EJAE 2016, 13(2): 78-85 ISSN 2406-2588 UDK: 332.122:338.45(450) 332.146.3 DOI: 10.5937/ejae13-11642 Original paper/Originalni naučni rad ACCESSIBILITY TO NODES OF INTEREST: DISLOCATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS OF TUSCANY Gioacchino de Candia Studio de Candia, via Salgari, 6, Terlizzi, Italy Abstract: The present research starts by a series of experiences gained by the author on the theme of attractiveness/accessibility of territories, in light of the most recent dynamics for the analysis. Th e equation model used is of gravitational type. Specifically, the impedance function is used in the form of logistics, which has so far provided the best results in the analysis of territories. The research is conducted at the municipal level. The paper aims to analyze the connection between these works and the map of industrial districts, recently produced by ISTAT. The Key words: analyzed region, as in other publications, is Tuscany, which provides regional development, the details on the municipal map of accessibility in relation to the impedance curves, location of industrial clusters. Th e metropolitan city of Florence is territorial statistics, treated separately. Th e aim is to provide policy makers with the best infrastructure, socio-economic information for the economic and financial admin- industrial districts, istration of territories. municipality. INTRODUCTION a list of industrial clusters identifi ed from local labor systems, the latter identifi ed to commuting Industrial districts are a typical production between municipalities for work, collected dur- th model of the Italian economy. St arting from the ing the 15 General Census of Population, which notion of industrial districts theory, which has altered the map of the local labor systems (ISTAT, its roots in the works of Marshall (1890), further 2014). studies have found fertile ground in Italy. Follow- Th e criteria for identifying districts used by ing the theoretical and empirical contribution of ISTAT refer to the classic concept of industrial Giacomo Becattini (1979), fu rther analysis on in- district, the source of Marshall and Becattini in dustrial districts has been conducted, producing a Italy (Marshall, 1890; Becattini, 2000) and are to substantial empirical study on the subject. Th e Na- identify the local systems characterized by the tional Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) has developed presence of small or medium-sized enterprises, 78 * E-mail: [email protected] EJAE 2016 13 (2) 78-85 de Candia, G. Accessibility to nodes of interest with a high spatial concentration of manufacturing employment focused in the major industry, while other companies present in the local system are complementary or auxiliary. with Th e ISTAT procedure in 2011 led to identifi - cation of 141 industrial districts from 611 local where c is the minimum cost and c the systems on the Italian territory. min max maximum observed cost and In this report, we analyze the distribution of districts in the region of Tuscany, in the light of the map of the territorial attractiveness/ accessibil- ity analyzed in the previous work of the author. Th e impedance functions are synthesized using the simple average between indices. An additional summary of results shows the weighted arithmetic MATERIALS AND METHODS mean, using the resident population as calculated based on the 15th Italian Population and Housing Th e starting point are the publications pro- Census (ISTAT, 2011). According to the experien- duced by the author on the issue of accessibility to ce gained by the author, two diff erent approaches nodes of interest (de Candia et al., 2014; de Candia, emerge, namely the one called “weighted average” 2015) and the map of industrial districts recently (WA), and the other one “average weighted index” developed by ISTAT (2015). (AWI), with the following formulations: Th e map of industrial districts is overlaid with fi gures relative to the “summary of impedance (weighted average - WA) function in the form of logistics, by arithmetic average” and pie charts relating to the synthesis, the impedance functions in the form of logistics, (average weighted index - AWI) weighted by the resident population. Th e reference territory are the municipalities in Tuscany. where xi j is the impedance function developed As regards the processing of accessibility/at- for the municipalities i and infrastructure j, tractiveness, reference is made to the model defi ned and pi is the population of the municipality j, “gravitational”, according to the known equation: while μi is the weighted arithmetic mean for each municipality i. Th e infrastructure considered at the municipal level is as follows: where Ai is t he accessibility of a resident of the ◆ hospitals (public and private); area i compared to the nodes j in the region D, ◆ grade schools (upper secondary level); β Wj is a measure of activities or services (mass ◆ railway stations (platinum, gold and silver); opportunities) in the area j, β is a calibration ◆ airports. parameter (used to account for the eff ects of A s for the methodology for development of agglomeration) and f(ci,j) is a function of im- industrial clusters by ISTAT, the procedure was pedance generally decreasing with the cost ci,j adopted for 2011 using the criteria introduced for (or t he distance or travel time). identifi cation of industrial districts in 2001 based Th e i mpedance f(ci,j, α) function takes the form on the use of the territorial concentration coef- of logistics, already used successfully by the author: fi cient. 