University of Nevada Revo Environmental Geology Problems of Pyramid Lake Basin. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillmen 'of che requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geology. by Raymond Russell Waggoner ■Mines Library University of Nevada Reno, Nevada 89507 May 1975 / The thesis of Raymond Russell Waggoner is approved: University of Nevada Reno May 1975 i 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to extend his gratitude, to the following people and organizations for their support during this project. Members of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian Tribe for their permission to work within the reservation. Professors D. B . Slemmons, Mackay School of Mines, G. F. Cochran and G. B. Maxey, Desert Research Institute (DRI), and F. F. Peterson, Fleischmann School of Agriculture, for their time, advice, interest, discussions, and for their objectivity in evaluating the results. Additional thanks are given to Dr. Cochran for providing, through the Center for Water Resources Research, DRI, financial, support. Appreciation is also extended no Messrs. D. Koch and D. Schulke for their assistance in the initial phases of this study. The study was also partly supported by the Geologic Society of America under Penrose Research Grant number 1936-74. ii ABSTRACT The study investigates faults, earthquake potential and problems, mass wasting, sanitary landfill site locations, and reviews selected water resources literature as they affect future development of the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, Nevada. Faults are mapped and their activity and zone of influence deter­ mined. Piedmont-shoreline faults, developed in cha Holocene, are clas­ sified as active. Bedrock faults are. classified, tentatively, as inactive. Age determinations for piedmont-shoreline faults axe from radleasetrically dated shoreline features. Bedrock faults are evaluated from stratigraphic relationships. The zone of influence for piedmont- shoreline dip-slip and strike-slip faults is fifteen to twenty-five and twenty to fifty feet, respectively. Bedrock dip-slip faults effect a zone fifty to one hundred feet wide. The Pyramid Lake Basin is in a structural trough within the Walker Lane fault zone. Epicenter distribution, earthquake, and fault history imply a high probability of future activity in this area. The shoreline has a high potential cor differential settlement, tilting, liquefaction, and inundation by seieh waves, or other mechanically produced water wove fronts. Mass wasting by rockslides, rockfalls, soil.falls , mudflows and shoreline slumping is abundant, The Fair Rah Range and Virginia Mountains have the greatest amount of mass wasting. The piedmont -shoreline c£ these mountains has a high potentrial for involvement in future mass wasting activity. Rockfa'Lls and deltaic failure may produce mechanical iii water-wave propagation, which could inundate east and west shoreline areas. Rockslid.es, assessed by radiometric dating of shoreline features are pre-Holocene. Rockfails, soilfalls, mudflows, and slumps, are partly historic. Thirteen sanitary landfill sites were investigated relating to geology, hydrology, economics, and convenience. Eight are suitable for trench-type landfill sites; and five are unsuitable for use. The water resources appraisal consists of a summary of selected reports which are concerned, to varying degrees, with the Pyramid Lake Basin. Recommendations to be included in a complete hydrologic evalu­ ation. of this basin are: a) bank storage, b) groundwater-lake water interface determination, c) groundwater replenishment, d) groundwater storage, and e) springflow determinations. A young volcanic ash-flow is discussed as its occurrence relates to future lake developments. iv * TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................... ......................... 3 LIST OF FI G U R E S .............. 4 LIST OFTA B L E S ................................................. 4 LIST OF PLATES ............................................... 4 I. FAULTING .................................................. 7 A. Region 1 - Pah Rah R a n g e ............................ 7 B. Region 2 - Virginia Mountains ...................... 9 C. Region 3 -- Terraced H i l l s ............................... II D. Region A - Lake R a n g e ............................... 12 E. Region 5 - Nixon floodplain ......................... 13 II. FAULT A C T I V I T Y ............................................. 3 5 A. A.ge of A c t i v i t y ...................................... 1C 1. Pali Rah Range and v i c i n i t y .................... 1/ 2. Virginia Mountains and vicinity ............. 18 3. Terraced Hills and vicinity ................... 20 A. Lake. Range and v i c i n i t y ....................... 2'J B. A s s e s s m e n t s .......................................... 