H10790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2005 crisis, especially in Pakistan where ap- fears in a live television interview on the al- propriated, for the Departments of Transpor- proximately 90,000 people have lost Arabiya Arabic satellite channel Sunday tation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Develop- their lives so far, and that number is night. ment, the Judiciary, and independent agencies expected to rise. In addition, over 3 ‘‘The inspectors came by a decision of the for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, Security Council, which decides on their de- and for other purposes, namely: million people have been left homeless. parture,’’ Naji Sabri said. TITLE I Given the magnitude, one would ex- EIBaradei told the nuclear agency’s 35-na- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION pect the Bush administration to have a tion governing board Monday that he was OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY response with a pledge of aid that worried about the safety of the teams, yet matched the severity of the situation, still held out hope that war could be averted. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of the especially given our current efforts to ‘‘Naturally the safety of our staff remains our primary consideration at this difficult Secretary, $84,900,000, of which not to exceed win the hearts and minds of that re- $2,198,000 shall be available for the immediate gion of the world. What have we done time,’’ he said. ‘‘I earnestly hope—even at this late hour—that a peaceful resolution of Office of the Secretary; not to exceed $698,000 so far? A little over $50 million. That is the issue can be achieved, and that the world shall be available for the immediate Office of the not an adequate response, especially can be spared a war.’’ Deputy Secretary; not to exceed $15,183,000 shall since we spend almost $6 billion a EIBaradei, who has been monitoring the be available for the Office of the General Coun- month on the war on Iraq. We know situation day to day, also confirmed that he sel; not to exceed $11,650,000 shall be available and Blix had received an invitation from for the Office of the Under Secretary of Trans- that Pakistan has joined us in fighting portation for Policy; not to exceed $8,485,000 Baghdad ‘‘to visit Iraq with a view toward al Qaeda. shall be available for the Office of the Assistant accelerating the implementation of our re- I think that we should actually have Secretary for Budget and Programs; not to ex- spective mandates.’’ He did not say whether more of a concern for those who have ceed $2,293,000 shall be available for the Office he or Blix had accepted. of the Assistant Secretary for Governmental Af- joined us in this war on terror. I would ‘‘I should note that in recent weeks, pos- fairs; not to exceed $22,031,000 shall be available like to add a March 17, 2003, article for sibly as a result of increasing pressure by the for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Ad- the RECORD, where the U.S. forced in- international community, Iraq has been ministration; not to exceed $1,910,000 shall be spectors out of Iraq, which could have more forthcoming in its cooperation with available for the Office of Public Affairs; not to the IAEA,’’ he said, adding that inspectors proved that there were no weapons of exceed $1,442,000 shall be available for the Office still have found no evidence that Saddam mass destruction. of the Executive Secretariat; not to exceed Hussein has revived his nuclear program. [From USA Today, Mar. 17, 2003] $697,000 shall be available for the Board of Con- But with the United States, Britain and tract Appeals; not to exceed $1,265,000 shall be U.S. ADVISES WEAPONS INSPECTORS TO LEAVE Spain making clear that Monday would be IRAQ available for the Office of Small and Disadvan- the final day for diplomatic efforts to avert taged Business Utilization; not to exceed VIENNA, AUSTRIA.—In the clearest sign yet a conflict, it appeared that the inspectors $2,033,000 for the Office of Intelligence and Se- that war with Iraq is imminent, the United were running out of time and could begin States has advised U.N. weapons inspectors curity; not to exceed $11,895,000 shall be avail- withdrawing at any moment. able for the Office of the Chief Information Offi- to begin pulling out of Baghdad, the U.N. nu- In other signs that war could be imminent, cer; and not to exceed $3,120,000 shall be avail- clear agency chief said Monday. the U.S. State Department on Sunday night able for the Office of Emergency Transpor- Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the Inter- ordered nonessential personnel and all fam- national Atomic Energy Agency, said the tation: Provided, That the Secretary of Trans- ily members to leave Israel, Kuwait and portation is authorized to transfer funds appro- recommendation was given late Sunday Syria in a precautionary move. priated for any office of the Office of the Sec- night both to his Vienna-based agency