Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 12-10-1992 Innovator, 1992-12-10 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/innovator Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1992, December 10). http://opus.govst.edu/innovator/412 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. dttfeny t!h. 't~trn.tU From The GSU INNOVATOR Anisa Hussain and Mary Clumpner Win Donald Hansen Endowed Memorial Alumni Scholarship The Governors State Univer­ Illinois School Administr Clumpner used her knowledge sity Alumni Association Psychologists ation. She and keen interest in computers presented its Donald Hansen Association. has a per­ to develop the chart of accounts Memorial Endowed Scholar­ She bas fect 4.0 and procedures that the village ship to Anisa Hussain of received the grade point used when it converted from a Homewood and Mary All-American average, manual accounting and general Clumpner of East Hazel Crest. Scholar Award, and is a ledger system to a computerized The scholarship is given in the GSU Stu­ member of system in 1991. As a member of memory of the late Donald Han­ dent Life t h e St. Anne•s Parish in Hazel sen who served as president of Recognition college's Crest, she bas served as the GSU Alumni Association. Award and the honors treasurer and president of the Student recipients must have an GSU African program. Parent-Teacher Organization, exemplary academic record and American Staff Clumpner and helped organize the parish's be involved in leadership posi­ Caucus Award. also serves Early Learning Center. After tions. Each tudent rec iv a For as a GSU three years it was discovered $1,200 cash award. trimesters, Peer Am- that the center was poorly Hussain is a graduate psychol­ Hussain was a Anisa Hussain (second from left), one recipient of the Alumni bassado managed. According to Rev. ogy major with an emphasis in graduate as­ Association's Donald Hansen Memorial Endowed Scholarship, is r, is Leonard Dubi. pastor of St. school psychology. Her grade sistant in the congratulated by (from left) GSU President Paula Wolff, Pamela preside Anne's, Clumpner worked point average is 3.96. She has GSU Division Woodward- Alumni Assoc. President, and Dr. Diane 1\jos- professor nt of its diligently helping the center to served as president of the of Psychology of Psychology and Counseling. Not pictured: Mary Clumpner D a t a meet state requirements by "re­ School Psychology Council and and Counsel- Process searching other centers, hiring, is an active member of the South ing, and she of five-year-old twin boys. firing, collecting past due ac­ Metropolitan School received the Academic Clumpner is a senior majoring Management Association and counts, developing a new cur­ Psychologists Association. She Meritorious Achievement in business administration in the serves on the Student Advisory riculum, training an interim is a student representative to the Award from the division. Hus­ College of Business and Public Council. As a trustee for the director and most impressively sain is married and the mother Village of East Hazel Crest, writing and developing an ex- University Student Information Student Senate Elects Broadcast System Now Activated New Executive Officers By Steve Young Blackburn and Tommy Dascen­ around campus, Blackburn and zo, Director of Student Life, Dascenzo felt the system bad By Steve Young to the body. After an initial tie Television monitors are pop­ were attending a convention several applications and that The Student Senate elected vote, Williamson edged Zarin ping up all over campus, but where products for student critics did not understand the new executive officers at their out in the second ballot. they don't broadcast television unions were displayed. Black­ system•s level of sophistication. regular meeting Nov. 25. Sue Carlsen, who ran unop­ shows. Four monitors were in­ bum said when they saw the Now that the system has been After a lengthy discussion posed for Secretary, jokingly stalled around campus recently system, they felt it would be installed, other university about parlimentary and election chided fellow senators for to introduce the university com­ useful to Student Life. departments have expressed in­ procedure, the candidates for being "chickens" and not enter­ munity to the Student Informa­ Blackburn cited lapses in com­ terest in utilizing its unique President were given the op­ ing the race. She won handily. tion Broadcast System (SIBS). munication as the main problem technology. portunity to say a few words Bob Hensle, who has kept The system is listed under the SIBS is intended to address. Blackburn said several depart­ about their qualifications. books in past jobs, ended up trade name of "Target Vision", "We're always looking for