Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of Baglung-Ghodabadhe Road Sub- Project Baglung-Ghodabadhe Road in Baglung District Submitted to: Ministry of Local Development Government of Nepal Submitted by: District Development Committee Baglung, Baglung July/2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (NEPALI) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT 1.0 Introduction 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Relevancy of the proposal 1-1 1.3 Name and address of the proponent 1-2 1.4 Description of the proposal 1-2 1.5 Construction approach 1-4 1.6 Objectives 1-4 1.5 Methodology adopted 1-5 2.0 Review of Relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines 2-1 3.0 Existing Environmental Conditions 3-1 3.1 Physical environment 3-1 3.2 Biological environment 3-3 3.3 Socioeconomic and cultural environment 3-4 4.0 Project Alternatives 4-1 4.1 No action option 4-1 4.2 Proposal alternatives 4-1 4.3 Alternative design and construction approach 4-1 4.4 Alternative schedule and process 4-2 4.5 Alternative resources 4-2 5.0 Identification and Assessment of Impacts 5-1 5.1 Beneficial impacts 5-1 5.2 Adverse impacts 5-3 6.0 Mitigation measures 6-1 6.1 Benefit augmentation measures 6-1 6.2 Adverse impacts mitigation measures 6-2 7.0 Environmental Management plan 7-1 7.1 Institution and their roles 7-1 7.2 Reporting and Documentation 7-2 7.3 Environment Management Plan 7-3 7.4 Mitigation Cost 7-6 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Baglung-Ghdabadhe Road, Baglung Page 1 of 2 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) 7.5 Environmental Monitoring 7-6 7.5.1 Monitoring responsibility 7-6 7.5.2 Types of Monitoring and Monitoring Parameters 7-7 8.0 Conclusion and recommendation 8-1 9.0 Miscellaneous 9-1 Figures 1-1 Map of Nepal showing road location in the district 1-3 1-2 Map of Baglung district showing Baglung-Ghodabadhe road sub-project 1-4 7-1 Environmental Management Organization Structure 7-3 Tables 1-1 Project activities of the road 1-3 3-1 Topography, geology and soil type 3-2 3-2 Streams along the road 3-2 3-3 Settlements and population 3-4 5.1 Summary of environmental impacts 5-6 7-1 Framework of implementation environmental management plan 7-4 7-2 Environmental monitoring cost 7-7 7-3 Framework for monitoring environmental issues 7-8 ANNEXES Annexes Annex I Terms of Reference for IEE study Annex II Abstract of cost Annex III Public notice Annex IV Deed of enquiry (muchulka) Annex V Name of organizations Annex VI Recommendation letters from VDCs Annex VII a. Distribution of household by major occupation b. Summary of public services and infrastructures according to settlement c. Land holding pattern of settlements within ZoI d. Number of households belonging to different food security category Annex VIII List of persons contacted Annex IX List of tress Annex X Minimization of slope cutting and preservation of vegetation cover Annex XI Photographs Baglung-Ghdabadhe Road, Baglung Page 2 of 2 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) ______________________________________________________________________________ ABBREVIATIONS A ADB Asian Development Bank EMS Environmental Management Section EPA Environmental Protection Act B EPR Environmental Protection Rules BG Building Group ESD Environment Screening Document C F Ch Chainage FGD Focus Group Discussion CBO Community Based Organization CEA Country Environmental Analysis G CF Community Forest GoN Government of Nepal CFUG Community Forest Users Group GIS Geographical Information System CISC Central Implementation Support Consultants H CITES Convention on International Trade in Ha Hectare Endangered Species of Flora and Hh Household Fauna I D IEE Initial Environmental Examination DDC District Development Committee DFO District Forest Office/Officer J DG Director General DISC District Implementation Support K Consultants Km Kilometer DIT District Implementation Team DoLIDAR Department of Local L Infrastructure Development and LDO Local Development Officer Agricultural Roads LEP Labour based, environment friendly DPO District Project Office and participatory DRCC District Road Coordination LRMP Land Resource Management Project Committee DTO District Technical Office M DRILP Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and M meter Livelihood Project DTMP District Transport Master Plan MoPE Ministry of Population and Environment E MoEST Ministry of Environment, Science EA Environmental Assessment and Technology EAS Environmental Assessment Specialist Ml Milliliter EIA Environmental Impact Assessment MLD Ministry of Local Development EMP Environmental Management Plan ______________________________________________________________________________________ Baglung-Ghodabadhe Road, Baglung Page 1 of 2 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) N