William S. Farish Is Humble Oil was bought out by Rockefellers Standard Oil of New Jersey in 1919. Farish, who became Standards chair in 1933, pled no contest to conspiring with the Nazis in 1942. This graphic was used at the 2nd International Congress of Eugenics, New York, 1921. He was fined $5,000. The Bush Family Ties to Eugenics and Race Hygiene By Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin Bush and Farish e shall examine here the hen George H.W. Bush was wealth is known, not its employment.3 Bush family’s alliance with Welected U.S. Vice President in Will Farish has long been Wthree families whose mem- 1980, Texas mystery man Will Stamps Bush’s closest friend and confidante. bers promoted the global eugenics Farish III took over management of all He is also the unique private host to movement. The private associations of George Bush’s personal wealth in a Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II: Farish among these families have led to rela- “blind trust.” Known as one of the rich- owns and boards the studs which mate tionships with the Bushes’ closest and est men in Texas, Farish keeps his busi- with the Queen’s mares. That is her most confidential advisers. Under- ness affairs under the most intense se- public rationale when she comes to standing these relationships help ex- crecy. Only the source of his immense America and stays in Farish’s house. plain George Bush Sr.’s obsession with President George H.W. the supposed overpopulation of the Bush could count on Farish world’s non-Anglo-Saxons, and the not to betray the violent se- dangerous means he has adopted to crets surrounding the Bush deal with this “problem.” family money. Farish’s own Webster Tarpley wrote Against Oligar- family fortune was made in chy: Essays & speeches, 1970-1996 the same Hitler project, in a (1996), Surviving the Cataclysm: Your nightmarish partnership with Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis William Stamps George H.W. George Sr.’s father, Prescott. in Human History (1999) and The 9-11 Ter- Farish III Bush On March 25, 1942, ror Fraud: Myth of the 21st Century During the 2000 presidential cam- U.S. Assistant Attorney Gen- (2004). Anton Chaitkin wrote Treason in paign, Will Farish III organized eral Thurman Arnold an- America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Har- nounced that William Stamps riman (1985). During the 1930’s his fa- Kentuckys largest political ther, Jacob, a New York attorney and Jew- fundraiser ever. Held at his thor- Farish (grandfather of the ish activist, was legal director of the Ameri- oughbred horse breeding farm, the President’s money manager) had pled “no contest” to can Jewish Congress boycott against Nazi event raised US$1.7 million for Germany. In court, he opposed John Fos- charges of criminal conspiracy ter Dulles, lawyer for many U.S. million- George Bush Jr. During the 1999- with the Nazis. Farish was the aires who profited from the Holocaust. 2000 election cycle, Farish gave principal manager of a world- Chaitkin’s father also brought suits against $142,875 to Republican candidates, wide cartel between Standard Nazi interests managed by Prescott Bush. including George Bush Jr. In July Oil Co. of New Jersey and the The research by Tarpley and Chaitkin is 2001, Bush appointed Farish to be I.G. Farben concern. The sound and should not be discounted be- cause of their links with Lyndon Larouche. the U.S. Ambassador to Britain. merged enterprise had opened 26 Press for Conversion! Issue # 54 August 2004 In 1910, Mary A. Harriman, the Auschwitz slave labor camp on partnership had been Averells mom, donated land, June 14, 1940, to produce artificial seized by the U.S. Al- buildings and $300,000 for rubber and gas from coal. Hitler’s gov- ien Property Custodian. the Eugenics Record Office ernment supplied political opponents But Uncle Sam did not at Cold Spring Harbor, NY and Jews as slaves, who were worked seize Prescott’s Union (now Human Genome Project to near death and then murdered. Banking Corp. for an- HQ). Proceedings of the Arnold disclosed that Standard other seven months. Third International Congress Oil of N.J. (later known as Exxon), of The Bush- on Eugenics (1932) were which Farish was president and chief Farish axis began in dedicated to her. Fascinated executive, had agreed to stop hiding 1929. That year, the by breeding thoroughbreds, from the U.S. government, the patents Harriman bank bought among horses and humans, for artificial rubber which Standard Oil Dresser Industries, sup- she was escorted to the had provided to the Nazis.4 plier of oil-pipeline cou- races by George H. Walker. A Senate investigating commit- plers to Standard Oil Following in her mothers tee under Senator (later President) and other firms. Pres- footsteps, Mary