- pocViErr . 1.09 --TITLE; , Higtker Education Loan- Trpirads.Bearings before- the -SPaCial Subcommittee OnEducation and kLabor.. House -of' EepreSentatiies. Ninety=third' Congress7-irSt and, .'-'--------,--, Second./evionS on B.12:68, -11._ R. 314,,'and_ H. R. 1-252.3.0 -7 . INSTITUTION Congress -Of the U.S.,Washington, D.C. HOuse_: . Poimitt.ee on Education -and_ Labor. .14- ' 'P1113,-.DATE- 414.1 Not al-ra*lable: inhardrcopy 'due to marginal 'NOTE reproducibility _'of--origial , document- , \ ... ..!DRS- PRICE Hli=_$0.7.p.z.trs.,4STAGE'.-Hp Not Available from -131MS_. DESCRIPTORS- COstsv -Edudationai Finance-*Edddational Legislation; s -'.*Federal Aid"; Federal -Programs;- -FinancialiiiipOr-t-; N ...- -Loan, ,,*Higher Zdt1C4-0-4;. '.-tatistics; *Student . - -PrOgrairs__. ABSIFIAPT- This document concerns Hear4ngS of the. Spediai on Education;At- the. PollOittee oa sclild4tio.ti, and Labor -or Representatives; Ninety 4third :PangreSs-oiiNig:her- 'a04.).-1: to--amend the- -±EdiiditiOn-T>LoanS. two Stiddent-- loan ptiairitiOnSof the _Higher Edddatt-on- _ACt. of190- to): tottde-kalloilandes, institution_for,. COsts\ in connection -(4 bill to :amend the-StddentlOati provi:SiOnS-, -;such- -_-program -Education- Act.'Of 1958, to ,prOvide--, for -OtE=tcancellation e--National of p:efe4toa_ .tiutti loanfor ,service in !Miitalhospitals and the handicapped. riPpefiaixeS° tothe dodditent schools,_-Correspondence relating to stndent-aicl,OffiderS .-teSpOnSibilitieS- underthe---gdaranteed student loan p-foqradl -(7) regnlatiOnS,- tor- _appliCation forfederal intereSt-z,bene,fitS and student -:aff-iiiaVit4 43 .statistics reia:tedto the -gdaranteled..Stddent loan :PrOgtaiV:,proPated by the U. S.-Office of Edupaticitil- (4inisceilanecius- 1 changes-inthe- existing-lawsws _,COrteSp011-dence.and other :pt60qs"c1 to be made- the Subddla-mittee atendie_nt\of H. B. 125g, :93rd-=Congress; -0) itjta.iat0,ed'Student. lo:in-progrant.! "monthlyloan vOiulaes. ;(tableyt: :ock -coissue _paper-, _-gnaranteSstii0,ent- 'loan -*,:tli****47*********.i**,,******************30*********0,4,********1,*******4t DocDocuments aCquired: by- 'ERICindidde infordal -unpUbliShed1,- *- 31s -materials not avail_able_ from 'other :sources i -effort--* * to obtain the-best copy- available.nevertheless,. of -marginal 31i 31,, reproducibility- are-often encountered-and thiS :affeCtS the qua -lity *- of the: microfiche andha;,*do-py reptoddcticinSERIC 'stakes aVailable- * -via. the,. pup,Document -Re.production- Seriide. (EDRS)'-.EDRS is not. -* *- responsible. forthe :quality of the,original. -document. Reproductions :supplied 1:ky,..,.$DIIS are the bestthat"_can be made from tho *- -1***4fsikselt**141iiicleik3it***4c*i.v_i0e********3-kiltic*****3-ii*;inoli***4c4piti************31,i** CATI GRAMS iittrtfx OUSE 17.424-, _ _ _ BILLS kq -A** , - sioGittat TITLE ta"44#4.011iikfliAili=" A , D.0 .APRIL`_ 3, 4, it 1$40 PIATriivieraY' 311W5T0/64tr*.33:'44t1*-4140-i'26, -1074 - _ 44_ CO'nmilitee_ oii-pdizcatiOn and Lab-Or .**trit; _chair**- . _1 '4'1... tr HIGHER EDUCATIONLOAN PROGRAMS O -A 11-1-EARTKIS SPECIAL §UBCOMMITIM ON.EDUCATION OP THF: --00-4*TVE F.M.J0014 AND 1? HOUSE_ OFREPROENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS =FIRST AND,SECONi)-SESIONS' Old 4 4,iht -H.R. 12523. H-,R: 9 RK 314. 