SM Social Mobilizer NGO Non-Governmental Organization SMC Social Mobilization Coordinator NRs Nepali Rupees NTFPs Non timber forest products T TA Technical Assistance O ToR Terms of Reference OP Operational Plan TWS Technical Walkover Survey P PAM Project Administrative Memorandum U PCU Project Coordination Unit V Q VDC Village Development Committee VWRCC Village Works and Road R Construction Committee RES Rapid Environmental Screening RIDP Rural Infrastructure Development W Project RS Resettlement Survey X S Y SA Social Appraisal SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Z Cooperation ZoI Zone of Influence ______________________________________________________________________________________ Baglung-Ghodabadhe Road, Baglung Page 2 of 2 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) ____________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary The proposed Baglung-Ghodabadhe road lies in Baglung district of Western Development region, Nepal. This road sub-project is initial section of 90 km Baglung-Burtibang road started in 2054 by Rural Infrastructure Development Project (RIDP) funded by ADB. This road starts from Baglung Bazar of Baglung Municipality and ends at Ghodabadhe of Bihun VDC and passes through the Palakot, Bhimpokhara and Bihun VDCs. The status of the road sub-project is fair weather and it has been proposed for the gravelling for the upgrading of the existing road from fair weather to all weather. The road width is 5m while the total length of proposed road section for upgrading is 25.44 km up to Ghodabadhe. The total project cost is NRs. 73,001,637.07 and per km cost is NRs. 2,869,561.21. Baglung district is connected with the other part of the country by Pokhara-Baglung highway. The proposed road project provides connectivity to district headquarters of Baglung for the people of western part of the district. This section of the road can be compared as the East-West Highway of Nepal in Baglung district. Similarly, this road will also open the easy accessibility for the tourists to visit Dhorpatan hunting reserve. This road will save considerable travel time and improve income generation potentials, enhance commercial opportunities and improve market accessibility. Moreover, this road will also provide short term employment opportunity by engaging the rural poor people in the upgrading of the road. Such people based development efforts will reinstall economic activities in the area by creating long term employment and other opportunities. The District Development Committee (DDC), Baglung is the executing agency at the district level under DRILP and the proponent of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for Baglung-Ghodabadhe road sub-project. The main objective of the IEE study is to identify the impacts of physical, biological, socio- economic and cultural environment of the sub-project area. The specific objectives of the proposed IEE study include to: identify the major issues that may arise as a result of proposed works on bio-physical, socio-economic and cultural environment of the project area, recommend practical and site specific environmental mitigation and enhancement measures, prepare and implement environmental monitoring plan for the sub-project, and recommend whether the IEE is sufficient for the proposed road or whether EIA will be required as a result of the environmental issues that may arise due to the project implementation. The findings and conclusions of the report are based on the analysis of the information collected from the field during May/June 2007 by undertaking a walk-through environmental survey along the proposed route and secondary information supplemented by information collected by the social and technical teams working on the resettlement survey and detail survey. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Baglung-Ghodabadhe Road, Baglung Page 1 of 3 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) The dominant forest and fodder species reported around this road are Toona ciliate (Tooni), Prunus cerasoides (Paiyu), Schima wallichii (Chilaune) Dalbergia sissoo (Sisau), Pinus roxburghii (khote salla), Alnus nepalensis (Utis), Bamboo, Ficus semicordata (Khanyu), Ficus nerifolia (Dudhilo). The main NTFP species found along the road alignments are: Allo, Rubia manjith (Majitho), Gaultheria fragrantissima (Dhasingare), Swertia chirayita (Chirayito) etc. There are 3 CFs along the road namely Paharepani CF, Phaparchaur CF, Shivadhuri CF. The road does not fall under any protected area or buffer zone. Panthera pardus (Leopard), Hystix indica (Porcupine), Canis aureus (Jackal), Macaca mulatta (Monkey), Felis chaus (Jungle Cat) are the wild animals reported in the forests of proposed road area. Similarly birds are Lophura
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