ered by A RECORD EDITORIAL Official Paper Seventh-day Adventist Church Global Strategy South Pacific Division Editor James Collin y Dear Fellow Believers, Realising the importance of this fact, Associate Editors Gary Krause rt Bruce Manners mRemarkable and unanticipated we've scheduled two offerings in your Assistant Editor Joy Totenhofer changes have taken place in our world! church and at the 1990 General Confer- Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall Copy Editor (iraeme Brown Millions who for decades have been held ence Session to purchase land, build, Graphic Designer David Blyde in tight control have been given freedom and start up one powerful shortwave and Illustrator Wayne Louk Senior Consulting Editor Athal Tolhurst to make choices, even to voice dissent. two medium-wave stations in the Correspondents Ray Baird, John Banks, Terry As these movements toward greater Mediterranean area. These stations will Butler, Ray Coombe, Matupit Darius, Aisake Kabu, Louis Solomon, Neroli Zaska freedom have occurred, God has have the capacity of reaching nearly Regional Reporters David Blanch, Robert Douglas, impressed members and church leaders 1,000 million people in Islamic North Af- George Drinkall, Eric Greenwell, Larry Laredo, to develop a Global Strategy that will rica, the Middle East, and all of the East- Malcolm Potts, Leigh Rice, Lyndon Schick, Gordon Smith, Bill Townend, Allan Walshe carry salvation's story to the uttermost ern European Socialist countries (in- Local Reporters Church Communication Secretaries parts of earth. cluding the Soviet Union) with the Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A25.00 message of God's love and soon coming. $NZ28.75. All other regions, $A48.25 $NZ55.50. Air There are today some 1,800 geo- mail postage rates on application. Order from Signs graphical units in the world, each with In developing the basics of Global Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, about one million persons, in which Strategy, it has been pointed out and Australia. Manuscripts All copy for the paper should he sent there are no Seventh-day Adventists. proven time and again that "more things to The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company. Most of these lie in the Islamic areas of are wrought on our knees in prayer than Warburton, Victoria 3799. Phone (059) 66 9111. Telefax (059) 66 9019. North Africa, the Middle East, Soviet this world dreams of." I trust you'll ap- Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. Central Asia, the Hindu concentration proach this appeal to assist in the im- in and around the Ganges plain, the plementation of a key element of our Directory of the South Pacific Division of the Buddhist areas of South-East Asia, and global salvation strategy in a similar Seventh-day Adventist Church, 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. the People's Republic of China. posture—on your knees. There's no bet- Phone (02) 489 7122. (Legal Trustee: Australasian Reaching these populations may not ter time to finish the gospel commission Conference Association Limited. Secretary: Tom Andrews, Assistant Secretaries: Jim Roberts, be the same as presenting God's truth to than now. There are no better disciples to Properties; Bruce Jackson, Finance.) people who already have a predis- be used by Christ than the dedicated President Walter Scragg position toward Christianity. We greatly members of the Adventist family. Secretary Athal Tolhurst Treasurer l om Andrews need to develop new and convincing ap- "And I saw another angel fly in the Associate Secretary Vern Parmenter proaches for a variety of groups. midst of heaven, having the everlasting Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray Wilson Indeed, such approaches may simply gospel to preach . to every nation, and Field Secretary Arthur Ferch be living God's love among people who kindred, and tongue, and people." Departments and Services: ADRA George Laxton (Director), Neil Hughes, have not known that love, or who have Revelation 14:6. Peter Truscott known something about a beneficent Add to this quote from Scripture these Adventist Health Don Bain (Director), Harley deity under a different name. With the words of encouragement: "By the coop- Stan ton Adventist Media Centre Nat Devenish (Manager) help of the Holy Spirit, we should be able eration of the divine Spirit, the apostles Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford to lead some of these people to recognise did a work that shook the world."—The Auditing Service Gordon Bland, Eric Hokin, Max Wad]. I MIL, Moffitt, Neville Sawert God's love for them. Then, step by step, Acts of the Apostles, page 593. Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing they could be led to understand God's By God's grace we've been promised Impaired Em Lemke that we, too, can do the same—shake the Church Ministries Alf Birch (Director, and Sabbath last-day message. School), Barry Gane (Youth), Bryan Craig (Family Such a strategy in presently "closed" world! I invite you to join me in sacri- Life), Peter Jack (Personal Ministries), Jim Landsdown countries Will depend very much on: (1) ficial financial support and in prayer for (Stewardship), Lynelle Chester (Children's Ministry) Communication, Public Affairs and Religious Seventh-day Adventist lay professionals divine guidance as this powerful new Liberty Ray Coombe working for governments of host radio voice is established to bring the Education Gerald Clilli)rd (Director), Les Devine, Barry Hill, Ian Howie, Bob Spoor countries in areas where a need for their first word of God's love to millions in Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director), Lance service is felt; (2) subsidised relocation of lands that have rebuffed Christianity for Rogers, Ray Windus Adventist families in the host country centuries. Ministerial Association David Currie Nutrition Education Gail Ormshy into areas where they can continue living "We must now by the Holy Spirit's Publishing Jan Knopper as self-supporting lay people; (3) follow- power proclaim the great truths for these Risk Management Service Robert Smith (Manager) up of responses to shortwave radio last days. It is the very essence of all Trust Services Jim Lansdown broadcasts from strategic locations. right faith to do the right thing at the Please note that radio broadcasting of right time."—Testimonies, Vol 6, page Cover: Dr Garup, a specialist the gospel is a key—perhaps the key el- 24. We believe this new radio station is gynaecologist in Lae, says ement in this Global Strategy for the right thing at the right time. Dukane projectors could save reaching hitherto unreached people. No Sincerely yours in Christ's name and lives in PNG through health other method can so effectively hurdle for a finished work, education. the barriers behind which billions have Neal C. Wilson, President, Photo: Les White. been living for centuries. General Conference. 2 RECORD January 27. 1990 LETTERS Bottom Line through the teaching of Jesus. He said we transgresseth also the law: for sin is the I'm distressed to read in recent times are to love our neighbour as we love our- transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4. so much in the RECORD about how bad selves. Ellen White states that "the Lord "For by the law is the knowledge of sin." my church is. I must have been living in a is disappointed when His people place a Romans 3:20. fool's paradise for I didn't realise that low estimate upon themselves."— The Until children grow and understand there's "no love" in the church, that it Desire of Ages, page 668. right from wrong, they can't know sin. doesn't yet "understand the gospel," that Anyone who feels inferior and inad- Una H. Turner, NSW. its message is not "relevant" to young equate can't relate well to others. A per- people, and that its worshippers sit "like son justified by faith isn't inferior to any- Careful Words long-dead exhibits in a museum, sewn one. Rex Tindall, Qld. We who are God's representatives up tight and stuffed." should be careful about the words we I don't believe that the majority of Present Crisis use. Some say, "Good heavens!" "Why those who leave the church do so be- While deeply appreciating the excel- on earth!" and "What on earth!"—when cause they find no love or fellowship lent contributions of Christian, Coffin Jesus specifically said we weren't to swear within it. The bottom line with most of and Krause in the October 28 RE- by heaven or earth (Matthew 5:34, 35). them would be a breakdown in personal CORD, I suggest that we now take "Gee," "Golly" and "Gosh" profane devotions. seriously the present crisis in our the holy name of God. Webster's diction- Despite the risk of appearing too church. ary defines them as euphemistic contrac- simplistic, I would say that nothing else A pseudo-pentecostalism is taking our tions of Jesus and God. would solve the problems of our church youth by storm. They're being deceived Brian McNabb, New Zealand. more effectively than our individual pur- by excitement, mass hysteria and exalted suit for a closer walk with God. feelings (induced by worldly type music "I" Problem I appeal to all to stop "burning the and drums) into believing that they're We honour humanism when we say: midnight oil," lay down that Women's filled with the Holy Spirit, that they no "I'm bored." "I'm special." "I want to Weekly, turn off the television, and get to longer need daily Bible study, and that worship in the way that pleases me." bed early so that you can rise to spend doctrines aren't important. "Churchy and old-fashioned hymns adequate time with God and His Word. Let's not wake up after the damage is don't do anything for me." "I need self- Raymond Stanley, SA.
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