ENGLISH BOOKS FEBRUARY 2019 RECENT LIST OF ADDITIONS FEBRUARY 2019 COMPILED BY Sh. Kumar Sanjay, CLDO Smt. Indira Rani, ALIO Smt. VarshaSatija, LIA NITI AAYOG LIBRARY NEW DELHI BIOGRAPHY 1. Godbole, Madhav Indira Gandhi: an era of constitutional dictatorship / Madhav Godbole.-- New Delhi: Manas Publications, 2018. 440p. ISBN : 9788170495505. 923.254 G577I 156058 ** BIOGRAPHY-INDIRA GANDHI; PRIME MINISTER-INDIA 2. Nayar, Kuldeep On leaders and icons: from Jihad to Modi / Kuldeep Nayar.-- New Delhi : Speaking Tiger, 2019. 183p. ISBN : 9789388326537. 923.254 N331O 156164 ** BIOGRAPHIES-POLITICAL PERSONS 3. Sengupta, Hindol The man who saved India: Sardar Patel: and his idea of India / Hindol Sengupta.--Gurgaon: Penguin, 2018. xlii, 437p. ISBN : 9780670089901. 923.254 S476T 156035 ** BIOGRAPHY- SARDAR PATEL 4. Yengde, Suraj, ed. The radical in Ambedkar: critical reflections / edited by Suraj Yengde and Anand Teltumbde.- - Gurgaon: Penguin, 2018. xxxv, 497p. ISBN : 9780670091157. 923.254 Y45T 156034 ** BIOGRAPHY- B R AMBEDKAR 5. Obama, Michelle Becoming / Michelle Obama.-- New Delhi: Penguin, 2018. xiii, 426p. ISBN : 9780241334140. 973.932092 O12B 156038 ** BIOGRAPHY- MICHELLE OBAMA 6. Taylor, Miles The English maharani: queen victoria and India / Miles Taylor.-- New Delhi: Penguin , 2018.xviii,388p. ISBN : 9780670091898. 941.081092 T244T 156026 ** BRITAIN- HISTORY- VICTORIA; BIOGRAPHY OF QUEEN VICTORIA 7. Zamoyski, Adam Napoleon: a life / Adam Zamoyski.-- New York: Basic Books, 2018. xvi, 764p. ISBN : 9780465055937. 944.05092 Z25N 156065 ** NAPOLEON I, EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH, 1769- 1821; FRANCE-KINGS AND RULES- BIOGRAPHY; FRANCE. ARMY- HISTORY-NAPOLEONIC WARS, 1800- 1815; NAPOLEONIC WARS, 1800- 1815. 8. Charnwood, Lord Abraham Lincoln: a complete biography / Lord Charnwood.-- New Delhi: General Press, 2018. 396p. ISBN : 9789387669147. 923.173 C435A 156009 ** PRESIDENTS- UNITED STATES- BIOGRAPHY; BIOGRAPHY- ABRAHAM LINCOLN 9. Guha, Ramachandra Gandhi: the years that changed the world 1914-1948 /Ramachandra Guha.—United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2018. xx, 1129p. ISBN : 9780670083886. 923.254 G942G 156007 ** BIOGRAPHY- MAHATMA GANDHI 10. Kurien, Verghese I too had a dream / Verghese Kurien.-- New Delhi: Lotus Collection, 2005. xiv, 249p. ISBN : 9788174364074. 923 K96I 156030 ** BIOGRAPHY- VERGHESE KURIEN 11. Ramesh, Jairam Intertwined lives / Jairam Ramesh.-- New Delhi: Simon and Schuster, 2018. xvi, 518p. ISBN : 9789386797261. 923.254 R171I 156060 ** BIOGRAPHIES-POLITICAL LEADERS HISTORY 12. Crabtree , James The billionaire raj: a journey through India's new gilded age / James Crabtree.—Noida Harper Collins, 2018. xxv , 358p. ISBN : 9789353020170. 910.4 C883T 156036 ** TRAVEL; JOURNEYS; ADVENTURE TRAVEL 13. Pillai, Manu S. Rebel Sultans: the deccan from Khilji to Shivaji / Manu S. Pillai.-- New Delhi: Juggernaut Publication, 2018. xiv, 308p. ISBN : 9789386228734. 954.02 P641R 156032 ** INDIA- HISTORY; HISTORY 14. Kamdar, Mira India in the 21st century: what everyone needs to know /Mira Kamdar.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018. xvi, 244p. ISBN : 9780190921644. 954.053 K15I 156049 ** INDIA- HISTORY- 21ST CENTURY 15. Joseph, Tony Early Indians / Tony Joseph.-- New Delhi: Juggernaut, 2018. xiv, 272p. ISBN : 9789386228987. 954 J83E 156013 ** ANCIENT HISTORY; HISTORY ENGLISH LITERATURE 16. Hajaj, Clair The water thief; a novel / Clair Hajaj.