79 EJAE 2016 13 (2) 78-85 de Candia, G. Accessibility to nodes of interest Th e procedure is hierarchical and comprises ITAadd, tot indicates the total employees (in- four steps aimed at: dustry and services) in Italy. 1. identifi cation of local systems, mainly man- For local systems that have index values above ufacturing; the national average in manufacturing or in 2. identifi cation of local systems, mainly man- services to companies or consumer services ufacturing of small to medium-sized enter- sector, the prevalence is calculated, in order prises; to verify which of the three groupings of eco- 3. identifying the main industry of local sys- nomic activity prevails at the level of the local tems, mainly manufacturing of small to system: medium-sized enterprises; [(SLLadd, ateco / ITAadd, ateco) - (SLLadd, 4. identifi cation of industrial districts. tot / ITAadd, tot)] * ITAadd, ateco For each of the local labour markets, territo- Th e h ighest value (employment base) in one rial concentration ratios were calculated, using of the economic activities (manufacturing, the data for employees in local economic units business services and consumer) indicates the recorded in the IX General Census of Industry and prevalence. When in a local system, this value Services (ISTAT, 2011). Ne xt, they used the em- corresponds to the manufacturing industry, ployment data for local units of enterprises, public where the local labor market is considered to institutions and non-profi t institutions to compare be mainly manufacturing. the proportion of the local system in a particular Employment areas, mainly manufacturing, are productive sector with the national share of the identifi ed at the end of this step. same sector. Step 2 : Identi cation of local systems mainly manu- Fol lowing the order of the above-given list, facturing of small to medium enterprises we get the following procedure, comprising four phases: For each local system and for each size class of the local unit - or micro (up to 9 employees), Step 1: Identi cation of local systems mainly manu- small (10 to 49 employees), medium (50 to 249 facturing. employees) and large (250 or more employees) For each of the local labour systems on the - is calculated by the following coeffi cient of national territory (SLL) is calculated by a co- territorial concentration: effi cient of territorial concentration in each of its businesses, which make up the productive (SLLadd (clad), manif / ITAadd (clad), manif) sectors of industry and services, by making the / (SLLadd, manif / ITAadd, manif) following report, based on Ateco classifi cation where (ISTAT, 2009): SLLadd (clad), manif indic ates the employees of (SLLadd, ateco / ITAadd, ateco) / (SLLadd, each size class production units of manufactur- tot / ITAadd, tot) ing in a local system; where ITAadd (clad), manif indic ates the employees SLLadd, ateco indicates the employees of a sin- of each size class production units of manufac- gle economic activity in a local system; turing in Italy; ITAadd, ateco indicates the employees of a sin- SLLadd, manif indic ates the manufacturing gle economic activity in Italy; industry workers in a local system; SLLadd, tot indi cates the total number of em- ITAadd, manif indicates the workers in the manu- ployees in the local system; facturing industry in Italy. 80 EJAE 2016 13 (2) 78-85 de Candia, G. Accessibility to nodes of interest Aft er t he procedure, you get the local manufac- Step 4: Identi cation of industrial districts turing systems of small and medium-sized enter- A local system mainly manufacturing of MS- prises (MSME). Th e local labor systems of large MEs is identifi ed as industrial district when enterprises are treated separately to determine its main industry consists mostly of small and how many of them have “District”. medium-sized production units, if they occur in conjunction with the following two condi- Step 3: Identify the main industry of local systems tions: mainly manufacturing of small to medium-sized a) (SLLadd (mpmi), ind_p / SLLadd (tot), enterprises ind_p) > 50,0% Th e loca l systems mainly for manufacturing MS- where MEs are now examined in order to identify the SLLadd (mpmi), ind_p indicate s the main main industry that characterizes the local econ- industry workers employed in SMEs in a omy. local system, mainly manufacturing of MS- Th e fi rst step is to calculate, for each local mani- MEs; facturing system of MSMEs, a coeffi cient of terri- SLLadd (tot), ind_p indicates the total em- torial concentration relative to each of the types of ployees in the main industry, mainly a local industry in which manufacturing was distributed.
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