Laporan Tahunan | 2012 | Annual Report Penjelasan Tema | THEME EXPLANATION 50 Tahun Dari Sarinah Untuk Indonesia 50 YEARS FROM SARINAH FOR INDONESIA Dalam pengantar bukunya yang berjudul Sarinah, Soekarno menuliskan “Dari Mbok Sarinah, saya mendapat pelajaran mencintai 'orang kecil'. Ia orang kecil, tapi jiwanya selalu besar”. Sosok Mbok Sarinah yang merupakan pengasuh Presiden Soekarno telah memberikan warna dalam tonggak perjalanan Sarinah sebagai sebuah Perusahaan. Sarinah merupakan Department Store pertama Indonesia yang didirikan saat ekonomi Indonesia sedang runtuh di tahun 1959. Daya beli lemah, taraf hidup merosot sampai level terendah. Ketika Sarinah didirikan, Sarinah memiliki fasilitas tercanggih di zamannya. Dalam perjalanannya, Sarinah menghadapi berbagai tantangan, namun Sarinah tetap bertahan dan tidak jatuh. Berbagai tantangan tersebut dibenahi dan Sarinah pun kembali cantik. Kini…… Di usia yang mencapai 50 Tahun, Sarinah terus tumbuh dan berkembang dalam memberikan pelayanan serta mewarnai Indonesia. Di usia yang mencapai 50 tahun, Sarinah bukanlah terpaku mengenang masa lalu, akan tetapi menghormati mereka yang telah menjadi bagian dari masa lalu, dan yang akan datang. Di usia yang mencapai 50 tahun, Sarinah terus berbenah untuk menjadi profesional. Tetap tampil percaya diri, Sarinah tidak berada dalam arus besar dunia kapital. Sarinah tetap mempunyai arus sendiri. Menjadi Sarinah yang tetap memihak “orang kecil” dengan cara yang berbeda. Sarinah terus melangkah maju menuju era baru, melakukan upaya perubahan, sebuah transformasi menuju pertumbuhan jangka panjang yang berkesinambungan. Sarinah berkeinginan menjadi Great Company yang mengutamakan kualitas pelayanan serta dikelola oleh sumber daya manusia yang profesional sehingga memiliki makna di masyarakat untuk mendorong kinerja perusahaan secara berkesinambungan. Di usia Emas Sarinah, perjalanan belum akan berakhir dan tak mengenal kata akhir. Sarinah akan terus mengalir, karena Sarinah merupakan bagian dari sebuah perjalanan dan Sarinah adalah perjalanan itu sendiri. In the introduction of his book entitled Sarinah, Soekarno wrote, “From (Nanny) Mbok Sarinah, I have learned a lesson of loving common ‘poor people’. She is a small person but her spirit is always big”. Figure of Mbok Sarinah who was a nanny of President Soekarno had influenced and made the Sarinah’s journey as a corporation colorful. Sarinah constitutes the first Department Store which was established when the Indonesia economy collapsed in 1959. Weak purchasing power, living standard fell to its lowest point, when it was established Sarinah has the most sophisticated facilities of that era. On its journey, Sarinah encountered various challenges, however, Sarinah has survived and never crumpled. Those challenges were turned into opportunity, an improvement that makes Sarinah good looking. At present…… At the age reaching 50 years, Sarinah continues to grow and develop in providing services and creating colorful Indonesia. At the age of reaching 50, Sarinah is not stuck lingering on the past, but to pay respect to those who have become meaningful in the past, and those who will come. At the age of reaching 50 years, Sarinah continues to improve itself to become professional. Stay fully confident, Sarinah is not in a strong flow of capital. Sarinah remains to have its own flow. To become Sarinah that takes side with ‘common people’ with its own unique way. Sarinah continues to walk into the new era, to make a change, a transformation into sustainable long term growth. Sarinah wishes to become a Great Company with priority of quality services and managed by professional human resources so that it has significance in the society to boost Company’s performance sustainable. At Sarinah’s golden age, the journey will not come to an end and it is Sarinah’s principle… never cease to exist. Sarinah will continue to flow, because Sarinah is part of a journey and Sarinah is the journey itself. THEME SUSTAINABILITY Kesinambungan Tema | PT Sarinah (Persero) 2012 Annual Report 1 Kesinambungan Tema THEME SUSTAINABILITY Laporan Tahunan 2011 Annual Report 2011 “The Indonesian Emporium” Laporan Tahunan 2010 Annual Report 2010 “Experiencing Colourful Indonesia” CONTENTS Daftar Isi | 2 Laporan Tahunan 2012 PT Sarinah (Persero) Penjelasan Tema Theme Explanation Kesinambungan Tema 1 Theme Sustainability Daftar Isi 2 Contents Kilas Kinerja 2012 Performance In Brief 2012 Kilas Kinerja 2012 4 Performance In Brief 2012 Identitas Sarinah 5 Identity of Sarinah Ikhtisar Keuangan 6 Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Saham dan Obligasi 8 Stock and Obligation Summary Peristiwa Penting 2012 9 Milestones in 2012 Penghargaan 10 Award Visi, Misi dan Budaya Perusahaan Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture Visi dan Misi 12 Vision and Mission Budaya Perusahaan 14 Corporate Culture Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Report