-- London: Oneworld, 2018. 345p. ISBN : 9781786073945. 823 H154T 156027 ** ENGLISH LITERATURE, ENGLISH FICTION 17. Mahale, Amrita Milk teeth / Amrita Mahale.-- New Delhi: Context, 2018. 311p. ISBN : 9789387894327. 823 M214M 156028 ** ENGLISH LITERATURE; ENGLISH FICTION MANAGEMENT 18. Knapp, Jake Make time: how to focus on what matters every day / Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky.-- London: Penguin,2018. xiv,287p. ISBN : 9780593079584. 650.11 K67M 156022 ** TIME MANAGEMENT; SELF- REALIZATION 19. Michalowicz, Mike Clock work: design your business to run itself / Mike Michalowicz.-- New York: Penguin, 2018. xvi,254p. ISBN : 9780525534013. 658.02 M621C 156021 ** MANAGEMENT; BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 20. Bajpai, G.N A game changer's memoir / G.N. Bajpai.-- New Delhi: Penguin, 2018. xi, 347p. ISBN : 9780670090538. 658.8 B165A 156019 ** MARKETING; BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 21. Fishkin, Rand Lost and founder: a painfully honest field guide to the startup world / Rand Fishkin.-- New Delhi: Penguin, 2018. viii, 312p. ISBN : 9780241290927. 658.11 F537L 156023 ** BUSINESS MODELS; BUSINESS ENTERPRISES POLITICAL SCIENCE 22. Pinker, Steven Enlightenment now: the case for reason, science, humanism and progress / Steven Pinker.-- United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2018. xvii, 556p. ISBN : 9780241337011. 303.44 P665E 156005 ** SOCIAL CHANGE; HUMANISM; ENLIGHTENMENT 23. Greenspan, Alan Capitalism in America: a history / Alan Greenspan, and Adrian Wooldridge.-- United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2018.486p. ISBN : 9780241365908. 330.973 G816C 156008 ** CAPITALISM-UNITED STATES-HISTORY; ECONOMIC HISTORY 24. Ghose, Ajit k. India employment report 2016 / Ajit K. Ghose.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016. xxx, 184p. ISBN : 0199472572. 331.1095406 G427I 156004; 156010-156012 ** EMPLOYMENT; EMPLOYMENT POLICY-INDIA 25. Jagannathan, Raghavan The Jobs crisis in India / Raghavan Jagannathan.—New Delhi: Macmillan Publishing, 2018. xxii, 384p. ISBN : 9789386215444. 331.1204240954 J24J 156015 ** EMPLOYMENT; LABOR; JOB SECURITY 26. Tooze, Adam Crashed: how a decade of financial crises changed the world / Adam Tooze.-- United Kingdom: Allen Lane, 2018.xii, 706p. ISBN : 9781846140365. 332.042 T669H 156006 ** GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS; FINANCIAL CRISIS 27. Bullough, Oliver Money land: why thieves and crooks now rule the world and how to take it back / Oliver Bullough.-- London: Profile Books, 2018. 298p. ISBN : 9781788162470. 332.4073 B938M 156017 ** MONEY; LAND REFORMS 28. Olah, George A. Beyond oil and gas: the methanol economy / George A.Olah, Alain Goeppert, and G K Surya Prakash.-- Germany: Wiley, 2018. xx, 472p. ISBN : 978-3-527-33803-0. 333.82311 O42B 156003 ** GASSES 29. Mody, Ashoka Euro tragedy: a drama in nine acts / Ashoka Mody.—New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xix,651p. ISBN : 9780199351381. 337.14209 M692E 156064 **EUROPEAN UNION; MACROECONOMICS 30. World Bank World development report 2018: the changing nature of work.-- Washington : World Bank, 2018. viii,138p. ISBN : 9781464813283. 338.910611 W927W 156040 ** WORLD BANK- REPORT; WORLD DEVELOPMENT-INDIA 31. Mashelkar, Raghunath Leap frogging to pole- vaulting: creating the magic of radical yet sustainable transformation / Raghunath Mashelkar and Ravi Pandit.