6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2017-18 ~1 A B C D E 1 ZPD Points Author Title Location 2 6.8 1 Aaseng, Nathan Florence Griffith Joyner: Dazzling Olympian sp 796.42 AAS 3 6.9 15 Abbott, Jim & T. Brown Imperfect, An Improbable Life 796.357092 ABB 4 4.5 4 Abdel-Fattah, Randa The Friendship Matchmaker 5 7.1 9 Abeel, Samantha My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir canf 362.19 ABE 6 8.2 1 Adams, Simon Eyewitness - World War I 940.3 ADA 7 8.3 1 Adams, Simon Eyewitness- World War 2 940.53 ADA 8 5.9 1 Adamson, Thomas K. Basketball, The Math of the Game 796.35701 ADA 9 6.1 1 Adamson, Thomas K. Baseball, The Math of the Game 796.357 ADA 10 7.9 4 Adkins, Jan Thomas Edison: A Photographic Story of a Life 92 EDI 11 5.9 11 Ahmedi, Farah & T. Ansary The Other Side of the Sky 305.23086 AHM 12 8.1 36 Alcott, Louisa May Little Women haf 13 8.1 19 Alcott, Louisa May Little Men haf 14 9.8 6 Aldred, Lisa Thurgood Marshall: Supreme Court Justice eb 92 MAR 15 5.3 9 Alexander, Lloyd The Beggar Queen f 16 5.4 7 Alexander, Lloyd The Castle of Llyr f 17 5.5 5 Alexander, Lloyd The Illyrian Adventure f 18 6.1 11 Alexander, Lloyd The High King f 19 6.2 9 Alexander, Lloyd Taran Wanderer f 20 5.6 13 Aliferenka & Ganda I Will Always Write Back 305.235 ALI 21 4.5 4 Allen, Will Swords for Hire hff 22 5.2 6 Allred, Alexandra Powe Atticus Weaver 23 5.3 7 Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn The Guardian Herd Bk1: Starfire 24 4 6 Amato, Mary Guitar Notes 25 5.1 12 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird and the Ever After Bk 1 26 5.4 9 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird Among the Stars Bk 2 27 5.8 9 Anderson, Jodi Lynn May Bird Warrior Princess Bk 3 28 4.4 7 Anderson, L. H. Fever 1793 haf 29 5.4 10 Anderson, Laurie Halse Forge 30 5.6 11 Anderson, Laurie Halse Ashes 31 5.8 7 Anderson, M>T. (et al) The Exquisite Corpse Adventure 32 4.6 3 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 2: Darth Paper Strikes Back hf 33 4.6 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 3: Secret of the Fortune Woikee 34 4.7 3 Angleberger, Tom The Strange Case of Origami Yoda Bk1 huf 35 4.7 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk6: Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus 36 4.9 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 4:The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet 37 4.9 4 Angleberger, Tom Origami Yoda Bk 5: Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue 38 5.8 9 Angus, Sam A Horse Called Hero 39 6 9 Angus, Sam Soldier Dog 40 5 5 Applegate, K.A. The Mayflower Project, Remnants Series Bk#1 scf 41 3.6 4 Applegate, Katherine The One and Only Ivan 42 5.7 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk2: Offspring 43 5.8 14 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk1: Swords of the Six 44 6.1 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk3: Key of Living Fire 45 5.6 8 Armer, Laura A. Waterless Mountain aef 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2017-18 ~1 A B C D E 46 4.3 6 Armistead, John The $66 Summer aef/haf 47 4.4 6 Armistead, John The Return of Gabriel aef 48 5.3 3 Armstrong, William H. Sounder aef 49 8 5 Aronson, Marc Sugar Changed the World: A story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom & Science664.109 ARO 50 8 6 Aronson, Marc Up Close: Robert F. Kennedy 92 KEN 51 5.9 4 Asgedom, Mawi Of Beetles & Angels: A Boy's Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard 973.04928 ASG 52 7.6 2 Ashabranner, Brent Their