23. III. ZONE OF INFLUENCE OF F A U L T S ............................... 22 A. Mountain B l o c k ....................................... 23 B . Piedmont end paleo-shorelina ................... 23 IV. E A R T H Q U A K E S ................................................ ?5 A. Piedmont-and puieo-shoreline ........................ 26 B. Earthquake epicenters ............................... 29 C. S e i s m i c i t y ........................................... 29 i). Earthquake effects 32 v 1. Lake shore and subaqueous slumping ................ 2. Liquefaction ............. .. .................. , 35 3. Differential settlement ............................ 35 4. Embankment and pre-existing deltas j « ; 36 5. Seiching and delta f a i l u r e ........... .... 37 V, MASS W A S T I N G ...................................................40 A. Rockslides .............. 40 B, Kockfalls andSo i l f a l l s ....................................40 C. M u d f l o w s .................................................. 41 D. Potential Failures .............. 41 E. Activity of Slide Ma s s e s ...................................42 F. Age. R e l a t i o n ........................................... 4 3 VI. SANITARY LANDFILL ................... 46 A. Geology ............ .......... 46 B. Hydrology ........................................... 46 G. Economics 48 D. A e s t h e t i c s ................................................ 48 E. General Investigative Information . 48 1. Depth to seasonal water table and soil drainage classes 4 8 2. P e r m e a b i l i t y .........................................48 3. Slope Conditions ............................. 4 9 4. Subjacent stratigraphy ........................... 49 5. Texture and water holding capacity .............. 49 6 . Groundwater . ........ 49 ?. Exposed r o c k ........................................ 50 F . Site Locations . 50 1. Locations 7, 8 > 9, & 1 0 ............................ 50 vi 2. Location 12 51 3. Location 5 51 4. Locations 1, 2 52 5. Locations 4, 3. 3. 52 6. Locations 6, 11 53 G. Problems Arising From Site O p e r a t i o n . ............... 53 VII. WATER RESOURCES APPRAISAL ................. 55 A. Synopsis of Selected Reports ........................ 55 1. Wilsey and E a r n ............ .. ' .......... 55 2. Born Report ..................................... 58 3. Water Resources Reconnaissance and Pyramid Lake Task Force Reports .............................. 58 4. Pyramid Lake Task Forcer Betterment Studies Work G r o u p .......................... ................. 59 5. Simulation Theory Applied to Water Resources Man­ agement, Phases I, II and I I I ................ .. 60 6 . Arid Basin Management Model with Concurrent Quality and Flow Constraints, Phase I .................. 61 7. Lower Truckee-Carson Hydrology Studies .... 61 8. Alternate Plans for Wafer Resources Use: Carson- Truckee River Basin ............................. 62 9. California-Nevada Water Controversy .1955-1563 . 63 10. 100-Year Record cf Truckee River Runoff Estimations 64 B. Recommendations ........................................ 66 3.. Bank S t o r a g e ...................................... 66 2 . Groundwater-Lake water Interface ............... 65 i. Groundwater Replenishment ...................... 67 4, Groundwater Storage ............................ 58 5. Spring!low ..................................... 73 vii C. Otlier Conditions - 74 1. G r o u n d w a t e r ..................... 74 2. Truckee River Delta................................. 75 3. Truckee River Floodplain ................... 76 4. Ephemeral Streams ......................... 7 9 VIII. V O L C M I S f t ....................................................81 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ....................................... 83 GLOSSARY . ' .......................................................92 > i INTRODUCTION The Pyramid Lake depression (see index map) was formed during Plio- Pleistocene, time coincident with uplift of the Virginia Mountains and the Lake Range (Bonham, 1969). The present lake is a remnant of pluvial- Lake Lahontan. The bounding mountain ranges have moderate to high re­ lief and include the Pah Rah Range, Virginia Mountains, Terraced Hills and the Lake Range (Figure 1). Pyramid Lake is bounded on the southwest by the Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Pah Rah Range. The west and northwest shore, is bounded by similar age and type rocks of the Virginia Mountains. To the north it is bounded, in part, by the Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Terraced Hills. The east shore is closely bounded by the Tertiary voiean ic rocks of the Lake Range. At the south end of .the lake stands au ex­ posed part of the I.ahontan Lake plain which has been dissected by the pcs glacial Truckee River. I chose
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