9- TO- IIEN'DTtik-cuArtssTf:kn-_:sTvi)}:N'T rimer 4t), AND, T11,14.1NATIONAL,- DI- TROC.R .1M--CTITI,E IV, "Et OF STDDEN' LOAN PItobitA.11-- ACT OF -1965 , A.11ENDIii) Al'Iti,1- 3. 4: A:VW -WLVIIINGS HELD 'INWA,f,41IINGTON: -.JULY 29, -1973;-FIEBIIIIA1t1:-5, 13, 1.1f-17S, AND 20,.1974 a'e tL Priiited for t le use of theknunittee on Ethleati011 ;Ind Labor t atiltE. D. I'xitums,Chairman 4 ,, of., ii l2t A a i }Not, U.S.GOVF.R.N3h1NT=PRINTING-OFFICe wAsfuNaroli : 1971. 31416 It e -. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR - CARL' ft' PERKINg.-Kenttieley. Chairman FRANK THOMPSON. Js., Neir Jt.rse31 ALItERT-II.- tilTIE. Minnesota JOHNTH,DENT-Pennsylranitl, JOHN M. ASEIHROOKi Ohio- ' DOMINICK,V:DANIELS.-New -Jersey ALPHONZO lELL.-- California `,JOHN.BRADEMAS; Indiana JOHN_N_EI;LENBORN.-Illinols. J AMES P.-011ARA, Michigan t JOBN_DELLENBACKAregon ABM; TUS 91AWKINS; California MARVIN L.-E§CH. Michigan --WILL AMD.- FORD. Michigan. EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN. Peunsylranks -PATS -T.-MINK-,Ilawall , WILIXAM A. STEIGER. WiscOnsin -LLOYD ME,RDS.-,Washington .pARL F. LANDGREBE. Indiana! :--k _PHILLIP SHRTON..California IDRVAL HANSEN: Idailio-,-- -rOSEPIPM: GAYDOS. Pennsldiania, EDWIN B. FOICSYTHE,-Neir-Jeiscy- WiLLIAM 'BILL'. CLAY,Missouri-. JACK-F. KEMP, New-York ll311IRLEY-CIIISHOLM: New York PL-fER A.-PEYSER. NewYork l- MARIO ITIAGGI.-_New York: DAVID TOWEL!, Neinda -ELLAT:GRA6S0.Counecticut .* RONALD A. SARASIN. COnnectient KOMANO.L._MAZZOLL-Kett lucky ROBERT-3-11BBER. 3iiehle.,4_ IIERMAN:BADILLO.-NeW,York . N IKE ANDREWS: North Carolina, WILLIAM-LEHMA.Ni Vlo dila, J AIME BENIZEZ.-Puelto Rico .., SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTE0oN 'EDUCATIOS JAMES G. O'HARA. Michigan,Chuirutan MARIO-BIAGGI. New',.York JOHN- DELLENilICK.- Ciregon ' -PHILLIP:BURTON, California? JOHN N. EREENBOILN, Illinois -JOHN ERAHEMAiL Indiana . MARVIN L..y.scu. mtelligiti JOSEPIPM.- GAYDOSiPelinsy Iva ni. JACK F. Ixkli)..-New York -IKB ANDREWS: North.CarolIna 'ROBERT J. HUBER. Mielligai -WILI.I.A3ii.F.IBIAN.4'16rIdal . , JAIME 13ENITE7.. Puto Rico- tut : .4 4 CONTENTS Page Ifearings-held-inrWashin-gton;:b.C.:-. 1 April-3, 1973" 15- April* 1973 57 July '1973 199 _Februarf5,-1974 _ 22.1 Feb-I-nary -13,1974- 205 -February=14; 1974 285- February-15; 1974 345 Felirilary 20,1974- i _ Text of-bills: '1 : 0S= ' .11:R. 314 345 11.R.-12523_ o Stat en-lent-of - Bia$gi,,Hon. Mario, aRepresentativein_COngress-from the State,of New York - Brooinfield. Hon. William S=., aRepresentative in' Congresetom_the 1.7 311 State of Michigan_ president of -the ConnecticutBank.and Drolet, Harry -J., -iellior vice appearing On behalf of the American Trlist:',Ce. of Ilartford. accompaniedConn., by- Charles 0.ZuVer_ of the Bankers :ks.4oclation, 279 Anterican Bankefs-Assoeiationilireetor, -Federal- relations,the City 001d, Lawrence N., assistantoirliehairof- Robert J. Kibbee,chancellor-- University-Of New York. 32 New York -- °Utile- City Ilniversity-of in- Congress from the State of Grasso,_Ilok.:Ella- T., a RepresentatiVe 310 Coitneetient Higher Educational -Aids Board,- Jung, Japes k, executive secretary,by Janet Maciejewski,- student, State-of