NON PROFIT RATE U.S. Postage PAID St. Augustine, FL FLAG.LER COLLEGE Permit No. 64 Address Correction Requesled Gargoyle web site: www.oldcity.com/ ga°rgoyle VOL. XXVI, NO. 6 SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA Dec·ember 6, 1996 j • INSIDE Fall commencement marks a beginning and an end • Eric comments on out-ohtate Since he became president of SLF in drivers on page 2. by samantha sinclair 1994, Glavin h as supervised lawsuits and • F',nd out about Tom Graham's Both a beginning and an end for 104 policy studies on unconstitutional taxes, pri­ ,_ book an page 4. · graduating seniors, fall commencement will vate property rights, affirmative action, • See who won Midnight be held Saturday, Dec. 14, in the auditorium. school choice and parental rights. Madness orrpage 5. "It will be nice to get out of school and Glavin and his attorneys have appeared •· Choose your en~nment on see what the rest of the world is like," senior in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington page 7• . Rebecca Rayburg said. After graduating, Times, The Washington Post and The New York • Get lhe latest on lhe art scene Rayburg will go home to Massachusetts and Times, on ABC News, CNN and other na-. an page 8. work on her master's degree. tional talk radio programs, and in every ma­ After graduating, Christina Nielsen, a jor newspaper and on the major television . • Get the results of lhe fall athletic awards on page 9. student from Denmark, plans to stay in programs in the Southeast. · Florida until the end of of May and try to Author of the b0ok Reach For The Stars­ get a job h ere. 'Tm eager to go out and get A Proposal for Education Reform in Georgia, some work experience," she said. "I hope I Glavin has written articles and policy papers can get some experience working over h ere on privatization, state spending, _health care Commencement Speaker Matthew J. Glavin Graham conducts Messiah and bring it back home." reform, tax reform and welfare reform. Dr.Janet Graham, visiting instructor For many graduates, commencement is Th rough his work, Glavin has gained the Each graduate received six admission of music and director of the Flagler Col­ the end of their school years and the begin­ reputation as "The Liberal Establishment's tickets. To get extra tickets, students can ask lege Concert Choir, will be conducting ning of the rest of their lives. Worst Nightmare Come True." · the Office ofAcademic Affairs if any are avail­ the St. Augustine Community Chorus in Speaking for the occasion is Matthew J. Dressed in the caps and gowns graduates able. a special performance this month. 'Jile Glavin, preside_nt and CEO of Southeastern received for convocation, they will meet in After the ceremony, graduates and guests chorus will present Handel's Messiah at Legal Foundation, a conservative public in­ the rotunda at 8: 15 a.m. to prepare for the 9 are invited to a reception in the dining hall the Memorial Presbyterian Church, 36 terest law firm. a.m. ceremony. hosted by the alumni association. Sevilla St., this Sunday, Dec. 8, at 3 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. Fre,:,ch internships·offered Gamache. .tests . effects Semester end On Dec. 8, more than 100 French en­ gineers and aerospace workers will be coming to the Grunumn plant in St. Au­ brings closings gustine to observe the practices of their of long stays in space • American counterparts. Grumman will r:_e_•open 1ngs be offering paid internships to Flagler by eric burroughs students interested in gaining experience in an international business environment. Dr. Gerald Gamache, visiting by keri conner Students wanting to submit an applica­ instructor of Psychology, has con­ ducted research for several years The end of the semester is rapidly tion can contact Dr. Louise Hunley, visit­ approaching, so students need to be· ing instructor of French, via campus mail. evaluating human performance in various situations. Now, a new aware of the various end of the term closings and next semester re-openings Don't throw away stuff dimension to his research will be added during the first quarter of which could affect travel plans. ARIEL, the Latin American Studies 1997- space. The Russian Space All on-campus students must vacate club, needs donations for its spring ga­ Federation has bought the cog­ their rooms by noon, Friday, Dec. 13, rage sale. Items such as clothing, appli­ nitive tests Gamache helped to with the exception of approved athletic ances and any unwanted goods can be translate into Russian for his re­ team members and graduates. Gradu­ dropped off at Kenan 322. Anyone want­ search in the Ukraine, and