DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL 20 AUGUST 2012 Case No: 1200601FUL (FULL APPLICATION) Proposal: PERMANENT CHANGE OF USE OF LAND FROM AGRICULTURE/PADDOCK TO PROVIDE 5 ADDITIONAL GYPSY/TRAVELLER PITCHES AND HARD STANDINGS Location: FIVE ACRES FIELD, ST IVES ROAD, WOODHURST PE28 3BP Applicant: MR F PRICE Grid Ref: 533844 275832 Date of Registration: 13.04.2012 Parish: SOMERSHAM RECOMMENDATION - REFUSE 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This site is located on the B1040 mid way between St Ives and Somersham. It comprises the rear third of a field, the front two-thirds of which is used as a residential caravan site by an extended gypsy family. The field has a frontage of 70 metres and a depth of 230 metres. This application relates to the rear 75 metres. The site has no features of note apart from boundary hedges. It rises from the road in a south easterly direction. There is a compound abutting the highway frontage containing a building and other structures with a gated access from the main road. There are eight authorised permanent pitches on the front and central areas of the site and this application is for an additional 5 permanent pitches in the remainder of the field. 1.2 Development in the area is scattered but there are two cottages opposite, a mushroom farm and a compost making plant to the south and the Raptor Centre on the opposite side of the road. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development - an economic role, a social role and an environmental role - and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government's planning policies for: building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals. 2.2 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (March 2012). This document, which came into force alongside the NPPF, sets out the Government’s planning policy for traveller sites. 2.3 For full details visit the government website http://www.communities.gov.uk and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy. 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: http://www.communities.gov.uk then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live 3.2 East of England Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Policies viewable at http://www.go-east.gov.uk then follow links to Planning, Regional Planning then Related Documents and Single Issue Review on Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation H3: “Provision for Gypsies and Travellers” – Local Authorities should make provision for sites/pitches to meet the identified needs of Gypsies and Travellers living within or resorting to their area. 3.3 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan (2003) Saved policies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 are relevant and viewable at http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk follow the links to environment, planning, planning policy and Structure Plan 2003. None relevant 3.4 Policies from the Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009 are relevant and viewable at http://www.huntsdc.gov.uk click on Environment and Planning then click on Planning and then click on Planning Policy where there is a link to the Local Development Framework Core Strategy. CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” – all developments will contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development, having regard to social, environmental and economic issues. All aspects will be considered including design, implementation and function of development. CS3: “The Settlement Hierarchy” – states that any area not specifically identified are classed as part of the countryside, where development will be strictly limited to that which has an essential need to be located in the countryside. CS6: “Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople” - Account will be taken of the need to ensure that Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople are accommodated in sustainable locations where essential services such as water and sewerage are provided and with good access by foot, cycle or public transport to services such as education and health. Providing sites in appropriate locations will help prevent the social exclusion of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and conflict with settled communities. Consideration will be taken of the preference of many Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople for a rural location with a degree of separation from the settled community. The number of pitches should be appropriate to the size of the site and the availability of infrastructure and services and facilities in accordance with the general principles set out in the settlement hierarchy. The policy sets out the criteria which will guide the provision of sites: - there would be no significant adverse effect on the amenity of nearby residents or operations of adjoining land uses; - the development should not have a significant adverse impact on the character of the landscape and appropriate landscaping and boundaries should be provided; - adequate schools, shops and other community facilities are within reasonable travelling distance, and can be reached by foot, cycle or public transport; - the site is served (or can be served) by an adequate water supply and appropriate means of sewage disposal which meets national standards; - the health and safety of occupants are not put at risk including through unsafe access to sites, poor air quality and unacceptable noise (as for example close to trunk roads) or unacceptable flood risk so that the quality of the environment is at the same acceptable standard as for the settled community; - there should be adequate space for operational needs including the parking, turning and servicing of vehicles. 3.5 Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/localplan95 H23: “Outside Settlements” – general presumption against housing development outside environmental limits with the exception of specific dwellings required for the efficient management of agriculture, forestry and horticulture. En17: "Development in the Countryside" - development in the countryside is restricted to that which is essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services. CS8: “Water” – satisfactory arrangements for the availability of water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal facilities, surface water run-off facilities and provision for land drainage will be required. 3.6 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) Saved policies from the Huntingdon Local Plan Alterations 2002 are relevant and viewable at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/localplan - Then click on "Local Plan Alteration (2002) None relevant 3.7 Policies from the Development Management DPD: Proposed Submission 2010 are relevant. C5: “Flood Risk and Water Management” – development proposals should include suitable flood protection / mitigation to not increase risk of flooding elsewhere. Sustainable drainage systems should be used where technically feasible. There should be no adverse impact on or risk to quantity or quality of water resources. E1: “Development Context” – development proposals shall demonstrate consideration of the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and the potential impact of the proposal. E2: “Built-up Areas” – development will be limited to within the built-up areas of the settlements identified in Core Strategy policy CS3, in order to protect the surrounding countryside and to promote wider sustainability objectives. E8: “Sustainable Travel” – proposals must demonstrate how the scheme maximises opportunities for the use of sustainable travel modes, particularly walking, cycling and public transport. H7: “Amenity” – development proposals should safeguard the living conditions for residents and people occupying adjoining or nearby properties. 3.8 Supplementary Planning Guidance / Documents: Huntingdonshire Townscape and Landscape Assessment – site is located within the Central Claylands Landscape Character Area. Cambridge Sub-Region Traveller Needs Assessment 2006 – assessed the need in Huntingdonshire to be between 15 and 25 extra pitches in the period 2005 – 2010. 4. PLANNING HISTORY 4.1 Planning permission (0302573FUL) was refused in September 2003 and an enforcement notice (0300231ENCARA) served relating to the unauthorised use of the field as a residential caravan site. 4.2 Subsequent appeals (APP/HO520/A/04/1146919 & C/04/1147154) were dismissed on the 5th October 2004 because of impact/harm to the character and appearance of the area and conflict with development plan
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