Names to Live By 959.704 ASH 53 9 23 Ashe, Arthur Days of Grace, A Memoir 796.342092 ASH 54 4.9 7 Atkinson, Elizabeth I, Emma Freke 55 7.2 16 Atkinson, Jay Ice Time: A Tale of Fathers, Sons, & Hometown Heroes 796.962 ATK 56 4.2 8 Auch, MJ One-handed Catch 57 5.7 14 Auxier, Jonathan Peter Nimble & His Fantastic Eyes 58 5.6 7 Auxier, Jonathan SA Fall of the Beasts Bk4: The Burning Tide 59 5.2 17 Aveyard, Victoria Red Queen 60 3.5 8 Avi City of Orphans ahf 61 3.6 4 Avi Don’t You Know There’s a War On? awf 62 3.7 5 Avi The Good Dog fwa 63 3.7 3 Avi The Christmas Rat caf 64 4 5 Avi Blue Heron caf 65 4.2 6 Avi The man Who was Poe myf Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor & the Merrimac 66 4.3 4 Avi aw/haf Hard Gold: The Colorado Gold Rush of 1859: A Tale of the Old 67 4.6 5 Avi West 68 4.7 13 Avi Beyond the Western Sea: The Escape from Home af 69 4.8 7 Avi Crispin: At the Edge of the World hff 70 5 7 Avi Crispin: The Cross of Lead hff 71 5.1 9 Avi Sophia's War 72 5.2 6 Avi Seer of Shadows f 73 5.3 8 Avi The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle af 74 4.5 6 Ayres, Katherine Stealing South ha/aef 75 5 4 Babbitt, Natalie Tuck Everlasting f 76 5.1 10 Bachmann, Stefan The Peculiar 77 6.1 16 Backman, Fredrik A Man Called Ove 78 5.7 7 Bacon, Katherine Jay Finn caf/fwa 79 4.2 9 Baggott, Julianna The Prince of Fenway Park f/spf 80 5.5 11 Bagnold, Enid National Velvet fwa 81 4.5 8 Baldacci, David Cahills vs. Vespers Bk 6: Day of Doom 82 4.8 15 Baldacci, David The Keeper Bk2 83 5.2 20 Baldacci, David The Finisher Bk1 84 7 12 Ballard, Chris One Shot at Forever 796.357 BAL 85 6.6 2 Ballard, Robert D. Exploring the Bismarck 940.54 BAL 86 5.4 11 Balliet, Blue Pieces and Players 87 5.2 9 Balliett, Blue Hold Fast 88 5.4 6 Balliett, Blue Chasing Vermeer 89 5.5 8 Balliett, Blue The Calder Game 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2017-18 ~1 A B C D E 90 5.4 7 Banks, Lynne Reid Tiger, Tiger hff/fwa 91 8 1 Banks, Martin Conserving Rain Forests 574.5 BAN 92 7.9 1 Barbara, Tylor. Eyewitness - Arctic and Antarctic 508.311 TAY 93 4 4 Barnes, Derrick We Could Be Brothers 94 4.7 6 Barnes, Joyce Ann Promise Me the Moon caf 95 5.7 10 Baron, Ruth Defriended 96 5.4 3 Barrett, William Lilies of the Field haf/aef 97 5.0 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk3: The Fires of Merlin 98 5.1 12 Barron, T.A. The Lost Years of Merlin Bk1 99 5.2 12 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk2: The 7 Songs of Merlin 100 5.4 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk4: The Mirror of Merlin 101 5.8 14 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk5: The Wings of Merlin 102 5.9 11 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk1 103 6.1 9 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk2: Doomraga's Revenge 104 6.1 8 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk3: Ultimate Magic 105 4.4 6 Barrow, Randi Saving Zasha 106 4.8 13 Barrow, Randi Finding Zasha 107 4.7 12 Barry & Pearson The Bridge to Neverland 108 5.2 13 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Star Catchers Bk1 f 109 5.2 14 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Sword of Mercy Bk 4 110 5.3 16 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Shadow Thieves B2 f 111 5.5 12 Barry & Pearson Science Fair: A Story of Mystery…& a Very Nervous Frog 112 5.6 14 Barry & Pearson Peter and the Secret of Rundoon Bk3 f 113 4.6 4 Bartoletti, Susan No Man’s Land awf 114 4.9 5 Bartoletti, Susan The Boy Who Dared, based on true story of WW2 115 5.1 6 