an ments and offices within the Lamarr Broughton spoke running unopposed after fellow and it is more than a simple effective, up-to date way to get university have been instrumen­ about the need to change the candidate Mathew Zarin message board. Currently, SIBS the word out," said Blackburn. tal in getting the system on line, direction of the senate. He said removed himself from the bal­ is being used to broadcast mes­ including Physical Plant Opera­ be was most qualified to ac­ lot. Hensle also won easily. sages with sophisticated "We're always tions, the Center for Extended complish this goal since he was Two candidates found them­ graphics, but eventually it will Learning and Communications a new student with fresh ideas. selves on the fmal ballot for be capable of broadcasting na­ looking for an ef­ Services and Information Ser­ John Streeter said that ex­ Public Relations Officer. tional information and live feed vices. perience was important in shap­ Debra Ford offered her ex­ from within the university. fective, up - to ing the goals for the new perience in public relations as a The system cost about date way to get The Office of Student Life is senate. He said his prior terms reason to vote her in. Temace $15,000 and was purchased en­ currently establishing the on the senate gave him that Pyles said her experience as a tirely with student fees. SIBS the word out. process by which organizations experience. Streeter won by a small business owner bad also can be programmed to run and groups can display their narrow margin. given her concrete experience several different programs at Students need messages. Blackburn said a Tom Williamson, candidate in public relations. Pyles won different times, not just the same need to maintain quality control for Vice-President, said he led by a slight margin. information continuously. information." exists, so no faulty information by example. The other can­ After voting, the senate went Mike Blackburn, Assistant is displayed. The process should didate for Vice-President, right to work, debating the pros Director of Student Life, said - Mike Blackburn be established sometime early Mathew Zarin, offered his two and cons of givng senate funds the process of acquiring and in­ While some university offi­ next trimester. years experience on the senate to the upcoming Civil Servants stalling the broadcast system cials were opposed to having as proof that be was committed dinner. began over two years ago. static message boards placed Pagel GSU INNOVATOR December 10, 1992 Attention People Who Care: Join Circle K So, what. They care. But they gain experience, Circle K - What is it? A con­ what to they do? The club's knowledge, contacts, friends venience store, a dude ranch, main focus is on volunteer ser­ and a feeling ofself-worth. And perhaps a gang symbol? At vice projects: on campus, in the they truly make a difference in GSU, there is an actual club community, and supporting na­ their communities! by Barbara A. Johnson called Circle K International tional/international How do you fmd out more? MAYBE THEY'LL TELL ALL ABOUT ••• Rocky Raccoon (CKI). philanthropies. This club currently meets on and the Ninja Turtles. The Forest Preserve District ofWill County Why would anyone pick that Who picks which projects to Thursdays, alternating 7:30 presents NATURE TALES for families each Sunday in Decem­ name? Well, this club was do? Any member can bring p.ml. on the first and third ber. BRING THE KIDDIES (of all ages) out fora FREE TREAT chartered almost five years ago ideas and help coordinate any Thursday, and at 3:30p.m. on at Plum Creek Nature Center in Crete. The program begins at 2 and is part of an international project. Past projects include the second and fourth p.m. Plum Creek Nature Center is LOCATED IN GOODENOW organization, so the name is nursing home bingo game, tree Thursday. They meet in the GROVE FOREST PRESERVE, 1-1/4 miles east of the intersec­ beyond their control. Crete planting, raising money for Student Life Meeting Room for tion of Routes 1 and 394, on Goodenow Road, SOUTH OF Area Kiwanis and the Division spastics paralysis research, and no longer than one hour. CRETE. Call 708/ 946-2216 for additional info. of Student Life sponsor this toys-for-tots collections. Project dates vary. So, you may club, but the international af­ How do students find time? attend a meeting, or contact PLAN ON CLEANING OUT THE CLOSET... over the filiation determined the name. Some members have lots of Lenae Tietjens rthe pres•) at holiday break? Don't toss those leftover CLOTH REMNANTS Why bring this club to a com­ time to help coordinate projects (815) 933-4685 or leave a note you were 'going to do something' with.
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