June 2005 No. 446 $4.00 Mutual UFO Network JOURNAL Marine pilot reports UFO over South China Sea, p. 17. Bovine hemoglobin the smoking gun? p. 3. Dr. Oppenheimer and UFOs: connecting the dots, p. 5. Strange objects re- 2005 Symposium speakers ported in the UK, p. 8. Clockwise, beginning lower left, Scott Ramsey, Stan Friedman, Dr. Ufology Profile: Ted Roger Leir, Richard Dolan, Dr. Phillips, p. 9. Edgar Mitchell, Alan C. Holt, Esen MUFON Forum, p. 10. Sekerkarar, Paola Harris, Dr. Claude Swanson, Phyllis Budinger, Dr. R. UFO Press, Aztec Leo Sprinkle, and Elaine Douglass. video, p. 17 The 36th annual MUFON UFO Ohio encounter? p. 19. Symposium is )uly 22-24 in Den- ver, Colorado, at the Mariott Tech Calendar, p. 22. Center Hotel. UFO Marketplace, p. 23. Columns Director's Message 2 Filer's Files 12 Ted Phillips 15 Stan Friedman 20 McLeod's Night Sky 24 Director's Message June 2005 Number 446 By John F. Schuessler MUFON The ET Presence: Cons and Pros Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle will present his lines of military and physical games, exciting new paper "The ET Presence: sexual and biological games, political UFO Journal Cons and Pros" at the 2005 MUFON and psychosocial games, and healing and (DSPS 002-970) International UFO Symposium in Den- spiritual games." You won't want to (ISSN 0270-6822) ver, CO, July 22-24, 2005 (see insert for miss Leo's presentation and his descrip- registration in- tion of the purpose of these games. formation). Mutual UFO Network Leo first Newest information on implants Post Office Box 369 spoke at a Dr. Roger Leir will present a hard- Morrison, CO 80465-0369 MUFON sym- hitting new paper at the 2005 MUFON Tel: 303-932-7709 posium in 1975, International UFO Symposium describ- Fax:303-932-9279 and we are ex- ing physical evidence found in his im- tremely pleased plant research. to have him He will describe the properties of back in 2005. International Director three types of implants-metallic, non- Leo describes metallic, and totally biological. You will John F. Schuessler, M.S. the "Cons" as also hear about two new pending surgi- Tel: 303-932-7709 "confidence" John Schuessler cal cases. [email protected] people who try Roger says, "The subject of UFOs to con us into discounting or denying the and their occupants has turned the cor- ET Presence. ner in that those who once questioned Editor: On the other hand, the "Pros" are even the existence of these vehicles are the "professional" people who profess Dwight Connelly, M.S. now looking at the occupants and their the reality of the ET Presence. reasons for visitation." 14026 Ridgelawn Road Part of his conclusion states that "we He is a leader in bringing the evidence Martinsville, IL 62442 can anticipate further UFO reports together with the theories in a labora- Tel: (217) 382-4502 which confound our views of science tory environment and putting the sci- mufonufojoumal @ hotmail.com and reality. Further, we can predict that entific method to work on the problem. UFO 'games' will continue along the (Continued on page 22) Advertising Director: Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be John F. Schuessler, M.S. sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369. Copyright 2005 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced m any form without the written permission of the Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one article, provided the author is credited, Columnists: ° and the statement. "Copyright 2005 by the Mutual UFO NetworK, P.O Box 369. Mornson. CO 80465-0369" is included. George Filer, M.B.A. The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editor, and do not necessarily reflect the Stanton Friedman, M.S. official position of the Mutual UFO Network Opinions expressed are solely those of the individual authors and columnists, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or staff of MUFON. Gavin A. J. McLeod The Mutual UFO Network. Inc is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type described in Section 509 (a) (2). Donors Ted Phillips may deduct contributions from their Federal income Tax. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are also deductible for estate and gift purposes, provided they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055.2106. and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a Texas nonprofit corporation The MUFON UFO Journals published monthly by the Mutual UFO Network. Inc . Morrison. CO Second MUFON on the Internet: Class postage paid at Versailles. MO Individual Membership: $45/year U S . $55 outside the U S http://www.mufon.com Family members $10 per person additional Student (18 years and under) $35 U.S and $45 outside the U S Donor. $IOO/year Professional. $250/year Patron $500/year MUFON e-mail address: Benefactor (Lifetime Member): $1.000 [email protected] First class Journal delivery (in envelopes) U S and Canada only $i2/year additional Air Mail Journal delivery to all other countries outside the United States. $35/year additional MUFON Amateur Radio Net: Postmaster: Send form 3579 to advise change of address to MUFON UFO Journal. P O. Box 369. Morrison, CO 80465-0369 40 meters - 7.237 MHz Saturdays, 7 a.m. CST or COST MUFON's mission is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity through investigation, research, & education. Is bovine hemoglobin the smoking gun in cattle mutilation cases? By David E. Twichell ©2005 f all the impossible and im- probable anomalies discov- Oered in scores of catde mu- tilations around the world each year since the 1950s, the presence of pure bovine hemoglobin may be the most im- portant. Yet the only known modern bio- chemical process to produce pure hemoglobin from human or animal blood requires a laboratory, a cen- trifuge, and strict A typical mutilation. temperature con- trol. jP?$a^ff$f For those un- familiar with the cattle mutilation even of the animal itself. Occasionally phenomenon, bones are broken at the point where the About the Author David Twichell ranchers have carcass has impacted the ground, sug- David E. Twichell is a MUFON awakened to find gesting it had been dropped from some Field Investigator and editor of the one or more of their cattle dead on their height. Michigan MUFON Newsletier. He is property. Not just deceased, but, at first As eerily precise as the unusual ani- the author of The UFO-Jesus Connec- glance, brutally mutilated. mal deaths are, typically there is abso- tion and Global Implications of the The ranchers know that the particu- lutely no blood to be found around or UFO Reality. He has his own cable lar animal was alive and well as recently near the carcass. Further, the animal TV show, "We Are Not Alone," and as 12 hours prior to the find. But die itself is completely devoid of blood. has written numerous UFO articles. skeptic's unwavering and illogical con- Other natural predators, such as coy- www.ufoimplications.com clusion is either predator or satanic cult. otes and wolves, typically refuse to go Upon closer observation, it is discov- near the area of the carcass. ered that the animal was not mutilated, In October of 2,000, biophysicist www.earthfiles.com (October 16, 2000 as would be true in the case of a preda- W.C. Levengood of The Pinelandia Bio- - Part 2) tor, but "operated" upon. Specific or- physical Laboratory in Grass Lake, MI, A 2,000-pound Black Angus bull had gans were removed with laser-like pre- called Linda Moulton Howe to discuss been discovered at the ranch of Jean and cision. his amazing findings concerning a bo- Bill Barton that displayed all the signs In the typical mutilation, a similar pat- vine excision case that had occurred in of a classic bovine excision. The bull tern of hide and tissue are removed 1997 in Red Bluff, CA. was found in a hillside pasture about from the head. Usually an ear, eye, jaw Levengood is a world-renowned bio- one-half mile from the only dirt road flesh, the tongue, and sexual organs are physicist who has worked extensively in that led into the area and could only be removed. the field of "subtle" or "implicate" en- reached on foot or horseback. In almost all cases, the rectum and/ ergies. He is well known for his work in Besides the typical earmarks of a or vaginal tract in females have been studying crop formations and bovine ex- genuinely anomalous excision site, small cored out. The excision sites appear to cisions. black, hardened specks were discovered be "cauterized" around the edges, indi- Ms. Howe is an Emmy Award-win- on the chest and testicles at the point cating some form of heat was employed ning TV and documentary producer, in- of the excision. in the process. vestigative reporter, and editor of the Samples of these were gathered by To add to the mystery, there is no sign science and environment news website, field investigators Jean Bilodeaux and of a struggle, nor are there tire tracks Earthfiles.com. The full report, may be Royce Myers and delivered to or footprints around the carcass-not found at Ms. Howe's web site, Levengood for analysis. To Levengood's JUNE 2005 MUFON UFO JOURNAL amazement, he found them to be pure In a phone interview with Leven- hemoglobin! good, he told me, "There is no way all To confirm his findings, he sent the of the blood can be drained from such samples to analytical chemist Phyllis a large animal, to include the capillar- Budinger in Ohio.
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