hunt- Germany closed its embassy in Baghdad on retary to any other office of the Office of the ing for atomic weaponry and to the New Monday after calling on its citizens to leave Secretary: Provided further, That no appropria- York-based teams looking for biological and Iraq ‘‘immediately,’’ and Britain advised all tion for any office shall be increased or de- chemical weapons. its citizens except diplomatic staff to leave creased by more than 5 percent by all such ‘‘Late last night . I was advised by the Kuwait as soon as possible, citing a potential transfers: Provided further, That notice of any U.S. government to pull out our inspectors threat from war in neighboring Iraq. change in funding greater than 5 percent shall from Baghdad,’’ ElBaradei told the IAEA’s f be submitted for approval to the House and Sen- board of governors. He said U.N. Secretary- ate Committees on Appropriations: Provided fur- General Kofi Annan and the Security Coun- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3058 ther, That not to exceed $60,000 shall be for allo- cil were informed and that the council would Mr. KNOLLENBERG submitted the cation within the Department for official recep- take up the issue later Monday. tion and representation expenses as the Sec- U.N. officials have said the inspectors and following conference report and state- retary may determine: Provided further, That support staff still in Iraq could be evacuated ment on the bill (H.R. 3058) making ap- notwithstanding any other provision of law, ex- in as little as 48 hours. propriations for the Departments of No one has yet given the order for the in- Transportation, Treasury, and Housing cluding fees authorized in Public Law 107–71, there may be credited to this appropriation up spectors to begin pulling out, and they were and Urban Development, the Judiciary, working on Monday. Most of the teams’ heli- to $2,500,000 in funds received in user fees: Pro- District of Columbia, and independent vided further, That none of the funds provided copters have left Iraq because their insur- agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- ance was canceled, chief U.N. inspector Hans in this Act shall be available for the position of Blix said, and the personnel level was low be- tember 30, 2006, and for other purposes: Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS cause of a scheduled rotation home. CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 109–307) IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said For necessary expenses of the Office of Civil The committee of conference on the dis- Rights, $8,550,000. the nuclear agency would wait for Security agreeing votes of the two Houses on the Council guidance later Monday before decid- TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. DEVELOPMENT ing whether to pull out its inspectors. 3058) ‘‘making appropriations for the Depart- The teams, which returned to Iraq on Nov. For necessary expenses for conducting trans- ments of Transportation, Treasury, and portation planning, research, systems develop- 27 after a nearly four-year absence, drew up Housing and Urban Development, the Judici- contingency plans to evacuate even before ment, development activities, and making ary, District of Columbia, and independent grants, to remain available until expended, their redeployment. agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- ‘‘A lot depends on the Iraqis,’’ a senior $15,000,000. tember 30, 2006, and for other purposes’’, hav- U.N. inspector told The Associated Press on WORKING CAPITAL FUND ing met, after full and free conference, have condition of anonymity. ‘‘If they let us use Necessary expenses for operating costs and agreed to recommend and do recommend to aircraft to get out, we could be gone in 48 capital outlays of the Working Capital Fund, their respective Houses as follows: hours or even less. If they won’t let us fly not to exceed $118,014,000, shall be paid from ap- That the House recede from its disagree- out, we would have to drive to a border, and propriations made available to the Department ment to the amendment of the Senate, and that could mean an eight-hour journey of Transportation: Provided, That such services agree to the same with an amendment, as across hot desert. It would take longer, but shall be provided on a competitive basis to enti- follows: ties within the Department of Transportation: we would get out.’’ In lieu of the matter stricken and inserted Inspectors have experience in getting out Provided further, That the above limitation on by said amendment, insert: of Iraq in a hurry: In December 1998, they operating expenses shall not apply to non-DOT pulled out on the eve of U.S.-British air- DIVISION A—TRANSPORTATION, TREAS- entities: Provided further, That no funds appro- strikes amid allegations that Baghdad was URY, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- priated in this Act to an agency of the Depart- not cooperating with the teams.
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