
BIBLIOGRAPHIES This first printing is Ilrnited to seventy-five fitmbered copies of which this is copy no. BOBLOOGRRPHOES [Ol GEORGE Contents of this volume copyright , 1955, by gsn PUBLICATIONS. AMATEUR pnEss WORKS, compiled by George Vetzel Introduction: Amateur Press Essays Amateur Press Stories 10 Amateur Press Poetry 11 PROFESSIONAL WORKS AND MISCLLA1ü, by Robert E. Briney Introductory Note 18 Professionally Published Magazine Fiction 19 Professionally Published Poetry 21 Books and Pamphlets by Lovecraft 22 Anthological Appearances 31 Revisions and Collaborations 33 Lovecraft-lnfluenced Fiction 34 Articles About H. P.Lovecraft 37 Books About Lovecraft 40 Addenda 42 A terse little article by R. E, Barlow, in number 2 of the ACOLYTE started in 191+5, on the compilation of a bibliography of the amateur works of H. P. Lovecraft. Nov, ten years later, it print In these pages. To the persons who were of aid in this prolonged labor I would like to offer my sincere thanlcs; to Leon Stone, of Australia, who pos- sesses some 1500 mateur Journals, and facillltated my rese ar ches considerably; to the Lovecraft fancier, Jack Grill, for Informa- tion from his outstanding collection of Lovecraftiana; to the Ii- brarian at Princeton University who listed all I-PL items in Fant- asy Fan • to Robert D. Briney who assumed. the compilation of FFöT- essiona works when the original resoarcher was put in a position to make the task impossible; to August Derleth of Arlcham House; and to the many others who, in large measure or small, ser- ved to mitigate my arduous labors* which were so often disappoin- ting and discouraging . George T. Wetzel Dundalk, Maryland 30 June 1955 * A qualification of my characterizing these labors as "arduous" Is to be found In my preface to these bibliographies, ttThe Re- search of e. Dibliott, in Hovrard Phi 1 ILLs Lovecraft: Cri- etique_s_,_ AMATEUR PRESS ESSAYS Allowable Rhyme, The 11 Conservative October 1915 Ana tour Standards Cc•ngorvative January 1917 American i s 11 tt n United ar.lateur July 1919 At tho Root tod Araateur July 1918 Autobiography of H P Loveera.et Menorlal 'ITvnber, ('1307c Herald" October 1941 Battle that Ended the Cent-ary, The 't Fall Bol shevi sn Conscrvative July 1919 Brief Autobiocraph-urof an Inconsoqucntial Scribblcr, The Silver Clarion" Anril 1919 Bru-aalia (w/poem) Tryout Doc or.ber By Post from Providence (Lottcr) Californian" Sunncr 1937 Case for Classicism, The "United Co-operative" June 1919 Cats end Dogs Leaves lif 1937 Cigarctte Characterization "Fantasy Iv:agazinelt June 1934 Col urns: - See: tDcpnrtncnt of Public Criticism t 'Furthor Criticism of Poetry' Cornncnt Silver Clarion" June 1918 Conccrnin t' tPops la—In Europe Tryout January 1917 Confession of Unfaith, A "Liberal February 1922 and His Critics, The "Conservative" October 1915 Convc]ltion, The (as by Theobald" ) Tr ,yout July 1930 Crir;c of the Contury, The The Trail January 19 n.C Department of Public Critic Isn ItUnited 11 1910 (Col urn review inc amateur Journals) Ibid. Juno 191C Ibid. ulur:ust 1916 Ibid. Iidarch 1917 Ibid. 1917 Ibid. July 1917 Descent