THE POWER OF PLACE SUMMIT MAY 23, 2014 - RHODE ISLAND CONVENTION CENTER The Power of Place: Positioning Rhode Island for an Economic Renaissance CPI CAPITAL PROPERTIES, INC CAPITAL PROPERTIES, INC RHODE ISLAND TOURISM DISTRICT NETWORK Providence, RI Providence, Permit# 142 Permit# Paid U.S. Postage U.S. Nonprofit Org Nonprofit Advertising supplement to Providence Business News SOUND INVESTMENT WELL RESEARCHED SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY INVEST IN YOUR CITY THE SMART INVESTMENT INITIATIVE VETTED WELL...___ BETTER READY TO PASS THE TEST WORTH THE EFFORT WORTH THE WAIT INVEST NOW. GAIN LATER NOT JUST THE BETTER OPTION NOT JUST ANY PROJECT THE TIME IS NOW __ TRUMPS___ SPARK THE CHANGE/MOMENTUM BUILDING MOMENTUM PROGRESS ACCELERATED THE PRECEDENT HAS BEEN SET BOLDLY GOING WHERE WE’VE GONE BEFORE LET’S BE BOLD AGAIN BEING BOLD SINCE 1636 iT’S JUST ANOTHER BOLD MOVE MAY 2014 GROW SMART RHODE ISLAND www.growsmartri.com n 3 Time to move beyond damage control and play to our strengths hode Island overall has been rate of growth in the number of ger state economy. The Summit a major underachiever eco- farms in New England; our well brings together 500 business and Rnomically for the last several positioned deep water ports and civic leaders, state and local offi- decades. We’ve been like the stu- harbors; some of the most energy cials, developers, architects, com- dents we all know about—those efficient development patterns of munity activists, real estate pro- kids with tremendous raw talent any state at a time when the era of fessionals, planners and staff from who can’t seem to find their way cheap oil is ending; a remarkable many policy advocacy groups. and achieve up to their poten- urban rural balance as the 2nd In addition to a compelling key- tial. The results of our state’s un- most urbanized and 15th most note address and a panel discus- derachievement include our high forested state in the country; easy sion among the five major candi- unemployment rate, perennial access to diverse natural resourc- dates seeking to be Rhode Island budget shortfalls, unsafe bridg- es and beauty; the best culinary Island’s next Governor, there will es, pothole intensive streets and scene in the country-- ahead of be 19 workshops presented by struggling urban school systems. many much bigger metropolitan teams of respected and accom- But at Grow Smart RI we be- areas including New York, Phila- plished local and regional profes- lieve there’s no reason why our delphia, Chicago and Boston; an sionals. And of course we’ll be dynamic and charming, if quirky, economically enviable location celebrating Rhode Island success Howard M. Kilguss little state can’t have one of the within a day’s drive of more than stories during the luncheon with Chairman of the Board nation’s most prosperous econo- 40 million people… and the list our third Annual Smart Growth mies and continue to be one of goes on. Award Ceremony. the most user friendly and distinc- Our 5th biennial Power of Place So please join us in exploring tive of the 50 states, given how Summit on Friday, May 23rd is a how Rhode Island can redefine much we have going for us. chance to celebrate and promote its economic strategy by focusing Our assets include having more successful development and plan- on its assets. Let’s play to our historic buildings per square mile ning in Rhode Island. And it’s strengths with the same laser-like than any other state; more col- also an opportunity to examine focus and passion that for so lege students per capita than vir- the many ways to better leverage many years has been devoted to tually any other state; the highest the Power of Place for a stron- our weaknesses. Mission Grow Smart Rhode Island provides statewide leadership for diverse public and private interests seeking sustainable and equitable economic growth. We promote such growth by advocating for compact development in revitalized urban, town and village centers balanced with responsible stewardship of our region’s natural assets – farmland, forests, the coastline and the Bay. We inform leaders, decision makers and concerned citizens about the many benefits of compact development Scott Wolf and asset stewardship and provide research and training on proven smart growth strategies. Executive Director We build broad coalitions that advocate policy reforms and specific projects designed to build communities where all people and businesses can thrive. