THE TDIES WASHINGTON SUNDAY AUGUST 3 1902 15 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED MALE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RE TUN0RKtSHED ROOMS FOR SALr MISCELLANEOUS RAILROADS RAILROADS to give to H ANTED A Seuhyr JIaclilne Salesman to I KOIt IIEXT MS New Ycrk ave comlcrtahlc j IXII KENT --Two connecting rooms light FOR bALE Solid oak sideboard 10 bedroom WANTED A piano teacher I FOR MOUNT VERNON lxi trawl In Viririnla and 11 ir hind Address BOX funn heil riXtii Mxtind floor transient ac honIccpir HCl Ulh t nw m3 3 suites 10 upright comlunatlon folding bed PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD child Address llUA 100 4 i ltio j lommoddtid m3 3 4 iron IieiLs bra bed nuttrevJii wld drc this otlee ml i rooms and ALEXANDRIA AND ARLINeTTON WANTED Girl for pciirral hous wcrk 503 IIEXT tnfurrWicd three ers thitfoniers look vasts library and other BTATIGX COHNEE OF SISTlt AND B ST3 HENT X st hw m3 3 D- - - COMPANY inl lYrnlshoi rjoni private fanlilv W hathlt iiu 3th tahh rM drtk cviKlt s parlor suite and TRAINS STATION 13Vi Pa Ave s Monroe St Anacostia want ELECTRIC A M DAILY PITTSBURG EXPBESS 18 E St tp r50 ileman in photographic gomU Apily j ira m3 3 nuniberlt- other piece contents of lare resi and Dining Cars Uarrlsburg to - do copvlncr home FOIL IIEXT Four or live unfurnished Cfnnect For Jit Vernon every hour week days from Psrlcr Plttsbura WASTED Few- rallies to at IO Ills I dence must sell at once Ieavinir city 131 Kill LLU good stamp lAAimu FOB ItKXT Three third floor rooms clean In roouw in piivate family 717 Cth st nw 1050 A M DAILY PtSSSYlVANlA no cama mg falarj mcW st nw m3 3 10 a m to 3 p m ITED Pullman bleeping Dining bmoktng and CO Ietroit Mich ml WANTED A to fiirnltnreinodern Uith prices 7 Jll and Sli ln3 3 WARREN CHEMICAL Younc JIan who Knows how For Alexandria and Arlington every half hour Observation Cars liarnsburg to Chicago Cin Machines BOX o7 triis lol 11th st nw iii3 3 OU SAKE Furniture carpets new upright pioccwoik repair Sewing Addirm FOR RENT Tliree communicating rooms with cj inflti Indianapolis St Louis Cleveland WANTED Ladies to Jo at their ortlfe ml piano 1023 Hill t inJ 3 Round trip to Mt Vernon 50c Round trio ani BENT ¬ bjthNgood neighborhood and convenient rea Toledo irm e furnish all materials and pay from FOK Two hanchiomcly furniied par Round Arlingtor Unlet parlor Car tc liarnsburg 211 E st ne to Alexandria 2Jc trip to X 51 7 812 weekly Send stamped envelope to WANTED ele-¬ lors hot water ln atim and electric littlits sonable light hou ckccpiiJ FOR SALE Real leather couch slightly marrcl 1050 DAILY FAST UNE mltma to A younir man to run electric 2Cc Round trip to Mt Vernon ncludir KOiAL CO 34 Monroe St tllte ago ml vator experience and reference required M 12 Indiana aie nw in3 3 m3 3 inoi noiKeaiJiej cot w win pcii lor 13 BuSet Parlor Car to liartisburg aluHet Piriot Sptt al discount on all goods during Autnist Arlington and Alexandria 00c car uarrutAirz to Plttabarg tOLIENIKHO ICS 7th ft i3 2 FOR FOR RENT Three or four unfurnished second IIOMK WOKK 10 to 813 weekly some to copi RENTs Nictly furUhed rroms seconi HUES k HOIWOOl Mh and K sts nw ni3 S WASH ALEXANDRIA MT VERNON BY J30 P JJ DAILY CHICAGO AND ST L0U13 - S3 made