to Avcrnus, "Dncon ls Essays Sur 1927 De splsed Pastoral, Tho Conservative}! July 1918 Dignity of Journali sr.i,The "Dowdell ts Puect-Cat ll July 1915 Editorial Conservative" October 1915 Editorial Providence I).nateur tl February 1916 Cono ( Editorial ) at ivo July 1923 Editorial Conment Unit,ud teur tl Nov ember 1920 Editor's Note (to l[acl.'lanuct and thc Efi&ies) Providence February 1916 Favorite Weird Stories of H PI, Fantasy Fan u Oc tobor 1934 t For Freg1dent—Leo Fritter ' Consorvative April 1915 tt For Vvhat Does the Unl ted Stand? United -'Liliat eur May 1920 408 Groveland Strcot Tryout July 1921 t Do. (Reprint) !Boy t s Horal d" January 1943 it Further Criticism of Poetry (Coluran) î onal Anat eur H C Foeni g) Do. ( (F pinted by Henri nt) Decenber 1944 Do. (nenrint of Part I) cur li. C. Koen1G) Guido to Charleston, S. C. (lTintod by July 1913 H,ąvežâhîll Convent ion, The TTłrov,.t, 1919 Helen Col c— Li t tea taur (Blog) Uni lńay Sur.łr.łor 1935 Hori tage op Moderni sn Alabana 1936 Țlis tory o? the Necronołnicon, Â brochurc ; Âcbel ?resg, ropniă,n 'dlritor 1935 Hor,łesand Shrinos of Poe 'tCali 1943 Do. ttÂcoIytoll Fall (Reprint) January 193B Mator ialisn: Â Rofloctlon Id0R1isn and l liNational 111.1Qtcur' Ju 17 1919 Tn laojor Koy Conservativ c Jul 1915 tt 1938 Defcnso of Decon I oavcg îlicnorim.n:Robert lloward Fhantnr:raphľ 1936 tt Fantasy IȚIRt;az1nc Sentornbcr 1936 Do. (lłcprint) 11 1915 In thc Stud7 Conservative Do. Conservative Julr 1915 Japanose Hokku O-'{/ash-Ta-Nonc; July 1919 Joc firme , The Conservativei' (Lecter) ItDuckoyo 1923 (Lctter) Inacginationtt Janu 1938 ii (Lot, ecr Excerpts) Acoi y to Fall 1942 i ' Aton Dccor,ber (Lottcm Exccrpts 'Ârcosy t) ti Goldon 1940 Olynplan 'l (pp 55—6) Auturłn 1940 (Lot tvr îi Fr ar,nčnt) Ânatcur Affairs Octobor 1935 (Lcttcr tl (Lotters to G. Î:lncaulcy) n 0 -1:7nsh-Ta-l ĂȚonG Spr inc 193B Ar.łorican ni:ntcur tl Scptcnbor 1920 J-1 fe for t Ilunnnlty îs Sako 11 and î ts Fricnds IIConsorvativc Cc tobcr 1915 Liąuor ll Cornposition n Un ltcd iŁ.łatcur January 1920 torary tt Literaturo of Âono, Thc n Unlt(vd IL.łatcur Ilovcnbcr 191B Look ing Daclcwards ( Serial) Junc 1920 Lord Duns any and His î!ork Lovccraft as an 11lustrator Sur.łncr i (lł:crn. TIO.) Oct. Lovocraft on Poctry llritlng 1941 (Drawinc) +1 Iliap of j,rkhar.l II Today, The October 1926 lilatoriallst 1926 Do. (h'cprint) IvicrlinusRevivus Con ('îc J łvqtJvc July 1918 n. i•,fi_VC, July 1915 Motrica 1 Regularity Roc011cctior,G ( JIRI oaraphlcal) Ilinltor, Mrs. —Estimntes and Californian 'l Spring 1938 it liConsorvativc; April 1919 l:lorrls Fac ti on, Tho Ifrrstcrîcs of the Hoavons (Sori al) shorvlllc Gazotto-News Îl Fob, Sky and 1 ts Content,s ItII 16,1915 Thc Ibid. Feb. 20 Thc Solar SY storn 1915 Ibid. Fob. 23 Thc Sun 1915 Mysteries of tho Hoavons (Contlnued) Tho Inferior FI anots Ashervillo Gazotto-News ť Fob. 27 1915 Eclipsos Ibid. Mar . 2 1915 Thc Earth and iłs Moon Ibid. 6 1915 and the Asteroid3 Ibid. Mar. 9 1915 Coracts and Moteors Ibid. Mar . 13 1915 Thc Outer Planots Ibid. Mar . 16 1915 Tho Stars Ibid. lian . 