Bartoletti, Susan C. Down the Rabbit Hole: The Diary of Pringle Rose 116 7.4 8 Bascomb, Neal The Nazi Hunters 956.9405 BAS 117 7.7 10 Bascomb, Neal Sabotage 940.54 BAS 118 4.1 5 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Anything but Typical 119 4.8 5 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story 120 5.0 16 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk1: Curse of the Spider King 121 5.0 19 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk2: Venom and Song 122 5.4 21 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk3: The Tide of Unmaking 123 5 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 1 124 5 12 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 2: Search for the Shadow Key 125 5.3 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 3: War for the Waking World 126 4.6 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Swords Bk 1 127 5.3 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Fire Bk 2 128 5.8 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Door Within Bk #1 chf 129 5 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Rise of the Wyrm Lord Bk #2 chf 130 5.2 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Final Storm Bk #3 chf 131 5.1 18 Batson, Wayne Thomas Sword in the Stars Bk 1 132 5.1 24 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Errant King Bk 2 133 3.6 6 Bauer, Jennifer Close to Famous 134 3.5 5 Bauer, Joan Tell Me 135 3.7 6 Bauer, Joan Almost Home 6th-8th Grade List by Author's Last Name 2017-18 ~1 A B C D E 136 5.1 6 Bauer, Joan Hope Was Here caf 137 5.3 6 Bauer, Marion Dane Face to Face af Land of the Buffalo Bones: The Diary of Mary Elizabeth Rodgers, 138 5.9 7 Bauer, Marion Dane an English Girl in Minnesota haf 139 6.4 8 Beam, Christy Wilson Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven, & Her Story 92 BEA 140 4.6 7 Beatty, Patricia Be Ever Hopeful Hannahlee haf 141 4.7 6 Beatty, Patricia Sarah and Me and the Lady by the Sea haf 142 4.9 7 Beatty, Patricia Turn Homeward Hannah Lee Bk 2 haf 143 6 22 Beckham, David Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground: An Autobiography 796.334092 BEC 144 6.8 6 Beckham, David David Beckham's Soccer Skills 796.334 BEC 145 5.7 9 Bee, Coach Clair Dugout Jinx spf 146 6 9 Bee, Coach Clair Pitcher’s Duel spf 147 4.6 6 Behrens, Andy The Fast and the Furriest 148 5.3 10 Bell, Alex Frozen Charlotte 149 4.9 5 Bell, Hilari The Prophecy 150 5.6 10 Bell, Hilari The Shield, Sword, & Crown Bk1: Shield of Stars 151 5.4 6 Bell, Taryn America's Next Top Model Bk1: Face Value 152 6.1 19 Bell, Ted The Time Pirate: A Nick McIver Time Adventure Bk 2 153 6.3 19 Bell, Ted Nick of Time: An Adventure Through Time Bk 1 154 8.4 1 Bender, Lionel Eyewitness - Invention 609 BEN 155 6.2 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime chb 92 AYL 156 6.3 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den 92 TEN 157 6.4 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Harriet Tubman: Freedombound 92 TUB 158 6.6 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff George Muller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans 92 MUL 159 6.7 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems 92 CAR 160 6.8 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer chb 92 SAI 161 6.8 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Hudson Taylor: Deep in the Heart of China 92 TAY 162 6.9 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff David Livingstone: Africa's Trailblazer
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