working ermines and third floors fll to 11 jier month gentlc floor rooms alcove tlosets scrcciLS heat bath Sleeping Car Washington to St leitfn- uefllr WANTEl Office boy about 13 old pood HOTELS EXPHEis for Instructions Address jears mm preferred 4 M si nw iu3 3 end separate was mettr all front all com rOR SAKE Ice 1kxcs suitable for stores din SEE TIME TABLES AT aul tf Louis and sleeping and Dining Cars inclose stamp etc references necessary Addrrm O BOX 210 llarnsburf CENTURY MFC CO Toledo iititniiuti1 Cjpitul Traction cars pass doer In or lunch rooms j petijl price on ail gootS to Inctlanapoiu M Louis Louisville via Cin ¬ TUrXTlimi RENT Ohio nit nlt Tliree like rooms second floor Onner U 23d St nw m3 3 during August FKIE t HOIUOOU 6th and cinnati and Chicago suitable for small family or ladles in depart- ¬ K SOUTHERN RAILWAY WANTEfK Tliree Kilomen for Band McNalh- - frU nw rn3 3 j 115 P M DAILY ST LOUIS EXPRESS w iV anil tnroT lintLwnrlr miifit ment cemenfent to Government Printing Pat- RR RENT Two second floor rooms and bath I xTirrrvi 3 map ot to 2 Pullman Sleeping Car tisrrisburg to St Louis wajnn ironing 72S Tth Co new edition revcrlMe tne ent or Pension Inquire 445 II nw fi 745 13th St se ir3 3 rgan o Schedule corrected July 1K btay nights no or tlie cilices st ton ALij tmguuy inurreiu not Pennsylvania 745 P M DAILY WESTERN EXPREito-Pullm- an rnltrnl states and world sire 2x4 inches m3 3 theable erst wll NHxrial Trains leave from Station tt nr largest map publlslictl on a single sheet in this FOR RENT Four rooms cool and clean 213 Jil fr l3 801 a m Dally Iaxal for Harrisonbur sleeping Car to Pittsburg and Chicago - - rice on all gtlj duri August FRIES Dinirg to Chicaso woman to assist at lioue- country two mats in one gives count- map FOR HENT Pwo furokhed- leilronms A st se ma 3 HnlHViW Wtrrenton Charlotte and way stations tsi wwrrn Ahite p ill ktl inl nu Milt J45 M DAILY CLEVELAND AND C1XCIS- - work ami care of child home conditions all of the Initeil Rates and Canada on its face with iLse cf parlor piano anil bath to four 1051 a m Daily Washington lllcnmonn P rooms hot Flrst-cla- - NATI Sleeping Cars Wasa- - 2110 no and laifie scale map of the world on department ladies SIC Inquire cf WATCH- FOR RENT Four unfurnished water FOR SALE slightly marred but and Florida Limited coaches ane EXPRESS lnllman Sun lav or Monday 3d st hVMNti in3 Furniture Ington Clerrs the inset of Hawaii Porto Ilieo MAN fifth Boor 12th st tntrance Postotllce heitlng and gas 12 Indiana ave nw 3 reflnUlitn ami JixAa goinl a new cial drawing room sleeper to Jacksonville Fla Din to Pittsburg aad liarnsburg tj TUN l retcisc majs ad land and Cincinnati Dining Car Cuba Philippine Inlands and Alaska corrected Building ml R KENT rnfurnished entire second floor price on all ood during August put insj car service A 10 ip 1040 P JL DAILY PAC1I1C EiPRESS Pull-- WANTED hi to cook nith references good to date representatives already at work are two rooms with rtelun Uith adjoining Koodt aolibon a deiiosit rHIl ii IIOIM 1115 a ii Daily United States FasttMal VS1 or- FOR RENT Neatlv Jicd rooms reasonable 0Il room man bleeping to PULsburff laundress call between 9 and 10 a m sending in heavy reports ono secured 190 fumi lias mantels Cth arm 