will ates must vacate their rooms by 5 p.m., ing more information can contact be evaluating the results when Saturday, Dec. 14. Consuelo Lippi at campus box 1346. the tests are completed . These All room, closet arid entrance keys Proceeds will benefit homeless children. tests will be used to assess the ef­ mus! be returned to a resident assistant fects of space on the astronauts at the check-out tables in the rotunda or Gallery open for grads aboard the MIR space station. in l;ewis House. Tables will be set up A "Fine Art/ Graduating Senior Com­ These cognitive batteries, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Dec. 11 and 12, pilation" exhibit will be a special feature coined ANAM (Automated Neu­ and from 8 a.in. to noon, Dec. 13. in the Carrera Gallery for commence­ ropsychological Assessment In addition, the dining hall will close ment weekend. The exhibit opens Friday, Metrics), have b een used by after breakfast Dec. 13. Dec. 13, from n~on to 2 p.m. and con­ Gamache for his current seven­ Students needing some extra holiday tinues Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun­ year project in measuring the Dr. Gerald Gamache and Dr. Peter Bidiouk cash also can take advantage of the day 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The show includes cognitive and physical effects of bookstore's buy back Dec. 11 and 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Kenan Hall. works by Tim Parmentier, Lloyd radiation on individuals near Chernobyl, site batteries along with Dr. Dennis Reeves, a Residence balls will re-open for re­ Reynolds, Annie Patten, Lori Marden, of the 1986 nuclear disaster. Gamache and chief psychologist for the Navy who originally Lisa Baumberger and Scott Heynen. Dr. Peter Bidiouk, who taught Russian his­ turning students Monday, Jan. 6, and classes begin Wednesday,Jan. 8. There is no admission charge. tory at Flagler for a semester, translated the see GAMACHE, page four - Page 2 Gargoyle EDITORIAL December 6, 1996 Editf,Ridl Qpinit) I1 It's time for .. us Floridians to defend our thoroughfares domestic sedan had come to a nearly complete stop for, until they realize that the one before this was what they by eric burrough s again, no apparent reason. It wouldn't bother me so much wanted, well, I (we) think Michigan.· 'Tis the season for bad drivers to if they had a reason of some sort; I could handle that. But This whole dilemma came to a head last winter while I come south. I guess if I wanted to obey when they defy reason, seemingly out of pure spite for the was at home in Bradenton for tl1e yule time holidays. Again, the unstated rules of political correct­ individuals who actually live year round in the community traversing another thoroughfare in my vehicle, I happened ness, I wouldn't dare mention the and don't take off when the first hint of summer hµmidity · to i-iotice the Michigan tag in front of me before anything plague that engulfs the state of Florida returns, then I become an unhappy camper. serious could occur. And fortunately for me, nothing did for a few wintry months each year. But My reaction includes the following in no particular or­ this time, but I shouted out an expletive anyway just for good to heck with that, I'm one of the few der. Immediately an expletive ,comes out, then the realiza- . measure. But then something horrifying came to my atten­ natives who have had to deal with these tion of tl1e Michigan tag automatically brings at the very tion. Not only was the car directly in front of me of Michi­ near-death experiences·for most of my least another expletive or two. Then I raise my arms into gan origin, but the car directly aside my own, as well as the pre-driving and driving life. You know exactly what I mean. the air like a bad born-again revivalist minister and shake car in front of that, and the car in front of tl1e car in front of I know you've seen the license plates that will surround your them dramatically in the hopes that this particular individual me. It suddenly became difficult to breatl1e. My worst night­ car from time to time. Last year was the worst experience will see my disgust in his rearview mirror, and then I shout mare had finally come true. Michigan, by sheeJ· snowbird that I've had just yet. another expletive while looking around at other cars to find volume, had taken over the gentle Florida 70-degree winter Unsuspectingly, unassumingly and nonchalantly I was another local chap who can sympathize with my predica­ once and for all. driving down a major thoroughfare back home,just cruis- ment and utter his own disbelief.
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