of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Laporan Dewan Komisaris 16 Report from the Board of Commissioners Laporan Direksi 22 Report from the Board of Directors Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion and Analysis Tinjauan Operasional 32 Operational Review Tinjauan Keuangan 46 Financial Review Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance Komitmen Tata Kelola Perusahaan 66 Commitment of Good Corporate Governance Prinsip-Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan 67 Principles of Good Corporate Governance Assessment GCG 69 GCG Assessment Struktur dan Mekanisme Tata Kelola Perusahaan 70 Structure and Mechanism of Good Corporate Governance Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 72 General Meeting of Shareholders Dewan Komisaris 75 Board of Commissioners Direksi 82 Board of Directors Hubungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 88 Relationship of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Assessment Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 89 Assessment of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 91 Remuneration of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Komite Audit 92 Audit Committee Komite Investasi dan Risiko Usaha 95 Investment and Business Risk Committee Sekretaris Perusahaan 98 Corporate Secretary Akses Data dan Informasi Perseroan 99 Company Data and Information Access Satuan Pengawasan Intern 100 Internal Supervision Unit Manajemen Risiko 104 Risk Management Perkara Hukum yang Dihadapi 107 Legal Case being Encountered Auditor Eksternal 108 External Auditor Pedoman Perilaku Etika 109 Code of Conduct Sistem Whistleblowing 111 Whistleblowing System Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Social and Environment Responsibility Filosofi Kami 114 Our Philosophy Lingkungan Hidup 115 Environment Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) 116 Manpower, Health and Work Safety Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan 120 Social and Societal Development Konsumen 123 Customers Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources Profil Sumber Daya Manusia 126 Human Resources Profile Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia 129 Human Resources Management Biaya Sumber Daya Manusia 134 Human Resources Cost Informasi Perusahaan Company Information Sekilas Tentang Sarinah 136 Sarinah In Brief Bidang Usaha 139 Business Area Struktur Grup Sarinah 139 Sarinah Group Structure Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham 140 Share Ownership Composition Daftar Entitas Anak 140 List of Subsidiary Entity Struktur Organisasi 141 Organization Structure Jumlah Karyawan 141 Total Employees Profil Dewan Komisaris 142 Profile of Board of Commissioners Profil Direksi 144 Profile of Board of Directors Profil Komite Audit 146 Profile of Audit Committee Profil Komite Investasi dan Risiko Usaha 146 Profile of Investment and Business Risk Committee ProfilVice President Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan 147 Profile of Vice President Corporate Secretariat Divison ProfilVice President Divisi Satuan Pengawasan Intern 147 Profile of Vice President Internal Control Unit Division ProfilVice President Divisi 148 Profile of Vice President Division Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang 151 Support Institution and Profession Alamat Kantor Pusat, Outlet dan Entitas Anak 151 Address of Main Office, Outlet and Subsidiary Entity Tanggung Jawab Manajemen atas LaporanTahunan 2012 152 Management’s Responsibility on Annual Report 2012 Referensi Kriteria Penilaian LaporanTahunan 2012 153 Cross Reference to Annual Report Award 2012 Laporan Keuangan Konsollidasi Consolidated Financial Statements Kilas Kinerja 2012 PERFORMANCE IN BRIEF 2012 Kilas Kinerja 2012 4 Laporan Tahunan 2012 PT Sarinah (Persero) Kilas Kinerja 2012 PERFORMANCE IN BRIEF 2012 Pendapatan Usaha Operating Income Biaya PKBL Cost of CSR Rp276,97 miliar billion Rp1.088.100.000 Pendapatan Usaha Tahun 2012 sebesar Rp276,97 miliar Total biaya Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan Operating Income of 2012 is Rp276.97 billions. sebesar Rp1.088.100.000,- Total cost of Partnership and Environmental Activity is Rp1,088,100,000.- Laba Bersih Net Income Biaya Diklat Cost of Education and Training Rp25,79 miliar billion Rp631.748.626 Laba Bersih Konsolidasi Tahun 2012 Total Biaya Pendidikan dan Pelatihan sebesar Rp25,79 miliar sebesar Rp631.748.626 Consolidated Net Income of 2012 is Rp25.791 billions Total Cost of Education and Training is Rp631,748,626 Aset Assets Skor GCG Score of GCG Rp255,15 miliar billion 77,80 Aset Tahun 2012 sebesar Rp255,15 miliar Skor Penilaian Implementasi GCG sebesar 77,80 masuk Assets in 2012 is Rp255.15 billions dalam kategori BAIK Score of GCG Implementation Evaluation is 77,80 positioned in GOOD category Inspire Award 2012 The Best Retail Company Memperoleh Penghargaan Indonesian Inspire Award
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