-- Gurgaon: Penguin, 2018.xvi, 346p. ISBN : 9780670089956. 338.954 M397L 156018 ** ECONOMICS DEVELOPMENT; GROWTH 32. Subramanian, Arvind Of counsel: the challenges of the Modi- Jaitley economy/ Arvind, Subramanian.-- Gurgaon: Penguin, 2018. lii, 347p. ISBN : 9780670092093. 338.954 S941O 156014 ** ECONOMIC POLICY; ECONOMIC DEVLOPMENT 33 Rana, Pradumna B. Jumpstarting South Asia: revisiting economic reforms and look east policies / Pradumna B. Rana and Wai- Mun Chia-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2018. xix,256p. ISBN : 9780199479283. 338.0954 R185J 156059 ** ECONOMIC POLICY - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; 34 Bhattacharyya, Parthasarathi When coal turned gold: the making of a maharatna company / Parthasarathi Bhattacharyya.-- Gurgaon : Penguin Random House, 2018. xxiv, 181p. ISBN : 9780670090761. 338.2724 B575W 156025 ** MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES; COAL MINES AND MINING 35 Lee, Kai- Fu Al super powers: China, silicon velly, and the new world order / Kai- Fu Lee.-- New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018. xi, 253p. ISBN : 9781328546395. 338.4700630951 L477A 156063 ** ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE- ECONOMIC ASPECTS- CHINA; ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE- ECONOMIC ASPECTS- UNITED STATES 36 Debroy, Bibek, ed. Making of new India: transformation under Modi government / edited by Bibek Debroy, Anirban Ganguly and Kishore Desai.-- New Delhi: Wisdom Tree, 2019. xix, 587p. ISBN : 9788183285315. 338.954 D288M 156029 ** ECONOMIC DEVLOPMENT 37 Singh, Manmohan Changing India: India's export trends and the prospects for self-sustained growth. / Manmohan Singh.-- New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2019. 5V.(xxxiv,348p.; xiv,351p.; xx,290p.; lviii,450p.; xxx,852p.; xvi,752p.) Contents: - v.2. Early thoughts on trade and development edited by C. Rangarajan.- v.3. The international economic order and the quest for equity in development, edited by K. Sundaram.- v.4. Economic reforms 1991 and beyond edited by Nicholas Stern and Shantanu Singh.- v.5.The Prime Minister Speaks(part- I,II), edited by Rudrangshu Mukherjee. ISBN : 9780199489565. 338.954 S617C 156050,V.1; 156051,V.2; 156052,V.3; 156053,V.4; 156054,V.5,Part-I; 156055,V.5,Part-2 ** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; ECONOMICS 38 Sundar, K R Shyam, ed. Contemporary reforms of labour market and industrial relations system in India / edited by K.R. Shyam Sundar.-New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2018. 379p. ISBN : 9789332704527. 344.5401 S957C 156045 ** LABOR LAWS AND LEGISLATION- INDIA- CONGRESSES;LABOR MARKET- INDIA-CONGRESSES; INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS-INDIA-CONGRESSES 39 Winkler, Adam We the corporation: how American businesses won their civil rights / Adam Winkler.-- London: Live right Publishing, 2018. xxiv, 471p. ISBN : 9780871407122. 346.73066 W775W 156062 ** CIVIL RIGHTS CORPORATION 40 Gupta, Deepak The Steel frame: a history of the IAS / Deepak Gupta .-- New Delhi : Lotus Collection, 2019. xiii, 354p. ISBN : 9788193860847. 351.30954 G896S 156072 ** PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION; CIVIL SERVICE; GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE
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