THE WEEKLY PLACER HERALD. VOLUME I. AUBURN, PLACER COUNTY, CAL., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1853. NUMBER 34- IST OK LETTERS remaining in Fitzpatrick Col Wm Foster Christopher Martin .'ohn S Monell Byron D Jndg<‘ Bnlnc’s Cljf IDfcbli) on Finley madis n h Farquer hugh Minea Lewis Myers Court. |)lnffr ijrrnlii. IJ the Post Office at Auburn, the find Joseph We lake the following day of May, 1853. Fincher Joshua 4 Follett araini 2 Morrison Samuel a M • re mic ael from the San Fitchet Daniel VV every by George Forbs Martin John T M’Dowcll John N Joaquin Republican r Published Saturday Morning 'ck rmanjohn Q Alney Wm Penn martin cbas G W “ “ Flehlik French 2 Mooney Felix henry P A white man, Adams Key Lc2 Slfmuel Flournoy Freeman the otherday, trnsbrought T. & C. H. MITCHELL. * Thomas Gorham I Mohana asher Mosher henry before A. V' m c Allison II bert 3 Fulk Elias 3 Fuller Daniel O Madden R O', Maine, on a charge of an as- on Rcy a Miv amsie tn 3 sault and battery At the Hekald Office, Main Street, Allen Moses Arnsden Ike Fuller George Ford George Maker upon a negro; and fha “ Peter M’Elroy 2 Ames A h mlin questions of the opposite the National Hotel. chariest Forsheo Garrett Montague o relative rights and duties “ W'illinm M’cSnald Willi m of henry j Andrews Samuel henry c the white man and negro being agita- “ 2 M’Quain Alcorn henry Edw i j Gamble Wm G Coin Charles F Manser chandler Connell J 1) Mitchell burl 2 ted and discussed in the case, he delivered TERMS. Aldrich Gates henry Gorden James B John c p Anson Stephen Morrison v\ illiam March ('booms 2 himself substantially ns follows in pro- one year, 6,00 Argyle Armstrong robert Garnhurt Goodie direr Subscription for F ederick Jacob VI nrray calvin a Morrill byron D nounring his judgment: Seth Arthur Ganow harrisoa Goulding r bert 2 [in advance.] Arkles James M ore beaufo d L 2 Manh Gordon “1 have no objection in announcing her* ft 4,00 Arnold E Gaily Good --in Samuel m six months Joseph John Mooney James G Martin Geo VVashlngtn my judgment as to the common lawofth* “ three moths 2,50 GalUher John Corner Julius D 2 Balljas W VV 2 Blanch Wm Gould 1) Mott David c Mohr Nicol s United States of America, in such cases f‘ Gear George W copies 25 “ “ M’lntyre Maine N single David 0 Blanch William Garrison Nehemiah George illiaru hareland as the present. It may be proper that I “ “ Morgan John T M’Kown U David Blough William Gaston hamilton Demster m should do so, in order that all concerned “ Vnlg m Felix M’V Sami h Boke I'heoeore Gasloy George W Goodman George W idan may understand their rights mo as I one square, of 10 lines, James M’Donald Reuben J M’Pheters mosea may Advertising, Bailey Danlcopps 3 Boney harvey Gault William B Goodrich B A direct the administration of the law. I 51‘rnes, insertion, three “ M’Dani 1 Wiliam 9 Mitchell and more than lirst I) k Bodeu Wm O Gardiner barriet G oda e Oliver 2 andrew hold then that the place one “ of the white man dollars ; each subsequent insertion, ,101 r iiohn ivte Gail Mead Stephen S Mon Is n John mu Isaac Goldsmith Wm U W relative to the negro, is that of a guardi- c •* Meek andrew M’clean m o dollar and fifty cents. Barber Franklin Boggs John Gates Ira milluton .and “ M’Neill VVm h an protector, hound to the most For half square of five lines or more f Boulton John T Gear William Groninger Mashon James scru- “ Joshua “ John Monnett Dr D M Her George pulous justice towards him, and three, insertion, two dollars; James in John B winr Gray the most than first George William Mealey exact and sacred regard Lyman Boles ralf “ John iM’orillis John T for all his right* subsequent insertion, one dollar. James Grates Garrett 2 Mulvey each “ Mllis hul n of personal less, insertion, Baker RlDha L Boning Dierich Gorraad 1 James security and his rights to pro- three lines or first “ James James For frederick f Bowdi 1m “ Morrison John M’millane Sam 2 perty. And if he descend from this high dollar and fifty cents. Giles Orville 3 Abner Mayberry one Banett seph 8- Bohanan Daniel 3 VV Ezra March j dm and responsible relative position, and J Gill Alfred j 2 Greene O Mitchell de- Baer 2 Bowen inr “ Isaac N Metcalf J D base the and Obadinh Gibson Joseph John 0 Morris moral social standing it gives and Coun- “ josepih Morgan jam sa RYERSON, Attorney Baldwin Dew tc Brown Mi s Anna Gdkey Oh VVilliam U bim, and the moral influence it “ euab es County, Bates