20 1915 Thc Stars (Continuod) Ibid. 23 1915 Thc Rings of Saturn Ibid. 27 1915 Concis and Motoors (cont ęd) Ibid. 30 1915 Clusters and Ncbulao Ibid. Apr • 3 1915 Tho Congtcllations Ibid. Ŕpr . 27 1915 The Sunnor Stars Ibid. 1 1915 Telc;scopos and Obscrvatlons Ibid. 11 1915 lilacnifylncPnwcr Ibid. 17 1915 Iliotacheisr, and noallsn• 11nalnbowłr Ociobcr 1921 Notcg for the Round Towor llG01don Wint;on 1943 Not,cs on ,7rit1nG V'!nlrclFI c tlon knatcur Cm rosnon.dontttYIą-r-Juno 1937 Do. (Ropnint) Supornundo.no St o rlcs 1233 Obsc.rvatione on Scvcrnl Parts of North Ar.•.erlca CI d En rș,land and tho l{yphcn lt nConservat±vcť Octobcr• 1916 Cnnipotcnt Phillstine, Tho Oraclon 1924 Pootry and the Artis tic Ideal Âc01ytclt SOM ng 1943 ľuctry of John Ravcnor Bul Ion Tho Unitod Anatour ť 1925 lł E nosidcnt ts l.:cssage Unitôđ .L1.žatour Novenbor 1917 Presiđcnt îs Report, The National aunatcur tt July 1923 Profos sional Incubus, Thc llax•ch Proposcd Author' s Union, The Conscrvativc 1916 Quest lon of the Day, Thc Il APTLI 1915 Rcr.ląrkabloDocumcnt, A Conoemntivc Jul y 1917 Renaissanco of Manhood, The Conscrvrłt,ivc October 1915 to the Lingcrer, Juna 1917 11 (Rovłow) Cr.lifołnni'łn l.tî'intcr 1936 (Rovicw: Smith' s ľEbony and ) 1924 II ert Ervin Howard: A Mcmorla.ntt Fantas-„ r .unc Son 1936 Ru Is Indgestąque Molos Cono Inarch 1923 ll Simplo Soclllng Mania, Thc liUnitč(l (Jo-0pcrntivo Dec crs bor 191 B Singcr of Ethorial Moods and Fancics, (w/poa Soptenbčr 1921 Sorne Backqrounds of Falrylnnd Sone Causes of Self- Ir.n•.łolation Sone Notes on a Nonentlty ' 11 Some Notes on Intepplanetary FI c tion tnecluse 1927 Do. (Jieprint) ł'linter1935 Horror In Literature (Serial Ized in 17 parts) nernatural i' Fantasy Fan Oct-Feb 1933/5 S-rnphony and Stres s Congervativett October 191 s S-,rstenatic Instruction in the United Ole 1015 Teuton's Battle Song, The (w/poem) "United Amateur February 1916 Ti-rno (J•nnce Conservabivc 1918 U 1927 'Pheoonld (as by "Theobald It) Tryout September ti 1917 'onlh about The Pho enl c i an Au tumn emont Driftwlnd l'hnvc,h L ibro Enidenir., The Conservative" Jnnunry 1917 W •rd ol' W Fiodgson, The Phantagraphtt February 1937 7!; Aifroa Jnokson (Biography) u United Amateur" march 1 DEI of Tod:xy, The "Conservative" October PRLGSS AIchom.iot, The United Amateur" Ilovember 1916 It AzaLli0th ( . fragment) Leaves No. 11 1938 Beast in Cave, Tho Vagrnnttl Jano 191? Deyoncl . "V Of Sleep Pino Cones" October 1919 t ti October 1934 .11 i l) ' IPantagy Pan Leaven 110. 11 1938 i)00k, C., :-.ory fragment" t' Cats of The Tryout, 1920 Brochure: •a rronfly Pressg 1934/5 Do. ( •nevr iri t) 1922 Celophqj.c•, May To 100r. 11 1934 ne September 1935 Chnl.lcnr to from Beyond, Tho & Long) (In Co lInboration with V,oove, Yorrifüt, Il •pcs 3 1954 Do. (jioorint) l.ruchuro: C. Crawling, Chaos, The 1920 the resoective ( In collaboration with V t •Eliz-nut, Neville Berkeley t ) pgour.lon-jrns: t Ljewig Theobal cl, Jr. I ond April -I'.•iay Do. ('-•enrint) 1937 Tcrjcoa '-eC Annual Do. (lienrint) 1939 islov emb e r 1919 Dagon 11 Descendant, The (Story fragment) Lo.'l'vre:, 110.
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