Adams M 145 George St Toronto ON M5A 2M6 Lift your spirits ... SUBSCRIBE \ NOW to the liveliest ticket in town! SERIES A SERIES B SERIES C Hubbard Street Dance Company Feld Ballet Co nstatin Pa tsa las and Friends September 29 to October 3 November 17-21 Oc· ~e· :r -3· National Tap Dance Company of Canada Northern Lights Dance Company Dancema ers December 8-12 January 12-16 ',"a•c~ 22-26 O'Vertigo Danse Montreal Danse Danny Gross man Dance Company March 1-5 Feb ruary 23-27 Ap• "9-23 SERIES D SERIES E Hubbard Street Dance Company Desrosiers Da nce Theatre October 6-10 ove oe· 3- Ballet British Columbia La La La February 16-20 Marc 8- 2 Toronto Dance Theatre MOMIX April 5-9 May 10-14 Fifth and Foremost at the PREMIERE DANCE THEATRE Canada's One and Only! The Premiere Dance Theatre is the only theatre in the country designed specifically for dance. For the audience, it means enjoying dance in an intimately luxurious setting with state-of-the-art lighting and superb acoustics. It means never sitting more than 50 feet from the stage - there's not a bad seat in the house! The Premiere Dance Theatre is located in the centre of a landmark renovation, the award-winning Queen's Quay Termin al , part of Harbourfront, a world-class waterfront development in Toronto. PLEASE SEND ME THE 1987/88 HARBOURFRONT DANCE SEASON BROCHURE Name: - -------- ------------------ -------------- Address: _ __________________________ Apt: __________ _ _ City: ____________ Prov : ____________ Postal Cod e: ___________ _ Phone: ___________ Mail to : The Premiere Dance Theatre Queen's Quay Terminal 207 Queens Quay West Toronto, Ontario HarbourFront M5J 1A7 (416) 869-8444 Published quarterly by the Dance in Canada A ssociation. Issue Number 53 Fall 1987 Automne Novemberlnovembre Cover Story: 6 SW AN LAKE, MANITOBA The Royal Winnipeg Ballet Shifts Direction Venturingfurther into classical territory. 6 By JACQUI GOOD I"' I 11 I 12 SUMMER DANCE AT BANFF A Terrifically Compressed Kind of Commitment By RICK CAULFIELD 16 THE 1987 OTT AW A FESTIVAL Part I: An Overview By HILARY McLAUGHLIN 21 The 1987 OTT AW A FESTIVAL Part II: A Sampler Long days & hard- work. 12 ByBURFKAY .----~...---, 27 DANCERS & NUTRITION: The Importance of an Adequate Diet and Good Eating Habits By RAYMOND NADON, PhD, NICOLE DUFRESNE, MEd, JEAN-PIERRE CUERRIER, PhD, & PAUL DESHAIES, PhD 29 IN REVIEW: Pe,formances By SUSAN INMAN (Vancouver), HILARY McLAUGHLIN (Ottawa), PAULA CITRON (Toronto) , and LINDE HOWE-BECK (Montreal) A fes tive celebration of Canadian dance. 16 & 21 35 IN REVIEW: Books By MARY JANE WARNER 37 N .13 . What's New and What's Happening . People, Pe,formances and Exhibits Reviews, reviews . 29 COVER: Evelyn Hart in the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's production of Swan Lake. Photograph by David Cooper. 4 Performing Arts STEVE D YMOND Executive Director SUSAN HILARY COH EN r Founding Editor SAN DRA EV A N-J ONES 13 eautz/ul cassettes fo r your home !t"brary collection ... Editor the greatest ballet perfo rmers ofou r era ROBERT DONALD staged in the world's leariz'ng theatres .. Art Director PATTY MARGOLESE * ORDER EXTRAS FOR GIFT GIVING! * Advertisi11g .··cim1/atio 11 □ THE NUTCRACKER □ LA FILLE MAL GARDEE Filmed in the Royal Opera House. Filmed in the Royal Opera House. © Copyright by the Da11ce in Ca11ada Ass0<1Jtw11. :W ne/.a r,s; ,! Covent Garden. Covent Garden. The views expressed in this publication dtl ,wt nrcru.Jril) ~ r1ro Soloists: Leslie Collier. Anthony Dowell. Dancers: Lesley Collier. Michael 120 mins, colour . ..... $59.95 Coleman. 98 mins, colour . $59.95 those of the Dance in Canada Ass(>(iatwn. Dance in Canada publisl,es articles in official language of ongm. □ SWANLAKE GISELLE Filmed in the Royal Opera House. Filmed□ at the Kirov Theatre. Len ingrad. Cnsolicited manmcn·pcs should be aaompanied by a stamped Covent Garden. 1 Dancers: Galina Mezentseva, selj:addressed en velope. While tl,e publishers will take all reaso,u,b/e care, Dancers: Natalia Makarova. Anthony Konstantin Zaklinsky Dowell. Dance in Canada will not be respo11Sible for loss of or 135 mins, colour . ... ...... $59.95 128 mins, colour . $59.95 damage to 1msolicited materials. □ BOLD STEPS: A portrait of the □ I AM A DANCER .4..ddrtss all c... 1 " espondrn.fe Ill Dance in Canada. 322 Ki,ig Street H'est, Suite 403, National Ballet of Canada from the sta rri ng Ru dolf Nureyev and Margot T,,,.onto. O ntario .\151 ' 1J2. (416) 595-0165. CBC Television production. Fonteyn. 90 mins, colour . .. $69.95 81 mins, colour . .. $39.95 Sffet tul class m.iil registratio t1 mmtber 03874. □ BARYSHNIKOV: The Dancer Return p<1s tage guaranteed. □ THE SLEEPING BEAUTY and the Dance starring Mikhail T l,e publ,cation of Dance m Canada is made possible, in part, wit/, tl,e Filmed in the Kirov Theatre, Leningrad. Baryshnikov with Shirley MacLaine, ass,stance o( tl,e Government of Canada througl, tl,e Departme11f of the Secretary of Dancers: Irina Kolpakova. Sergei featuring the American Ballet Thea tre. Berezhnoi. 