Achievements 2015 PAGE – 1 2015ACHIEVEMENTSACHIEVEMENTS BUILDINGBUILDING A STRONGERSTRONGER JAMAICA:JAMAICA: IImpmprrovingoving PPeople’seople’s LLivesives • Prime Minister Continues to Drive Growth Agenda – 2 • Protecting the Most Vulnerable – 14 • Making Jamaica a Safer Country… One Nation, One Mission – 7 • World Leaders Visit – 24 INSIDE • Major Investments in Tourism – 11 • More Persons Accessing ICT – 27 P2AGE – 2 Achievements 2015 Prime Minister Continues to Drive Growth Agenda he Government, under Improving Health Facility the leadership of Prime l In February, Mrs. Simpson TMinister, the Most Hon. Miller broke ground for the Portia Simpson Miller, con- $42 million renovation of tinued to implement socio- the Hagley Park Health economic programmes and Centre. initiatives in 2015 to grow the economy and raise the living Upgrading Island’s Road standard of all Jamaicans. Infrastructure l In July, the Prime Minister Jamaica also solidified ties signed a $15.2 million con- with important bilateral partners. tract for the construction of a box culvert bridge in the Strengthening Ties West Central St. Catherine l The country hosted several farming community of leaders, including United Wood Hall. The const- States (US) President, ruction of the box culvert Barack Obama; Prime was the fulfillment of a Minister of the United promise to replace the Kingdom (UK), the Rt. Hon. existing structure, which David Cameron; President was severely damaged. of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excel - Providing Clean, Affordable, lency Nicolás Maduró, and Renewable Energy l More than 20,000 Jam- Prime Minister of Japan, aican homes are expected His Excellency Shinzo Abe. to be powered by clean, l President Obama and affordable, renewable Prime Minister Simpson energy to be generated Miller, signed a Statement Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (right) addressing journalists following from the US$61 million of Intent to pursue energy- the bilateral meeting with United States President, Barack Obama, at Jamaica House in April. Both solar electricity plant being related initiatives including leaders had wide ranging discussions on key issues of mutual interest, including national security, built in Content District, the Liquefied Natural Gas climate change, and energy. The meeting formed part of activities for the two-day visit to Jam- Clarendon. In July the (LNG) project. This will aica by President Obama, from April 8 to 9, which included Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Prime Minister broke increase bilateral trade, Heads of State and Government. ground for the 20-mega- boost the development of watt plant, the largest of emerging technologies and the West Indies (UWI) and of Sweden, Stefan Lofven, Improving Water Supply its kind in the Caribbean. Japan’s Sophia University. during a two-day Summit industries, and pave the l The Prime Minister, in July, It will replace approxi - of Heads of State and way for more innovation. l The renovated Simón signed a contract to under- mately three million Bolívar Cultural Centre, Governments of the gallons of fossil fuel per l Prime Minister Cameron take a $4.9 billion, five- named in honour of the European Union (EU) and year, Non-Revenue Water year. announced that Jamaica the 33 countries of the and other Caribbean Venezuelan Liberator, Reduction Co-Management was officially opened on Community of Latin Project in Kingston and St. Enhancing Education islands are to benefit American and Caribbean l In November, the Prime from a £300 million grant September 6 by Mrs. Andrew, aimed at reducing Minister signed contracts Simpson Miller, and States (CELAC), held in water loss in the Corpo - from the United Kingdom Brussels, Belgium. The valued at $64 million for (UK). The funds will sup - President Maduro. rate Area due to leaks expansion and rehabilitation meetings reviewed several and theft. port infrastructural projects President Maduro was in areas of cooperation of the Mandeville Primary across the region in order the island for the 10 th Anni- between Jamaica and This will save the National and Junior High School to enhance trade. versary Commemorative the two EU countries and Water Commission billions in Central Manchester. Summit of the PetroCaribe of dollars in lost revenue l Prime Minister Abe ann- identified additional areas l The educational status of ounced that Japan would Agreement. The centre was of cooperation to be as well as improve water 77 persons from the grant $57 million for a gift to Jamaica from the pursued. supply to residents. community of Majesty Government and people improvements to the l It was announced at the l Also in July, the Prime Gardens, in South West of Venezuela. Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), Summit that Jamaica will Minister broke ground for St. Andrew, has been including the procurement Advocating for Jamaica benefit substantially from the start of the rehabilitation improved. They success - of audiovisual equipment on the International development assistance of the $75 million Goldmine fully completed various and upgrading of exhi- Stage through the European Water Supply System, in levels of the Jamaican bitions. Commission over the St. Catherine. This will Foundation for Life long l The Prime Minister also l A Memorandum of Under- next five years. The Com- benefit more than 5,000 Learning (JFLL) High standing (MoU) was also held bilateral meetings School Diploma Equiva - with Prime Minister of mission announced € 346 residents of Bellas Gate signed to promote educa- million Euros in funding and surrounding commu - lency (HSDE) programme. tional cooperation bet- Spain, Mariano Rajoy Brey; and Prime Minister for programmes in the nities. ween the University of Caribbean up to 2020. Cont’d on page 3 A production of the Jamaica Information Service January 31, 2016 Achievements 2015 PAGE – 3 PM Continues to Drive Growth… cont’d from page 2 This was delivered gramme in St. Thomas. It through the $15 million is designed to bring Majesty Gardens Com - technical and vocational munity Development training for residents in Education Programme, rural communities. which is an initiative of l The Prime Minister offi - the Prime Minister, who is cially opened a new, $25 the Member of Parliament. million classroom block, l In September, the Prime at the McIntosh Memorial Minister officially opened Primary School in Man - the Fidel Castro Campus of chester in on November. the Anchovy High School The new block will pro - located in Montpelier, St. vide eight extra class - James. The facility will rooms. The new class- serve as the second rooms are now added to campus of the Anchovy the 700 classroom spaces High School, and will provided at the primary accommodate approxi - level in that region during mately 900 students from the course of the year. grades seven to eight. Since January, more than 2,000 additional class - l Mrs. Simpson Miller also broke ground for the room spaces have been construction of eight new provided at high schools classrooms at the Bala - in Manchester and St clava High School in St. Elizabeth at a cost of Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (3 rd left), along with the Cuban Ambassador Elizabeth. On completion, $347 million. to Jamaica, His Excellency Bernardo Guanche Hernandez (right), unveils a plaque in honour of the school will be renamed l Four upgraded basic the former Cuban President, Fidel Castro, after whom the Anchovy High School second cam - the Roger Clarke High schools in South Trelawny pus at Montpelier is named. The facility was built by the Cuban Government as a gift to School, in honour of the were handed over to the Jamaica. Looking on from left are: Member of Parliament for South St. James and Agriculture late Minister of Agriculture Ministry of Education. and Fisheries Minister, Hon. Derrick Kellier, and Education Minister, Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites. and former Member of The projects represent a The institution was officially opened on Friday, September 11. Parliament for North East total investment of $102 aid the teaching and Initiative (REDI). JSIF has Launch of National Export St. Elizabeth. million and have resulted learning processes. invested over $150 million in expansion of early Strategy, Phase II l In November, the Prime in the development of l Mrs. Simpson Miller, in childhood spaces in JSIF Continues to Enhance these projects. Minister launched the August, launched Phase HEART Trust/National South Trelawny, as well Lives as improvements in l The Government invested Sewerage Conveyance Two of the National Training Agency (HEART/ $29.7 million in a series Export Strategy (NES II), NTA) mobile services pro - amenities and facilities to System of summer camps orga- l The Urban Development which is aimed at increasing nised by the Jamaica Corporation signed a con- Jamaican exports in the Social Investment Fund tract for the development global marketplace. The (JSIF), targeted at low of a $624 million sewerage NES II covers 2015 to income youth in 18 com - conveyance system for 2019 and is intended to munities across seven the Caymanas Estate spur export-led growth parishes. Mrs. Simpson property in St. Catherine. by implementing targeted Miller signed contracts The system comprises initiatives with measurable for the 24 camps in July. 7.4 kilometres of force outcomes. This is to be Some of the areas cov - main and two lift stations achieved by advancing ered included vocational to convey sewage to the the competitiveness of skills training; youth in Soapberry Waste water firms and sectors, while agriculture; math, science, Treatment Plant. enhancing the environment technology and engineering; for business and trade. remedial education; envi - Local Economic ronmental management; Development Support Wage Agreements and sexual reproductive Programme Launched Signed l Over 97 per cent of public health and family life l The Prime Minister education. launched the Local Eco - servants agreed to a nomic Development Sup - seven per cent increase l JSIF signed contracts in salaries for the contract with two international port Programme (LEDSP) of the Social Development period 2015/17 with a agencies for the devel- four per cent increase in opment of marketing and Commission (SDC) during the year.
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