Mayors not worried over nuclear weapons at Earle By MAM G1AVEN deemed classified by the mili- ding its operations in Mon- proved, said Mayor Mr. Spec- would not have aneconomlc The Navy's property is con- MIDDLETOWN - The tary mouth County tor, asserting that if the Navy impact on his township which nected by 139 miles of railroad mayors of Tinton Fills and Even If they did store clas- The Township's Redevelop- was discouraged from expand- Is largely residential, but track, according to Capt John CoHi Neck laid yesterday that sified ammunition here, they ment Agency is currently ing, it might move all of its argued that it would be benefi- T. Heigl, commanding officer cial for the county's economy. at Earle. they were no worried about wouldn't store the fuses here, vying with the Navy for own- operations elsewhere. nuclear weapons being stared We should bring in any- said Mr. Caponegro, a retired ership of S26 acreas of If they move Earle out of Both Mayors said they were at Earle Naval Weapons Sta- thing that will better the econ- Army colonel. bayfront land, located west of the area, it would be very not in close contact with naval tion. Earle's pier in at Leonardo. detrimental, having the same omy, said Mr. Caponegro officials on their operations at I'm sure they (nuclear Both Mayor Gabriel Spec- The Navy would like to use kind of effect as Port Mon- The Navy's expansion pro- Earle, and expressed no in- wespons) are not armed tor Of Ttntoo Falls and Mayor a portion of the 326 acres for a mouth' Mr. Spector added. gram does not involve the terest In knowing what kind of here, said Mayor Spector Michael Caponegro of Colts fuel tank farm as part of the Mr. Spector said he did not purchase of any land in either weapons There's an arming procedure, Neck said they support the proposed expansion program, know whether the tank farm Tinton Falls or Colts Neck, ac- are being stored at Earle. that's only done, before they Navy's proposed $19* million which would begin In 1980 if was crucial to the Navy's ex- cording to officials I think the type of weapons sre fired. dollar expansion program at approved by Congress, the De- pansion program. The Navy's proposed plans there should be classified, Earle. Mr. Spector said he had no partment of Defense, and the Naval officials have said include a new 148 million pier said Mr. Spector. It's a major Navy officials have de- information that led him to be- Office of Mangagement and they could build underground at Leonardo, but would also shipping base and the defense clined to comment on whether lieve that the Navy is storing Budget. fuel tanks on land they already Include additional ware- of our country is the most im- the expansion program would nuclear weapons at Earle Township officials have ex- own, although it would be housing and personnel facil- portant thing. Involve nuclear weapons. Mr. Spector said he hoped pressed Interest in building a more expensive than placing It ities, some of which would be The civilians that s The mayors said they did that he hoped Mlddletown of- mult! million dollar recrea- on the 3M acres now owned by located inland on the Navy's know about the weapons a not know whether nuclear de- ficials would not take actions tional facility on the site. Seacoast Products, Inc. property in Colt's Colts Neck. congressman and senators. vices were stored at Earle, that would prevent or dis- It (the proposed expansion Mr. Caponegro said that the Tinton Falls, and Howell , ac- Local offlcalals should not noting that such Information Is courage the Navy from expan- program) should be ap- proposed expansion program cording to naval officials. See Mayers, page > GlMel Specter Nkkael Capaaegre I he The Daily Register Rcuistei VOL. 100 NO. 278 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, MAY 22, 1978 15 CENTS Say massive fish kill a result of dumping •y MARK MAGYAR dredging and dumping, and blames the flshkUl entirely on SEA BRIGHT - Dredge they're subject to federal — changes in the ocean currents. spoils still being dumped six not state - authorities. But Assemblyman Anthony miles off the coast here were a The National wildlife Fed- M. Villane Jr., R-Monmouth primary cause of the massive eration has sued the Army and Ocean, chairman of the flshkUl of the summer of 1176, Corps bf Engineers to stop Blstate Committee on Sludge according to state Department dumping dredge spoils at the Dumping, agrees with the of Environmental Protection dredte site off Sea Bright, said DEP and National Wildlife (DEP) scientists. Ken Kamlet, a National Wild Foundation view that dredge We believe that the dredge life Federation spokesman. spoils constitute a