References References for Sacred Cacti & Cactus Alkaloids Echinocereus coccineus (Val Verde Co., Texas) 251 The Cactus Alkaloids Aztekium ritteri (HBG) 252 References References for Sacred Cacti Fourth Edition 154. “Production of cross-tolerance to psychosis-producing doses of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin.” (H.A. Part A: The mescaline containing species Abramson, A. Rolo, B. Sklarofsky & J. Stache) Part B: San Pedro & related Trichocereus species Abramson, Harold A. (1960) Journal of Psychology, 49: 57–65, Part C: Cactus Chemistry “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXX. The Question- Section 1: Cactus Alkaloids aire Technique with Notes on its Use.” Achari et al. (1980) Planta Med. Suppl. 5–7 Section 2: Cactus Chemistry: By Species Achiwa (1977) Heterocycles, 8: 247 [Brackets around a title indicates it is an English translation of the Ackermann, D. et al. 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(1970) Journal of Pharmacology tica Suecica, 16: 267–270. “A novel route for the synthesis and Experimental Therapeutics, 171 (2): 178–187. “Action of mescaline.” of Psychotogenic Drugs on Single Midbrain Raphe Neurons.” Abramovitch, R.A. et al. (1968) Planta Medica, 16 (2): (G.K. Aghajanian, W.E. Foote & M.H. Sheard) [Found that 147–157. “Identification of constituents ofOpuntia fragilis.” while LSD inhibits all raphe units, mescaline only inhibits (R.A. Abramovitch, R.T. Coutts & E.E. Knaus) raphe units located in the ventral portion of the dorsal raphe.] Abramson, H.A & A. Rollo (1967) “Comparison of LSD with Ågren, H. (1983) p. 297, in J. Angst (ed.) The Origins of De- methysergide and psilocybin on test subjects.” pp. 53–73 pression: Current Concepts and Approaches. Springer, Berlin. in Abramson (ed.) The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Aguas de Silva, M.T. et al. (1968) (in the literature) See as Alcoholism. Bobbs Merrill, New York. SILVA 1968 Abramson, H.A. (ed.) (1956) Neuropharmacology. Josiah Aguerre, A.M. et al. (1973) Relaciones. Sociedad Argentina Macy, Jr. Foundation [According to OTT 1993 this was a de Antropologia (Buenos Aires) (new series), 8: 197–231. phony research foundation front for the CIA] “Hallazgo de un sitio aceramico en la Quebrada de Inca Abramson, H.A. et al. (1960) Journal of Psychology, 49: 151– Cueva (Provincia de Jujuy).” (A.M. Aguerre, A. Fernandez 253 The Cactus Alkaloids Distel & C.A. Aschero) ment of Alcoholism Among American Indians.” Aguerre, A.M. et al. (1975) Relaciones. Sociedad Argentina de Albers, Patricia & Seymour Parker (1971) Southwestern Journal Antropologia (Buenos Aires) (new series), 9: 211–214. “Co- of Anthropology 27 (3): 203–233. “The Plains Vision Expe- mentarios sobre nuevas fechas en la cronologia aqueologica rience: a Study of Power and Privilege.” preceramica de la Provincia de Jujuy.” (A.M. Aguerre, A. Albesiano, Sofía (2012) Haseltonia 18: 119–142. “Taxonomic Fernandez Distel & C.A. Aschero) revision of the genus Trichocereus (Cactaceae) in Chile.” Agurell, Stig (1969) Experientia, 25: 1132. “Cactaceae alka- Albesiano, Sofía & Roberto Kiesling (2012) Haseltonia, 17: loids. VIII. N-Methyl-4-methoxy-phenethylamine from Lep- 24–34. “Identity and neotypification ofCereus macrogonus, idoCoryphantha runyonii (Br. & R.)” [This actually should the Type of the generic name Trichocereus (Cactaceae).” be (1969)a but, due to their use by ourselves and others in Albesiano, Sofía & Teresa Terrazas (2012) Haseltonia, 17: works concerning only mescaline producing cacti, it was felt 3–23. “Cladistic Analysis Of Trichocereus (Cactaceae: Cac- that changing the other two to b and c, respectively, would toideae: Trichocereeae) Based On Morphological DATA And create more confusion than it would alleviate.] Chloroplast DNA Sequences.” Agurell, Stig (1969)a Lloydia, 32 (1): 40–45. “Identification Albónico, S.M. et al. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society, of Alkaloid Intermediates by Gas Chromatography-Mass C: Organic, 1327–1328. “Tembamide from Fagara hyema- Spectrometry. I. Potential Mescaline Precursors in Tricho- lis (ST. HILL.) ENGLER.” (S. M. Albónico, A. M. Kuck & V. cereus Species.” Deulofeu) Agurell, Stig (1969)b Lloydia, 32 (2): 206–216. “Cactaceae Aldunate, Carlos et al. (1981) Boletín del Museo Nacional de Alkaloids I.” Historia Natural de Chile, 38: 183–223. “Estudio etnobo- Agurell, Stig & Jan Lundström (1968) Journal of the Chemical tanico en una communidad precordillerana de Antofagasta: Society, D. Chemical Communications, 1968: 1638–1639. Toconce.” “Apparent intermediates in the biosynthesis of mescaline and Aldunate, Carlos et al. (1983) Economic Botany, 37 (1): related tetrahydroisoquinolines.” 120–135. “Ethnobotany of Pre-Altiplanic Commnity in the Agurell, S. et al. (1967) Tetrahedron Letters, (26): 2433–2435. Andes of Northern Chile” “Biosynthesis of Mescaline in Peyote.” Aleksandrovskii, A.B. et al. (1936) Arkhiv Biologischeskikh Agurell, S. et al. (1969) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Nauk, 42: 147–173. [“Local parabiotic changes in the brain 58 (11): 1413–1414. “Cactaceae Alkaloids. VII. Alkaloids produced by mescaline poisoning.”] (A.B. Aleksandrovskii, of Echinocereus merkeri.” (Stig Agurell, Jan Lundström & E.B. Babskii & V. Kryazhev) A. Masoud) Alles, Gordon A. (1957) “Some Relations between Chemical Agurell, S. et al. (1971)a Abh. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (in press) Structure and Physiological Action of Mescaline and Related [From LUNDSTROM 1983; ILLS has been unable to locate this.] Compounds.” pp. 181–267 in Harold Alexander Abramson Agurell, S. et al. (1971)b Lloydia, 34 (2): 183–187. “Cactaceae (ed.) Neuropharmacology, New York: Macy Foundation Alkaloids. X. Alkaloids of Trichocereus species and some 1957. [According to OTT 1993 the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation other cacti.” (Stig Agurell, Jan G. Bruhn, Jan Lundström & was a research foundation front
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