Harriman, Harry Truman of Missouri called cott Bush became a di- was responsible for enter- Arnold to testify at hearings on U.S. rector and financial tainment at the Third Inter- corporate collaboration with the Na- czar of Dresser, install- national Congress on Eugen- zis. The Senators expressed outrage at ing Yale classmate Neil ics at the American Museum the cynical way Farish was continuing Mahlon as chairman.7 of Natural History, New an alliance with the Hitler regime that George Bush would York, 1932. had begun back in 1933, when Farish later name one of his became chief of Standard Oil NJ. sons after the Dresser executive. tertainment” for the Congress, lived in Didn’t he know there was a war on? William S. Farish was the main Virginia. Her state supplied the speaker The Justice Department showed organizer of the Humble Oil Co. of on “racial purity,” W.A. Plecker, Vir- the committee a letter, written to Texas, which he merged into Stand- ginia commissioner of vital statistics. Standard Oil NJ president Farish by ard Oil of New Jersey. Farish built up Plecker reportedly held the delegates his vice president, shortly after the be- the Humble-Standard empire of pipe- spellbound with his account of the ginning of WWII in Europe. It con- lines and refineries in Texas.8 struggle to stop race-mixing and in- cerned a renewal of their earlier agree- The stock market crashed just ter-racial sex in Virginia. ments with Shell Oil and the Nazi after the Bush family got into the oil The Congress proceedings were chemical/munitions firm I.G. Farben. business. The world financial crisis led dedicated to Averell Harriman’s Shell Oil is principally owned to the merger of the Walker-Harriman mother, Mary A. Harriman. She had by the British royal family. Shell’s bank with Brown Brothers in 1931. paid for the founding of the race-sci- chairman, Sir Henri Deterding, helped Former Brown partner Montagu Nor- ence movement in America back in sponsor Hitler’s rise to power,6 by ar- man, and his protégé Hjalmar Schacht, 1910, building the Eugenics Record rangement with the royal family’s paid frantic visits to New York that Office. She and other Harrimans were Bank of England Governor, Montagu year and the next, preparing the new usually escorted to the horse races by Norman. Their ally, Standard Oil, took Hitler regime for Germany. old George H. Walker. The Harrimans, part in the Hitler project right up to The most important U.S. politi- Bushes and Farishes shared a fascina- the bloody, gruesome cal event in those preparations for Hit- tion with “breeding thoroughbreds,” end. When grandfather ler was the infamous “Third Interna- among horses and humans.10 Farish signed the tional Congress on Eugenics,” held at Averell Harriman personally Justice Depart- New York’s American Museum of arranged with the Walker/Bush Ham- ment’s consent Natural History, August 21-23, 1932, burg-Amerika Line to transport Nazi decree in March supervised by the International Federa- ideologues from Germany to New York 1942, the gov- tion of Eugenics Societies.9 This meet- for this meeting.11 The most famous ernment had al- ing took up the stubborn persistence among those transported was Dr. Ernst ready started of African-Americans and other alleg- Rüdin, psychiatrist at the Kaiser picking its way edly “inferior” and “socially inad- Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and through the tan- equate” groups in reproducing, ex- Demography in Berlin, where the gled web of panding their numbers, and mixing Rockefeller family paid for Dr. Rüdin world-mono- with others. It was recommended that to occupy an entire floor with his eu- poly oil and these “dangers” to the “better” ethnic genics “research.” Dr. Rüdin had ad- chemical agree- groups and to the “well-born,” could dressed the International Federation’s ments between be dealt with by sterilization or “cut- 1928 Munich meeting, speaking on Standard Oil and the ting off the bad stock” of the “unfit.” “Mental Aberration and Race Hy- Nazis. Many patents Italy’s fascist government sent giene.” Other speakers (Germans and and other Nazi- an official representative. Averell Har- Americans) spoke on race-mixing and owned aspects of the riman’s sister Mary, director of “En- sterilization of the unfit. Rüdin had August 2004 Issue # 54 Press for Conversion! 27 Dr, Ernst Rüdin, also led the German delegation to the founder of the Ger- Karl Lindemann were author- 1930 Mental Hygiene Congress in man Society for Race ized to write checks to Heinrich Washington, D.C. Hygiene, was a psy- Himmler, chief of the Nazi S.S., At the Harrimans’ 1932 Eu- chiatrist doing eugen- on a special Standard Oil ac- genics Congress, Ernst Rüdin was ics research at the count.
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