Water Emergency Still Plaguing Bay shore SEE STORY BELOW Weather Partly sunny and warm today, HOME high In mid to upper 80a. Some THEDAILY cloudiness late tonight and early tomorrow, otherwise fair and a Red Bank, Freehold little cooler. Low tonight about Long Brandt FINAL 80, high tomorrow near 80. Thurs- I 7 day's outlook, fair and warm. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 89, NO. 245 TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Suez Canal Closed Arab Economies enng By the ASSOCIATED PRESS it would take two to six months men have not been permitted to serves to meet international ob- will largely evaporate, raised the possibility of a region- The Suez rinal remained to clear them out. inspect the damage. ligations. Syria, the third prinoipal Arab al approach to long-range, U.S. closed to shipping today, the Egypt had said Saturday that Egypt had hoped to obtain Much of its indebtedness is belligerent, did not suWer so se- aid, aimed at "dignity and sta- economies of Arab nations beaten ships sunk by Israeli planes $329 million in badly needed for- wMi the Communist world for verely. But 'ts socialist economy bility for all" in the area, in war by Israel were totter- were blocking the 104-mile pas- eign exchange from canal tolls weapons and military equipment was feeble before the war, and The Soviet Union, embarrassed ing and the Soviet' Union was sage between the Mediterranean this year. For a country already now lying wrecked or useless in sharp cuts in oil revenues are by the Arab debacle after strong seeking a special session of the and Asia. But diplomats and deep in debt, loss of even a part the Sinai desert. But it also owes likely to result in political un- Communist arms and moral sup- U.N. General Assembly to try to shipping sources in Cairo said of this revenue could be a strong the United States $170 million. rest. • port, was reported campaigning force Israel from the territory it was virtually impossible for push toward bankruptcy. The outlook is bleaker for Jor- In Washington, the Johnson ad- for a special session of the U.N. it gained by conquest. at least some of the sinkings to Owes Every Nation dan. Its major source of income ministration took note of the dis- General Assembly to try to force Diplomats in Cairo said the have resulted from air attack. Egypt owes money to every was from tourists to the Holy turbed economic outlook arid em- Israel to give up the territory it canal, a vital international wa- Egyptian President Gama! Ab- nation it traded with before the Land. .With the Israelis now in barked on a study of what it captured from Egypt, Jordan terway and a mainstay of Egypt's del Nasser ordered the canal war began. With a $456-<millionpossession of .the Old City of could do to ease the long and and Syria. olosed When the Arab-Israel war foreign trade deficit, it hasrbeen Jerusailem~and Bethlehem,-Jor^ ShOrt?rai^e~T>robleras".~Presldi -economy;- is blocked-by-about-iO The Soviet Union has been broke out June 5. Foreign news- forced to dip into its gold re- danian revenue from tourism tial adviser Walt W, Restow ships. Shipping experts estimated stymied in its efforts to get the 15-nation Security Counoil to de- mand that Israeli forces with- draw from the conquered terri- [/. S. Jets Destroy Tank Cars tory. The Soviets apparently be- ieve they will find greater sym- pathy for the Arab cause in the assembly, where all 122 U.N members are represented. But assembly action is unlikely to have any more effect on Israel 3 N. Viet Rail Lines Ripped than the council. WAR'S OTHER CASUALTIES — A bowl of food it SAIGON (AP) - U. S. Air -Air Force jets from Thailand One Air Force Phantom was It was the 582d U. S. combat recently in the area, a spokesman Israeli, Premier Levi Eshkol gulped by a small girl standing beside her mother in Force jets rained destruction yes- and carrier-based Navy planes shot down by ground fire just plane lost over the North. said, and yesterday the big eight- informed the world Monday that front of makeshift tent in refugee camp in Wadi Dleil, terday on the three rail lines flew 100 missions over the North above the demilitarized zone. The Although 14 major ground engine Stratoforts made two raids "the situation that existed until about 30 miles northeast of Amman, Jordan. About 6,- leading north from Hanoi, blow- two crewmen nursed the plane in generally good weather. For sweeps were under way In South into Quang Tri — making five now shall not be allowed to re- Ing up a string of loaded tank out over the South China Sea and Vietnam, U. S. Command report- raids in two days. The targets turn." 000 Arab refugees, who fled before Israel! army last cars on one siding and shooting the third time in three days they parachuted into the sea. They ed no large-scale fighting. But