NORTH AMERICAN DI EDITION 4 Thy Wedding ress• The Spr Flame Nonprofit Organization REVIEW AND HERALD • PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION U.S. Postage 55 WEST OAK RIDGE DRIVE. PAID HAGERSTOWN, MO 21740 Hagerstown. MD ilk Permit No. 261 LETTERS The New Review (cont.) Thanks so much for making the Review I love the Give & Take page. The Thank you for the new Review format. even better than it was before. My anecdotes are wonderful. Knowing It speaks to my world. husband I are young (31 and 28), so that there are real Adventist people now you know you have us "younger out there, not just black-and-white —Milton Bliss generation" reading. images, means so much to some of us PORTLAND, OREGON who migrate militarily. — Karen Glassford MONTESANO, WASHINGTON — Kristen Machado Congratulations on a great job. The FORT KNOX, KENTUCKY format is terrific, and I can hardly wait to get into the articles, as they have Kudos for a great, new Adventist such eye appeal. Sure glad someone Review! It exceeded my expectations. Cross-examined at 30,000 Feet had the vision to take the Review into The content is as rich as ever. The I especially enjoyed Kent Hansen's the next century. new covers, features, and layout put "Cross-examined at the icing on the cake. 30,000 Feet" (April — Joyce Faver As a baby boomer pastor, I find the NAD). God changed SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA Review essential reading. his life when he confessed, "God, I — Vialo Weis, PASTOR want to talk to You, SHATTUCK, OKLAHOMA God at I am not your classic communicator 30.000 Feet but I don't know with editors of magazines. However, I how." am compelled to compliment you on Isn't that how we all feel at times? the "new look" Adventist Review. I was rewarded with more than my We get so caught up in our daily The design compels me to check yearly subscription's worth in the first affairs that we lose touch of life's more out every page. Let's face it—pack- two 32-page issues. The stories and important things. aging is key to getting one's message sermonettes were to the point, good across. even for this 92-year-old youngster. — Marlene Buxton COULTERVILLE, CALIFORNIA — J. Alfred Johnson II, PRESIDENT —Charles A. Rentfro CENTRAL STATES CONFERENCE, AVON PARK, FLORIDA KANSAS Kent Hansen's article was excellent. We would like to see more articles As a longtime reader, I had wondered dealing with this most important Congratulations to everyone at the what the "new" Review would be like. issue—one's personal relationship with Review. The new layout is absolutely After reading the first three issues, I'm Jesus Christ. gorgeous. But more significantly, the full of exclamation points. Wonderful! magazine is now a cover-to-cover Attractive! Almost every article a — George and Karen Lawson must-read. Thank you. blessing! MORENO, CALIFORNIA Some of our church's young marrieds — James Warp! also like the new church paper, finding HAPPY VALLEY, HONG KONG it more attractive and readable. This man's experience is anti- corporate religion! He leads the reader — Mrs. George Dickey ERIE, PENNSLYVANIA on a dangerous path toward finding a 2 (634) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JUNE 1996 ADVENTIST personal relationship with Jesus that writes, I rejoice with his unretractable actually makes a difference in how posture regarding the real answer to men and women live! Do you folks racism. know what you have done? Flying your colors with a fresh R Keep it up. Who knows—the sparks package of flags makes for a much may ignite other dormant North clearer message. Please throw away the COVER STORY American Adventists like me. old faded ones. 16 A Peacekeeper in Bosnia — Lawrence G. Downing, PASTOR — J. F. Hughes All doctors have opportunities to witness; some just have more ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN CITY, OREGON opportunities than others. BY MYRON WIDMER AND RICHARD STENBAKKEN As Churches Burn Our Journey Thanks for William Johnsson's bold In "My Journey" (April NAD), Alfred ARTICLES challenge to the church to end racism McClure came across not as president ("As Churches Burn," April NAD). of the North American Division, but 8 The Spreading Flame The timing and frankness of his as a man called by God, with the same It's the nineties—a dermie full of questions. Still only one answer. editorial are truly the work of the frailties and concerns that we all have. BY PHILIP G. SAMAAN Lord. And apparently he has realized something many of us have not— 12 The Wedding Dress — Ken Morrison dependency on God must come before She thought it never would be HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA decision-making. worn again. With leaders like Elder McClure, BY BARBARA FRYE we are going in the right direction. 