H6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 16, 2001 When Francis announced his retire- became a legislator, advised him, ‘‘Take The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ment in 1999, the Montana House of great pride in your accomplishments. objection to the request of the gentle- Representatives passed a resolution ‘‘This House will always belong to you woman from Virginia? honoring him and designating a Francis,’’ he added. There was no objection. ‘‘Francis Bardanouve Appreciation Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Day.’’ yield myself such time as I may con- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I This resolution aptly stated: sume. may consume. ‘‘Francis Bardanouve has never sought Mr. Speaker, I once again want to Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2261, introduced by personal distinction or reward, but has commend the gentleman for honoring our distinguished colleague, the gentle- had his leadership role cast upon him such an outstanding individual by woman from Georgia (Ms. MCKINNEY) . The strong hands of Francis naming a post office after former Rep- designates the facility of the United Bardanouve have played a major role resentative Bardanouve. States Postal Service located at 2853 in shaping the destiny of Montana.’’ I also want to thank him for edu- Candler Road in Decatur, Georgia, as By designating the Harlem, Montana cating many of us who did not know the Earl T. Shinhoster Post Office Post Office the ‘‘Francis Bardanouve that there was a Harlem, Montana. Building. Post Office,’’ we honor not only a good Generally, when we think of Harlem, Members of the entire House delega- Montanan who quietly did his duty for we think of New York. So we thank the tion from the State of Georgia are many years, but we pay tribute to all gentleman on both counts. original cosponsors of this legislation. those who honorably serve their com- Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- Earl Shinhoster was a dedicated com- munity and this country day after day quests for time, and I yield back the munity servant, both locally and glob- without expecting praise. balance of my time. ally. His efforts to observe and monitor Public officials come and go, but Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. elections in Africa helped to promote Francis, please know that your deeds Speaker, I urge all Members to support democracy and freedom, while his serv- and service will remain forever en- this measure, H.R. 2876, and I yield ice as a Georgia State coordinator of graved in the archives of our Nation, back the balance of my time. voter education and his many roles the post office in your community, and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. with the National Association for the the hearts of your family and friends. QUINN). The question is on the motion Advancement of Colored People helped Mr. Speaker, I urge strong support of offered by the gentlewoman from Vir- strengthen domestic civil liberties, House Resolution 2876, and I include for ginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) that the voting rights, and equality. the RECORD a news article regarding House suspend the rules and pass the His persistence to forward our Na- this legislation. bill, H.R. 2876. tion’s values will be missed, and this The article referred to is as follows: The question was taken; and (two- post office designation is a fitting trib- [From the Independent Record, Apr. 15, 1993] thirds having voted in favor thereof) ute to his memory. LAWMAKER HONORED FOR YEARS OF SERVICE the rules were suspended and the bill Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of H.R. (By Bob Anez) was passed. 2261, and I reserve the balance of my Rep. Francis Bardanouve bowed his head A motion to reconsider was laid on time. and blushed Wednesday as he listened to a the table. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I half-hour tribute from the Montana House f yield myself such time as I may con- commemorating his 34 years as a state law- EARL T. SHINHOSTER POST sume. maker. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the ‘‘It’s almost overwhelming,’’ he told legis- OFFICE Committee on Government Reform, I lators after hearing praise about his efforts Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. during three decades in the House. ‘‘What- am pleased to join my colleague, the ever I have done is what you helped me do.’’ Speaker, I move to suspend the rules gentlewoman from Virginia (Mrs. JO Bardanouve, a Harlem Democrat, was first and pass the bill (H.R. 2261) to des- ANN DAVIS), in consideration of H.R. elected to the Legislature in 1958 and has ignate the facility of the United States 2281, which names a post office in Deca- served as chairman of the powerful House Postal Service located at 2853 Candler tur, Georgia, after Earl T. Shinhoster. Appropriations Committee in 10 sessions. Road in Decatur, Georgia, as the ‘‘Earl He will not run for re-election next year H.R. 2261 was introduced by the gen- T. Shinhoster Post Office.’’ tlewoman from Georgia (Ms. MCKIN- because the newly drawn legislative districts The Clerk read as follows: prevent him from seeking his current seat. NEY) on June 20, 2001. Gov. Marc Racicot read a proclamation de- H.R. 2261 Earl T. Shinhoster, a native of Sa- claring Wednesday ‘‘Francis Bardanouve Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- vannah, Georgia, was a prominent civil Day.’’ resentatives of the United States of America in rights leader and Director of the The document lauded Bardanouve for Congress assembled, NAACP’s Voter Endowment Project, a faithfully and diligently serving the inter- SECTION 1. EARL T. SHINHOSTER POST OFFICE. national voter registration project. He ests of the people in his district and the (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the state. It calls Bardanouve a ‘‘living institu- dedicated 30 years of his life to working United States Postal Service located at 2853 in various leadership positions with the tion.’’ Candler Road in Decatur, Georgia, shall be The House unanimously approved a resolu- known and designated as the ‘‘Earl T. NAACP, serving as the organization’s tion honoring Bardanouve’s years of service Shinhoster Post Office’’. Acting Executive Director and Chief and branding him ‘‘one of the Treasure (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Economic Officer for 2 years in the State’s living treasures.’’ map, regulation, document, paper, or other mid-1990s. The measure cites his sense of fairness, record of the United States to the facility re- willingness to listen and ability to make in- Until his death last year, Mr. ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to formed decisions. Shinhoster was involved in his busi- be a reference to the Earl T. Shinhoster Post ‘‘Francis Bardanouve has always faced the ness, the Shinhoster Group, and served Office. legislative challenge with energy, wisdom, as President of the Sister Cities Asso- keen wit and a dedication to the common The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ciation of Greater Decatur, Inc. good,’’ the resolution says. ‘‘Francis ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague, Bardanouve has never sought personal dis- Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) and the the gentlewoman from Georgia (Ms. tinction or reward, but has had his leader- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) MCKINNEY), for introducing this meas- ship role cast upon him.’’ each will control 20 minutes. The resolution calls him a believer in ure to honor such an outstanding indi- equality, fairness and integrity, and adds, The Chair recognizes the gentle- vidual who spent so much time with ‘‘The strong hands of Francis Bardanouve woman from Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN the National Association for the Ad- have played a major role in shaping the des- DAVIS). vancement of Colored People. We all tiny of Montana.’’ GENERAL LEAVE know the role that it has played in the Several former and present lawmakers who Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. development and protection of civil have sat next to Bardanouve over the years Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that recalled their sessions with the Harlem farm- rights and civil liberties in this coun- er. all Members may have 5 legislative try. Speaker John Mercer, a Polson Republican days within which to revise and extend I would urge swift passage of this who was 2 years old when Bardanouve first their remarks on H.R. 2261. bill. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:39 Oct 17, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16OC7.072 pfrm04 PsN: H16PT1 October 16, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6825 Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as she but Earl was also the Chairman of the millions of acres of land to exploit the may consume to the gentlewoman from Georgia delegation to the National rubber that produces their tires, and Georgia (Ms. MCKINNEY). Summit on Africa, and lived every day today still holds the property. This Ms. MCKINNEY. Mr. Speaker, I of his adult life working on behalf of hold contributes to the fight for space thank the gentleman for yielding time his people. within this war-torn area. to me. In the words of Walter Butler, Jr., So in addition to building on his leg- Mr. Speaker, I also thank my col- President of the Georgia State Con- acy, we have to fight on behalf of fami- league, the gentlewoman from Virginia ference of the NAACP, ‘‘Earl gave his lies and victims of the Ford Explorer/ (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS), and the gen- life that others could enjoy the fruits Firestone Tires debacle, and we must tleman from Illinois (Mr.
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