were infiltration routes and newly He told his parliament, "We week, »re sheltered in the camp. Water is brought by up two locomotives and about 40 also attacked one of North Viet- were immediately picked up by the headquarters said-102 Com- observed fortifications in the alone are entitled to determine van and meager supply of food by truck. ' nam's power plants. a rescue 'helicopter. munist soldiers and one American northwest corner of the country, the nature of the vital interests . , • IAP Wirephoto) were killed and 44 Americans the main Red infiltration route. of our country and how our in-; were wounded in small actions The strikes above Hanoi were terest must be secured." yesterday. on the northeast and northwest Most of this action was in the rail lines, leading to Red China, Another possible embar- northern area where continued and the shorter northern line rassment to the Soviet Union was Water Emergency Communist infiltration makes the which runs up to the frequently a report, denied by Israel, that zone the war's most active thea- bombed industrial complex • at five Russian officers had been ter. In an effort to counteract Thai Nguyen where North Viet- captured on the Syrian front this the U. S. Air Force is again nam is still trying to maintain where they had been advising a making B52 raids against north- some steel operations and fabri- Syrian artillery unit. Plaguing Bayshore ernmost Quang Tri Province af- cation plants. The initial report came from Hit 4 Cities ter calling them off for a month With the change for the better Israeli military sources who said Water shortages and low pres- plaints Sunday were not recur- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bands of Negroes carrying Mol- Township Manager WilliamJ. because of Soviet-built SAM mis-in the monsoon weather, the the presence of the Russians was sure were still plaguing sections ring in Middletown. Racial rioting and disturbance: otov cocktails which they hurled Schudhart said no other secuoWs siles located just north of the de- United States has been concen- discovered When Israeji radio of the Bayshore yesterday. Karl D. Zukerman, chairman of occurred last night in four com- at passing autos and tossed into of the township have been suf- militarized zone. trating on these rail lines for monitors overheard Russian-lan- Matawan Township Mayor Wal- the Matawan Township Utilities fering water shortages or low munities around the nation. Na- buildings. No SAMS have been reported about a month. guage radio transmissions. tional Guardsmen were called ter H. Gehricke called an emer- Authority, said that the authority pressure. More than^O Negroes were ar- gency session of the council for had met with the mayor and Without Water upon, to queil two of the out- breaks. rested and at least three of the 9 o'clock tonight, to act on Utility council last night, and had rec- Charles Searlaski, chairman of rioters we're wounded but there Regionalization Proposed Hardest hit was Tampa, Fla.', Authority recommendations that ommended that an ordinance de- the Madison Township' Municipal were no-police casualties report- where rampaging Negroes looted • water emergency be declared. claring a water emergency be in- Utilities Authority, said that the ed. The ^disturbance started ear- and burned their way through Madison Township police re- voked. areas reported without water yes- ly last evening and continued un- that city's slum section for the ported that Southwood, Mimi StraBhmore and surrounding terday afternoon are serviced by til after 2 a.m. Homes, and Oakridge Estates areas, the section of the township the Madison Water Company, second straight night. "Get the Utilities Authority serves, which could not be reached for Joint Sewer Venture Whitey! Get Whitey!" was the In'the Avondale section Of Cin- were without water yesterday afternoon. would be divided into two sec- comment. HOLMDEL — A joint sewer members of the Board of Educa- Township of Holmdel and in the cry of chanting mobs. cinnati,. Ohio, there was light ' In Holmdel, 17 residents on tions, ihe said. Mr. Searlaski added that pre- construction venture, linking fa- tion agreed to co-operate in new larger region of which the Town- Almost 1,000 heavily armed-po- looting and several attacks on Holmdel Rd. complained to the On alternate days, residents of vious complaints the Utility Au- cilities of the township, the Board sewer construction if some fair ship of Holmdel is a part." lice and helmeted National white men including lour news- Board of Health that they had each would be allowed to use thority had received were due to of Education and possibly the proportion of costs can be de- Major financial savings could Guardsmen battled snipers and (See RIOTS, Pg.
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