20 If You Plant It, "As Churches Burn" is one of the most They Will Come honest, hard-hitting editorials I've read — Fernando Munilla It's amazing what a family of eight in our church publications. HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND has time for. Living in the Deep South, I see and BY ANDY NASH hear much prejudice—and not all from outside the church walls. If the cross of Herald's Trumpet? DEPARTMENTS Christ makes no difference in my I was disappointed with Herald's 2 Letters actions and attitudes, I've got a problem. trumpet (April NAD). Maybe I'm 7 Give & Take Thank you, Mr. Johnsson, for wrong, but the only thing I found that bringing our "family secret" out in the might be the trumpet was on page 15 Global Mission open. 20—and it was not of a size, shape, or 20 World News & Perspectives color to match Herald. —Michelle Danese 27 From the Heart SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA — Barbara Bailey 28 Take a Stand ZANESVILLE, OHIO 30 Reflections I have been waiting a long time to see You were right—the trumpet was on page EDITORIALS something like "As Churches Burn" in 20, right column. We've received several the Review. complaints, mostly by frustrated adults. 5 The Lesson of Robben I am proud of William Johnsson's And we'll admit—the trumpet did Island bold stand on that subject and pray resemble a golf tee. Look for the updated 6 A Day in the Life . that every Seventh-day Adventist will trumpet and Herald's return in the June one day lead in the elimination of all 20 Cutting Edge Edition. NEXT WEEK prejudice. COVER PHOTO: Elliot Pinero, an Never Too Busy —Forrest P. Davis Adventist physician in Bosnia, isn't only Did your dad always have time for you? CHAFFEE, MISSOURI a peacekeeper for the United Nations' Meet a dad who does. multinational force; he's a peacemaker for the Lord, too. Read about this young Realizing that the editor must be Adventist's work and witness on pages carefully balanced in whatever he 16-19. ADVENTIST REVIEW, JUNE 1996 (635) 3 ADVENTIST R 'Behold, I come quickly Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849. Is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed by the Review and Herald' Publishing Association. 55 West Oak Ridge Drive. Hagerstown. Maryland 21740. Third-class postage paid at Hagerstown. The North American Edition of the Adventist Review is published 1.2 times a year on the first Thursday of each month. Copyright © 1996. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice-chair; Lowell Cooper; William G. Johnston; A. C. McClure, Rose Otis, Martin Ytreburg, Robert Nixon, legal advisor. Executive Publisher and Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editor Roy Adams Associate Editor Myron K. Widmer News Editor irlos Medley Assistant Editor Stephen Chavez Assistant Editor Kit Watts Assistant to the Editor Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Bamabas Editorial Secretaries Mary Maxson, Jean Sequeira Art Director Pull Kirstein Designer Jason Diggs Design Assistant Gert W. Busch Desktop Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Melynie Tooley Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Director, Periodical Sales Ginger Church Consulting Editors: Robert S. Folkenberg, Matthew Bediako, Phil Follett, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, A. C. McClure, Jan Paulsen, Leo Ranzolin, R. F. Rawson, Calvin B. Rock, G. Ralph Thompson North American Edition Consulting Editors: Alfred C. McClure, Don Jacobsen, Kermit Neitehurg, ivlonte Sahlin. Special Contributors: Harold Baptiste, George Cromley, Malcolm D. Gordon, Bruce Johnston, Ted Jones, Ralph Martin, Cyril Miller, Thomas J. Mostert, Jr., Orville D. Parchment, Charles Sandefur. To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. (Please query before submitting long articles). Include address, telephone number, and Social Security number, where available. Address all editorial correspondence to 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. Editorial office fax number: (301) 680-6638. E-mail: Internet: A11111ARE.ATCattmail.com: Compu- Keeping it all going—the family, the marriage, the career—some- Serve network: 74617,15; Prodigy network: VRUN29B Subscription prices: Twelve monthly issues: US$12.00 times that's the easy part. But how do you keep it in balance? plus US$10.20 international postage; 40 issues of the weekly Adventist Review, US$38.97; full 52 issues Where do the values come from? And how do you give those val- (monthly and weekly), US$50.97 ues to your kids and the ones you care about? My mom did for Subscription queries and changes of address: Call 1-800-456-3991 or 301-791-7000, ext. 2439. me. Now I'm trying to do it for them.
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