1 ts nw m3 3 First class coaches and drawing Rieepei Lit S02 1 st nw in3 3 front atcore cabinet in service 750 A Al DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS Cincinnati t nw tl ders in ten das new plan of work which both rtii eTpoure delmhtftil location to New Orl ana Ilioinc car does system of canvassing ftuthrn FOR SALE Oak folding Iwd mirror front a m Dall Local for Warrenton and with through JJroiler Buffet Parlor Car and aay with the old FOR A two lKrs east of Iowa Circle 23 1213 llOt WANTED Woman for plain cook and peneral a splendid opjiortunlty fpf energetic men who RENT lady mng alone with hertwo slightly marred not tiutlceable cost O Cliarlottesvllie Coaches to iimTalo via Emporium Junction children would like one room to a Hhode Island ave m3 3 A 11 Caaamlatgua honseucrk references required 222 2d ft re desire to encape in a work that will pay them to rent will isfll for 1630 SiMt lal dtacouit on all 330 p m Saturdays only The Warrenton 750 for Kane Rochester Jaily with use of parlor ddress 3 P St ne and Niagara Falls daily except Sunday CI liberally and furnish termanent employment KOIt HENT LnfumHied rooms on second gocM s durinic A4Uht FRIES IIOFWOOI Special Alexandria Manassas Calveiton and ml VI 1050 A M for Elmira and llenovo daily ex Addrr-- JlcNAILY CO 112 Fiflh i 22d nw m3 3 Sth and K sts nw 3 arrenton WANTED Youpjr lady bookkeeper with experi JIAND floor at st i3 Harrlsjn cept Sunday For Willlarnsport daily 330 P it ae New York ml TOR RENT Rooms second floor lutli and 401 p m Week Pays local for ence in retail business Address IJOX 153 this WANTED A catertr to rent dining room and FOR SAK1 Pawn ticket for hanilyme diamond burg and way en Manassaa branch 715 P 11 DAILY BUFFALO XIGHr EXPiltid e2 2 tras for gentlemen near Government Printing stations clHce ¬ earrings Qinetven pin and with through Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches WANTED Piiotocrnphic printer who under a kitchen isl Mh bt nw ml and stone bonoltoe 430 p m Dally Local for Warrenton tittice im i st mv mi n bargain IIOA 10I to liuuaio via tmportum junction young ladies of pood appear stands workinu Velol Apply MAX MINSTElt tickets at Addrcht this Charlottesville ANTED Eight IXli HENT Kour pleaant unfurnished rooms office in3 3 Ex 745 P it DAILi for Erie for Rochester ance pay easy wont Apply uw WIS F st ml FOR RENT NU ely furnished rooms terms 845 p m Dally New York and Atlanta liberal at l 1611 Mh st nw el sleeper Buffalo and Niagara Falls daiiy except Satux fit nw 3d fluor front from C to 3 p m el moderate Kte I si nw- - ni3 3 pros First class coach and to Atlanta WANTED laborers for shorlnc work rooiI FOR SALE Cheap yery fine Singer fewlng Mondays Wednesdavs and Fridajs Sunsei day with Sleeping Car WashiDgtoa to Rochester KOU BENT unfurnislted rooms heat and ntiKiiine good as new st nw P Canandalgca Rochester WANTED Colored pirl 14 neat and honest wages to good men Stratford Hotel Broad TOR RENT Moor 2 rooms furnished house The I3 tn Route Tourist sleeper Washington to tan 1040 il lor Ene gas 1115 l li J m3 S BuCalo and Niagara oaily Pullman in small family 1j2G tth t nw el and Walnut sts Philadelphia Pa ml keeping 10 private family
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