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Grow Smart RI STAFF CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Stephen J. Farrell Howard M. Kilguss Michael L. Friedman Wilfrid L. Gates, Jr. Junior Jabbie BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stanley J. Kanter Jason E. Kelly Ashish G. Airan Gail E. McCann Susan Arnold Kelley Nickson Morris William Ashworth Donald W. Powers William Baldwin John A. Rupp Daniel A. Baudouin Richard Schartner Samuel J. Bradner Lucie G. Searle Kenneth Burnett Pamela Sherrill Joseph Caffey Julia Anne M. Slom Dave Caldwell Jr. Jonathan F. Stone John Chambers Barbara van Beuren Kathleen Connell Martha L. Werenfels Gib Conover Jen Cookke DIRECTORS EMERITUS: Trudy Coxe Arnold “Buff” Chace David Cunningham Louise Durfee, Esq Kristin A. DeKuiper Michael S. Hudner Dennis L. DiPrete Michael F. Ryan GROW SMART RI STAFF MEMBERS FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT) Dr. David Dooley Deming E. Sherman Dorothy Dauray, Leslie Denomme. Back row (left to right) Jodi Castallo, Maia Farish W. Edward Wood Sheila Brush, Scott Wolf & John Flaherty Grow Smart Rhode Island 235 Promenade Street, Suite 550, Providence, Rhode Island 02908 | 401.273.5711 4 n www.growsmartri.com GROW SMART RHODE ISLAND MAY 2014 16 Years of bringing stakeholders together for a better Rhode Island In 1997, six organizations came together concerned that Rhode Island’s quality of life was in dan- ger and that the state’s economy was not performing to its poten- tial. As they evaluated existing conditions, one thing became very clear – the state needed to think and act more strategically about future growth and begin identify- natives for sustainable prosperity. Jim Dodge, then Chairman and ronmental, preservation, housing ing, nurturing and capitalizing on The outcome of the conference CEO of the Providence Gas Com- and transportation sectors. To- Rhode Island’s many strengths. was a consensus that a focused pany, offered to spearhead the day, that collaboration has grown Then, on April 12, 1997, 600 con- statewide effort was needed to creation of Grow Smart Rhode to include representatives from cerned citizens, business leaders link these groups and educate cit- Island in 1998 and was assisted academia and the development and officials came together for izens, business leaders and elect- by conference sponsors and the and public health communities Preserving Place, Growing Smart, ed officials about the impacts of RI Public Expenditure Council. and has propelled the smart a statewide conference to more sprawl and about policies, strate- Those early efforts for smarter growth movement into one that is closely examine the impacts of gies and incentives to encourage growth were bolstered by the making a positive and noticeable haphazard growth and develop- growth that adds value to Rhode influence and diversity of groups difference in the quality of life for ment and to consider the alter- Island’s quality of life. representing the business, envi- all Rhode Islanders. FOUNDING ORGANIZATIONS: Providence Foundation n Providence Gas (now National Grid) n Providence Preservation Society, Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission n Rhode Island Builders Association, Rhode Island Housing n Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council n Save The Bay n Scenic Rhode Island (now the Dunn Foundation) n South County Regional Transportation Initiative. The Preservation Society of Newport County Congratulates Grow Smart RI on its efforts to create a more sustainable Rhode Island. 401-847-1000 • www.NewportMansions.org MAY 2014 GROW SMART RHODE ISLAND www.growsmartri.com n 5 We RI traditions Taking the kids to the beach ... Catching a PawSox game ... Fishing off Galilee ... Clam cakes and chowder with family and friends. All things we ♥ about Rhode Island. As the nation’s oldest community bank, we ♥ Rhode Island because it’s the place we’ve called home since 1800. And as we celebrate what’s great and special in Rhode Island, we welcome you to join us. Visit our website, iluvri.com, to share your favorite Rhode Island photos, best places, trivia, and more. You’ll also find updates on local community events, special discounts from Rhode Island businesses, and more! Member FDIC ~ www.washtrust.com ~ 800-475-2265 ~ www.iluvri.com Rhode Islanders Since 1800 6 n www.growsmartri.com GROW SMART RHODE ISLAND MAY 2014 Smart Growth leaders, projects and plans to be honored at May 23rd ‘Power of Place Summit’ Luncheon There’s no better way to promote the many benefits of smart growth than to profile successful local examples that play to Rhode Island’s strengths, generate sustainable economic benefits and improve communities and neighborhoods in the process. 2014 marks the third Annual Smart Growth Awards. These awards celebrate and recognize outstanding lead- ers, projects and plans or policies that are accelerating economic and community benefits for this and future generations. They also inspire others to aim for smart, thoughtful development that achieves enduring value for Rhode Island. View previous award winners at www.GrowSmartRI.org Outstanding Smart Growth Leaders Bike Newport Since 2011, Bike Newport has encouraged biking for transportation, health, and recreation- and has led a collaborative effort by city government, businesses and community-based organizations to improve bicycle safety and enhance the overall experience for bicyclists. The result is a much more bicycle friendly urban community, with municipal stakeholders committed to supporting bicycling and increasing the number of bicycling visitors.
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