WC. cousin; accniapahied Board, and WisconsinHigbee Bdneational` AidS ceordinatOr, executive secretary 312 Richard Johnston, deptity the beard, Student LoanMarketing SleCabe. -Edwiird, chairman of Purdy, director, student Association ;h6companied by Allan W. ;of -:the financiallald -services, UniVersity-of Miv.souri, and- member Marketing AmeciatiOn 272 board of directors,-StudentLoanpresident:and chief excentive-Officer, Nearer,, Charles W. V., Student:dd.., pa -nied by-Robert-C.Sininteve, vice president, :United New York pit-y Muirhead,_ Pet4,P.. Acting DePittsCornmissiotier fOilIigher-Eduea- M. Siinnions,,Director, -Divisionof tiOn, oecoinjnnied-by William 1 8- Insured,hoans president for student affairs, andJohn F. Murphy, Hay-mond 0.,-vic'e Student -Aids, PenniylVaniaState Brugel, director of Office of of_ Quiver:5i y. appearing onzbehalf, of the National Association Land=Grant-CtillegeS, AmericamAssociation Staite Universities and- of -Universitiestin; American Association of State -Colleges andAmeriCan As-tbdiation of Community-and Clayen:hies, and the 246 junior Colleges 144 g #4, ft Iv Statement of-=-Continued . .Otjigni, lion., John, .Commissioner of Faineation,,-ficeompanied- 1;Y: Ilifter 'Aluirhead. Deputy Commit:Molter for Ittg her Education; James Moore, Director, ,DMA1011 of -Insured Loami; and .Charlesrage CoOkeDepil ty ASsistalit Secretary- fol' Legisla t ion f Educa t ion) ___ 287. Pnyton, -Donald, -president, National Council of -Higher Education e. ,. Loin-Prorains, accompanied by Carol Welinerdahl, admini.strative director, 'EtRunitionar .Limns,- Illinois Gilaranteed Loan Program, and tJay EVans, Pennsylvania Higher _Education Assist:14m- Au- -thority ... - - 206- . Tullis', Allan %V., director of fin'toleiniiticl services. University of -Missouri, Direetorof-Commission.on State and' Federal Rehttions, National- Association of Student yinaneial Aid AdminiStratorS; -Dr. Norman E. Beck, director-of student lin:mend aid, Ball State Uniersity, president of the Midwest AssOciationof_ Student -Financial Aid Administrators: and-Richard L. Toinbaugh _exectitive .secretary,National- Associatiowof Studela- Iripanclue-Aid---Ad--- -7- -ininisfrators' 9 214 R_ odbell,. Arthur, executive. ,_direetop, and Peter CoYe, _assistant ditto- tor,:Natibnal Studeitt LobbY . ' 226 i TombatighRichard-L.,_executie secretary, National .Association of a Stilden t-Fitialleial Aid - Administrators 2 -PreparecLstatentents, letters,..Sultplcinental material;" etc.: . Brugel, -John F., director, Oflice-of Sttident Aid, :Penn.sylvania State, 'UversitY,tu statement:by 247 Carlucci, Frank C., Under Secretary, 'health, Education, and Wel- fare, letter to Chairman O'llara, dated'February 5,1974 285 :Diolet, .11arry J.,_ senior- vice-presulent,-Comickicut -Bank aid -Trust -Company of -Hartford, Conn.,. on behalf of 4 he American Bankers AsSociat ion, statement of 2S0 -EdiVards, `:Nlrs. 'Elinice-L.,,president,_Nat,ional, 1;sociation of Student - Financial Aid Ad "strators, preparedstateitient Of 7S "On:tramped Student Loans," from policy IstatZnient, Board of I)irectorS, Americ in Council on Educatitin ,January 1974_ 310- Jung, -James A., exutit-psecretary, Higher Educational
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