h S dney h 2 Moore b F Marshall Wm • selor at Law, Auburn, Placer John Anson Thomas him to exert, by stooping to “ Gillett Grombs do the negro HO. f Barker Andrew 2 Mach andrew J Moore I humas h 2 nl Manuel ' Gilles Francis D Grenard Elisha wilful wrong or malignant California. “ Mattasou a MNeil VVm injury, or to Barry John lorns 1 Glass j h 2 Grim Ch rles James wilfully oppress him, either and W “ Martin James Morse chas R G 2 in his person W. THOMAS, Attorney Barnett N rraan John 2 Griman Bartholomew Guella Thomas r or property then 1 “ Marks Richard M’lntyre VV’m will punish such while at Law, Auburn, Placer Do., Bartholomew chas h Jeremy Guerin Thomas h man Counselor “ Vl’Donald O M’ourtney VVm with the full force of the law, for PHILIP nHf Bartlett dark Joel John California Barclay chas jaraea “ Samuel T Haywood Samuel Hcnben Dr Morgan James a M’Knabb G tS his abandonment of peace and duty. Ths “ Hewett George Merrill Lewis Manning David utmost severity of the law shall be & HOPKINS, Attorneys and Bennett Wm W David A HaswellAsaS visited “ henry 2 Bright Hart robert Heywood Calvin Murphy Win a M’Donald elms upon him. Such is the position and such a Law, Placer ’aunty, Cal,, HALECounselors “ Hall Herbert D T Marklejohn Morgan Joan f are the obligations their joint attention to alt civil bus- David Alexander John flowing from the mural will "ivc5 William Hagar George Henu F W Persons and their care. Bear David 2 Brooks 2 culling for letters will please legal position of the white man. iness' intrusted to Harke ' W 1 Heudi icks Halic, Yankee Jim’s. Beck James 2 Bragg Charles w John mention if advertised. The negro’s position 1 hold to he this: Jas. B “ Hurbert f) S iiewitt Amos 1 Attorny, Auburn. Best Samuel Wiliiam c VVILLIAM GVVYNN, P. M. lie is in a sort of a state of wardship R. 1) Hopkins, District 6 Hallock 1 2 henry or Cal. nltf Beatty Thomas Brannan A A James pupilage—relatively towards Placer county. “ the whit* hugh Bryan rar Hardin VV illiam b J/orsey lewis G 3 man “ —and neither nor Halburton Thomas A Araosj his social legal ANDERSON, AttorneV and Bell barber h Brana Jackson For the Placer Herald, position on an Hanly Thomas He bert D j is equality with the white Placer county, Beamem Anson A Brainard hemy Grekn Valle v, April Counselor at Law, Auburn. Harris h 1 Hubbsrd JHephen j 22, 1853. race. His duties hence are invariable JAMES april 30 n3S my Backer The dore o Bradley morris Friend Mitchell:—The l;<st few days of California. Bellows lewis b Bronson Sherman Hayden Edward Hendy George deference and marked and |>erfect respect h //illeary Thomas E rain has afforded me some leisure time and constant politeness towards the other A. Justice of the Peace, Bentley richard Bradbury Daniel Harlow raoses SCOFIELD, Haines Reuben F Higgins A 1 2 which I improve liy writing you. Most race. And if he shall turn aside from his Office at Belknap lyman Brewer Wm b 2 • -~, County Cal “ II I’lacer 2 William Hagans Alfred h Hitt David 3 of the miners here at the present time are duties and become rude, insolent or im- doors above the < 'curt miss Jans the Sheriff’s Office, two Becroft n T B-ebe Oliver Hallock James nill John waiting for the water to run down so they pertinent, 1 will leave him in the position house. mar 26 rny Jo> Beqnette f lix Bronsing richard Hays John B nill E can work the lower hanks and lied ol the he so falsely places himself, and to the liam 2 “ Edwin and Barton HOTEL, and General Stage Be diet u S N Brush kO Harper Wi river. The companies who are working consequences which may result from his EMPIRE “ Benedi tj h Buckley mark 2 Thomas B nintnan N O the cement, at Cement Bar, are making House Auburn, Placer county illegal conduct. If malignity of manners, E Belding Wm c Burgar francis Havens William V Hilery Thomas good wages. The gravel in the cement or nltf It. M. HOUSE. indecency of hehayiour, or insuring Berdme henry Buell Thomas W Ha >n hezekiah 3 Hilton Edward 2 resembles very gravel in “ much the found language or demeanor, be indulged by “ Hains Daniel j Frederick h in T)RITTAIN & CO., Butchers and Dealers Biffconrad Jonathan other bars on the river, with the exception the negro towards the white hen y T Butler maconne'l c Hamer reuben Hiblew Fielding T man, he need s reet, one door Bissett that it is cemented so compactly together not so as 13 m Stock.
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