut-Amoros case. a (lBHE) staff Monday criticized the major move mthe IBHE has correlated Student Advisory Committee to the with the "stated goals mthe state's con­ IBHE for what he called the commit­ servative political elemenL" Midkiff tee's " continual role as adversary" in ~aid later he was referri.ng to the its relationship with the IBHE. Jiepublican Party. James B. Holderman. executive . Holderman said Midkiffs letter, in director of the IBHE staff, also showing why this statement was true, suggested that the si7.e of the SAC be had s~veral factual errors. reduced from ils present memb('rship He also pointed out, somewhat of 38 to "eight or 10 people." He said the aligrily, that the letter was written OD reduction would make the SAC a more IBHE stationery and criticized Midkiff viable body. for undercutting the IBHE's staffs ef­ Holderman, along with three mem­ forts. " No other SAC chairman has bers m his staff, met with seven SAC abused his position in this way," members in the IBHE office here. Holderman said. There had been an indication earlier Michael Murray, the [BHE associate from the IBHE office that the meeting programming director, who is working had been called to discuss the IBHE's with the CCM said that he was in no W**-dIy, J_rt 19, 1972 - Vol. 53, No. 70 proposed Collegiate Common Market, a way working with the Republican plan for institutional resource sharing. Party, ~pecially concerning the CCM. Instead, Holderman directed his Midkiff said his letter was a response remarks to a le~r from Ken Midkiff, SAC chairman, to a student member of (Continued on Page 12) Care would cost $120 per year Consultant calls for compulsory participation By Sue MiUen service, revealed Tuesday that in order He said that students would havt' to Studeot Health Consumer Council Daily Egyptian Stafr Writer for the comprehensive health service bt' assessed a fee of $l~ per year to (SHCC), said that the possibilities m plan to bE' implemented. student par­ covt'r "efficiently the cost of medical coverage during breaks and summer Donald Dubois, one of thE' new con­ ticipation in the plan would have to be care," would have to be investig~ted further sultants for the comprehensive health compulsory. Dubois, speaking at a meeting m the before any commiUmt'nt could be made. "We'll also have to look into the possibility of existing insurance coverage being used to help the student subsidize the $l~ payment," he said. One student asked how the present Student Health Service measured up to others that Dubois had worked with. He replied, " I think the doctors at your health service have done a remaritablt' job considering the small, funds ap­ propriated for their use. But, they have had to work under conditions which no doctor should have to." He said that because of the lack m ,(untls and the conditions caused thereby that "the whole system was grossly inefficienL" He said that it was these conditions which caused SlU's Health Service to be "one m the wont he has ever seen." Dubois has worked with ap­ proximately 50 health service systems. Dubois said that in looking at the comprehensive health service plan, which proposes to unite under one health care delivery system both the SIU campus and the Southern Illinois community, it was good to look at the two areas both separately and together. "Som.e of the problems uDique to students or the Southern IUinois com­ mUDity caD best be handled separately," he said. (ContInued on Page 12) Gus Bode Diane O/tman looks on as an unidentified c:o-ed registers her suggestions on how the C8fr1'US Gripe table health care system could best be ifY1)RMM1 The SIudent HeaIlh Consur/a' Council is sp0n­ soring the week long C3f11)8lgn from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. in the Student Centar's East-West hallway in an attempt to help il"f1)l'CM! the system. (Photo by John Lopinot) Gus says he wonders if chide is anything like shaft. Derge getting acquainted before assuming presidential duties By Sae Roll the people. places and issues 011 and offices 011 campus and met with Ddy Egyptiall Sid Writer campus before officially assuming President Robert G. Layer and the presidency Feb. 1. Chief of Board Staff James Brown. SIU's new president, David ACter getting setUed inlo his tem­ Derge said no -particular issues Derge, arrived in Carbondale porary residence at 810 S. Elizabeth were stressed. '" just wanted to find Tuesday to familiarize himself with SI., Derge lOUred several buildings out what's going on," he said. He added that he was happy to be in Carbondale and expectoo to be on campus tomorrow " unless one of Joan Baez to appear those unexpected out-of-town meetings are called." A temporary office has been on -Dream Machine' provided for him 011 the seeond floor Wednesday afternoon and evening crazy dragster funny cars; Joan d Anthony Hall. programs on WSI -TV. Channel 8' Baez performs several songs ; three 3 p. m.-Special ; 3:30-Con­ films are featured. one on sultatioo; 4-Sesame Street; 5- demolition derby and two animated Evening Report; 5:30 - films on "The Wall," and " Rabbit NOW at the MisterRogers' eighborhood; 6- uite," as we ll as an' animated EI ctric Company: 6:30- SpoUight essay on overpopulation called. or. ~outhern Illinois. .. Egg ·. .. VARSITY 7- Privatc Liv of Americans: 9 oul ! Mrs. H. (Rap) Brown Mike Moore. The econd program in speak with producer-host Ellis CARBONDALE the thr~part series deals with Haizlip about til(' life of her Marine veteran-auto mechanic husband. now recov ring from gun­ Mike Moore and his waitress wife. shot wounds in a Manhatt.an 4th Big Week The series portrays the lives of " un­ hospital. AI 0 on the program are seen" Americans and how th y tile Shirley Caesar group of gospel spend their Lime. their quarrel: and singers.
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