135 mins, colour .. $59.95 82 mins, colour ... $59.95 State, the D epartment of Communications and the Canada Council; the □ AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE Co1 1ernmem of Ontario thro11gh the Ministry of C11ltt1re and Communications, AT THE MET □ THE ROMANTIC ERA and tl,e O11tario Arts Cotmcil; the Government of Filmed at the Metropolitan Opera Presented here are four of the world's Alberta tlirougl, Alberta Culture; tl,e City of Toronto House, New York. Prima ballerinas in performance and tl,rougl, the T oronto Arts Council; a11d the Municipality Soloists: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Cynthia conversation: Alicia Alonso of the of Metropolitan T oronto. Harvey 97 mins, colour . .. .. $59.95 Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Carla Fracci of La Sca la, Ghislaine Thesmar of the ISSN 0317-9737 Prokofiev's ROMEO AND JULIET □ Paris Opera Ballet and Eva Evdokimova with the Ballet Company of La Scala, Printed by General Printers. of the Berl in Opera. The entire film is Milan: Rudolf Nureyev, Carla Fracci narrated by Erik Bruhn. Indexed in tl,e Canadian Periodical Index. and Dame Margot Fonteyn. 90 mins, colour . .... ..... $59.95 120 mins, colour . ... ... $59.95 Tl,e 11ew logo des,gnfor D ance in Canada was created by □ DON QUIXOTE □ LA BAYADERE Elaine Laframboise Jewell, 1986. Filmed at the Metropolitan Opera Filmed at the Kirov Theatre. Leningrad. House. New York. Dancers: Gabriella Komleva and Tatiana Copyrigl,t © A ssociation Danse au Canada. T ollS droits reserves. Dancers: Mikhail Baryshnikov. Cynthia Terekhova. Les opinions exprimies dans ce magazine ne refl'etent pas Harvey 135 mins, colour . ... $59.95 126 mins, colour . ...... $59.95 nicessairement celles de ['Association Danse au Canada. Danse au Canada publie /es articles dans leur la11g11e d'origine. Les mmwscrits non soll icitis doiPent Ctre affompagnis d'une erweloppe affrancl,ie et adressie a l'envoyeur. Les directet1 rs de la publication apporteront tout le soin nicessaire aux documents non sollicitis, mais diclinent toute responsabiliti en cas de perte ou de dommages. T o11te correspondance doit Crre adressie a la ridaction 1 Danse au Canada, 322 Ki11g Street West, S11ite 403, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1]2. (416) 595-0165. CALL NOW TOLL FREE 1-800-268-1121 Numero d'e,rregistremelll de cou rier de seconde rlasse: 03874. In Toronto 967-3891 • Have VISA or MASTERCARD ready Frais de reto11r garantis. Danse au Canada est pub/ii e,r partie grace a l'assis ta11 ce du Gou vernern e11t TO ORDER BY MAIL. fill in all information requested. Make cheque du Canada par l'intermidiaire du Secritariat d'itat, du ministet'e des Communications payable to Studio Entertainment International, 2780 Dufferin Street. et du Conseil des Arts du Ca 11ada; d11 Gouvernerneflt de /'Ontario par Toronto, Canada M6B 3R7. Important: specify D VHS or D Beta l'intennidiaire d11 ministere de la Culture et des Com munications et du Conseil des Shipping & handling: Add $3 .50 first cassette. $1.50 each add'! cassette. Arts de l'O11tario; du Gouverneme,rt de l'Alb,:r,a par l'i11 termediaire du Ontario res idents add 7 % Provincial Sales Tax. mi11 istere des Affaires cu lturelles de /'Alberta; de la Ville de T oronto par NAME (print) Mr/Ms/Mrs. ___________________ l'intermidiaire du Conseil des Arts de T oronto; et de la ADDRESS _______________________ municipalite du Toronto metropolitain. ISSN 031 7-9737 POSTAL CODE ________ TEL:( Imprime par General Printers. □ cheque/money order enclosed, or charge to: □ VISA or D Mastercard Index i dam /'Index de periodiques canadiens. Acc't. No. ________________ Expiry ______ _ _ Signature ___________________________ Le nouveau logo de Danse au Canada est une creation d'Elaine Laf ramboise Jewell, 1986. '''When ti s a _qreat performance. call fo r an EN CO RE ' ' Dance in Canada Fall 1987 &HUE AIIO THE CAPEZIO® NRFETTA:· Leslie Jonas, a principal dancer with the Boston Ballet wears the Capezio® Perfetta '"-the perfect toe shoe for professionals. It is light weight, flexible and beautifully shaped with a short, broad toe, U vamp and ¾ shank. The Perfetta pulls up on pointe and comes down easily. It is available in European Pink and its sole is buffed and scored. Make a point of trying the Perfetta . For our 100th anniversary catalogue, send $5 .00 to Ballet Makers, Inc., Dept. Promotion-DCF87, 1 Campus Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512. Capezio® has been dancing for 100 years. 6 SWAN LAKE, MANITOBA The Royal Winnipeg Ballet Shifts Direction by Jacqui Good WAN LAKE, MANITOBA. It's not a tiny northern com­ The Canada Council has been heard to mutter disapprov­ munity or a prairie whistle-stop.
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