definite spoils were a major source of The lawsuit is crucial, Dr. threat to the marine environ- the excessive quantities of Paulson said. While every ment. nutrients that led to the algae source of nutrient introduced The Army Corps of Engi- bloom and subsequent oxygen into the ocean by man Is signif- neers says it's dumping sand. I depletion that caused the fish- icant, we believe that the say they're dumping contami- kill, asserted Dr. Glenn dredge spoils are an even nants, Dr. Villane asserted re- Paulson, DEP assistant com- more dangerous nutrient cently. missioner for science. source than sludge. And to Judge who's right, SheUAshermen and clam- And while we're making Just look at where they do their men estimated that they lost progress hi putting an end to dredging — In places like the millions of dollars because of sludge dumping, we would like Arthur Kin, industry-lined wa- the 197« flshkUl, and last sum- to see a little more effort by terways that are among the A PROUD DAY — Shelley B. Berg, left, and her mother, Mrs. Beverly Berg, mer only a late August-early the Army Corps of Engineers most highly-contaminated bod- Aitawy VIU.W Dr. Gleaa Path** snared a happy moment after yesterday's eighth annual Brookdale Com- September cool spell stood in seeking alternatives to ies of water anywhere In the munity College commencement exercises during which both were awarded between another algae bloom, dumping dredge spoils in the world, he said. associate In arts degrees. Both are Holmdel residents. See story on page 3. severe oxygen depletion and a ocean, he said. Dr. Villane reported that he subsequent fishUll, state and Dr. Paulson noted that oth- found bottoms like tarpits Zaire survivors federal environmental officials er authorities have advanced from the heavy industrial •aid other theories on the causes of wastes when his committee Heave-ho Unfortunately, the dredge the flshkUl. took a fact-finding expedition spoils dumping is not directly The latest, a National In the Arthur Kill, in Earitan back in Europe under our control, Dr. Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Bay and off Staten Island. due for Paulson said. The Army ministration (NOAA) report There was virtually nothing BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) while rebels looked on or took Corps of Engineers does the released late last week, See Flskkai, page 1 — Murder, rape and looting part." were the order of the day dur- One woman said she fled to ing the rebel siagt of Kolwezi, a private club in Kolwezi Red spy according to survivors arriv- "where I knew there were WASHINGTON (AP) - A ing by the planeload from some food preserves. The Russian diplomat 'named as a Fun and games all over, Zaire's copper-mining capital. Zaire army city headquarters co-conspirator in an alleged es- About 1,000 of the 2,500 was nearby. Some Zaire army pionage incident In which two whites trapped during the May soldiers came and said they other Soviets were arrested in 13-20 siege have arrived In Eu- would protect us. They emp- New Jersey will be expelled now it's play for real rope and more are being flown tied aU the ladles' handbags from the United States, the back as French and Belgian ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - total of 7,400 "Invited guests" he expects about 1,300 work- and pocketed their contents. State Department said Sun- paratroopers mop up rebel re- After five nights of fun and were supposed to attend the ers, enough to run the hotel One lady had a box with mon- day. sistance in Shaba Province. games, the casino action five practice nights, but Re- and casino, to be licensed ey. They took the box away Meanwhile, bail for the two switches to Trenton this week sorts International officials before opening day. Author- "It was if the hunting sea- froin her." Soviets arrested in the case for final state approvals to al- made no effort to bar ities said the hotel workers get son had been opened In Jean-Marie Lallemand, a was set at *2 million each by low the East's first legal gam- sightseers and slots players a standard police check and Kolwezi. The hunt was a hunt 31-year-old French survivor, U.S. Magistrate William J. bling house to open this Thurs- from the 33,000-square-foot casino ' workers, including for the white man," a mining said the rebels scarred Hunt In Newark, N.J. They day or Friday. casino. dealers, are investigated more engineer among the survivors Frenchmen "on the forehead who arrived in Brussels said and cheeks with knives to dis- were being held In the Metro- The New Jersey Casino Real money was used In the fully Sunday.
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